American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 267 Sovereign Planet

The next day, Carol was about to settle the score with Andrew, that bastard, when she suddenly received three interstellar text messages from him.

"Carol, you interrupted me last night and forgot to finish what I said. What I said was to wash up, take off your clothes, and go back to bed."

"In addition, the agreement between you and me has been completed. When I got on your body, I had already analyzed the space energy and extracted part of your blood and body tissue. This is enough for me to study your secrets."

"Finally, did you have any expectations last night?"

"Asshole angel."

Carol gritted her teeth and flew back to Earth to practice hard. She swore that she would give that bastard a good beating, otherwise her anger would never go away.

The arrival of Xandar, Star-Lord and the others caused a sensation because they brought Ronan's body.

The Nova Legion is a more righteous legion. They paid the bounty and the cost of purchasing the cosmic spirit ball on the spot, and canceled the status of Star-Lord and others as wanted criminals.

Star-Lord and others became famous, and everyone in Xandar knew that they killed Ronan, and also knew that someone danced to save the galaxy.

After discussion, Star-Lord and others decided to form the Guardians of the Galaxy to protect the safety of the galaxy together - it is actually a team of mercenaries who work for a fee.

At the same time, Nebula got a spaceship in Xandar and returned to Thanos. She didn't hide anything and told Thanos everything she had experienced.

"I know, this time, I don't blame you."

Thanos waved and Nebula breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

After Nebula left, Thanos couldn't help but sigh. The Demon King of Hell had another power gem. How should he defeat him and fulfill his destiny?

"Don't be anxious, your destiny will definitely be fulfilled."

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded in Thanos's ear. He hugged the air around him and said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm just afraid that you will be disappointed."

"I will not be disappointed because you will never let me down."

That voice sounded again, and Thanos' fighting spirit instantly burned. He would definitely find a way to deal with that damn devil of hell and fulfill his destiny.

Time flies, two months later, in May of 2011. I don’t know why, but the weather in New York is extremely hot this year, and even Gwen can’t stand it.

Gwen swallowed a white fruit and asked with a satisfied look on her face: "Andrew, where did you buy this fruit? It makes your whole body cold after eating it. It's more enjoyable than ice cream."

"That's a specialty of Jotunheim, the country of the frost giants, called frost fruit."

Andrew said: "I knocked down Jotunheim some time ago and brought some back for you to taste. Maybe they will be exported to Earth in the future."

"You defeated Jotunheim? My Lord Demon King, you are very busy with business."

Gwen rolled her eyes. It seemed to her that Andrew was talking nonsense again.

"I'm quite busy. A demon god provoked me last time and I never had time to deal with him."

Andrew said: "But soon, when my Star Troopers gain a firm foothold, I will start repairing the devil and let him know who can be messed with and who can't be messed with."

"It sounds like it's true."

Gwen picked up another frost fruit and complained. Andrew said: "In addition to being a cooling holy product, frost fruit can also improve your ice resistance. If you eat more..."

Gwen asked: "Can you understand ice magic?"

Andrew smiled and said: "No, I will freeze to death."


Gwen was speechless, and she asked: "Andrew, do you remember the friend I talked about two months ago? She found her biological mother."

Although Andrew knew about it, he still asked: "How did you find it?"

"Some time ago, the King of Inhumans, Black Bolt, came to Earth to participate in an alliance ceremony. A group of Inhumans came to the ceremony to find him, saying they wanted to immigrate to Attilan."

Gwen said: "One of the aliens asked SHIELD to find her daughter. After SHIELD's comparison, they found that the daughter the alien was looking for was my friend, Skye."

"It's great to reunite mother and daughter."

Andrew nodded. Skye's mother Jiaying is a very smart woman. She did not rush to find SHIELD. Instead, she waited for Black Bolt to come to the earth and used the teleportation ability of Gordon the Eyeless Man to find Black Bolt and apply. Collective immigration.

Jiaying is the leader of the alien race on Earth. They live in a place called the afterlife.

"My friend's mother wanted to take her to the moon, but my friend didn't want to go. In order to convince her, her mother told her a very tragic past event."

Gwen looked at Andrew and said, "She has the ability to live forever, so she was dissected by a big bad guy and was finally resurrected."

Andrew ate the frost fruit and said without sincerity: "It's so miserable."

"Is this your reaction? Andrew, tell me the truth, is the story you told before true?"

Gwen asked: "Also, is my friend the same person you know?"

Gwen said all this just to confirm whether Skye was the 'destroyer of the earth' as ​​Andrew said. This was really no small matter.

Andrew smiled and said, "Guess."

"I guess your size."

