American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 235 Little Hela

"It's so beautifully said, Odin. I almost want to applaud you. It's so touching."

Hela said with a mocking face: "That's not what you told me when I was a child. What you said is that the king does not need emotions, let alone humanity, he only needs death and conquest. You even forced me to kill mine. pet."

Andrew sent a message to Odin and said with disdain: "Odin, you are such a scumbag."

"Shut up."

Odin cursed through his voice. Then, he hesitated and said to Hela: "Hela, I made a mistake before. Please give me a chance to make up for my mistake."

Hela was a little stunned when she heard this. Odin, who had conquered the nine realms and looked down on the world, actually admitted that he was wrong?

Looking at Odin with his white hair and white beard, Hela finally discovered this. Odin is old.

"Odin, you don't need to apologize in this matter, because you are right. The king does not need emotions and humanity, he only needs death and conquest."

Hela took a deep breath and said with a ferocious expression: "What you really need to apologize for is giving up halfway. You clearly agreed with me that we would conquer the universe together, but as soon as we conquered the nine realms, you stopped the war and ruled the world with flowers and peace. .

Not only did you betray me, you betrayed yourself. "

Odin trained Hela as a tool to rule the universe. Later, he found that ruling the universe was unrealistic and chose to stop. Then, the tool betrayed and was suppressed by him. This is the story of Odin and Hela.

"I'm right about this, Hela. It's impossible to conquer the universe. Continuing to fight will only plunge Asgard into destruction."

Odin shook his head and said: "When you have humanity, you will understand this."

Hela said: "I don't need humanity, and I won't cooperate with your bullshit plan. I am Hela, the goddess of death, and I will never change."

Odin sighed and said: "In fifty years, as long as you are willing to part with part of your soul and live with me, the seal will be automatically lifted after fifty years. At that time, you can do whatever you want."

"Fifty years?"

Hela was stunned. Fifty years is half a lifetime for a mortal. To Asgardians like Hela and Odin, it was nothing. Hela was a little moved.

Andrew complained: "Odin, is this what you said about exchanging sincerity for your daughter's heart? Are you sure you can live for fifty years?"

Odin couldn't live for fifty years at all. As soon as he died, Hela was immediately out of trouble. In other words, Odin, the old guy, was lying to Hela again.

Odin's eyes narrowed. How did the Machine Demon King know that he didn't have long life? In fact, that's why he chose to carry out this plan.

There was really no time. He couldn't leave Hela's trouble to Thor - Thor would never be able to defeat Hela.

Then, Odin snorted coldly: "It's none of your business how long I can live, Mechanical Demon King. With how annoying you are, you will definitely die before me."

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely play music at your funeral. Uh, how about holding a two-world singing competition?"

Odin was too lazy to pay attention to Andrew. He said to Hela: "Hela, please give me a chance and give yourself a chance."

Hela said: "I don't need a chance, I just need freedom. Odin, if you want to play house, I will play with you, but we must sign a contract. After fifty years, the seal will be automatically lifted."


Odin nodded, took out a parchment scroll and said, "I'm ready."

"You're so well prepared."

Hela snorted and signed a contract with Odin.

Soon, the contract officially came into effect, and Hela said impatiently: "Start quickly."

Odin turned around and shouted: "Machine Demon, give me the gem."

Andrew walked into the sealed space from the outside, smiled at Hela with dark circles and Gothic style: "Hela, we finally meet."

Hearing this familiar voice, Hela gritted her teeth: "It's you, the deceitful bastard devil."

"Deceit and kidnapping?"

Odin was furious when he heard this, and there was even lightning flashing in his eyes. He shouted: "Mechanical Demon King, what did you lie to my daughter?"

"I, the Machine Demon King, am famous for being honest and kind. When have I ever deceived anyone? You two, father and daughter, please don't touch me."

Andrew snorted, handed the Mind Stone to Odin with the Infinity Gauntlet, and said, "Don't waste time, start quickly."

"The Mind Stone?"

Hela was a little shocked, then snorted coldly: "Mechanical Demon King, what you took from my hand, when I leave the seal, I will take it back myself."

Odin asked: "Mechanical Demon King, what did you take from my daughter?"

"none of your business?"

