American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2016 Transformation

"Morpheus is not dead?"

Neo was stunned and quickly looked towards Morpheus and found that he was indeed not dead - the data stream had not disappeared. He was overjoyed and immediately stepped forward to carry Morpheus on his shoulders. Then, he rushed to Trinity, He held her hand and shouted, "Let's retreat first."


Trinity naturally had no objection. Although Sithorne and the others were unwilling to give in, Neo decided to retreat. Their transformation time had come again, so they could only leave with them. If anything happened, we would talk about it later.

Indigo shook his head secretly: "It's not easy to be an upright person. You have to endure pig teammates all the time. If you were in the evil sect, you would have done something wrong."

After Neo and the others left, the King of Kung Fu took Hogs and Ganata to the place where Andrew 'died'.

The King of Kung Fu sighed and said: "Hey, I didn't expect that BOSS Hero I would capsize here. According to our oriental tradition, we have to hold a banquet for him and change the WIFI password at the same time.

In addition, relatives and friends should be invited to sing and dance together, so as not to leave him too lonely. Hogs, Ganata, remember to put on a show as well. Singing is the best.

The music style should be cheerful, he definitely doesn’t want to see us sad, it’s better to have a music style like Today is a good day. "

"Aren't you afraid that he will crawl out of the grave and beat you up?"

Ganata complained, and the Kung Fu King smiled and said: "There are a lot of delicious things at the banquet."

"We must do it. It must be as lively and lively as possible. Anyone who doesn't do it is not giving me face."

Ganata said immediately, and Qiuhua shouted dissatisfied when he heard this: "Hey, what do you mean, Andrew is dead, and you are still making sarcastic remarks?"

King of Kung Fu and Ganata Shrugged, Will Andrew Die? You are overthinking it. To put it another way, even if you really die, it doesn't matter. He has at least left dozens of means of resurrection.

Hogs asked: "What is the state of the Machine Demon King now? Was this designed by him from the beginning?"

"It was indeed planned from the beginning. Okay, let's go back first. When we hold a farewell party, he will crawl out and sing and dance with us."

The King of Kung Fu said, and Hoggs complained, "Are you sure you won't scare the others to death?"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and Qiuhua became even more angry. These people were so abominable. Andrew was dead, but they were still so happy?

"Sadness, anger, are these feelings? If possible, I really don't want these feelings."

Although some feelings were awakened, Qiu Hua was not happy. Instead, she sighed repeatedly. The King of Kung Fu rolled his eyes. The main body brought Qiu Hua here just to deepen the impression and make her truly fall in love with him, right?

Andrew said that the King of Kung Fu...well, you guessed it, he is transforming in the data world at this moment. To put it simply, he is changing from an anti-virus program to a virus.

"Tsk, tsk, darkening is indeed a shortcut to becoming stronger."

Andrew said, and Alice nodded in agreement: "Blackening is three times stronger, whitewashing is three times weaker, but BOSS, are you really ready to destroy this world?"

"This world is not the world of humans. Humans are just pigs and sheep raised by robots. Isn't it natural for me to destroy this world?"

Andrew said: "When I destroy this world, I will cultivate humans and let them become the masters of the earth again."

"Understood, destroyer of robots, savior of mankind, BOSS, in fact, your route has not changed."

Alice said, and Andrew smiled and said: "Being a villain can also save the world. Not to mention that, I have integrated part of the savior's program. Now I am the opposite of the savior's program.

When my transformation is complete, I will become the most powerful virus in the world, but I need to upgrade step by step. "

"BOSS, you can't be careless. After the transformation is completed, you will indeed become very powerful, but you can't attack beings at the level of architects and prophets. They can affect you in turn."

Alice reminded: "You must first devour the savior program, and then go to the prophet to architect their troubles."

In the movie, Smith was tricked by the prophet in this way. He swallowed the prophet and thought he was invincible. However, during the decisive battle, he was influenced by the prophet and eventually died together with Neo.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it, and don't we have an experience gift package on hand?"

Andrew smiled, and Alice reacted and said, "Yeah, I almost forgot about that guy. He has very high authority. After you swallow him, your strength and ability will increase by leaps and bounds."

"When my transformation is complete, I can have fun with Mr. Anderson."

Andrew smiled and began to concentrate on his transformation. With Alice's help, his transformation speed would be faster than ever.

On the other side, after Neo and others left, they first found a place to send Morpheus out. Morpheus was injured in the matrix world, and the injury would also appear in reality - his brain thought he was injured, so his body appeared Same injury.

Fortunately, the medical level of the spacecraft is very good, and Morpheus will be able to recover in a short time and continue to be active and active.

