On the balcony, Andrew pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes and said, "A loving father and a filial son are so touching. Carol, don't you think so?"

Carol walked out of the room and complained: "This is also called a father's kindness and a son's filial piety? I only saw two bastards arguing non-stop."

"This is their way of expressing love. No matter how fiercely they quarrel, they can always sacrifice themselves for each other when in danger."

Andrew shook his head. He admired Yondu in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", so he tried a little trick to get the father and son to recognize each other early.

Of course, Andrew did so much not just because of appreciation. His target was Star-Lord's biological father, the living planet Ego.

Andrew is very interested in this living planet, and is interested in recapturing hell for research-Ego is a failed god group.

In addition, after Ego and Star-Lord meet, a catastrophe will occur, a cosmic catastrophe.

As we all know, a certain devil likes disasters the most.


Carol shook her head and said, "I went to see Fury before and told him about the two infinity stones. Unfortunately, he was unwilling to give up any of them. He even wanted to increase research efforts to find out the secrets of the stones. .”

Andrew said: "Why am I not surprised at all?"

Carol sighed and said no more about the matter. She asked: "What are you going to do with Ronan?

After all, Ronan is the accuser of the Kree Empire. If we imprison or kill him, the Kree Empire may send troops to retaliate. "

"I promised Drax to let him duel with Ronan."

Andrew said: "If Ronan is killed, it will be over. If Ronan is not killed, I will deal with him."

"That's good."

Carol nodded, what was on her mind, and asked: "You seem to be particularly concerned about those people like Star-Lord?"

"They're pretty fun."

Andrew smiled. At this time, his communicator rang. After connecting, Black Bolt's confidant Karnak reported: "BOSS, we have taken down the spaceship, and there is only one space pirate inside. What should we do with him?"

Karnak led an elite team of aliens to prepare for a sneak attack on the Predator spacecraft, but he did not expect that there was only one pirate in the spacecraft, and he was still a relatively fragile one.

Kraglin raised his hand weakly and said: "Well, I am a predator, not a space pirate. This is different."

Crystal sneered: "What's the difference? They're all for nothing."

Kraglin retorted: "Of course it's different. We have principles to get something for nothing. No, we don't get something for nothing. Robbery is physical work. I often strain my muscles because of robbery."

Everyone was speechless. Andrew shook his head and said, "Keep him and just keep an eye on the spacecraft."


The strangers nodded, and they had officially joined Andrew's command.

After dealing with this matter, Andrew continued to look down and found that Yondu and Star-Lord were still spitting at each other. The two had extremely rich vocabulary and their exchange of words was very exciting. Rocket even took notes there.

Andrew thought for a while and ordered Gamora: "Gamora, call Drax and Ronan and let them duel."

"The big guy has been looking forward to this."

Gamora did as she was told, and soon, Drax and Ronan started fighting on the lawn. Although Ronan was much more embarrassed than in the movie, in the end, he defeated Drax, lifted him up and smashed him to the ground.

"I don't remember your family, and I won't remember you either."

Ronan raised his weapon and was about to stab Drax. At this moment, a wave of energy hit him and knocked him away, but it was a rocket that made a sneak attack.

Then, Gamora, Star-Lord, and Groot rushed up at the same time to surround Ronan.

While shooting from a distance, Rocket ran to Drax to check on him: "Big man, are you dead? Not dead, just squeak."


Drax replied weakly, and Rocket rolled his eyes. Drax's race didn't know how to joke at all.

"You bastards."

Faced with the siege of everyone, Ronan cursed, brandished weapons and fought with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Andrew laughed dumbly. Ronan was not from Earth. Otherwise, he would have said - you don't have martial ethics.

"Isn't this not good?"

Carol frowned, this was really a bit bullying.

"What's wrong? They are a unit. No matter whether the enemy is one person or a group of people, they all attack together."

Andrew said confidently, and Carol rolled her eyes. She seemed to understand why Andrew valued the Guardians of the Galaxy - they had similar odors.

On the lawn, Yondu thought for a while and started to whistle. Under his control, the sharp arrow shot straight towards Ronan's chest with red light. Ronan hurriedly avoided it, and Groot took the opportunity to tie him with branches.

