American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 233 Epilogue

"The Baron came to England this time to prevent the Blood Queen from resurrecting."

Andrew briefly introduced the Blood Queen, and then he said: "Unfortunately, he came too late. The Blood Queen not only resurrected, but also opened the door to hell and let the demons invade London."

"It turns out the culprit is the Blood Queen."

Everyone yelled, how many people died in London because of her?

Hellboy frowned a little, and Andrew deliberately ignored the seal.

"The Baron was very angry about this. He found the Sword of the King based on the clues left by Merlin. Then, he pulled out the Sword of the King and killed the Blood Queen."

Andrew continued: "This is not over yet. Then, he jumped into the abyss and cooperated with another demon king to defeat his father Marduk, forcing him to admit defeat and stop invading the earth.

This is why the demons are here, you guys, Hellboy, have saved the world. "

"Well done, Hellboy."

"Hellboy, well done, worthy of being a descendant of King Arthur."

"Hellboy, you are so handsome, I want to give birth to a demon for you."

After hearing Andrew's introduction, the superheroes and the audience applauded. Hellboy not only saved London, but also saved the world.

Hellboy's face was very red. Fortunately, he was born with red skin and could not see it. He couldn't help but send a message to Andrew and asked: "Is it too much? Not only did he hide my fault, but he also gave me the credit."

"The credit is mine, I can throw it to whoever I want."

Andrew smiled and said: "Baron, I promised you that you would be a superhero, and I will not break my promise."

Before Hellboy could say anything else, Andrew said loudly: "Although Hellboy has a demon body, there is no doubt that he is a real superhero."

"Yeah, he's a real superhero."

The superheroes and the audience nodded. Ghost Rider said he was a real superhero, so he must be a real superhero!

What, he's a demon? Humph, even angels recognize him, who do you have the right to question?

Hellboy became a superhero as he wished, and he was both happy and worried about it. After all, it was all based on lies.

"Okay, Baron, let us begin the final step."

Andrew clapped his hands and said: "Raise your sword of king, order all demons to return to hell, and then close the door of hell with the sword of king."

Andrew is helping Hellboy build momentum. He has always kept his promises, and he hopes Hellboy will stay on Earth and become a superhero.

If Hellboy returns to Hell, he and Andrew will definitely have a conflict.

Although Andrew can suppress Hellboy, he doesn't want to do it as a last resort, it's too troublesome.

"I always feel like I'm being led astray by the devil."

Hellboy complained secretly, but of course, this did not prevent him from raising the King's Sword high, and then, the King's Sword burned with blazing fire, like a torch.

The demons don't know what they are doing. At this moment, Andrew's voice sounded in their ears: "Go back to hell all of them, and the last ten will die."

The demons were frightened and jumped into the magma at the last possible speed, returning to hell.

Seeing the demons scrambling to escape, both the superheroes and the high-level human beings who were watching the battle breathed a sigh of relief. This disaster was finally over.

"It always feels like these demons are a little too cooperative, and they seem to be afraid?"

Nick Fury narrowed his one eye slightly, and he was half-convinced by what Andrew said. How should I put it, it was too majestic and upright, like a promotional copy. He had been engaging in conspiracy and conspiracy all his life, and he was instinctively a little skeptical.

"By the way, I almost forgot to return the wings."

When Andrew thought of something, the wings of the fallen angel behind him flew up and followed the demons into hell.

The fallen angel wings flew away, and the flames on Andrew's body disappeared, but the white bone mask remained.

"Can you not pay it back? Fury often borrows things and fails to pay them back. He has rich experience in defaulting on debts. You can ask him for advice."

Natasha couldn't help but ask. The other superheroes and the audience nodded. It felt too insecure without the Ghost Rider.

Nick Fury's face was stiff, Natasha, I tell you, your road is narrow.

"Who dares not to return what belongs to the Demon King?"

Andrew shook his head and said: "If you want to protect this world, you still have to rely on yourselves after all."

Everyone sighed, why don’t they know this truth? The problem is, this world is too dangerous for them to stand it.

While the demons returned to hell, the Peace Knights began to retreat. With a colorful light, the Peace Knights and the Dagger Battleship disappeared at the same time.

"Our battleship."

The top human beings wailed, but they were completely unable to stop the Peace Knights.

Soon, all the demons below left, and the flame dragon sent everyone on its back aside, flapping its wings and flying into the magma.

Then, the King's Sword shined brightly, and the earth rumbled shut.

The gates of hell are officially closed, and this disaster has completely come to an end.

The superheroes and the audience cheered again, this damn disaster is finally over.

"Whether those words before are true or not, Ghost Rider guarantees that Hellboy will be fine. Unfortunately, he is from the military and cannot come."

