American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 261 Take action

The people were extremely desperate, but could do nothing. They could only watch the purple hammer getting closer and closer to the ground.

"Who will save me, who will save the earth? I don't want to die."

Countless people begged and prayed, even some superheroes were no exception - even superheroes were full of powerlessness and despair in the face of such a disaster.

"How could this happen? The Insight Project is about to start, but the earth is destroyed by aliens?"

Pierce shouted in the office with a ferocious expression: "This is all the fault of those liberals. If we, Hydra, rule the world, the earth will never be destroyed. We, Hydra, are the ones who are just."

"The live broadcast is good. It can collect souls from all over the world. This time is different from the previous times. This time there is a lot of foreshadowing. There are many desperate people."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and once again asked people to sign a soul contract. Today was undoubtedly another good day.

Carol shouted in her heart: "Angel, I give my body to you."

Andrew sighed deeply: "It's too late."

"What, it's too late?"

Carol was stunned. At this moment, she felt extremely regretful. She was too strong. If she had handed over her body earlier, the earth would never have been destroyed.

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

At this moment, Andrew's voice sounded again, and then, her body was forcibly taken over by a force.


Carol was stunned for a moment, then cursed wildly in her mind. She had been in the American army, and she was quite vicious when it came to scolding people, and her vocabulary was so rich that even Hela couldn't match it.

"Pay attention to your image. You are a superhero. What, you don't care about your image? Are you trying to beat me? Uh, sorry, I have a girlfriend."

Andrew said, at the same time, Ronan's hammer was about to hit the ground, with a smile on his face, this is the power of God.

The next second, a fist with dazzling light hit Ronan's chin hard, and Ronan soared into the sky like a rocket.

Before Ronan could react, Carol, or rather Andrew, appeared out of thin air on Ronan's left side, kicked him hard in the back, and sent him flying to the right like a meteor.

This wasn't over yet. Immediately afterwards, Andrew appeared on Ronan's right and beat him back hard.

Then, Andrew appeared in front of Ronan and kicked him in the chest.

Just like that, Andrew performed a one-man aerial football kick in front of billions of viewers.

The people were stunned, what happened, why did Captain Marvel suddenly become so powerful? Even hitting that Ronan like a ball?

"We don't have to die anymore? Long live Captain Marvel."

The people reacted and cheered in surprise. The streets and alleys around the world were calling Captain Marvel's name. At this moment, she gained countless fans.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief, and then he thought with some confusion: "With Carol's character, she shouldn't hide her strength. What is going on?"

"Fight back, great."

Pierce was beaming with joy. At this time, he remembered what happened before and looked a little hesitant.

A moment later, Pierce took out a special old computer from the cabinet. After starting it, he said to the computer screen: "Dr. Zola, adjust the layout and speed up the insight plan. Otherwise, the earth may be destroyed one day. "

He has been planning for half his life to rule the earth. As a result, the earth is destroyed by Titans or aliens. Thinking about it makes people feel crazy and ridiculous.

So, the insights program must be accelerated.

"Adjust the plan and launch it as quickly as possible. Calculation is in progress... Calculation is complete. It will take at least three months to launch the insight plan."

Dr. Zola replied dully - he was a genius scientist of Hydra during World War II. He invented the energy guidance technology of the Cosmic Cube. It took SHIELD decades to reproduce this technology.

Later, Dr. Zola suffered from cancer. Before his death, he transferred his memory and consciousness into a computer and became a very special intelligent life.

"Three months? Hopefully the Earth will still be around then."

Pierce looked out the window and murmured to himself: "Only we, Hydra, can save the earth. Long live Hydra."

"So I'm so powerful?"

Seeing that Ronan was unable to fight back after being beaten by Andrew, Carol was shocked. She controlled her body and was beaten to the ground by Ronan. Andrew controlled her body and completely crushed Ronan.

The same body, why are there such big differences?

Not only the space shuttle, Andrew's use of space energy is far superior to his own. For the same action, he will consume ten pieces of space energy, while Andrew only needs two pieces.

"It's the energy in your body that's great, not you."

Andrew shook his head and said, "Carol, sensing the space energy in your body is an opportunity for you, an opportunity to learn on the spot."


Carol nodded and carefully sensed the space energy in her body. She found that the space energy in her hand was completely different from that in Andrew's hand.

In her hands, space energy is like a rushing river, and she can only control it slightly to make it rush somewhere.

In Andrew's hands, the space energy is as docile as a puppy. It goes wherever Andrew lets it go.

