After ending the call, Carol took out the business card that Andrew gave her, looking a little hesitant. After a moment, she snorted and put the business card back into her pocket. She, Carol, didn't need help from others, she could handle everything by herself.

"It's a great ambition, but unfortunately, there are some things you can't avoid. I'm waiting for you to lower your arrogant head."

Andrew continued to drink tea, and he thought to himself: "Maybe Captain Marvel can be mass-produced in the future."

On Earth, more and more people are discovering huge dark stars through astronomical instruments. In other words, what Luo Shan said is true. Both major countries and people are a little panicked.

All major countries are preparing for battle. It would be best if they could stop the aliens from the earth. If not, they can only fight hard.

"Perhaps we can consider having a chat with that Ronan. What if a planet is destroyed?"

The President of France suggested, and the presidents from all over the world all rolled their eyes. Why hasn't this guy stepped down yet?

"Believe in superheroes, they will not let us down. If even superheroes can't do it, then the only thing we can do is pray."

President Ellis said, and everyone rolled their eyes again, why hasn't this guy stepped down yet?

Soon, the Dark Star arrived near the moon. Carol, Tony, Rhodes, Scarlett, and Hellboy flew into space to block the Dark Star.

"Carol, you can't stop me."

Ronan and Black Bolt flew out of the Dark Star at the same time. Both of them were wearing the Kree Empire's one-man space combat suits, so they didn't have to worry about breathing and hypothermia.

"You won't know until you fight whether you can stop him or not."

Carol didn't waste any time, and fired energy waves at Ronan with both hands at the same time. Ronan raised the universal hammer, and a huge purple beam of light roared out, destroying Carol's energy waves like a torrent.

Carol hurriedly retreated. Ronan smiled ferociously and quickly chased after her. He wanted to completely defeat Carol and wash away the shame of the year.

When Carol and Ronan were fighting, Tony and the four surrounded Black Bolt. Then, Tony released a holographic projection of Medusa, hoping that Black Bolt could wake up.

It's a pity that Black Bolt's memory has been completely erased. He didn't talk nonsense. With a sound of "Ah", an onomatopoeic wave blasted towards Tony.

"The plot in the movie is indeed a lie."

Tony cursed and hurriedly dodged. Then, a large number of cannon muzzles emerged from his body, and dozens of energy beams were fired at Black Bolt.

Black Bolt opened his mouth again, and the sonic wave easily destroyed the energy beam. Then, the aftermath hit Tony, and Tony quickly flew backwards.

Black Bolt was about to pursue him when three attacks came at him from different directions at the same time.

On the left, Rhodes activated his machine gun and micro missiles, shooting wildly at Black Bolt.

On the right, a flaming sword slashed hard at Black Bolt's head. It was Hellboy. As for why flames can burn in space, it is of course because his flames are unscientific.

Behind him, Scarlet raised her left hand and fired a large number of high-temperature crossbow arrows at Black Bolt.

Black Bolt activated his battle suit and quickly fell down. Then, he raised his head and let out a yell. The flaming sword was bounced off on the spot. The high-temperature crossbow arrows and micro-missiles all exploded. As for the bullets, they were all shattered.

Black Bolt was about to attack again, but Tony's laser roared in, forcing him to defend first.

In this way, the four of them took turns to attack, and they entangled Black Bolt with force - Black Bolt's weakness was too obvious, his defense was low, and he could not be attacked.

At the same time, Tetanus brought the Inhumans Medusa, Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak, Superhero Steve, Human Torch, Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Thing, Natasha, Hawkeye and others. Teleport to Dark Star.

Gorgon is a strong black man with feet like hooves that can crush everything. Karnak is an Asian man who can simulate the future in his mind like a supercomputer.

These two people are Black Bolt's loyal confidants and were rescued by Medusa before.

Crystal frowned and asked: "The Dark Star is huge, where should we destroy it?"

"At times like this, you have to go with your gut."

Steve smiled and looked at Gwen. Gwen looked around, pointed to the right and said: "Go over there, I feel there is someone over there who can help us."

"Okay, let's set off immediately."

The superheroes took action immediately, and the aliens were shocked. Such a major action was done by intuition? Is this a bit too hasty?

The strangers looked at each other and followed. Soon, they were discovered by patrolling soldiers, and the two sides immediately fought.

Although these soldiers had energy guns and were physically stronger than ordinary people on Earth, they were still a little short of the superheroes and were quickly knocked down.

Then, the superheroes continued to break forward. The pursuer Coras mobilized guards to intercept them and shouted to Ronan: "Ronan, for some reason, a group of people suddenly appeared in the battleship.

Their strength is so strong that ordinary guards cannot resist them. "

"It should be the ability of aliens."

