American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2017 Coverage

Soon, the competition ended. Looking at the admiration and trusting eyes of everyone, Neo felt a little excited and full of pressure. After all, these people would depend on him in the future.

"As soon as Morpheus recovers from his injuries, we will immediately attack the secret service building and completely eliminate Skynet."

Neo took a deep breath and gave the order: "As for other things, let's wait until Skynet is solved. I don't know if I can save mankind, but I will try my best to do it."

"Neo the savior!"

Everyone cheered and had no objection at all. In addition, although Morpheus's injury was serious, with the technology on the spacecraft, he could recover within a few days, so there was no need to worry about it taking too long.

Looking at Neo, a hint of complexity flashed in the prophet's eyes, and then she ordered the seraphim: "You follow the savior."

Seraphim hesitated: "What about your safety?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

The prophet smiled and said that as long as she didn't want to die, no one could kill her in this matrix world. She was the second authority besides the architect.

Secret Service Building.

Melo Wenjia arrogantly said to all the programmers: "That stupid agent is dead. Now that you have submitted to me again, I can consider forgiving you."

All the programmers looked at each other. Andrew's 'death' had shaken the morale of the army. Seeing the opportunity, Merowenja immediately ran over to 'rectify the chaos'.

"And you too, now come over obediently and declare your surrender to me."

Then, Melowenga said to Qiuhua again. Compared with the others, Qiuhua did not waver at all. She sneered: "You can't even compare to one of his fingers. If he dies, I will miss him forever. As for you , even if you are alive, I will not look at you again."

"you wanna die."

Merowenga was furious. He stood up and cursed at the programmers: "What are you still hesitating about? Next, the savior will definitely attack here. Only I can protect you, otherwise you will all die."

The programs were very hesitant. They had just surrendered to Andrew for two days, and Andrew died. To say that they had any loyalty would be a lie. The reason for their hesitation was that they were afraid of the King of Kung Fu.

If the savior fails to deal with the King of Kung Fu and the others, the King of Kung Fu will definitely settle the score with these traitors.

In contrast, Qiu Hua never thought about looking back. In just a few days, Andrew's figure had been firmly imprinted in her heart.

The twin ghosts looked at each other and were about to speak. At this moment, the door opened with a bang, and the King of Kung Fu walked in with Hogs holding a box.

"Back off."

The King of Kung Fu shouted, and the Twin Ghosts and others trembled in their hearts. They quickly retreated and saluted the King of Kung Fu respectfully. Melo Wenjia gritted his teeth when he saw it. Why weren't you so respectful when you were my subordinates before?

"I am not only their only way to survive, but also your only way to survive. If you want to survive, there is only one way, and that is to take refuge in me."

Meluowenjia said condescendingly: "Without me, you will never be able to defeat the savior."

"I still miss the way you said surrender in French. Unfortunately, I don't have the chance to listen to you this time."

The King of Kung Fu took the box and walked towards Merowenga and sighed. Merowenga was filled with shame and anger. He said: "You have no idea how terrible the savior is. Without me, you are dead."

"You don't know how terrible we are."

The King of Kung Fu walked up to Mero Wenjia and opened the box. Inside the box was a black, petroleum-like liquid. For some reason, when Mero Wenjia saw the liquid, he immediately felt that something was wrong and even wanted to turn around and run away. .

Unfortunately, it was too late at this time. The liquid sprang up like a living thing, hit Mero Wenjia's chest, and then quickly integrated into it.

"Virus, this is a virus."

Melo Wenjia discovered Heiye's identity immediately and shouted with deep fear that this was not only a virus, but also a super virus that could threaten him.

Although he knew it was a virus, Mero Wenjia couldn't do anything except fight instinctively. He could only watch as his body was quickly dyed black, as black as petroleum.

If you open the Eye of Data at this time, you will see that the code on Mero Wenjia's body is quickly modified, assimilated, and overwritten. Soon, the virus begins to attack his core code.

It is worth mentioning that Andrew only modified, assimilated, and covered the code on Merlot Plus, and did not destroy it.

What's the difference? The difference is that if Andrew is killed one day, Merowenga will return to normal. To put it simply, Merowenga is not dead, but is assimilated and controlled, just like a computer becomes a meat machine.

"Let me go, please let me go. I can speak eight languages ​​and can shout surrender."

Merowenja shouted in horror, no matter how noble he pretended to be, he was essentially a villain who was afraid of death. Now that his life was threatened, he was naturally frightened and had no manners.