Not only that, Carol also felt that the space energy was full of excitement, as if the owner of the space energy was not her, but the Ghost Rider.

"Xie Te, can you be more reserved and make me look casual?"

Carol cursed and sank her consciousness into the space energy. A brand new world suddenly appeared in her perception.

This new world is a world of space. Carol discovered that space is composed of many nodes. With the help of space energy, she can shuttle between nodes and appear in another place.

"Is this space?"

For the first time, Carol truly sensed the existence of space. She finally understood how stupid she was before, guarding a treasure mountain, but only selling the stones next to it for money.


Ronan was furious after being beaten like a football. He held the universal hammer tightly and purple energy exploded crazily. Looking up from below, a purple sun seemed to rise in the sky.

Then, the purple sun exploded and turned into countless purple lightnings that spread crazily around. Some of the lightnings fell below, splitting the buildings and statues in half in an instant.

"You have quite a temper. Unfortunately, you can't control this energy at all."

Andrew sneered and used Carol's energy to form a space vortex in front of him. All the purple lightning disappeared immediately as soon as it came into contact with the space vortex.

Soon, the lightning storm stopped, and Ronan was floating in the air, panting, his body full of pain and exhaustion.

The pain was from Andrew, and the fatigue was from the burden of the power stone on him.

Before Ronan could do anything else, a space vortex suddenly appeared above his head, and then, a purple thunder light slammed down, blasting him into the previous square pit, and his whole body fell into it in a big glyph shape.

Carol was so shocked that she actually absorbed the enemy's power and attacked the enemy in turn? Isn't this incredible?

"Space is omnipotent, shuttle and transfer are just small tricks."

Andrew smiled, walked over to Ronan, and asked: "Ronan, do you still feel that you are a god now? Let me tell you, on Earth, no one who claims to be a god will end well."

Ronan was seriously injured. He struggled to turn his head and asked bitterly: "Carol, were you playing tricks on me before?"

Andrew replied with a smile on his face: "Yeah, do you have any objections?"


Ronan was so angry that he almost ran away. His right hand hidden under his body quietly pressed the button on his waist. The undead on the Dark Star collectively opened their eyes and activated their fighters.

The undead are puppets created by Ronan using the biochemical technology of the Kree Empire. They look extremely ugly and look like dead people - similar to Chitauri biochemical soldiers.

After receiving Ronan's order, the Necromancer fleet immediately flew space fighters away from the Dark Star and flew densely toward the earth. A rough count suggested that there were hundreds of ships.

What does Ronan want to do? It's very simple, let the undead fleet attract Carol's attention, and then take the opportunity to escape.

That's right, Ronan, who previously regarded himself as a god, is once again preparing for a 'strategic retreat', just like he did more than ten years ago.

It is worth mentioning that at this moment, inside the Dark Star, aliens and superheroes are fighting fiercely with Kree soldiers to seize control of the battleship.

Overall, the superheroes had the upper hand, with Korath and the Kree soldiers struggling to hold on.


Seeing a large number of space fighters appearing, Tony hurriedly ordered Jarvis to transmit the picture of the Necromancer fleet to SHIELD.

"All fighter planes are ready for dispatch."

Nick Fury gritted his teeth and shouted, it's a pity that the space carrier has not been completed yet, otherwise, it should be able to deal with these fighters.

At this moment, Andrew appeared in space out of thin air with Ronan in hand, facing hundreds of menacing space fighters alone.

"Carol, see clearly, this is your real power."

Andrew raised his dazzling finger and tapped it forward. A spatial ripple appeared from under his finger and quickly spread towards all the fighters.

Immediately afterwards, the space fighters exploded one after another. In less than a second, hundreds of space fighters all turned into space junk.

This scene stunned both the enemy and us at the same time. Isn't this too terrifying?

"Wow, this lady shines brighter than I thought."

Tony was amazed, and he was very confused. Carol had this power, why didn't he use it before?

"so cool."

The audience was stunned for a moment, then kept applauding and cheering, and Carol's number of fans skyrocketed again.

"How is this possible? What kind of enemy am I fighting?"

Ronan's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. This kind of strength was completely beyond his imagination.

In the Dark Star command room, many people saw the situation outside through the screen. Everyone was shocked. Is Captain Marvel too strong?

"Haha, do you see? This is my home earth. It is more powerful than anywhere else. Even Ronan the Accuser must kneel before it."

Star-Lord shouted proudly, as if he was proud to be from Earth.

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