Ronan said: "Open the defense shields of all important facilities, gather the guards to surround them, and also launch missiles towards the earth."


Coras didn't waste any time and activated the Dark Star attack system. Cone-shaped energy missiles that were several meters long quickly fell towards the earth under the action of the thrusters.

"Ronan, do you dare?"

Carroll was shocked and angry when he saw this, and hurriedly turned around and flew towards the missiles.

The reason why Ronan asked Coras to launch the missile was to distract Carol. Seeing Carol turning around, he smiled ferociously. Under the influence of the power gem, the omnipotent hammer turned into a purple sledgehammer and struck hard at Karol. Rohr blasted away from the back.

Carol sensed the danger and hurriedly turned around to block the universal hammer with both hands. The next second, she flew out like a meteor and hit the surface of the moon hard, knocking the moon out of a huge crater and sending dust into the sky.

Ronan laughed loudly, and the universal hammer returned to its original shape. Then, a purple beam of light hit Carol on the moon. Carol hurriedly raised her hands to resist the purple beam of light again.

Under the bombardment of the purple light beam, Carol kept sinking. What was worse was that the energy in her body was rapidly depleted and she could not hold on for long.

On the other side, Tony and others' expressions changed drastically when they saw the Dark Star launching missiles. Black Bolt took the opportunity to increase the intensity of his attack, and the situation of the four people suddenly became worse.

"The missiles have been dropped, including Los Angeles, New York and other cities."

While live broadcasting the missile footage, Luo Shan said: "Because of their location, most of the missiles will land in the United States.

In addition, each of these missiles is enough to destroy a city. "

"Shet." was the American's response.

"Not bad, no, pretty good." This is the reaction of some countries.

"Quickly intercept them."

President Ellis and Nick Fury shouted at the same time, and nearby fighter planes and Quinjets took off to intercept the space missile.

At this moment, the missile accelerated a second time, falling crazily downwards with flames formed by friction with the air, and Earth fighter planes had no time to intercept it.

People in Los Angeles, New York and other cities couldn't help but feel despair in their hearts as they looked at the missiles falling from the sky.

This time, there really was no chance to escape.

"Well, at least there won't be any more traffic jams."

An old New Yorker sighed. He nodded a few times on his body and prayed: "Merciful God, please let the Ghost Rider come out to help us quickly. If he doesn't come, I will go to see you."

"Why is there New York again this time? Isn't the disaster over?"

The people of New York were shocked and angry, and were once again reminded of the fear of being dominated by disaster.

"Ronan is as capable as the original commander."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, pulled the desperate citizens into the illusion, and signed a soul contract.

"Again? Which side is the real hell?"

The succubi started to sign the contract while complaining.

Under the threat of missiles, a large number of people choose to trade their souls in exchange for safety.

At the same time, Carol shouted in a low voice: "Damn angel, I agree to make a deal with you to help me solve this crisis. You can study my body as you like."

Carol was very arrogant before, but unfortunately, reality is cruel, and she had to lower her arrogant head.

"Sorry, the phone number you dialed is currently on a call. Please call again later."

A prompt sounded in Carol's head, and then the prompt was repeated in various languages.

Carol was so angry that she almost ran away. Is this really an angel, not a devil?

"It's just a joke. If you accept the conditions, nothing will happen to the earth. I will find someone to deal with those missiles."

Andrew smiled and said, yes, he made another fortune in vain.

The closer the missiles are to major cities, the more people sign up. Soon, the missiles are about to hit major cities. At this moment, all the missiles disappear together, as if they are just phantoms.

The people who had narrowly escaped death were stunned for a moment, then blinked. This scene seemed a bit familiar?

At this moment, a line of words appeared in the sky above all major cities: "I'm back."

"It turns out to be the one who saved Washington last time."

Everyone finally remembered the other party's identity. President Ellis rolled his eyes. Just because of his words, 'I will come back,' he hid outside for three months and did not dare to return to the White House.

Koras reported: "Ronan, the missile attacking the earth suddenly disappeared out of thin air."

"It may be because of some superpower. Don't worry about it. After I finish dealing with Carol, I will destroy the earth myself."

Ronan snorted, and Coras nodded and turned his attention to the intruder.

Carol, whose hands were paralyzed by the purple light, shouted: "Bad Angel, my deal is to solve this crisis, not the missiles."

"You understand my situation."

Andrew said: "Most of my strength has been sealed away. If I want to solve this crisis, there is only one way to do it, and that is to get involved with you.

Don't get me wrong, what I mean is that I control your body. Your body is very powerful. Unfortunately, you don't know how to use it at all. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to fight even Ronan. "

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