American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 22 Dr. Lizard

“Pictures of vampires sucking blood appear on Facebook.”

"A lot of people are talking about vampires on Twitter."

“Quick TikTok is full of vampire videos, and one of the videos even explains the history of vampires in detail.”

Listening to the report from the technical department, Colson had a big headache. During this period, more and more vampires were causing trouble, which led to many people discovering their existence. Various pictures and videos were uploaded everywhere on the Internet.

Since the advent of smartphones, information dissemination has become much faster, and even SHIELD has difficulty controlling everything as it did before.

"Damn vampire, damn it, shake."

Colson couldn't help but curse. Facebook and Twitter were easy to talk to and would help the technical department delete the post, but Kuaiduo ignored it completely. In order to increase downloads, they even made the vampire video popular.

It’s not that Colson didn’t warn KuaiDou. The problem was that KuaiDou completely ignored his warning. He once sent the technical department to attack KuaiDou’s server. As a result, the braggarts in the technical department were beaten to a pulp and almost lost their connection to the server. All were breached by the opponent.

After thinking about it, Coulson called Nick Fury and said, "Director, the vampire thing is spreading rapidly, and I would like to ask Jarvis for help."

Jarvis is Tony Stark's intelligent butler, currently the most advanced artificial intelligence, and the most efficient in deleting posts in the world.

Nick Fury said: "No need, everything remains as is."

Colson was stunned for a moment, and then asked a little excitedly: "Director, do you want to..."

"I don't want to, and you don't want to either."

Nick Fury interrupted Coulson and said: "Many teams will enter New York for exercises in the near future, so be prepared."

Colson nodded immediately: "I understand."

The vampire wants to tear up the agreement, but humans don't want to. Nick Fury, as a senior control freak, has long wanted to get rid of the vampire.

Let us wait and see who will have the last laugh in this game.

Half a month later, in the Rebirth Building, Andrew called Howard and asked, "Has the artificial intelligence research been completed?"

"We're still a little short of that. I want to research an artificial intelligence that surpasses Jarvis."

Howard said that this is a common problem of the Stark family, they always strive for excellence. As the saying goes, the products produced by Stark must be high-quality.


Andrew put down the phone and used magic to contact Teslak in hell: "Has the leech factor that can suppress the X gene been successfully extracted?"

Teslak said: "The extraction has been successful and large-scale replication is currently being studied."

"Good, speed up."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. He hung up the phone and stretched. Today's work is all done and you can start enjoying it.

What, what did Andrew do? Make a phone call. As a boss, your biggest job is to use a whip to drive employees to work hard.

"Gwen has to go to work today. Let's make an appointment with her later."

Andrew was thinking, and at this moment, the magic mark he placed on Gwen sent a signal that Gwen was in danger.

In the Osborne Group laboratory, screams and screams rang out one after another. A three-meter-tall humanoid lizard with a green body and red eyes was wreaking havoc in the laboratory, with broken instruments everywhere around it.

I saw a big lizard grabbing a researcher in a white coat, biting his neck off, and sucking blood. The others were so frightened that they almost peed and ran outside like crazy.

Gwen was also running away. As she ran, she pressed 911 with a trembling hand and prepared to call the police. At this time, the big lizard threw away the researcher's body and kicked the table towards the fleeing people.

Everyone hurriedly ran away, and Gwen was so squeezed that she fell off the balcony with her cell phone.


In the strong wind, Gwen screamed, full of fear in her heart. Her scream attracted Spider-Man who happened to be passing by, and he immediately used spider silk to swing over.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed Spider-Man saw a figure below stepping on his left foot and right foot, quickly jumped up, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is not scientific."

Of course this is unscientific, this is purely Andrew's bad taste. He jumped all the way into the air, hugged the screaming Gwen, jumped to the balcony with her, and also grabbed her mobile phone.


Seeing Andrew, Gwen almost cried with joy, leaning in his arms and gasping for air.

Andrew comforted: "Don't be afraid, as long as I am here, you will not be harmed in any way."


Gwen hugged Andrew tightly. Only in this warm and strong embrace could she feel safe.

At this time, Spider-Man was lying on the opposite wall and shouted: "Brother, what you did just now was very unscientific. Step on the left foot and the right foot. The two forces will... Hey, Mr. Wang!"

Andrew asked knowingly: "Do you know me?"

Spider-Man smiled awkwardly, not daring to stay any longer, and hurriedly shouted: "Someone is asking for help up there, I'm going to help."

After saying that, Spider-Man quickly climbed up. Soon, he saw a big lizard sucking blood. He shouted angrily and rushed forward to fight fiercely with the big lizard.

Andrew took a few glances and didn't bother to look again. It was a typical noob pecking each other - both of them only relied on talent to fight, and their fighting ability was basically zero.

Gwen asked curiously: "Andrew, do you know Spider-Man?"

Andrew asked, "No, he knows me. What happened?"

"It was my fault."

Gwen said guiltily: "I didn't take good care of the vampire's blood, so Dr. Connors added it to the lizard potion. For some reason, Dr. Connors injected the lizard potion privately without experimenting.

Then he turned into a bloodthirsty lizard that lost its mind and it was all my fault. "

Dr. Connors is a disabled person without a right hand. His lifelong dream is to create a world without defects. Therefore, he studies cross-species genetics with the intention of making humans immune to diseases through genes from other species.

Dr. Connors has been failing for decades, but after getting vampire blood, he succeeded - successfully turning himself into a vampire lizard with both arms.

"Vampire lizard?"

Andrew was a little surprised. Why did the plot of Dr. Lizard turn out like this?

Gwen calmed down. She recalled what happened before and asked in shock: "Andrew, how did you jump up just now? And why did you come by such a coincidence?"

Andrew smiled and said: "I sensed that you were in danger and came here to find you. It seems that I was right."

Gwen said: "Induction? You mean telepathy? That's not scientific."

Andrew scratched Gwen's nose and said, "At this time, you just need to be moved, my primary school bully."

Gwen was a little shy and a little sweet. At this time, Spider-Man was knocked out by Dr. Lizard. When he saw Andrew and Gwen spreading dog food, he curled his lips in displeasure and used the spider silk to jump back into the room and meet again. Dr. Lizard fights.

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