Pepper saw this scene through video, and his head was full of black lines. This bastard is so embarrassing. How about breaking up?

"Alice, keep this video top of TikTok for a month. I want everyone in the world to see this video."

Andrew ordered in a low voice. Hellboy happened to hear this and secretly complained: "Please be a demon, mechanical demon king."

"Tony, I told you before, don't talk nonsense."

Dr. Banner couldn't help but shake his head. Tony was a typical bitch.

"Now, lie down..."

Lorelai wanted to play for a while longer, but Scarlett shouted: "Asgardian witch, stop immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."


Lorelai snorted and released the charm control. Tony suddenly woke up. He saw himself kneeling on the ground. He was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, hurriedly got up, and cursed with a red face: "I hate magic."

"Okay, although the demon is gone, there are still some monsters in the city. In addition, many people are buried in the ruins. Let's go and rescue them quickly."

Steve helped Tony get out of the siege. Everyone nodded and set off to rescue people with the soldiers and agents. Thor thought about it and took Jane and the Asgardian soldiers to help.

"I'll go too, I'm responsible for this."

Hellboy said, and the English soldiers who had been working with him shouted, "We're going with you."

Hellboy was stunned. These soldiers had been wary of him before. Why did they suddenly become so enthusiastic?

"It was my fault before. I shouldn't question you. Even Ghost Rider recognizes you. You must be a real superhero."

The English soldier Demio smiled and said: "Baron, when you go out of the surrounding area, I will subscribe for ten shares as an apology."

"It turns out it's because of Ghost Rider's approval."

Hellboy couldn't help but shake his head. Do you know that the Ghost Rider you trust most is actually the most cunning and cruel demon king in hell.

After everyone left, Andrew said to Loki: "I promised you that I would reward you afterwards. Which one do you want? Return to Asgard or return to the country of Frost Giants?"

"I don't want any of them."

Loki shook his head: "When I return to Asgard, I will always be the second prince. As for the Frost Giant Kingdom, I have no interest in being the king of the primitive tribe. After all, I can't dance primitive dance."

"Then what do you want? If it's not too much, I can agree."

Andrew said that he has always been generous to himself and to those who have made meritorious deeds.

Loki asked: "I want to learn your magic, is that okay?"

"No, mechanical magic is my exclusive magic, and only I can practice it."

Andrew shook his head and said, "Loki, your phantom magic is actually very powerful, but you haven't mastered it yourself."

"It's a pity."

Loki was a little disappointed. He said: "Mechanical Demon King, the universe is very big. I want to go around, but the universe is very dangerous. I need some self-protection."

"Machine Demon King?"

Lorelai was shocked when she heard this title. The man in front of her was actually a demon king?

"Going for a walk in the universe?"

Andrew was a little surprised. He thought for a while, then took out a ring and threw it to Loki: "The evil ring of rebirth can not only resurrect others, but also resurrect yourself. However, it has a side effect, it will be corroded by the evil thoughts of the beast."

"The Ring of Rebirth? I like this thing. As for evil thoughts, it's not a big problem. I have ways to deal with it."

Loki was overjoyed and immediately took the ring. Then, he saluted Andrew and said, "Mechanical Demon King, I'll say goodbye. Next time we meet, I might give you a surprise."

Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly: "Loki, you seem to have changed a bit."

"I'm still the same Loki I was before, nothing has changed."

Loki smiled and pulled Lorelai to leave, but Lorelai pushed him away.

Lorelei straightened her hair, smiled sweetly at Andrew and said, "Master Demon King, I don't want to work hard anymore."

"Where did you learn this?"

Andrew complained, saying: "Sorry, there are too many people who don't want to work hard, so you have to queue up."

What else did Lorelai want to say, but she was pulled away by Loki, whose hair was full of black lines. You are also the succubus goddess of Asgard after all. Can you be more dignified?

Loki then asked Heimdall to teleport him and Lorelai to Wartheim, where he hid a Daggership.

Heimdall did not refuse, because Loki had been cleared and became the second prince of Asgard again.

"Asgard, goodbye for now. I will definitely come back in the future and give you a big surprise."

Loki sensed Asgard from a distance, and a complex look flashed in his eyes. Then, he shook his head, started the spacecraft and prepared to set off.

Lorelai looked confused: "Why should I leave with you? Do I know you very well?"

"I will take you to make a fortune. With my magic and your magic, it will be easy to become a millionaire in the universe."

Loki smiled and said: "Of course, you can also choose to stay, but if I am the only one who has cleared my name, you have not. You are still a wanted felon in Asgard."

