American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 268 Dimensional Monster

"Guardian, why are you here?"

Everyone was surprised: "No, why are you on the spaceship? You were not there when we boarded the ship before?"

"It's boring to stay on earth, come out and hang out."

Andrew smiled and said that he used Star-Lord as bait to catch Egg, and naturally he did something to Star-Lord - Star-Lord is equivalent to a space coordinate, and Andrew can teleport to him at any time, and even monitor his every move.

Then, Andrew continued: "You guys can just treat me as an ordinary teammate, but I won't help you fight. In addition, you have to be responsible for my food and lodging. As for my salary, it's fine on a daily basis."

"You still want a salary? Guardian, you don't call me a teammate, you call me an uncle."

Star-Lord complained, of course, they welcome Andrew's arrival. With such a great god here, they are not afraid of any problems.

Andrew smiled and said: "I like this title. From now on, you can call me uncle. As for everyone else, call me Mr. Wang."

Gamora quietly approached Andrew and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Wang, if you leave the earth, what will happen to the safety of the earth?"

Gamora is not worried about the Earth, but the Infinity Stones on Earth.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to the Infinity Stones."

Andrew smiled and said, soon, the Benatar landed on the Sovereign planet. The arrogant Sovereign people did not entertain them and directly asked the guards to take them to the planet's energy plant.

This energy plant is filled with gold everywhere, and a large number of Anuras energy cells are placed in the equipment to provide enough energy for the city.

"There is a dimensional monster that has been stealing our batteries. Your task is to deal with that monster."

The golden guard said arrogantly: "We will give you enough reward. The faster you go, the higher the reward."

After saying that, the golden guard turned and left, as if talking to Star-Lord and others would pollute himself.

Rocket complained: "Wow, are their real names called Nostril Stars? I always only see their nostrils."

"Is there a possibility that it's actually because you are too short? Okay, get ready to fight."

Star-Lord said: "This time the opponent is not simple, so don't be careless."

Everyone nodded. Except for Drax and Andrew, everyone else changed into combat uniforms. Drax didn't change because his chest was sensitive and he couldn't wear clothes.

As for Andrew, he came to see the show and get some benefits.

Soon, the space fluctuated. Andrew's consciousness swept away and he found that two ugly dimensional monsters were teleporting here.

"Two? One more than in the movie."

Andrew shook his head. In the movie, one dimensional monster defeated the Guardians of the Galaxy, but now there are two. It's a good show.

The Guardians of the Galaxy didn't know about this, and Star-Lord was arguing with Groot about what music to use.

How can the Galaxy Dance Troupe battle be accompanied by music?

At this moment, a large whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky, and then, a giant hairless monster with several rows of teeth and many tentacles fell from the sky and landed on the square with a bang.

"Wow, that's ugly, let me fix it."

Star-Lord shouted arrogantly, and suddenly, another dimensional monster fell into the vortex, and all four eyes stared at Star-Lord in the front.

"Shet, there are two. The information given by the Sovereigns was wrong."

Star-Lord stopped suddenly, and then he said with a smile on his face: "We are the negotiators invited by Sovereign Star. Are you willing to negotiate? What, not? I'll leave then."

Star-Lord turned around and was about to retreat when a tentacle swung over and knocked him away.

"Two? That means you can charge double the money."

Rocket was very excited about the increase in enemies and immediately fired wildly at one of the dimensional monsters. Drax also rushed forward with two daggers and stabbed the dimensional monster's skin hard.

Unfortunately, the skin of the dimensional monster is extremely tough, and the dagger cannot break through the defense. The dimensional monster waved its tentacles, and Drax was also swept away.


Gamora cursed, raised her energy gun and fired rapidly, Groot also stepped forward to help, and just like that, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the two dimensional monsters started fighting in the sound of music.

Although the dimensional monsters are extremely ugly, they are very powerful. Not only can they travel through the void, but they can also spit out colorful lights. Star-Lord and others were beaten around and miserable.

"It's obviously very tragic, why do I want to laugh?"

Looking at Drax who was hit by a tentacle and crawling on the ground, Andrew couldn't help but laugh. It's worth mentioning that the dimensional monster ignored him at all, as if he didn't exist.

At the same time, the Sovereigns discovered the changes in the energy plant, and the general asked: "Should we send drones to support the Guardians of the Galaxy?"

The Sovereigns' remote-controlled drones are very powerful. They use quantum communication and can be controlled from across the galaxy without delay.

For Sovereigns, fighting is almost like playing games.

"No, the Guardians of the Galaxy can defeat Ronan, and that's not the only thing they can do."