Ronan struggled hard, and at this time, Star-Lord and Rocket smashed a ball into him at the same time.

Then, the ball exploded, and two balls of electricity crazily eroded Ronan's body, making him unable to move.

"Ronan, I want you to die."

Drax got up from the ground, and used the momentum to stab Ronan's chest with two daggers.

Ronan let out a shrill scream. He looked at Drax and roared: "This is not fair."

"Fair? You led an army to attack Drax's hometown and massacred the unarmed people. Did you say it was fair?"

Gamora snorted coldly. Ronan wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. Then, with a strong sense of unwillingness, he died at the hands of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"I finally have my revenge."

Drax let go of the dagger, knelt on the ground and yelled, and the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy came over and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Why are you tapping me on the shoulder?"

Drax looked puzzled, and everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes. Does this guy really have only one thing in his head?

"This result is not bad."

Andrew nodded and sent Ronan's soul to hell. Ronan was still useful.

Carol frowned and said, "It's not a good thing for Ronan to die here."

"Don't worry, I have arrangements."

Andrew didn't say much. In fact, he didn't take the so-called Kree Empire to heart. Of course, he wouldn't deliberately anger the Kree Empire. After all, he had an agreement with the Ancient One.

Then, Andrew flew to the lawn with Carol and said: "Star-Lord, after dawn, you guys will take Ronan's body and take Yondu's spaceship to Xandar to receive the reward."

Ronan is the most wanted criminal in Xandar, with a bounty of hundreds of millions.

Rocket's eyes widened: "Receive the reward? Are you willing to give Ronan's body to us?"

Andrew said: "Yes, but you must follow my instructions for the specific details."

"We will say whatever you want us to say."

Rocket nodded very simply, as long as he could get Ronan's bounty, he would do anything.

The same is true for Star-Lord. With Ronan's bounty, he can buy a new Milano. At that time, he will fill Milano with the atmosphere of love again in the shortest possible time.

Andrew raised his hand, and a holographic projection popped up on the watch.

In the projection, Ronan held up the universal hammer that glowed with purple light, preparing to hit the ground. At this moment, Star-Lord suddenly started dancing. Ronan was confused. Why did a funny guy suddenly run away at such a serious moment? Come out to dance?

Andrew turned his hand, and Star-Lord's dance began to play backwards, speeding up, and slowing down, making it look particularly ghostly.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, including Carol. Star-Lord shouted dissatisfied: "That's not me, how could I be so funny?"

"Please be more self-aware."

Andrew complained, and everyone nodded in agreement. Star-Lord in the light curtain is definitely a "real performance".

Then, the plot continues to play out, and it’s basically Guardians of the Galaxy with a new look.

It is worth mentioning that the scene where Star-Lord holds the Power Stone is in close-up - the reason why Andrew made this video is for this scene.

"This plot is good, everyone will only pay attention to Star-Lord and the others."

Carol nodded with satisfaction, but Yondu objected: "This plot is not good, there are too many loopholes, Quill is just an ordinary earthling, how can he hold the power stone and be fine?

The first time he holds it, it will explode. "

Andrew looked at Yondu with a half-smile. Yondu felt like he could see through everything and shuddered.

"No, that makes sense."

Rocket said: "Although Star-Lord is a fool and weakling, his father is said to be a higher being."

"Who are the idiots and weaklings?"

Star-Lord was very dissatisfied, while Yondu asked in shock: "How did you know about this?"

"You already knew that my father was not from Earth?"

Star-Lord was stunned when he heard this, and he asked loudly: "Old bastard, what else do you know?"

"I know a lot. For example, the first time you had sex with a woman was in the toilet. The whole process lasted a full second, yes, up to one second."

Yondu said, everyone laughed when they heard this, Star-Lord was ashamed and angry, he yelled: "You old bastard peeked at me again?"

"Don't argue. Anyway, just do as I say. Is there any problem?"

Andrew asked, and Rocket and others nodded, indicating that it was no problem.

Yondu had a problem, but he thought about it and didn't say anything more at this time.

At this time, Gamora thought of something and asked: "Guardian, what should I do with the Power Stone? Xandar will definitely ask where the Power Stone is?"