Andrew sneered: "Odin, remember to help your daughter improve her intelligence. That means I abide by the principles, otherwise I will definitely tamper with the Mind Stone."

Odin became more and more annoyed, and Hela said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense and start quickly."

"Then start."

Odin took a deep breath and said: "Hela, split the soul. In addition, I want a drop of your blood."

Hela didn't waste any time and cut off part of her soul with the Night Sky Sword, the artifact of death. Although the process was extremely painful, she didn't even scream.

Hela is not only cruel to her enemies, she is also cruel to herself.

"Odin, in fifty years I will personally chop off your head."

Hela gave the soul fragment and a drop of blood to Odin. Then, she left a harsh word and fell into a deep sleep.

Odin shook his head and used the Infinity Gauntlet to activate the Mind Stone. Then, a large amount of yellow light enveloped Hela's soul fragments, sealing and modifying her memory.

Andrew said: "Odin, Hela will probably whip your corpse in fifty years. No, Asgard seems to use cremation?"

"none of your business?"

Odin snorted, touched his hand, and a crystal coffin appeared out of thin air. Then, he dripped Hela's blood into the crystal coffin.

The crystal coffin glowed brightly, and when the light disappeared, a twelve-year-old girl wearing Asgardian clothes appeared inside.

This little girl is a copy of Hela. She has no supernatural power at all. In addition, her physique is the same as that of people on earth.

"Hela, you will live your life as an ordinary earthling."

Odin said slowly, then he opened the crystal coffin and sent the soul fragments into the little girl's body.

Both parties come from the same source, and the integration is very smooth. It won't take long for the little girl to wake up.

Odin exhaled, threw the Mind Stone back to Andrew, and said, "I'll give you back the Mind Stone. Okay, you can get out."

"Wait a minute, it's not easy to go out once. I'll bring some specialties back."

Andrew raised his hand, and thousands of souls with dull eyes and broken Valkyries emerged from the earth and turned into light spots and floated to his hand.

Over the years, Hela has been abusing the souls of the Valkyries, so the souls of these Valkyries are very broken. In fact, they are only one step away from destruction.

Odin felt a little guilty when he saw this, and he said to Andrew: "Mechanical Demon King, I can give you the souls of these Valkyries, but you have to treat them well."

Andrew put away the soul of the Valkyrie and said: "Don't worry, I am different from you. I have always been very good to my own people.

In addition, these souls don't want you for nothing, they will give you an extra batch of magic materials. "

"I just swallowed a hell of a lot, and my tone is different."

Odin snorted coldly. To be honest, he was shocked by this incident - he thought Andrew was just grabbing some trophies from Marduk Hell, but he didn't expect that the other party swallowed the entire hell.

This kind of thing is unheard of.

Then, Andrew and Odin each left the small space, and the sealed land fell into silence again.

Reborn in hell, Andrew took the Valkyrie's soul to the soul pool below the palace. Then, he put all the souls into the soul pool to warm up.

These souls are too damaged and must be warmed for a period of time before they can be resurrected.

Andrew looked at the recovering soul of the Valkyrie and said with a smile: "When you wake up, you will become my mechanical angel."

The fallen angel captured last time was used to transform into a mechanical angel.

In a hospital in Queens, New York, the little girl Hela woke up faintly. She looked a little confused and didn't understand why she was in the hospital.

"Hela, it's great that you're awake."

At this time, a one-eyed white-haired old man came up excitedly and said nonstop: "I told you not to climb on the roof, but you didn't listen. It's better now. I fell from the roof and suffered a concussion.

Do you know how expensive ambulances are and how expensive medical expenses are..."

Seeing this white-haired old man, Xiao Hela's reaction was quite direct - punching him hard on the eye socket.

Xiao Hela didn't know why she wanted to hit the other person, but she just wanted to.

Odin covered his eyes and screamed, Frigga snickered from the side. It seemed that Hela really hated Odin, and even erasing the memory could not stop this hatred.

At this time, Xiao Hela realized what she was doing and hurriedly got up and asked, "Dad, are you okay?"

It is worth mentioning that little Hela has memories from before she was twelve years old, which were modified by Odin using Hela's original memories.

"it's okay no problem."

What could be wrong with Odin? He heard little Hela calling him daddy, and his old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

Xiao Hela blinked and asked, "Is everything okay? Can I punch you two more times?"