"Why would that agent show mercy to Morpheus? No, not only did he let Morpheus go, he also showed mercy to Trinity."

Neo was a little confused. At this time, Trinity asked: "Neo, what should we do next?"

"Go to the prophet first. I have many things to ask her."

Neo said that everyone had no objections and followed Neo to find the prophet. The prophet had been waiting for them there for a long time. Then, she took Neo into the small room to chat, while the others were entertained by the seraphim outside.

"Seraphim, our enemies are very powerful. Three minutes of transformation time is simply not enough. One of our partners was killed by the enemy just because the transformation time was up. Is there any way to break through the limit?"

Sithorn came to the Seraphim and asked, if there was no time limit for transformation this time, they would never withdraw easily.

As for the Power Demon King, it was purely Sithorne's misfortune. The Power Demon King was killed by Andrew head-on with the Holy Light.

"I have to ask the prophet about this before I can give you the answer."

The seraphim said, in fact, this is a restriction intentionally imposed by the prophet. Like the seraphim, his transformation has no restrictions, just like the transformation of the King of Kung Fu and others.

"There is indeed a problem."

When Sithorn heard Seraphim's answer, he immediately understood that the angel's program had been tampered with, and cursed in his heart. However, the initiative now rests with the prophet. He cannot get angry. There is no other way. Next, we have to rely on the prophet to deal with it together. Mechanical Demon King.

"That guy, the Mechanical Demon King, will probably get great benefits this time."

Sithorn sighed: "The problem is, I don't know what benefits he got. I hope it won't be too buggy, otherwise it will be troublesome."

"When the savior comes out later, we will try to figure out his current abilities. By then, we may be able to deduce the abilities of the Machine Demon King."

The Crimson Demon God shook his head and said: "The key to defeating the Machine Demon King is still the savior. We must increase our investment in him."

"The Savior cares about Trinity very much. How about we use the angel program to make a smooth relationship?"

Death said, and everyone nodded. Even if they don't do favors, it is a good thing for everyone if their teammates become stronger.

After a while, Neo and the Prophet walked out together. Neo said: "Our current goal is to destroy Skynet first. They are outsiders who want to destroy the entire world. They are more terrifying than robots."


Trinity and the others were puzzled. Neo glanced at Sithorne and the others and told the Crimson Demon God's lies. Only then did Trinity and the others understand what was going on.

Although this matter is a bit mysterious, everyone accepted it easily. The reason is very simple. No matter how mysterious it is, can all human beings be trapped by robots in the matrix world of Xuanqi?

"Didn't you kill the agent leader, Skynet?"

Trinity asked in confusion, Skynet really didn't even have any scum left.

"The prophet said he was not dead, but still alive. To be honest, the whole process before felt a bit weird. That Skynet might be planning something."

Neo shook his head. Everyone felt a little strange when they thought about what happened before. How should I put it? Skynet obviously didn't use its full strength.

"It turns out you are not angels, but former human warriors."

A member of the resistance army looked at Sithorne and others and said, Sithorne said: "We failed to eliminate Skynet and brought you trouble. As for our angel program, it was given by the prophet.

Prophet, Skynet is very powerful. I think the angel program should be transplanted for everyone to fight against Skynet together. "

After hearing this, the Seraph whispered in the ear of the prophet about lifting the restrictions. The prophet hesitated and said: "The angel program cannot be transplanted to too many people, or big problems will occur. Moreover, with Neo here, Skynet will not be able to do it." question.

Of course, I will find a way to extend the duration of the angel program so that you can fight Skynet to your heart's content. "

Trinity was a little disappointed when she heard this. What she didn't know was that the reason why the prophet was unwilling to transplant the angel program for them was mainly because of her.

Trinity is very important and is the key to Neo's choice. In fact, according to the prophet's plan, Trinity will encounter life-threatening danger in the future. Therefore, we cannot give her too much power. What if she doesn't die no matter how hard we beat her? manage?

Sithorn and others looked at each other and vaguely noticed something, but did not say much. It was already good to be able to unlock the restrictions. As for the rest, take your time. Anyway, with the ability of the Mechanical Demon King, he would definitely force the prophet to use it. Full strength.

The Crimson Demon thought for a while and asked, "Can we see the power of the savior?"

"Of course, it's just right. Neo needs to get familiar with his new body, and you guys will be your sparring partners."

The prophet smiled, and everyone nodded excitedly, watching the battle between Neo and Sithorne. Neo was far superior to Sithorne and the others in terms of speed and strength. More importantly, he could fly now.

Both Neo himself and others are very satisfied with Neo's current strength. The savior is indeed a savior and is extraordinary.

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