Andrew thought for a while, took out the fake, and said, "Sell this fake power gem to Xandar. Don't worry, no one can see through this fake gem."

If you throw the gem projection on Xandar, you might be able to get someone to take advantage of you one day - you've already made it, you can't just throw it away, right?

In addition, power gems can be sold for a lot of money, which is exactly what Yelena and the others need.

"Fake gems?"

Everyone was a little surprised. When they opened it, they found that the purple gem inside was no different from the previous one.

"Wow, Guardian, you are really good at forging. If I didn't know it was fake, I would have thought it was the same one from before."

Rocket exclaimed, and Andrew secretly complained: "You must have never imagined that it is the one you escorted here to sell to me."

"Okay, let's all go back and rest. We'll set off tomorrow."

Andrew waved his hand, indicating that everyone could disperse. Everyone nodded and left, leaving only Carol staying where she was.

Carol hesitated and asked: "In a few months, I will leave the earth. When will you study me, my body?"

Andrew asked with a half-smile: "You seem to be very impatient?"

"Who can't wait?"

Carol snorted: "I just don't want to owe anyone anything. Since I promised you, I will definitely complete it."

Andrew said: "Okay, go back and wash up, take off your clothes..."

Carol was stunned: "You want to take off your clothes?"

Andrew asked: "Have you ever seen anyone studying the body through clothes?"

"That's true."

Carol frowned a little, but she was arrogant by nature, and since she had promised, she would definitely not break her promise.

"Okay, but don't mess around, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Carol snorted and left with a dazzling light.

Not long after Carol left, Yondu got rid of Star-Lord's entanglement and returned to the lawn. Andrew was not surprised. He said calmly: "I think you should have guessed my purpose."

Yondu heard this and no longer hid it, he asked: "I don't know why you know this, but it's obvious that you want to use Quill to lure out his father, right?"


Andrew did not deny it. He said: "The Earthlings who can hold the Power Stone were once Yondu's crew members. This is enough for Egg to discover the truth. Quill is his son."

"Do you even know his name?"

Yondu was incredulous: "Who are you? Why do you know so much?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I will solve Egg."

Andrew said: "Yondu, you and Star-Lord can't hide from him forever."

Yondu shook his head: "It's too dangerous. If you fail, Quill will be killed by that bastard. You don't know how many descendants that guy has killed!"

"Failure? Just Egg, why should you let me fail?"

Andrew smiled disdainfully, waved his hand and sent Yondu into rebirth hell - not to kill him, but to let him know who he was and how powerful he was.

An hour later, Yondu knelt on one knee in front of Andrew and asked respectfully: "BOSS, how should I cooperate with you?"

There was no reason for Yondu not to hug the Hell Demon King's thick thighs. This was not only a matter of life, but also a matter of death.

Andrew threw a video player to Yondu and said: "Publish this matter to the entire universe. In addition, collect the old troops and wait for my orders."

"Yes, BOSS."

Yondu nodded, looking very excited. The nightmare that had haunted him for more than twenty years was finally coming to an end.

With the BOSS here, Yi Ge will definitely die, there is no doubt about this.

At this time, Yondu thought of something, and a deep guilt flashed in his eyes: "I hope those children who died tragically can rest in peace after Egg's death."

At the same time, on the Peace Knights' Peace, a robot appeared out of thin air. Then, he saluted Yelena with a confused expression: "Vice Captain Ronan, report to the captain."

Yes, this robot is none other than Ronan. After entering the rebirth hell, he quickly succumbed and became a subordinate of the Demon King.

Yelena already knew Ronan's information from Andrew, and said excitedly: "Ronan, you came just in time, the universe is too complicated, and I need someone who is familiar with the universe to help me."

"I will work hard to fulfill your and the Demon King's orders."

Ronan said that he would accumulate enough contributions to be resurrected and return to the Kree Empire.

That night, Carol washed up, took off her clothes, and waited uneasily, and then... Then Andrew didn't come, leaving her waiting in vain and worrying all night.

Sorry, it's a little late. I was really stuck today. It took me an entire afternoon to finish this chapter.

In addition, I would like to thank Caolu Baqianliu this week, Bai Yuti’s poems, the book shortage every year, and Baicai Laoyao for their rewards.

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