Andrew laughed dumbly and said: "One by one, first of all, Drax, don't struggle anymore, I will give you a chance to challenge Ronan.

If you can kill him, just kill him, no one will stop you, but if you are not his opponent, you must stop making trouble. "

Drax said excitedly: "Okay, I will definitely kill him."

"Now let's talk about the spaceship and the reward."

Andrew said: "Star-Lord, you love the earth so much, I decided to reward you with a father."

"Thank you Guardian...wait, what, reward me with a father?"

Star-Lord thanked him at first, but he quickly realized and looked confused. What the hell is a reward for dad?

Rocket laughed loudly: "Haha, as a reward for having a dad, Quill, now you don't need a dad. Come on, dad loves you."

"Shut up."

Star-Lord glared at Rocket and asked Andrew: "Guardian, you mean to help me find my biological father? Well, I think we should just discount it? Anyway, I have lived more than thirty years without him."

It can be heard from Star-Lord's tone that he is very resentful, which shows that he actually cares about his father.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Andrew gave up. He turned to look at Gamora and said: "Gamora, use the communicator to send a message to the predator Yondu and tell him that Star-Lord is now in Attilan and Ronan is planning to execute him tomorrow. .”

Everyone was stunned, and Star-Lord asked in confusion: "Guardian, what do you want to do? What's the use of telling Yondu this matter? You don't think he will risk his life to save me, do you?

Also, how do you know about Yondu? "

"Maybe it will."

Andrew said: "When he comes, your spaceship will be ready."

Nebula, who was hiding aside and not daring to show his face, brightened up. With a spaceship, he could leave this ghost place.

"How can it be?"

Star-Lord shook his head repeatedly and shouted: "Guardian, there is no way Yondu will come to save me. You don't know, he is an old bastard. I was taken away from the earth by him, and he threatened to eat me." .

He will definitely not come to save me. If he will come to save me, I, Star-Lord, will never play with women in my life. "

"I will remember your words."

Andrew smiled and said to Gamora: "Do as I say."

"Yes, Guardian."

Gamora didn't waste any time and asked Star-Lord for Yondu's contact number. Then, she sent the message to Yondu.

Star-Lord looked confused and had no idea what Andrew meant by doing this.

Andrew didn't say much. He naturally had his reasons for doing so.

Then, Andrew began to count the harvest this time. To put it simply, in four words, it was a lot of harvest.

The first one to count is naturally the soul contract. This time it is a global crisis. Although it is not as good as the last time, it still harvests tens of millions of souls, which is a huge sum of money.

"It is better to have a global disaster. A city-level disaster is too small."

Andrew lamented that it is a pity that even the unlucky earth cannot be a global disaster every time.

In addition to the soul, this time Andrew also gained the power stone, the Dark Star, the Inhumans, Carol's body, uh, no, the research rights to Carol's body.

"The rewards are great, Ronan is a very competent villain."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, kept signing soul contracts, and coupled with the understanding of space gems, his strength increased by leaps and bounds. It won't be long before he will completely surpass those hell demons.

At that time, it will be Andrew's turn to take the initiative.

At the same time, in the conference room of the Attilan Palace, Black Bolt had a voice conversation with Nick Fury through a mechanical parrot: "The Inhumans can form an alliance with the Earth, but I have a request."

Nick Fury was secretly happy, but on the surface he said: "Black Bolt, delivering supplies to the moon is not a simple matter. We are already very sincere."

After being invaded by aliens, the earth has been trying its best to develop aerospace technology. Space travel is not yet possible, but it is not difficult to transport supplies to the moon. Rockets and space shuttles will do.

Of course, the cost must be relatively high, even higher than the materials transported.

"My request is simple."

Black Bolt said: "Protect the interests of the aliens on Earth. In addition, if they are willing to immigrate to the moon, I hope you will transfer them to Attilan."

"If that's the request, I can agree."

Nick Fury thought for a while and chose to nod. The aliens were a problem and moving them to Attilan wouldn't be a bad thing.

In addition, the stronger Attilan is, the better he can contain mutants.

In this way, Earth and Attilan have formed an alliance. Of course, it is only a verbal agreement now. After Nick Fury reports, the top human beings will send commissioners to Attilan to formally negotiate with the Inhumans.

Then, Nick Fury interrupted the communication, and Medusa came over and asked: "Black, what are you going to do with Maximus?"

Black Bolt was silent for a moment and said: "Drive him and all the other aliens who made mistakes into the mines to mine.