Lorelai cursed, she thought about it, and decided to leave the Nine Realms with Loki and go to the universe to have a try.

Lorelai thought to herself: "As soon as we find the rich man, we'll get rid of this bastard Loki."

The disaster in London gradually subsided. Superheroes, soldiers, agents, and firefighters focused on rescue, constantly rescuing survivors from the ruins.

The loss in London this time was more serious than that in New York. There were cries and sadness everywhere. The superheroes were angry and blaming themselves. It would be great if they were stronger.

Tony gritted his teeth and said: "Hell has invaded twice, and there will definitely be a third time. We must not let such a tragedy happen again."

Everyone nodded silently, full of desire for strength in their hearts. If they were as powerful as Ghost Rider, they would not have to be afraid of any number of demons.

"It's a pity that the one I have is a violent potion, not the commander's super human potion."

Steve sighed, his strength had long lagged behind this era.

Tony thought: "I want to complete the energy suit and nano suit as quickly as possible."

"My super mecha, it's time to finish it."

Dr. Banner secretly thought that since Hulk mocked the primitive people, he has been researching the super mecha. Because it was created from scratch, the speed is a bit slow. However, after more than two years, it is almost completed.

Thor: "When I just saved Jane, my own thunder burst out in my body. This shows that I can also release thunder and lightning. I have to find a way to completely control it. My father is right, I am the God of Thunder, not God of Hammers.”

Jane thought: "If I can master the ether particles, I will become a super strong person."

"If you want to quickly improve your strength, that seems to be the only way?"

Susan and Scarlett blinked, a little shy, but in order to save the world, they didn't care so much.

Gwen didn't know that the improvement of her spider ability was related to Andrew. The title "Devil's Favorite" came to her mind, and then she shook her head. The Demon King is not a good person and cannot borrow their power.

Putting aside the thoughts of the superheroes, or the Prime Minister of England running back to London to give a speech, reborn in hell, Andrew is counting the rewards of this time.

This time I have gained a lot, so I have to calculate it slowly.

The first is the most important soul. Satanish will send 50,000 souls. In addition, more than three million people in London choose to sign a soul contract.

This time the crisis was so great that it affected the entire London. Nearly one-third of the people chose to exchange their souls for safety after death.

"More than three million soul contracts, comfortable."

Andrew was very satisfied, and his strength had grown stronger.

In addition to souls, this time, Andrew also harvested a lot of good things - dagger battleship, black hole grenade, how to make the Infinity Gauntlet, ice chest, ruby ​​(embedded on Hulk's hammer), Demon King's right hand, power and power, a lot of Uru Gold and more.

The biggest gain this time is naturally the entire Marduk Hell.

Marduk's private collection, all the minerals in Marduk Hell, and millions of demons all belong to Andrew. The overall strength of the Reborn Hell has at least doubled.

"The location of the Lord of Hell is getting closer and closer to me."

Andrew smiled slightly, taking his time and taking his time. After all, he was only four years old and had plenty of time.

A few days later, the Norwegian Sea sealed space.

The ground of the sealed space was full of potholes. It was obvious that a big battle had just occurred. This was also true. As soon as Odin entered the sealed space, he was attacked wildly by Hela, who wanted to tear him into pieces.

The two fathers and daughters fought for a while, and Odin passed the seal to suppress Hela again. Then, he sat in front of Hela and waited for Hela to calm down.

"Odin, you old bastard..."

Hela kept cursing, and Odin just pretended not to hear. Anyway, Hela was not good at cursing, and she kept cursing, just the same words.

Finally, Hela was tired of scolding and stopped talking, staring at Odin with murderous eyes.

Odin exhaled and recounted Andrew's original idea.

"Odin, is this what you want to talk to me about?"

After hearing what Odin said, Hela laughed angrily: "Erase my memory, create a new me in my body, and call it raising me again.

Odin, you are even more despicable and shameless than before. I tell you, I will never agree to this. What is the difference between becoming another person and dying? "

"This is not my idea, this is the idea of ​​the Mechanical Demon King. Each of those demon kings is more vicious than the last."

Odin immediately threw the blame away. Andrew, who was standing outside the small space, couldn't help but roll his eyes and really wanted to punch someone. What should he do?

Hela asked with a sneer on her face: "Then may I ask, Your Majesty Odin, what is your idea?"

"My idea is for you to part with a part of your soul and live with me."

Odin said: "In the future, this part of the soul will return to you and merge with you.

Hela, I am not going to erase your existence. You are my daughter. No matter whether you are good or not, I will not kill you, let alone erase your consciousness.

I just want you to have a piece of humanity that I owe you. "

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