Eric advocates offense, smashing or stabbing with both spears, and is extremely ferocious, while T'Challa defends and counterattacks in an orderly manner.

In all conscience, T'Challa's strength is pretty good, but after all, he is not as ruthless as Eric, and he is not as experienced in fighting as Eric.

Eric made T'Challa form a certain mindset through continuous attacks. Then, he suddenly lowered himself and took advantage of T'Challa's unpreparedness to cut his calf with a short spear.

T'Challa screamed and hurriedly retreated. Eric gained the upper hand and accelerated his attack. Soon, T'Challa's shield and short spear were all knocked off by him.

Then, Eric stabbed T'Challa in the abdomen with a spear, and he said coldly and ruthlessly: "Brother, you must die."

T'Challa grabbed Eric's short spear in pain, and blood dripped from the spear body into the pool, blending into the pool.


The queen couldn't help but cover her mouth, and Zu Li shouted: "T'Challa, admit defeat."

A cold light flashed in Eric's eyes, and he pulled out his short spear and prepared to finish T'Challa completely. At this moment, he sensed the danger and hurriedly avoided it. An energy beam made deep wounds on his chest.

Everyone looked up and saw a large drone flying quickly towards them. At the same time, it kept firing energy beams at Eric, causing him to dodge in panic.

"Mother, run away immediately."

Su Rui's voice sounded in the Queen's earphones. She glanced at T'Challa worriedly and turned to leave.

On the other side, the dungeon door opened. Tony and Barton hurriedly fled outside. As for the guards, Su Rui had already taken care of them in advance.

There is a four-wing spacecraft parked outside the dungeon. Su Rui wears a pair of special glasses to control the drone from a distance. This is a remote unmanned control system she invented.

Seeing Tony and Barton running onto the spacecraft, Su Rui shouted: "Mr. Stark, you fly the spacecraft, Mr. Barton, your vibranium arm has been built and placed on the chair."


Tony immediately got into the driver's seat. For a genius like him, controlling Wakanda's spaceship was not difficult at all.

Barton excitedly picked up the vibranium arm and equipped it according to the instructions. Hawkeye Barton was officially resurrected.

"Protect His Majesty the King."

At the waterfall, Okoye shouted loudly. Dora's guards were stunned for a moment, and then they all raised their spears and shot into the sky.

Eric defeated T'Challa and he was already the new king.

In addition, they must stop drones from destroying the sacred King's Challenge. This is the duty of Dora's Guardians.

Shu Rui hurriedly controlled the drone to avoid the attack. Then, the drone threw a rope towards T'Challa. T'Challa endured the severe pain and grabbed the rope. The drone took T'Challa and fled away.

Seeing T'Challa hanging below the drone, Dora's guards all stopped attacking. Seeing this, Eric raised his short spear and prepared to throw it.

At this moment, Zu Li rushed over to stop Eric. During the struggle, Zu Li died in Eric's hands.

Zu Li didn't resent Eric. He was the one who betrayed Njobu. For him, dying in Eric's hands was a relief.

"As the King of Wakanda, I order the entire city to be locked down to hunt down T'Challa, Shuri and the former Queen, who destroyed the sacred King's Challenge."

Eric raised the bloody short spear and shouted loudly. The people were hesitant, but the prestige of the T'Chaka family was still very high.

At this moment, six missiles roared in with long white tails and bombarded where the escorts were gathered. The escorts were blown up in all directions, causing heavy casualties.

"what happened?"

Everyone panicked, and the elders ran for cover. At this time, nine huge figures jumped to the side of the pool and attacked the remaining guards.

There is no doubt that these nine figures are the abominations. The guards were caught off guard and were no match for them.

Soon, all the guards were knocked down, and the abominations grabbed the vibranium spears and aimed them at them and others.

The top brass of Wakanda are completely controlled by the Abominations.

Then, General Ross flew over on an aircraft. He said with a proud face: "Wakandas, don't move, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

"Hate, General Ross? You Americans actually dare to attack our Wakanda?"

Eric pretended to be shocked and angry and asked. The elders and people were also extremely angry. America actually attacked them?

"Dare? This question should be asked of you, Wakanda."

General Ross snorted coldly: "How dare you take Iron Man back to Wakanda for trial? What do you think your Wakanda is, and what do you think we, the United States, are?"

Eric shouted loudly: "This is just your excuse. You, the United States, have long wanted to attack us, Wakanda."

"Yes, it's just an excuse. No country more powerful than the United States is allowed in this world."

General Ross didn't talk nonsense. He took out his mobile phone and showed a holographic projection with a nuclear bomb on it.

Then, General Ross said: "This nuclear bomb is hidden in your Wakanda. Now, surrender to me, otherwise, don't blame me for destroying the entire Wakanda."

