The Power Stone is very powerful, but Ronan indirectly controls the Power Stone with the Universal Hammer, so he cannot exert much of the power of the Power Stone.

Carol asked in shock and anger: "You want to take over my body?"

"It's a loan, and you'll return it immediately after use. As for whether to borrow it or not, you decide for yourself."

Andrew said: "I will give you a one-second trial version."

While speaking, Andrew pointed his finger, and the space energy in Carol's body moved in a way that she could not understand. Then, she suddenly appeared in the air, but she was traveling through space.

Carol was shocked: "Can I travel through space?"

"Carol, the energy in your body is a treasure. Unfortunately, you will only use this treasure in the most primitive way."

"It's like primitive people picking up branches and hitting people," Andrew said.

Carol looked a little ugly: "You say I am a primitive man?"


Andrew said: "You have never thought about developing the energy in your body. What you were more than ten years ago is what you are now. There is no progress at all."

Carol was speechless. At this moment, she thought of a question: "Can you control my body at any time?"

Andrew said: "Isn't it obvious?"

Carol asked: "Then why don't you study me directly? Instead of trading with me?"

Andrew replied matter-of-factly: "Because I am a positive person."

"I'm sorry, I always thought of you as a villain."

Carol complained that she completely understood two things. First, Nick Fury was not protecting Angel by not telling her about Angel, but protecting her.

This guy can easily defeat her, even if most of his strength is sealed away.

Second, angels have not fallen, at least not yet. Of course, it is difficult to say in the future.

Carol wanted to ask something else, but Ronan noticed that she had escaped and immediately rushed over with a universal hammer.

Carol hesitated and did not immediately lend her body to Andrew, but rushed forward to fight Ronan again.

Carol is a very strong woman, and she wants to try again, maybe she can fight back and defeat Ronan.

In the Dark Star, Star-Lord and others were imprisoned in the prison area. Star-Lord cursed: "I said I shouldn't come to Earth, now it's better, everyone is locked up here to die.

We are dead and Ronan will never let us go. "

Drax yelled, "I'm going to kill Ronan."

"Shut up, big man, Ronan wants to kill us now."

Rocket cursed: "Gamora, where is the guardian you mentioned? Why hasn't he appeared?"

"I'm also very surprised about this. Logically speaking, they should have appeared a long time ago to teach Ronan how to behave."

As Gamora spoke, she helped Nebula deal with the damaged parts of her body - Nebula was attacked by Black Bolt before and had physical problems.

Nebula gritted her teeth and said, "I don't want you to help me, Gamora. One day, I will kill you."

"If I don't help you, who will?"

Gamora shook her head: "Stop being stubborn, let's find a way to escape together."

"Find a way? Sorry, we have no way at all."

Star-Lord scoffed, "Unless the Guardians of Earth you're talking about suddenly pop up in front of us."

Before Star-Lord finished speaking, several screams suddenly came from outside, and then the prison door was blasted open with an energy gun.

Everyone looked towards the door and saw a group of men and women in 'fancy clothes' rushing in, led by a masked strong man holding a shield.

"Really here? Hey, am I right? Captain?"

Star-Lord was stunned, and then he got up and shouted loudly: "Captain, save me quickly, I am from Earth. I knew that Ronan wanted to attack the Earth, so I ran back after all the troubles to report the news, but I was caught by him.

I am an Earth American, and I love the Earth so much. "

Gamora and others were speechless. This guy's face was probably thick enough to withstand an interstellar annihilation cannon.

It is worth mentioning that Kuai Dou is broadcasting the scene here. The audience is looking at Star-Lord. For some reason, they want to rush into their mobile phones and beat him up.

Drax asked in confusion: "Quoyle, didn't you say before that you hated the Earth the most?

You also said that the earth is a backward indigenous planet, and the people there are so stupid that they worship a guy in tights and holding a shield. "

The superheroes all turned to look at Steve. Steve was speechless. He didn't expect to meet an Earthling here, nor did he expect that he would be shot while lying down.

"Save people first."

Steve yelled, "One of them should be able to help us."

Everyone nodded and smashed the blocking device to save people. Gamora couldn't help but ask: "Why haven't you, the guardians of the earth, taken action to deal with Ronan?"

"Guardians? Captain Marvel and the others are dealing with Ronan and Black Bolt."

Steve was a little confused and said, "Madam, our mission is to destroy this battleship to prevent it from attacking the earth. I wonder if you can help us?"

"Destroy the Dark Star?"

Gamora shook her head and said: "This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Ronan must not be allowed to enter the earth. He has the power stone and can blow up the earth with one hammer."


Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Steve immediately used the communicator to tell others the news.

"No wonder Roxanne is talking about destroying the earth, not destroying mankind. Then the power gem is too terrifying, right?"

The audience was stunned. This crisis was more terrifying than they thought.

