American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 258 Proud Ronan

At this time, a super-fast small spacecraft flew out of the Dark Star and quickly caught up with the Milano.

Then, the spacecraft opened, and Black Bolt, wearing a one-man space battle suit, flew out, opened his mouth towards the Milano, and made a soft 'ah' sound.

A violent onomatopoeic wave suddenly enveloped the Milano. The Milano disintegrated and exploded on the spot. Star-Lord and others were all ejected into space.

Star-Lord's nano-helmet covered his head immediately to protect his safety. However, Gamora and others were not prepared, and their bodies quickly lost temperature.


Ronan laughed with satisfaction. Black Bolt is so powerful. It is worth mentioning that Black Bolt's ability is not sound waves, but pseudosonic waves - there is no air in space and sound cannot be transmitted.

"Suck them all into the Dark Star."

Ronan ordered that this was not because of his kindness, but because the cosmic spirit ball was in their hands.

Following a gravitational wave, the Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Bolt were all sucked into the Dark Star. Gamora and others lay weakly on the ground, breathing heavily.

Star-Lord was fine. He picked up the gun and prepared to resist, but found a circle of soldiers around him with guns pointed at him. He decisively threw away the energy gun and surrendered.

Ronan came over impatiently, and just as he was about to speak, Star-Lord took out the cosmic spirit ball from his bag, knelt on the ground on one knee, and shouted loudly: "Great Ronan, I dedicate the cosmic spirit ball to you, only you. To deserve it.”

Everyone was speechless. How thick-skinned is this person?


Drax wanted to get up and fight Ronan, but because he failed to recover, he was kicked over by the soldier next to him.

Ronan ignored Drax at all and reached out to grab the cosmic spirit ball. Then, he raised the spirit ball and laughed proudly.

At this moment, the cosmic spirit ball suddenly exploded, and a large amount of electricity poured into Ronan's body. Ronan stood there and twitched all over. Star-Lord took the opportunity to burst out, trying to catch Ronan as a hostage and escape from here.

At the critical moment, Nebula kicked Star-Lord to the ground. Then, she walked over and found another cosmic spirit ball from Star-Lord's bag.

In order to avoid it being a fake, Nebula opened it and was overjoyed when she saw the purple gem inside. She immediately closed the spirit ball, activated the teleportation device on her body, and prepared to escape from the Dark Star.

It is worth mentioning that Nebula has no intention of teleporting back to Thanos. She wants to teleport to a place no one knows about, control the power stone by herself, and then seek revenge against Thanos.

Yes, Nebula also wants to kill Thanos. This is normal. She was originally a normal human being. In order to make her stronger, Thanos gradually transformed her body into a machine. She hated Thanos deeply.

"Stop her."

Seeing the space light shining on Nebula, Ronan immediately shouted. Black Bat King opened his mouth and let out a soft sound, and a pseudo-sound wave hit Nebula.

Nebula flew out on the spot, the transmission device was torn apart, and at the same time, the cosmic spirit ball rolled to the ground.

Star-Lord was about to grab the cosmic spirit ball, but Ronan stepped forward and kicked him away. Then, he grabbed the spirit ball, his face full of excitement, and finally got it.

Ronan was about to say something. At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly lit up outside the Dark Star, and then a voice sounded: "Ronan, get out of the solar system."

"Captain Marvel? It's great that you are actually in the solar system."

Ronan was not surprised but overjoyed. He opened the spirit ball and shouted: "Black Bolt, go out and capture her alive. I will turn her into a weapon."

Black Bolt had no nonsense, started the thruster and left the Dark Star, flying towards Captain Marvel. At the same time, Ronan opened the cosmic spirit ball and prepared to set the gem on the omnipotent hammer.

Star-Lord and others tried to stop them, but were easily knocked down by Ronan's men. There was nothing they could do, they were too weak.

In space, Black Bolt flew in front of Carol. Carol looked at him and asked: "You are Black Bolt? Wake up, don't be controlled by Ronan."

Black Bolt had no intention of chatting. He opened his mouth and let out a sound. A sonic wave hit Carol. Carol flew thousands of meters backwards on the spot, and the energy light on her body dimmed.

"This strike is comparable to a battleship energy cannon."

Carol's face looked a little solemn. She finally knew that Medusa was not lying and that Black Bolt was really dangerous.


Black Bolt didn't stop and fired pseudo-sound waves at Carol one after another. Carol didn't dare to hit it hard and hurriedly avoided it.

Then, Carol's hands lit up with dazzling light, and a bright energy wave blasted towards Black Bolt.


King Black Bolt opened his mouth, and a sound wave blasted out, and the energy wave collapsed on the spot.


Black Bolt shouted again, and layers of onomatopoeic waves were blasted at Carol. Carol narrowly avoided it and was almost hit.

Black Bolt did not stop and continued to attack. He seemed a little excited and his voice became louder and louder - he had hardly spoken since his ability awakened. At this moment, he completely let go of himself.

"Black Bolt's attack power is more powerful than Carol's, but he is typically high in attack and weak in defense. Killing him is easy. A silent curse can turn him into a cripple."