Nick Fury shook his head. He looked at the desolate and ruined London on the screen and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Human beings are too weak and need to become stronger, strong enough to protect themselves, strong enough to solve disasters before they happen.

At this time, the image of a super gorilla appeared in Nick Fury's mind, and his heart suddenly moved: "Titan? Maybe it can..."

"It's finally over."

Tony opened his visor and let out a breath. The battle was so fierce that the steel suit was almost out of power.

At this time, Tony found that everyone was looking at him expressionlessly, and his face suddenly darkened: "Is it okay if I don't say anything? You bastards, none of you understand science, you actually believe in such a thing as a crow's mouth."

Andrew smiled and said: "There are some things that it is better to believe in, such as crow's mouth, kidnapper and so on."

Everyone laughed, Tony raised his hand and gave Andrew a middle finger, bastard angel, you deserve to be punished by heaven.

Rhodes thought of something and asked, "Speaking of which, Tony, you seemed to have said before that you wanted to run around Manhattan naked?"

Tony said: "I, Tony Stark, keep my word. Tomorrow I won't wear any clothes, just a suit and I will run around Manhattan."


Everyone booed, this bastard really knows how to cheat.

"It's quite lively. What are you talking about? Do you mind if I join?"

At this time, a frivolous voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads and found that the speaker was Loki in green clothes, followed by Lorelai who looked reluctant.

"Loki, it's really nice of you to deliver it yourself."

Tony raised his hands, preparing to fire the pulse cannon, and the others were also gearing up.

Thor hurriedly stopped in front of Loki and shouted: "I know Loki is at fault. I will take him back to Asgard and imprison him."

Dr. Banner snorted coldly: "You said the same thing last time. As a result, he was jumping around in front of us again. Well, he seemed a little fatter than last time. It seems that the food for you Asgard prisoners is good."

Tony shouted: "Thor, get out of the way, I will kill him this time, no one can stop him."

"Wow, wow, wow, I'm so angry. Unfortunately, you can't kill me today."

Loki said arrogantly: "If you don't believe it, we can make a bet."

Loki's successful provocation made everyone furious. Tony laughed angrily and said, "Okay, I'll bet you, Jarvis, to bring over all the undamaged unmanned suits."

"Tony, don't do this."

Thor turned around and cursed: "Shut up, Loki, don't add fuel to the fire anymore."

Lorelai felt extremely regretful. She would have known better than to come here with this bastard. This guy obviously couldn't think of anything else and came here specifically to die.

"Don't worry, they can't kill me."

Loki walked up to Andrew proudly and said respectfully: "Mr. Wang, I have completed your mission."

Andrew asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What mission? Uh, Loki, I don't seem to be familiar with you, right?"

Loki was dumbfounded. The Demon King wouldn't intend to burn bridges by crossing the river, right?

"Just kidding, don't be so nervous."

Andrew patted Loki on the shoulder and said to everyone: "Loki is one of our own, he has been working as an undercover agent with the dark elves.

In addition, he has been letting off steam. If he helps Lorelai with all his strength, all male superheroes will become Lorelai's slaves. "


Everyone was stunned, and Steve suddenly realized that no wonder Loki was so arrogant and came here specifically to "send death". It turned out that he had been cleared and was confident.

"Loki? You've woken up, that's great!"

Thor was very excited when he heard this, and came over and hugged Loki so hard that Loki almost died in his hug.

Loki was a little touched. Odin didn't say anything, but Frigga and Thor did treat him as a real family member.

Thor let go of Loki and said, "Odin and Frigga will definitely be very happy to know this. Unfortunately, they are in Odin's sleep."

Loki rolled his eyes. Only a guy like you, whose head is full of muscles, would believe that Odin is really in Odin's Sleep.

By the way, how many times has Odin used this lie? Can you try a new trick?

"Loki is one of our own? Is it true?"

Tony had a look of disbelief. He looked at Lorelai and snorted coldly: "Besides, I don't think I will be controlled by this Asgardian witch. I, Tony Stark, have not seen any beautiful women before?"

Lorelai heard this and snorted coldly: "Kneel down and call me queen."

Bang, the iron-clad Tony Stark knelt down on one knee and shouted with obsession: "Queen."


Everyone was confused, and the men moved away from Lorelei. This ability was too terrifying.

Thinking of what happened before, the men were very happy. They also asked Scarlett and Gwen to take action in time, and Loki to let go. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Big news."

Daisy hurriedly turned the camera on Tony, letting everyone see Iron Man's embarrassment. The audience was speechless, feeling that Iron Man was about to turn into a funny character like Dr. Banner.

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