"you dare?"

The elders were shocked and angry. The United States actually transported nuclear bombs into Wakanda to threaten them?

"Why don't you dare? Do you think anyone will know about this?"

General Ross said: "History is written by the victors. Today, you, Wakanda, have only two options. One is to surrender and hand over control of the defense system, and the other is to be completely erased."

Andrew secretly complained: "General Ross is a proper villain, and that's right. America is always a villain."

Wakanda gritted his teeth in anger, but there was nothing he could do against General Ross. At this moment, Eric suddenly sneered: "Do you think we, Wakanda, are so easy to deal with?"

"What did you say?"

General Ross was stunned. At this moment, the screams of Ulysses and the others suddenly came from the holographic projection, but it was a group of Wakandan soldiers attacking them.

General Ross shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible, how could the Wakandan soldiers come so fast?"

Seeing his men fall one after another, Ulysses hurriedly took out the remote control and threatened loudly: "Stop, or we will all finish playing together."

At this moment, a cloak flew over and covered the nuclear bomb. Then, the cloak lit up with energy, wrapping the entire nuclear bomb.

Ulysses' expression changed. He gritted his teeth and pressed the remote control. Unexpectedly, the nuclear bomb didn't react at all.

"The nuclear bomb is isolated by the electromagnetic cloak. It will not explode."

Wakabi rushed towards Ulysses with a spear in hand and a ferocious look on his face. He shouted angrily: "Ulysses Crow, today, I want to avenge my father."

Ulysses looked extremely sad. He knew that he had lost the bet this time.

"Get Eric and the elders."

Seeing that the nuclear bomb failed, General Ross immediately shouted to the abominations.

The Abominations were preparing to take action. At this moment, nine large supersonic vibranium spears fell from the sky, instantly piercing their bodies and pinning them to the ground.

This was not over yet. Immediately afterwards, the vibranium spear lit up with dazzling electric light, and the nine abominations were twitched by the electricity and let out shrill screams.

Electricity burst out from within, and the abominations' internal organs were much more fragile than the muscles on the outside.

At the same time, a laser hit the aircraft at the feet of General Ross, and the aircraft exploded with a bang. General Ross fell into the puddle, in a miserable state.

General Ross had a higher status, and Eric had other plans for him, so he did not kill him immediately.

"Very good."

Seeing that all the abominations were defeated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The guards hurriedly picked up the weapons nearby to protect the new king and elders.

At the same time, three invisible spaceships slowly appeared in the sky. They were arranged by Eric through Wakabi early in the morning. In addition, he also asked the soldiers to install the supersonic vibranium spear on the spacecraft in advance.

In order for the plan to go smoothly, Eric would even rather let the drone go.

"Do you think we in Wakanda are as incompetent as your American military?"

Eric sneered: "Hate is nothing to us."

In fact, the abominations made with the blood of Dr. Banner are much weaker than the original abominations. However, they have reason and obey orders, and the military prefers such abominations.

"You knew we were coming?"

General Ross asked with an ugly expression. It was obvious that he had been calculated. Everything was Eric's conspiracy.

In fact, Eric's conspiracy was not very clever, but General Ross was blinded by greed and foolishly fell for it.

While General Ross was speaking, he quietly pressed his watch. A needle came out of the watch and injected a special medicine into his body.

"that's not important."

Eric said: "The important thing is that no one can threaten us in Wakanda, long live Wakanda."

"Long live Wakanda."

All the Wakandans shouted in unison. Just as General Ross was about to speak, Hulk's blood took effect. He roared in pain, his body quickly turned red and swollen, and even his clothes were torn.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure more than two meters tall with a red body appeared in front of everyone. His body temperature was extremely high, and the surrounding water turned into white steam rising up.

This is the Red Giant. Unlike Hulk, the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets. The angrier the Red Giant is, the higher his body temperature will be.

"Wow, Red Hulk."

Andrew was a little surprised. General Ross really surprises people with another special potion.


General Ross felt that he was full of power. He roared and rushed towards Eric quickly. If he wanted to break the situation, he must deal with the culprit.

"Protect His Majesty the King."

Okoye shouted, and several guards put up defensive shields to block Eric.

Boom, the red giant hit the defensive shield hard. The defensive shield shook and a large number of cracks appeared.

Seeing this, the spacecraft in the sky quickly launched an attack on the red giant, and a large number of energy beams roared down.

Wounds quickly appeared on the red giant's body. He roared angrily, lifted the big rock next to him and threw it into the sky. The spacecraft raised its defense cover in time to block the big rock.

The Red Giant became more and more angry. He was about to attack again. The Dora Guards, led by Okoye, surrounded him and stabbed the Red Giant fiercely with the vibranium spear.

The battle between Wakanda and the Red Giant has officially begun.

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