"The mechanical hell is completely different from what I thought. It is full of life and excitement, just like the earth."

Liana was amazed. At this time, she found that the organizer had no intention of stopping the fight between the two parties, and asked the frog robot next to her in confusion:

"Does the organizer not care? Those people are completely determined to fight to death, and many robots will die."

"Have you ever seen a frog talk?"

The frog robot glanced at Liana with contempt and jumped away.

"Frogs can't talk, what were you talking about just now?"

Liana complained, and at this moment, a voice next to her said: "Don't worry, as long as the soul core is not damaged, they will not really die, and they can be resurrected by changing to a machine body.

In motor ball games, no one ever actually loses his life. "

"I see. They say that the Machine Demon King has principles, and it is indeed true."

Liana suddenly realized it. She turned her head and found that the person speaking was a handsome man wearing a black robe. It is worth mentioning that he is flesh and blood, not a robot.

Liana didn't find it strange. She looked at the increasingly fierce battle on the screen and asked: "Even if no one is killed, it stands to reason that the organizer should stop them, right?"

"Why stop it?"

Andrew said: "They fight, and the devil just fines them. In addition, after their bodies are damaged, they have to spend money to buy new bodies from the devil.

In addition, fighting will increase the ratings and kill three birds with one stone. What reason does the devil have to stop it? Didn't you see that the Demon King deliberately arranged them adjacent to each other? "


Liana was speechless. She complained: "It sounds like the Machine Demon King has a very evil heart."

"It's quite shady. He is trying different ways to make money from everyone and make everyone work hard for a better life."

Andrew nodded with great approval and said, "Don't look at those Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fight. After a while, they will have to work in the factory to make money and pay fines. Don't even think about coming out in half a month."


Liana became more and more speechless. She now doubted whether it was the right choice for her to come to the Machine Demon King.

"Yes, I'm looking for the Machine Demon King."

Liana finally remembered the business and asked: "Do you know where to find the Machine Demon King? I have something very important to find him."

Andrew asked: "Is it important enough to stay here and watch the mobile ball game?"

Liana was a little embarrassed. She said: "I'm just a little curious. I'm really in a hurry. If you help me find the Machine Demon King, I will thank you heavily."

"Thank you for the money? If you say this, I won't feel sleepy anymore."

Andrew smiled, snapped his fingers, and the two suddenly appeared in the Demon King's Palace.

Then, Andrew sat on the throne, stretched out his hand towards Liana and said, "Okay, I've helped you find the Mechanical Demon King. Where is my heavy gold?"

Liana was a little dumbfounded, but then she realized what she was doing and asked in shock: "Are you the Machine Demon King?"

"Yes, I am that very black-hearted Mechanical Demon King."

Andrew nodded: "Where is my heavy money?"

Liana was speechless and embarrassed. This demon king has such a bad character, right? She said hurriedly: "Hello, I am Liana Rasputin from Limbo, and I want to make a deal with you."

"Liana Rasputin? Colossus' sister, no wonder she has never been found. It turned out that she was taken to the edge of hell by Belasco."

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. Colossus had entrusted him to find his sister, so he knew Liana.

"Since we are one of our own, everything is easy to talk about."

Andrew leaned back in his chair and asked, "What deal?"

"I have some very important news for you."

Liana said: "In return, I hope you will help me escape Limbo so that I can return to Earth."

"It's easy for me to help you escape from the limbo of hell."

Andrew asked: "The question is, is your intelligence worth that much?"

"Don't worry, it's definitely worth it."

Liana was overjoyed and said: "However, before I tell you the information, we must sign a contract. As long as you think my information is useful, you must help me escape from the limbo of hell."

Although the Machine Demon King has principles, it is better to be careful about this kind of thing. This is Liana's only chance.

"Quite cautious."

Andrew smiled and said: "The problem is that you are seriously inexperienced, and there is your ghost in this marionette.

If I want, I can capture your soul and search for memories. "

"You think I didn't think of this? I put a spell in my split soul, which can annihilate itself at any time. Unless you make a deal with me, you won't get any information."

Liana said with some pride that she was actually very smart, otherwise, she would not have been able to hide it from Belasco for so long.

The problem is that she has been imprisoned in Limbo for more than ten years. She either studies magic or sleeps every day, and has basically zero life experience.

"You think I don't know this?"

Andrew smiled and said, "You shouldn't have any money on you, right?"

Liana was puzzled: "No, what's wrong?"