Nick Fury shouted: "No matter what, Ronan must not be allowed to enter the Earth."

Tony said with difficulty: "It's easy for you to say, let alone stopping Ronan, we can't even save our lives now, Black Bolt's attack is too strong."


Nick Fury cursed, and Ghost Rider wrote a review on the Nth day, missing him.

"what should we do?"

Spider-Man scratched his head and said, "I can't fight in space."

Others also shook their heads, and Star-Lord said: "I have a way. Let's steal the Dark Star, escape far away, and then work hard to reproduce and create a new Earth."

Everyone looked at Star-Lord speechlessly, Natasha complained: "Didn't you say you love the Earth very much?"

Star-Lord said confidently: "Yes, that's why I want to keep the fire for the earth. Beauty, if you don't understand, we can go to the room to talk in detail."

Jessica complained: "Should we lock him back again? He should be a fake Earthling."

"Agree." "Second."

Everyone nodded, and Drax said: "Ha, Star-Lord, your identity as a fake Earthling has been revealed."

"It turned out to be true and false, no wonder."

Everyone suddenly realized, and Star-Lord hurriedly shouted: "I am really from Earth, a 100% pure-blooded kind."

Steve suddenly said: "We capture the Dark Star."

Everyone was shocked. The captain actually agreed to that guy's proposal?

Many people secretly complained: "Captain, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"I noticed before that Ronan is wearing a battle suit, which means he can't survive in space like Carol."

Steve said: "We drive away the Dark Star. He will definitely not dare to destroy the earth, unless he wants to die in the universe. As for the rest, let's take it one step at a time."


Everyone nodded, and Gamora said: "I'll help you, I know where the command room is, and Nebula can control the Dark Star."

After saying that, Gamora winked at Nebula. Although Nebula was unhappy, she still said: "I will help you, but after that, you have to let me go."

Rocket shouted: "We will help too. By the way, big man, do you sell your shield?"

Steve shook his head and said, "This is not for sale."

"That's easier."

Rocket smiled with a 'kind' look on his face and said, "If you don't sell it, just steal it, you will save a lot of money."

Star-Lord shouted: "As an Earthling, I have the duty to do this."

No one paid any attention to this guy, it was so embarrassing and all the superheroes refused to acknowledge that he was from Earth.

Then, under the leadership of Gamora, everyone rushed towards the command room. The pursuer Coras noticed their movements and immediately gathered all the guards to prepare for a decisive battle with them.

On the moon, Ronan and Carol were fighting fiercely, and Carol was completely suppressed. To make matters worse, Ronan became more and more comfortable in using the Power Stone, and his strength increased rapidly.

If this continues, Carol will definitely lose.

"Did you see that? Carol, I am the strongest person in the Kree Empire."

Ronan laughed wildly, and the sudden surge in power made him lose control.

Carol cursed: "I didn't see it, I only saw a madman, Ronan, the Kree Empire was right to expel you, you are already crazy."

"I'm not crazy, the ones who are crazy are those idiots who negotiated peace with the New Star Empire."

Ronan snorted. He thought for a moment, started the thrusters under his feet, turned around and flew towards the earth - he wanted to use the earth to take down Carol as quickly as possible.

Superheroes will definitely fight tooth and nail to protect the earth.

Carol was shocked and hurriedly chased after them. The two quickly entered the earth's atmosphere. At the same time, the live broadcast camera turned to the two of them.

"The one with the purple hammer is Ronan. Once he enters the earth and hits the ground with his hammer, the entire earth will collapse."

Roxanne screamed, and at the same time, she showed a picture of a planet being destroyed by the Power Stone - a picture that had appeared in "Guardians of the Galaxy".

"Stop him quickly."

The audience shouted, Carol gritted her teeth, ran after Ronan as fast as she could, and punched him hard in the back of the head.

Ronan had been waiting for Carol for a long time. He turned around suddenly and the omnipotent hammer hit Carol hard with a dazzling purple light.

Carol flew out like a meteor again, even the clouds in the sky were cut open by her.

"What an idiot for falling for such an obvious trap."

Ronan smiled disdainfully, activated the thrusters and chased after him.

Boom, Carol fell from the sky and hit the square in Los Angeles. The entire square collapsed instantly and turned into a large crater hundreds of meters in diameter.

The people around were shocked, and many citizens who were watching the video were confused. Why did it suddenly become a live broadcast?

At this time, Ronan fell from the sky and landed in front of Carol. Then, he raised the universal hammer in his hand and said: "Carol, say goodbye to the earth. In addition, don't worry, you will not die. You will Like Black Bolt, become my puppet.

I, Ronan, will become the Lord of the Kree Empire and the King of the Universe. "

After saying that, Ronan swung the hammer and hit the ground hard. Everyone on the earth was shocked at the same time. Are we going to die soon?

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