American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 24 Mechanical Body

Although both the Osborn Group and SHIELD wanted to cover up the Lizard Man, the Daily Bugle made all their efforts go to waste - Dr. Lizard was exposed by them.

The "Daily Bugle" not only provided a photo of Dr. Lizard, but also wrote about Dr. Lizard's origins clearly - except for the vampire thing.

In the Osborne mansion, Norman Osborne, who looked sinister, cursed loudly: "Damn Daily Bugle, how come they know so clearly? I'm going to sue them and let the Legal Department prepare a lawsuit."

Norman was really angry because the Osborne Group was in very bad shape during this time.

The Osborne Group is a huge group that has made great achievements in pharmaceuticals, arms, and energy. The problem is that these projects have all had problems recently.

In terms of arms, the appearance of the Steel Suit immediately stole all the limelight. In terms of energy, Stark Group was preparing to fully enter clean energy. As soon as this news came out, the share price of Osborne Group plummeted.

Now that Dr. Lizard has happened again, you can imagine how Osborne Group's stock will plummet. The directors will definitely hold Norman accountable for this, and it's only natural for Norman to be angry.

What a bad time!

Norman's confidant, Indian Nels, said: "It seems to be related to Andrew Wang of the Rebirth Group. He appeared in the Osborne Group yesterday, and one of our intern researchers is his girlfriend."

"Andrew Wang? Shake that one?"

Norman thought for a moment and said, "Invite him out for me. I want to talk to him. Maybe he will be willing to invest in Osborne Group. If he joins, the pressure on the board of directors will be much less."

Nels was a little surprised. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll contact him."

Norman said: "The group's performance has been very poor recently. If we want to turn around, we can only rely on the human enhancement potion in cooperation with General Ross. You urge them to speed up the progress."

"Chairman, are you afraid something might happen again?"

Nels asked hesitantly. The reason why something happened to Dr. Connors was because Norman wanted to take the medicine and conduct direct human experiments. Connors refused and was fired. Frustrated, he chose to inject the medicine himself. .

Norman said fiercely: "Then be more careful."

Nels didn't dare to say anything more and left respectfully.

After Nels left, Norman coughed repeatedly. The reason why he was so anxious was not only because of the stock price, but also because his body was dying.

The Osborne family has always had a genetic disease. Whether it is lizard potion or human body strengthening potion, it is actually Norman's way of saving himself. Now that lizard potion has been proven to be ineffective, he can only place his hope on human body strengthening potion.

Norman thought firmly: "Harry, I will definitely help you get rid of Osborn's curse."

The next day, Norman met with Andrew. After a lot of effort, Norman finally got Andrew to agree to inspect the Osborne Group.

Norman didn't know that Andrew was pretending. He had intended to become a new shareholder of the Osborne Group from the beginning.

Why does Andrew want to become a shareholder in Osborne Group? Because the Osborne Group owns the world's top genetic laboratories and weapons production lines, some of which you can't even buy with money.

When there is an opportunity in the future, Andrew will use his status as a shareholder to buy these laboratories and production lines and send them to rebirth hell.

Will there be opportunities in the future? Of course, the Osborne Group is a concentration camp for villains.

When Dr. Lizard's incident was making a big fuss, the vampire civil war finally broke out. However, unlike everyone's expectation, this civil war started and ended faster.

One day, twelve pure-blood nobles were defeated by half-blood vampires in just one day, which also included the time they waited for Speaker Gao Tiannu to be purified by the sun.

"Even a group of pigs are more powerful than those pure-blood vampires, right?"

This is what Nick Fury said after knowing the situation of the war. Is this kind of thing worthy of being on an equal footing with humans?

Dickon Faith not only destroyed the Vampire Council and captured the Twelve Elders alive, but also broke into the Blade Warriors' lair and captured Blade.

Blade's teacher and partner Whitters was seriously injured by Dickon in order to help Blade. Dickon did not kill him and left him in the base to die.

Feeling that his life was gradually disappearing, Whitters was filled with unwillingness. There were still so many vampires he had not killed, how could he die?

"Do you want to know the meaning of life? Oh, just kidding, Whitters, do you want revenge and continue killing vampires? As long as you sell your soul to me, all this can be achieved."

A voice suddenly sounded in Whits' mind. Whits was speechless. He used his consciousness to say: "Take it. As long as it allows me to continue killing vampires, I will give you whatever you want."

This respectable old man, because the vampire family was ruined, he has only one thought in this life and the next life, and that is to kill vampires.

"as you wish."

With these words, Whitters fell completely into darkness. When he woke up again, he couldn't feel his body, as if he was trapped in a small dark room, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Awake? Don't worry, the fusion will be successful soon."

At this time, a voice sounded. Whitters was wondering. Suddenly, he felt the existence of a body, but it seemed to be very different from the previous body.

Whitters hurriedly opened his eyes and found that he was in a laboratory. What surprised him even more was that there was a lot of data in front of him, such as temperature, air pressure, etc., as if he was wearing a pair of high-tech data glasses.

At this time, Whitters was stunned when he saw himself in the mirror - he turned into a two-meter-tall silver robot, with a streamlined body full of industrial beauty. In addition, his face basically imitated his life. The look, even the beard, uh, metal beard.

Hell Lord Andrew said to Whitters: "Whitters, welcome to join the rebirth of Hell."

Whitters got up and asked angrily: "Who are you? Why did you turn me into a robot?"

Andrew said: "Don't be so angry. This is your own choice. Have you forgotten your obsession before your death?"

"My own choice? Yes, this is indeed my own choice."

Whitters was stunned for a moment, then remembered what happened before, and he said happily: "As long as I can kill vampires, I will become a robot. But, will this robot work?"

Teslak, who existed in the form of a robot, snorted: "How could my work not work? This is a ghost-hunting robot I built specifically for you, worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

Whitters whistled and said to Teslak: "It's hundreds of millions of dollars. I didn't expect that Whitters could use such an expensive thing. Brother, please help me introduce it."

"Conventional weapons include Gatling guns, micro-missiles, explosive flying needles, anti-blood coagulants, high-concussion silver swords, etc."

"Also, your eyes can emit ultraviolet light in several different modes," Teslak said.

"Eyes that emit UV rays? Cool!"

Whitters was overjoyed. "I love this idea," he said.

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