"This means you lied to me."

Andrew said: "Before, when I was talking to you, I casually released a magic, verbal contract magic.

Now, if you violate the verbal contract, I can take anything from you as compensation, for example, memory. Even if you annihilate the soul, it will be useless, because you will definitely not be as fast as me. "


Liana was dumbfounded. She always thought she was smart, but she didn't expect that she was nothing.

"Miss Liana, tell me, what information do you want to sell me?"

Andrew said: "If it is really important, I will agree to your deal."

Liana smiled bitterly and said honestly: "Velasco has been preparing a magic recently. According to my investigation, this magic is used to block the Kingdom of God.

In addition, Mephisto entrusted him with this magic. "


Andrew's eyes lit up. This old guy finally appeared. He and Black Heart had been looking for this guy for several years, but found nothing.

Mephisto's hidden abilities are very powerful.

"Yes, Mephisto, some time ago, I overheard their conversation during their magical communication."

Liana nodded and said: "Mephisto offered nearly a thousand evil souls in exchange for Belasco to use this magic.

Mechanical Demon King, Mephisto is a serious problem for you. His traces should be enough for me to leave the limbo, right? "

Liana looked at Andrew with great hope. This was her only hope. If the Machine Demon King did not agree, her end would be very tragic.

"Mephisto, the magic that sealed the Kingdom of God? Could it be...the Leopard God Buster? In other words, the Leopard and Mephisto are together."

Andrew narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "Interesting, I thought I wouldn't gain much this time, but I didn't expect that a good person would come here to give gifts.

There are really too many good people in this world. "

While calculating in his mind, Andrew said to Liana: "Miss Liana, tell me two things. The first one is your deal, I agree.

Don't worry, the promise made by me, the Mechanical Demon King, will definitely be fulfilled. "

"That's great, thank you Demon King."

Liana beamed with joy, and then she asked: "What about the second one?"

Andrew said: "The second thing, the verbal contract magic before, I deceived you."


Liana was stunned, and then looked at Andrew with gritted teeth. For the first time in her life, she wanted to beat someone up. The problem was, she couldn't beat him up at all, and she still asked the other person for help. She was so angry, what should she do?

"It's just a joke, don't take it so seriously."

Andrew smiled and said: "Liana, there is something wrong with your approach this time. The correct approach should be to pass a magic prop into my hell.

As the Lord of Hell, I can sense anything that invades. This is why I appeared in front of you before.

Also, the soul is very important and cannot be split casually, let alone foolishly sent to the devil.

That is, I am another demon king, and you have now become a puppet. This is not me being alarmist. I have many ways to control your body through your split soul. "

Liana was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she looked frightened. She said gratefully: "Thank you for your teaching, Mechanical Demon King."

Although the Mechanical Demon King has a bad character, he is not a bad person. The most right thing he did this time was to find the Mechanical Demon King.

Andrew smiled and said: "We are all our own people, so there is no need to be so polite."

Liana was stunned: "One of our own?"

Andrew asked: "You are Piotr Rasputin's sister, right?"

Liana asked in shock: "How do you know?"

"Because your brother once begged me to look for you. I tried, but I couldn't find your location at all."

Andrew said: "When you said your name before, I felt something in my heart and confirmed that you are one of my own, so I will mention you. If it were someone else, I wouldn't say so much to her."

"Remind me, are you kidding me?"

Liana secretly complained, and she asked excitedly: "How is my brother now?"

Andrew sighed and said with a serious look: "He is no longer on earth now."

Liana's expression changed: "Not on earth? Could it be that he has..."

Andrew said: "He has immigrated to the moon and is living a good life now, but he just broke up with his boyfriend some time ago."


Liana gritted her teeth, what kind of devil is this, with such a bad personality?

Hey, wait, boyfriend?

"The mutants are now my subordinates, so you and I are my own. Even if you don't give me information, I will rescue you."

Andrew raised his hand, and a ray of light fell on Liana.

Marionette Liana quickly turned into a robot, and at the same time, her soul was sent back to the main body, replaced by a virtual soul.

What's even more amazing is that even though they are separated by planes, Liana can still clearly sense the robot clone.

Liana was flying in the sky and asked in shock: "Mechanical Demon King, what are you?"

"It's a meeting gift. You should fuse the two souls as soon as possible, otherwise Belasco will easily find out the clues."

Andrew said: "Liana, next, no joke, I ask you seriously, do you want to become the Queen of the Border?"

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