Ayesha, the high priest of Sovereign, was wearing a golden robe and a golden helmet. Ayesha, who was 1.9 meters tall, shook her head and said, "Especially that Star-Lord. He can hold the Power Stone, which shows that his bloodline is very advanced."

The general nodded: "Yes, high priest."

At this time, High Priest Ayesha noticed Andrew watching the show next to him and asked in shock: "Who is that person? He doesn't seem to be in the information?"

The attendant next to her immediately flipped through the information. After a moment, she said: "He is indeed not in the information. He may be a newcomer to the Guardians of the Galaxy."


Ayesha frowned. She felt that the other person was special, but she couldn't tell what was special about him.

While Star-Lord was avoiding the colorful light, he shouted to Andrew: "Mr. Wang, don't really watch the show there, come and help us."

Andrew smiled and asked: "Give me a reason to take action."

Star-Lord thought for a moment and said, "Well, you are my uncle, is that okay?"

Everyone booed, and Andrew burst into laughter. He said: "The dimensional monster is tough on the outside, but on the inside..."

"I understand, they are fragile inside, and I have a way to deal with them."

Drax shouted excitedly, and then he took the initiative to rush into the mouth of the dimensional monster and was swallowed whole by the dimensional monster.

"I haven't finished yet. They are tough on the outside, but even tougher on the inside."

Andrew said, everyone was speechless, even the Sovereigns who were watching wanted to roll their eyes, are you trying to trick your teammates? You must be cheating your teammates, right?

Star-Lord complained: "Uncle, apart from cheating your teammates, what other meaning does your sentence have?"

"Yes, I want you not to think about breaking through from the inside."

Andrew laughed, everyone rolled their eyes, and Gamora said: "Mr. Wang, stop playing. If you play again, Drax will turn into something smelly and disgusting."

Andrew said: "With your attack power, it is difficult to hurt the dimensional monster, but it is not completely impossible."

Everyone asked in surprise: "What can we do?"

Andrew said: "Use super strong light to stimulate their eyes. Most spaces are dark. Facing strong light, they will be harmed more seriously than other creatures."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Rocket immediately dug out an Anuras energy battery from the side. Then, it used simple tools to create a super bright light device.

"Everyone, close your eyes."

Rocket shouted, and after everyone complied, it threw the simple device into the sky. The device was activated, and an astonishing bright light enveloped the entire energy plant. The two dimensional monsters screamed and retreated.

Then, two dimensional monsters opened a space passage and escaped from here. With a slight twist of Andrew's finger, the space passage changed direction and turned into a hell of rebirth.

The two dimensional monsters fell to the ground with two bangs. Seeing that their surroundings were different from what they expected, they roared at the same time.

At this moment, a huge shadow enveloped the two dimensional monsters. They raised their heads and saw a giant orangutan hundreds of meters tall standing in front of them.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that there are a large group of Titans standing next to the orangutans, each of which can easily trample two of them to death.

The two dimensional monsters that were so majestic before hugged each other and shivered. It's too dangerous here. I want to go back to Sovereign.

"Finally got them away."

The Guardians of the Galaxy breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Gamora thought of something and shouted: "Wait a minute, Drax is still in the belly of the dimensional monster."


Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Star-Lord hurriedly ran to Andrew and shouted: "Mr. Wang, save Drax. If you don't save him, he will really be digested."

Andrew glanced at Star-Lord. Although this guy was carefree, he was actually very emotional.

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, no one will want to eat that stubborn guy because he can't bite it."

"Mr. Wang, you can't joke about this kind of thing..."

Star-Lord said with some annoyance. At this moment, a space vortex appeared. Drax fell out of the space vortex and hit the ground with a bang.

Drax climbed up and shouted excitedly: "Haha, I'm out. This means that my plan was successful. I killed the dimensional monster."

Everyone was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. At this time, the golden guard from before came over and said coldly: "The high priest wants to see you."

"right away."

Star-Lord shouted, and then he whispered to everyone: "Don't talk nonsense, leave everything to me."


Everyone said indifferently, Andrew sensed something, turned his head, and saw Rocket putting several Anuras energy batteries into his pocket.

Rocket noticed Andrew's gaze, smiled, and made a share gesture towards Andrew.

Andrew burst into laughter. Rocket, the little raccoon, was really seeking death.

Soon, everyone arrived at the splendid hall. High Priest Ayesha sat high on a golden chair, with four golden maids in robes standing beside him. They looked very majestic.

Then, Ayesha said: "Guardians of the Galaxy, not only did you fail to get rid of the dimensional monster, but you also used the Anurath energy battery without authorization. I am very disappointed in you."

Rocket was a little annoyed. He was about to say something, but Star-Lord hurriedly stopped him. Rocket's mouth could bring the dead to life, so he couldn't let him speak.

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