Odin: "...""

In this way, the Odin family of three started a new life in Queens. Generally speaking, it was pretty good - except that the daughter was particularly rebellious and often opposed her father, which made the old father scream in anger.

Little Hela was only twelve years old, so she naturally had to go to school. Andrew helped Odin with all the procedures and memories without any problems.

A few days later, little Hela said casually at the dinner table: "Spider-Woman is so cool. When I grow up, I want to be a superhero."

Snap, Odin's spoon fell on the table, and he shouted hastily: "Daughter, you must not be a superhero. There is a bastard devil who eats female superheroes. You will be fine in whatever you do in the future, but you cannot be a superhero." .”

"Nonsense, do you think I'm a child?"

Little Hela sneered: "Spider-Woman, Jessica and the others have been living well, okay?"

"They have all been contaminated by the devil."

Odin waved his hand vigorously and said imperiously: "In short, you will never become a superhero. This matter is non-negotiable."

"You said there is no need to discuss it? I have decided that I want to be a female superhero, the most powerful female superhero."

Little Hela shouted loudly. Seeing that Odin seemed to want to beat her, she hurriedly ran outside with the bowl. At the door, she shouted again: "Wait until you become the father of a female superhero."

After saying that, little Hela escaped from the house, and Odin was shaking with anger. He shouted: "Frigga, where is my eternal gun? I want to kill that bastard of the Machine Demon King. He has definitely tampered with the Mind Stone." "

"You're a farmer, what do you want from the Eternal Spear?"

Frigga said angrily: "My daughter is in the rebellious stage now. The more you stop her from doing something, the more she will do it.

She was just talking casually, but now, she is probably really ready to become a female superhero. "

"Rebellious period?"

Odin blinked his one eye and said: "Then what should I do next? Agree with her to become a superhero? That's not possible, it's too dangerous. I don't want the Machine Demon to be my son-in-law."

"Ignore it and pretend it never happened."

Frigga said: "Hela can't be a superhero just by wanting to be one. At the very least, she must have super powers."

Odin immediately felt relieved: "Yes, Hela has no superpowers."

In the yard, little Hela was sitting on Qianqiu. She thought of something and raised her right hand with all her strength. A black dagger slowly emerged from her palm.

Unfortunately, two seconds later, as Xiao Hela's strength ran out, the dagger retracted.

"It still doesn't work, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is to have superpowers and become a superhero. I'm determined to be a superhero."

Little Hela secretly thought that her ability was actually due to Hela secretly hiding the Sword of the Night Sky in the soul fragments.

Hela cannot trust Odin. She wants to awaken little Hela through the Sword of the Night Sky. By then, they will be able to cooperate inside and outside and open the seal in advance.

Let us wait and see what will happen next.

The name of the Frost Giant country is Jotunheim. Since the death of the Frost Giant King Laufey, the Frost Giants have been in a state of division, fighting every day for the throne.

"You guys are really a primitive tribe."

On this day, a voice suddenly sounded like thunder in the sky, and then, a giant face appeared in the sky, overlooking the entire earth.

This man is none other than the Machine Demon King, Andrew King.

The frost giants were horrified and their instincts told them that the man in the sky was very dangerous.

Andrew wasted no time. He activated the Ice Treasure Box, and the entire Jotunheim was filled with cold winds and the temperature plummeted.

"Ice Treasure Box."

The Frost Giants exclaimed in unison that the Ice Box was their ultimate treasure. It not only had great power, but also made the frost creatures stronger.

"I am the Mechanical Demon King, and the Ice Box is in my hands. I ask all Frost Giants to serve me as their master."

Andrew said majestically: "Within seven days, all the leaders will come to the palace to see me. Those who don't come will all be destroyed."

After saying that, the big face in the sky disappeared, the cold wind suddenly stopped, and the hearts of the frost giants sank. It was obvious that the other party was not joking.

"Jotunheim is the territory of our Frost Giants. It is not the Hell Demon King's turn to make the decision. We unite other tribes to attack the palace, drive away the Demon King, and take back the Ice Treasure Box."

"The Demon King of Hell is too powerful, we'd better surrender."

Some Frost Giants choose to surrender, and some Frost Giants choose to fight. Of course, no matter what they choose, the ending will not change.

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