The Osborn Group is a large and important group, so the police arrived very quickly. When Dr. Lizard heard the sirens, he slapped Spider-Man away with his tail. Then, he took a few medicines from the medicine freezer, jumped out of the window and went down quickly. climb.

"Isn't he afraid of the sun?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly. Dr. Lizard was more powerful than in the movie, but he was not a magical creature and his soul was still there.

"Don't try to escape, big man."

Spider-Man immediately chased after him, and the two struggled all the way to the ground. The police were startled and shot at Dr. Lizard.

Unfortunately, the police's small pistols were basically useless against Dr. Lizard. Dr. Lizard swung his tail, and all the policemen screamed and flew backwards, falling to the ground and not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Before it was over, Dr. Lizard rushed to a police car and pushed it hard. The police car rolled and hit another police car. Glass fragments flew everywhere, and the policemen were so frightened that they backed away.

Dr. Lizard smiled disdainfully and ran away towards the alley next to him. Spider-Man was very dissatisfied with his cruelty and chased after him while shouting.

Andrew shook his head and asked Gwen: "Gwen, do you want to take you out of here?"

Gwen said depressedly: "Andrew, I want to go back to the laboratory to see. This is all my fault."

Andrew said: "This is not your fault, it is Dr. Connors's own fault. To be honest, I doubt that he bought his doctorate degree and actually injected untested drugs into his body? He is just a novice. , and will not make such a mistake.”

"I don't understand why he did it. It's completely against the rules."

Gwen shook her head. At this time, she remembered what happened before and asked: "By the way, you haven't told me yet, how did you jump up and hug me? Are you a mutant?"

Andrew said: "You discriminate against mutants? Well, I guess you won't. You should take my blood for research."


Gwen angrily hit Andrew on the chest, and Andrew said: "I am not a mutant. I will tell you my origin later. For now, just think of me as a kung fu master."

"What a perfunctory answer. Bruce Lee isn't as good at dancing as you."

Gwen complained, but she didn't dwell on the matter and trotted towards the laboratory upstairs.

The laboratory has been turned into ruins, with several injured people wailing on the ground. At the same time, several corpses with their throats ripped out are lying on the ground, making people shudder.

Gwen hurriedly helped treat the wounded, and soon the police came to the laboratory to block everything.

Not long after, SHIELD also came. They wanted to take away everything in the laboratory for investigation. Osborn's senior management disagreed and quarreled with Coulson.

In the end, the Osborn Group agreed to hand over some information and allowed SHIELD to take people away for investigation, but they had to be accompanied by group lawyers. In addition, SHIELD had to help them cover up this time.

After the negotiation, Coulson asked the agents to take the surviving researchers away. Gwen shouted dissatisfied: "I'm not going anywhere. I've never heard of SHIELD. You have no right to take us away."

"I'm sorry, little girl, we have the right to do this," Coulson said.

"I would like to hear, why do you have the power to enforce the law?"

Andrew leaned against the door, filming, and mockingly said: "As far as I know, S.H.I.E.L.D. is an agency affiliated with the United Nations. Such an agency has no actual law enforcement power in the United States."

"No filming allowed."

Two agents stepped forward to grab Andrew's cell phone. Coulson was startled and hurriedly stopped him: "Stop, Mr. Wang, why are you here?"

Andrew said coldly: "Gwen is my girlfriend, why do you think I am here?"

Gwen was filled with joy when she heard this. The relationship between the two had grown by leaps and bounds during this period, but it was not until this moment that their relationship was truly established.


Colson was stunned. Isn’t Andrew Wang’s girlfriend Susan? This Ghost Rider is really good at playing, but it’s not big news that a rich man has several women.

"Mr. Wang, I am SHIELD agent Phil Coulson. We have no ill intentions towards Miss Gwen, we just want to find out the truth."

Coulson said in a humble manner, not at all overbearing as before.

"Just ask the Osborne Group."

Andrew said: "Gwen, there's no need to hide anything. SHIELD knows very well about vampires. In fact, they are the ones who have been blocking the news."

Gwen glanced at Colson with disgust when he heard this. Colson was a little embarrassed. He thought of something and asked, "Is this related to vampires?"

"Listen to Gwen."

Andrew said, and then Gwen explained the matter in detail. Colson looked a little ugly. The fusion of vampire blood and lizard potion would cause trouble. The vampire lizard must be caught as soon as possible.

"Miss Gwen, thank you for the information you provided. If there is anything else, we will contact you again."

Coulson nodded and left the Osborn Group with other researchers. After they left, Gwen asked Andrew: "Who are you? Why are you so polite to even the overbearing SHIELD? "

Andrew grabbed Gwen's hand, kissed it, and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I am your boyfriend."

"I kind of regret it now."

Gwen snorted. She looked at the ruined laboratory and sighed: "I hope the police can catch Dr. Connors as soon as possible. Dr. Connors is not a bad person. The reason why he became so cruel is entirely because of Potion.”

"Perhaps you can research an antidote."

Andrew said that Dr. Lizard is not a vampire and there is still a possibility of salvation.

Gwen's eyes lit up: "Yes, I can research the antidote. Well, I don't have detailed information on the lizard potion. I can't research it even if I want to."

"The group is in chaos right now. You can use this to steal information about the lizard potion. I guarantee they won't find out."

Andrew handed a spy USB flash drive to Gwen and whispered. Gwen was surprised: "How can you have such a thing?"

Andrew spread his hands and said, "Isn't it common sense that journalists have spy programs hidden in them?"

"Yes, common sense, the same common sense as wearing a helmet when fishing."

Gwen rolled her eyes. She hesitated, took the USB flash drive, and headed to Dr. Lizard's office when no one was around.

Although Spider-Man, the police, and S.H.I.E.L.D. were all chasing Dr. Lizard, he managed to escape into the sewers and gradually returned to his human form.

Even after turning back into a human, Dr. Connors's heart still remained in the state of Dr. Lizard. He recalled everything before with an intoxicated look on his face. It felt so good to become a lizard man.

"I cannot enjoy such a good thing to myself. I want all New Yorkers to become lizards. By then, New York will become a city without any shortcomings."

Dr. Lizard shouted enthusiastically, and then he built a new laboratory in the sewers. He would continue to study the lizard potion and make it more perfect.

At the same time, Dr. Lizard is also preparing to develop some of his kind, so that he can defeat that damn Spider-Man and fulfill his dream.

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