Andrew shook his head. Carol was balanced in all aspects, while Black Bolt was completely biased.

Facing Black Bolt's constant attacks, Carol was frightened and angry. After fully mastering her abilities, she had never been so embarrassed.

At this moment, a ray of purple light hit Carol hard, and Carol flew backwards with a groan, the energy light on her body was extremely dim.

Carol turned around and saw Ronan the Accuser standing above the battleship holding a hammer inlaid with purple gems, looking very high-spirited.

"Carol, you are no longer the strongest, I am."

Ronan laughed loudly, swung his omnipotent hammer and fired purple light at Carol. At the same time, Black Bolt also accelerated his attack.

Carol struggled to avoid it, but was soon hit by the purple light again. She was so uncomfortable that she almost wanted to vomit blood. She glanced at Ronan and Black Bolt, turned around and fled back.

One-on-one, Carol may have a chance of winning, but one-on-two, she really can't.

"Don't chase."

Ronan stopped Black Bolt, who wanted to pursue him, and used an instrument to shout loudly: "Carol, next, I will go to Earth and completely destroy it, and you will become my weapon. This is your destiny."

Carol gritted her teeth and did not turn back. She connected to Medusa's communicator and shouted: "Ronan is here, get the moon and earth ready."

"Coras, go to Earth, there is no need to hide, there is an aboveboard past."

Ronan laughed wildly and got the Power Stone and Black Bolt. He was obviously a little arrogant and thought he was invincible.

Andrew silently gave Ronan a thumbs up, what a good villain, other villains should learn from him.

Clarion TV station, Luo Shan received the video from the mysterious person and immediately started live broadcast.

"I think many people are not happy to see me. In fact, I am also unhappy. Although it has not been half a month since the last disaster, unfortunately, the disaster has happened again."

Roxanne sighed and said, "This time, it's alien invasion."

"Shet, come again?"

People all over the world yelled at the same time. It’s not even half a month, are you still letting people live?

People said that the game Earth OL has a very poor experience.

Roxanne didn't waste any time and released a picture of the Dark Star heading towards the Earth: "Ronan the Accuser and his Dark Star have entered the solar system and can be seen with astronomical telescopes.

In fact, Ronan invaded Earth more than ten years ago..."

Roxanne repeated what happened that year, and then she said: "This time, he came for revenge. In addition, Captain Marvel, who stopped him last time, was defeated by him.

Next, he will destroy the earth. Please note that I said destroy the earth, not destroy humans. This is something he can really do now. "

"Ronan has this ability? Destroy the earth?"

Nick Fury hurriedly contacted Carol who escaped back to Attilan. While using energy to treat the injury, Carol said: "I don't know, it might have something to do with the hammer in his hand.

By the way, what kind of program is Kuai Dou and why do you know so much about the situation? "

"It's a very unscientific program."

Tony said: "In short, she said that Ronan can destroy the earth, so Ronan can really destroy the earth. Now we are in trouble. We can't let Ronan get close to the earth."

"The problem is, we simply don't have the capability to fight a space war."

The superheroes frowned, and Carol said: "I should be able to deal with Ronan one-on-one. Even if I can't, I can still entangle him. I need someone to help me deal with Black Bolt."

"Not just Black Bolt, but that space battleship."

Tony pointed at the Dark Star on the screen, which was flying rapidly towards the earth, and said, "If it fires energy cannons, we won't be able to resist it."

"We can have an internal bloom."

Medusa thought for a while and said: "Tetanus's teleportation ignores the defensive shield. In other words, we can teleport directly into the Dark Star."

"That's a good way."

Everyone's eyes lit up. At this time, Rhodes said: "The problem is that the transmission ability of tetanus is very weak and cannot be transmitted to a few people."

Scarlett hesitated and said, "I can use magic to stimulate its potential, but after the magic effect wears off, it may have to lie down for a month."

Everyone turned to look at Tetanus, who nodded humanely, indicating that it was okay.

"Then let's do it."

Tony said: "Strengthen Tetanus and let it take some superheroes and aliens to destroy the interior of the Dark Star. I, Rhodes, Scarlett, and Baron will deal with Black Bolt, and Carol, you deal with Ronan."

Nick Fury said through the communicator: "I will ask the captain and others to prepare immediately."

Carol thought of something and walked aside alone to contact Nick Fury: "Fury, why did you hide the Ghost Rider's information from me?"

Nick Fury had already thought of an excuse and said: "That person has a bit of a bad character, and I don't want you to have a conflict."

"It's more than a little bit? It's very bad."

Carol snorted. She thought for a moment and asked, "The information says that Ghost Rider can no longer use his abilities. Is it true or false?"

Nick Fury was silent for a moment and said: "It should be true that he cannot use his powers, but he has a wide range of friends. He knows everyone from magicians to hell demons. No one knows what kind of help he can borrow.

In addition, according to speculation, once this guy falls, he can immediately regain all his strength. "

Carol complained: "Are you sure he hasn't fallen yet?"

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