In fact, other people were also looking at this scene in horror. What was going on? What was that black liquid? There is a clever program that directly covers everyone in front of them, preparing to jump out of the window and escape.

Although Melo Wenjia had high authority, he could not defeat Andrew who transformed into a super virus. Soon, his code was completely covered by Andrew. Then, his body changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into Andrew.

Not only has his appearance changed, but his clothes have also changed into Andrew's black suit - Andrew can now cover not only other programs, but also various objects. After all, this is a world of data.

"I'm back again, do you miss me?"

Andrew asked everyone with a smile on his face. Everyone was really frightened. The agent leader was not dead and had replaced Melowenga?

That was Merowengar, a Merowengar with high authority. In the past, agents could not even replace other programs, let alone replace Merowengar. They could only replace human programs.

The smart program that he had prepared before jumped out of the window and escaped immediately to avoid being covered. However, as soon as he jumped out, he saw Ganata eating meat in the garden.

"Climb up there yourself. It's lunch time and I don't want to do anything."

Ganata said without looking back, and the program responded with fear, and climbed up pitifully.

Compared to others, after being shocked at the beginning, Qiuhua rushed to Andrew in surprise and shouted: "It's really you? Andrew, you're not dead, are you really not dead?"

"With such a wonderful woman like you here, how can I be willing to die?"

Andrew touched Qiuhua's hair and said with a smile on his face. The King of Kung Fu rolled his eyes beside him. How many women have you said this to? Can't you change it to something new?

Qiuhua was overjoyed and hugged Andrew tightly with both hands. In a sense, this was also a collision with the ball.

Andrew patted Qiuhua's back and motioned for her to let go. Then, he put his fingers between Qiuhua's eyebrows, and Qiuhua's eyes became confused.

After a while, Qiuhua's eyes returned to normal, and she said hesitantly: "I feel that I have become different. Uh, I am at least three times more happy to see you than before. What's wrong with me?"

"Congratulations, you already have a complete relationship program."

Andrew smiled and said that this is one of his abilities, which can help other programs complete the required programs. In fact, this ability is copied from the savior program - the savior can alienate the program.

When Neo destroyed Andrew before, Andrew obtained part of his code. This is why Andrew said that the two are two sides of the same coin.

Without Neo, there would be no Andrew now, and their fates are intertwined.

"A full relationship program? Really? Andrew, thank you so much."

Qiuhua was pleasantly surprised, and Andrew nodded. Then, he walked up to the procedures and said, "I promised that I would give you freedom. As long as you continue to serve me faithfully, what I promised will definitely come true. "

The programmers were overjoyed when they heard this, and cheered one after another. Andrew's ability is so magical, it will definitely allow them to be free.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and shouted: "Go out and catch the programs. The more the better. Catch all the programs you see. It won't take long before this world will belong to us."

The programmers cheered again, and then they excitedly left the agent headquarters and went to capture the program elsewhere.

Andrew could only cover humans before, but now he can cover not only humans, but also programs, turning them all into himself. Give him time, and he can even turn the matrix world into just him.

"Haha, you think there are many people in the world, but in fact, they are all me. Are you surprised or surprised?"

Andrew chuckled to himself, why did he choose to override the program instead of the human? The reason is very simple. Overwriting the program will allow him to gain more permissions. Therefore, he chooses to overwrite the program first. As for humans, we will talk about it later. There are many humans anyway.

"Tsk tsk, Noumenon, what you just said doesn't sound like a villain at all."

The King of Kung Fu was complaining next to him, and Andrew said: "I was never a villain, but where is the locksmith? Where is he now?"

"You want to cover the locksmith?"

The King of Kung Fu was shocked. The locksmith was a program imprisoned by Merowinga. He was very important, so Merowinga specially sent vampires to guard him.

Why is a locksmith important? Because he can find the door leading to the core area, and the architect is inside. In the movie, the reason why Merowenga clashed with Neo was because Neo wanted to find a locksmith.

By the way, the location of the locksmith was actually leaked to Merowen on purpose by the prophet. To put it simply, she was setting up a bigger picture.

"Of course, after covering it, I can get his abilities, bring him, uh, go to Hogs, you stay."

Andrew ordered, Hogs nodded and went to bring the locksmith. He knew that there must be a reason why the Machine Demon King asked him to go.

There is no need to guess what this old silver coin is thinking, just follow the orders.

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