Gwen was so angry that she wanted to hit someone. Just as she was about to say something else, Andrew suddenly looked up into the void.

Gwen asked, "What's wrong?"

"I have a few friends who are about to arrive on a very interesting planet. I'll go over and have a look."

Andrew said: "Gwen, wait until I come back and bring you souvenirs. People on that planet like gold very much. Maybe there will be big golden trees."

Gwen asked in a pretentious manner: "The Demon King of Hell is on an expedition to the stars and sea, do I need to applaud you?"

"I think you should give me a kiss."

Andrew smiled, stood up and left. Then, he walked to a deserted place and teleported to outer space.

Gwen shook his head. It seemed that if he wanted to find out about this matter, he had to investigate it himself.

How to check? Help Skye find her father. If her father is really a murderous madman, then the matter is basically certain.

Gwen secretly thought: "Before confirmation, there is no way we can let Skye become an alien."

New York speakeasy.

Whitehall was frozen in a device, and Tony and the Special Forces circuit breaker were constantly operating on the nearby equipment.

Circuit Breaker was brought into the team by Tony. The people in the special forces could be trusted. Tony brought in many people, including Scarlett and Duke.

In addition, in addition to Tony and Circuit Breaker, Steve, Carter, Rhodes and others are also in the experiment.

After a moment, Tony and Circuit Breaker cheered at the same time, and Steve and Carter hurriedly asked: "Did it succeed?"

"Success, we have found a way to disable the nanobugs."

Tony nodded: "In less than a month, we will be able to retrieve most of Whitehall's memories."

"Very good."

Everyone was delighted, and Steve said excitedly: "At that time, we will know the specific situation of Hydra, and then formulate corresponding plans to completely eliminate them."

Rhodes sighed: "I hope it's not too scary. To be honest, they are already scary now."

Carter said: "Tony, Circuit Breaker, get the memory out as soon as possible. Hydra won't give us too much time."


Tony and Circuit Breaker nodded at the same time, and Steve asked Carter: "Carter, how many trustworthy SHIELD agents have you developed?"

"There are only hundreds of them. There is no way. I have to make sure they are not Hydra."

Carter shook her head and said: "I have been in contact with Captain Marvel Carol recently. She should not be Hydra. When the time is right, I will bring her to our side.

She will be our biggest weapon. "

Tony was stunned: "Wait a minute, isn't our biggest trump card me?"

"Tony, you are indeed our trump card. From now on, you will get up every morning and shout three times for Hydra."

Rhodes smiled and said: "You have to shout even when you are sleeping. If nothing happens, the Hydra will die on its own after a while, and there is no need for us to do anything."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and Tony gave Rhodes a fierce middle finger. After the kidnapper, he had another nickname, Crow Mouth Tony.

"My new weapon is almost finished. When the time comes, you will know who is the real killer."

Tony thought to himself that he never gave up and continued to become stronger. His biggest reliance was always his mind.

The new spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy is called the Benatar, which is much larger than the Milano. At the same time, it has more complete functions. After all, it is a high-end product sold by the Nova Corps at cost price.

At this moment, music from Earth was playing on a tape on the Benatar. Star-Lord and Rocket took turns driving the spacecraft, and everyone else was either sleeping or playing games.

Star-Lord thought of something and ordered: "Rocket, when you get to Sovereign, don't talk nonsense. Sovereign people are super arrogant and petty. If you say the wrong thing, they might turn against you and attack you.

It doesn't matter if you die, I'm mainly worried about them deducting our remuneration. "

The Sovereign Planet, also known as the Sovereign Planet, is very technologically advanced and is famous in the universe for its high-energy batteries and genetic modification technology. In addition, their entire family has golden skin.

"Wow, your words really hurt my heart."

Rocket rolled his eyes and said, "I thought you would become more humane after finding your father, but I didn't expect you would still be the same scumbag you were before, without any change."

"Yondu is not my father."

Star-Lord said angrily that he originally wanted to ask Yondu about his biological father, but as a result, Yondu disappeared without a trace as soon as he arrived at Xandar, which made him half-dead with anger.

"Why not? You two look exactly the same. Anyone who sees you will think that you are father and son."

Drax asked, and everyone looked at him speechlessly. One has white skin, and the other has blue skin. Are they exactly the same?

"Drax, you are actually color blind, right?"

Star-Lord complained, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "He is not, what he means is that the expressions of you and Yondu are exactly the same, as if they were carved from the same mold."

"Nonsense, eh, this sound?"

Star-Lord was about to retort when he suddenly reacted and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound and found that the Guardian of the Earth had appeared on the Benatar at some point and was flipping through a Star Girl magazine.

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