I will reform Attilan. From now on, only prisoners and robots will mine, and everyone else will live a normal life. "

Medusa did not object. She hugged Black Bolt and whispered: "No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

On the other side, Tony sneakily moved a pile of things in front of Scarlett and said, "Scarlett, help me bring these things back to Earth."

Scarlett asked in shock: "What are these?"

"One is the Terrigen Crystal, a necessary prop for aliens to awaken. It contains alien viruses. Once non-inhumans come into contact with it, they will be petrified immediately."

Tony said: "The other one is the remains of the defensive shield instrument. I will take it back and study it. Maybe I can restore the defensive shield technology."

Scarlett was stunned and asked: "Mr. Stark, are you stealing?"

"Why am I stealing? How can you say stealing when it comes to scientists? I'm just helping Attilan dispose of the garbage."

Tony immediately denied it, saying, "These were all found in the ruins."

"Mr. Stark, you are so great. I think I should inform Black Bolt and the others and ask them to come over and thank you."

Scarlett was speechless, how could she respect this guy before? Black history, proper black history,

"No need, I do good deeds and never leave my name behind."

Tony was a little embarrassed, and then he said seriously: "Scarlett, forget about the former, the latter is very important to our earth.

Think about it, if all important cities on Earth had defensive shields, how much safer would we be? "


Scarlett hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I will use magic to cover these things and bring them back to Earth quietly. However, Mr. Stark, alien viruses are very dangerous, so you must be careful."

"Don't worry, when have I, Tony Stark, ever made a mistake?"

Tony said arrogantly, Scarlett looked at him, her eyebrows pounding, always feeling like she was doing something wrong.

At night, a Predator spacecraft quietly landed on the moon.

On the spaceship, Yondu, who had blue skin and a fin-like thing on his head, said to his subordinate Kraglin: "You meet me outside, and I will go in and save Star Lord."

"Yondu, think about it, once you go in, you may never come out again."

Kraglin said, it's worth mentioning that they were the only two on the ship, and the other Reavers, well, all defected.

This is so normal. Who would risk their lives to save that idiot Star-Lord?

"There is no place in this world for me, Yondu. If that idiot Quill dares to betray me, I will hang him myself."

Yondu snorted coldly, and Kraglin couldn't help but shake his head. Every member of the crew could see that Yondu regarded Star-Lord as his son, well, except for that idiot Star-Lord.

Then, without wasting any time, Yondu quietly came outside the defensive shield, used an instrument to open the defensive shield, and then sneaked in silently.

Attilan was celebrating tonight, and the defense was very lax, so Yondu was not discovered. Following the signal, he quietly came to the prison next to the palace, where two guards stood upright.

Yondu whistled softly, and an arrow flew out from his waist, shooting towards the guard's neck with a red light.


When the arrow hit the guard's neck, the guard suddenly exploded with a loud noise. Yondu was startled and couldn't help but retreat. What the hell is this?

Immediately afterwards, the surroundings lit up, and Andrew, as well as Star-Lord, Gamora and other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy came out.

Star-Lord looked at Yondu with a complicated expression, completely confused as to why he would come to save him?

"You are sick, what are you doing here?"

"You are the one who is sick. If you betray me and I don't kill you myself, how can I have the dignity to continue to be the boss in the future?"

"Just for such a stupid reason, you came here to die? You are indeed sick."

"I haven't talked about you yet. How stupid are you to be an enemy of Ronan? How many times have I taught you that we predators only care about profit."

The two of them were saying each other, and the quarrel soon turned red. At this time, Andrew said: "Star-Lord, don't forget what you said. In addition, I will give you your reward, a father you want very much." .”

"What did I say? What did I say? Falk."

Star-Lord was stunned for a moment, then remembered that he had said before that if Yondu came to find him, he would never play with women again.

"Guardian, wait, I want to change the reward..."

Star-Lord was shocked and hurriedly shouted to Andrew. Andrew smiled and disappeared suddenly.

"Quil, what are you waiting for? Hurry and jump into your father's arms?"

Rocket laughed, and Groot's arms turned into tree branches, rolling up Star-Lord and Yondu so that the two of them hugged each other.

"Shet, that's disgusting."

Star-Lord and Yondu cursed at the same time. The two glared at each other in displeasure and cursed again.

"You are definitely not my father."

"Who would want to be your father? You are an ungrateful little brat. Without me, you would have been eaten long ago."

"You're scaring me again. Do you know how badly I was frightened by your lies when I was a child? I couldn't sleep the whole night and kept having nightmares."

"I know, it's so funny when you have nightmares. I've been watching from the side."

"Yondu, you're an old bastard."

"Quil, you're such a little bastard."

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