"As soon as Skynet dies, the architect and I will immediately invoke the power of the matrix to completely erase his code and prevent him from having a chance to be resurrected."

The prophet secretly thought, since they already know that Andrew and the others are enemies, the prophet and the architect will naturally not be unprepared. After dealing with him, it will be the turn of the remaining outsiders, as well as Sithorn and the others.

That's right, the prophet never thought of letting Sithorn and the others go. These outsiders must die. Only in this way can the matrix world be protected.

"Alice, the critical moment has come. Put all your attention on Neo's savior program."

Andrew looked at Neo's body and whispered instructions. Alice said: "Don't worry, BOSS. With the previous changes, I will definitely be able to crack the savior program to the greatest extent."

"That's good."

Andrew nodded. At the same time, Sithorn and the others also knew about the death of the Power Demon and the Savior. Everyone was shocked. Why did the Savior die? Why didn't the Prophet save him?

As for the death of the Power Demon King, not many people care about it. It's not like he is really dead. In fact, even if he is really dead, not many people care about it.

"Let's retreat first. Our transformation time is coming soon. Next, I will detonate the bomb buried in the base. You should be prepared."

Sithorn shouted to everyone through the communicator, and the Crimson Demon God said: "No, go to the Savior. That's the key. We will rush there immediately."

Sithorn hesitated, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, let's go to the Savior."

Then, Sithorn detonated the bomb, and with a booming explosion, the entire base collapsed, leaving dust and smoke everywhere.

Sithorne and the others were prepared in advance and were less affected. They quickly climbed out and ran towards the savior with the Crimson Demon God. A moment later, the King of Kung Fu and others also escaped from the ruins and quickly caught up.


Trinity held Neo's body and said affectionately: "The prophet said that I will fall in love with the savior. I have fallen in love with you, so you are the savior. You will not die. You will definitely not die."

After saying that, Trinity kissed Neo on the face and continued: "Now, get up."

She said this, but in fact, Trinity didn't have much hope. She was now overly sad, and her whole person fell into a strange state. She seemed calm, but in fact she could collapse at any time.

But what made Trinity cry with joy was that Neo's eyes really opened. Of course, this was not because Trinity kissed him, but because the savior program in his body awakened and his whole person changed drastically.

Simply put, Neo evolves, Neo the savior.

However, Neo, the Prophet, and the Architect did not know that Alice was controlling the erosion program and crazily eroding Neo's savior program. This was the time when the savior program was least defensive.

When the savior program stabilizes, that is, when Neo wakes up, Alice's erosion progress reaches 50%. At this progress, Alice can even directly affect the savior program, causing Neo to have serious problems temporarily and become unable to move.

Of course, Andrew didn't let Alice do this. He let Alice continue to erode until it was 100%.

"Don't be anxious. Don't be discovered. Besides, there will be opportunities next, so you have to seize them."

Andrew warned, and Alice smiled: "It was still possible to be discovered, but now, it will never be discovered again, because the erosion program has been integrated with the savior program."

Neo wakes up. The things behind it are very complicated, but on the surface, Neo is resurrected with a kiss from Trinity. Qiuhua puts his hands in front of him and looks touched: "Love is so wonderful, it can even surpass rule."

"Yes, as the saying goes, love is the ultimate power of zombies."

Andrew nodded with deep understanding. Qiuhua looked confused. What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand it at all?

Sithorne and others were overjoyed when they discovered that Neo was resurrected. The savior was indeed not that easy to die. Only the Crimson Demon frowned. No matter how you look at this situation, you feel that the Machine Demon is doing it on purpose. In other words, he is helping Ni. Ao awakens.

"What exactly does he want to do?" The Crimson Demon God frowned deeply, speeding up and rushing over there to see if there was a chance to break the situation?

Andrew ignored the ball. He looked at Neo who stood up and asked in pretended shock: "Why aren't you dead?"

Neo signaled Trinity to move away, then he looked at Andrew and said, "Because I am the savior (The one)."

At this time, in Neo's eyes, Andrew was no longer a human being, but a stream of green data that kept flashing. However, what surprised Neo was that there was a lot of data on Andrew that he couldn't see clearly.

"Savior? I really need to get to know him."

Andrew directly raised his gun and shot at Neo. He knew what would happen next. He fired purely with the mentality of witnessing history. As for another famous scene, bullet time, it was not visible in reality, so he did not do anything more.

Seeing Andrew shoot, Neo directly raised his hand, and all the bullets with ripples stopped in front of him. This scene made everyone except Andrew look shocked. How could this be possible?

Neo picked up a bullet and flicked it hard in the direction of Andrew. The bullet, uh, missed Andrew because he dodged it in advance.

Upon seeing this, Neo stopped firing bullets. With a thought in his heart, all the bullets fell to the ground. Andrew smiled, threw away the Desert Eagle, and rushed forward to attack Neo.

Neo blocked all of Andrew's attacks with ease, even using only one hand in the back, showing off.

Andrew snorted coldly, his hands became blurred, passed through Neo's hand, and hit his chest. Neo immediately realized something was wrong from the changes in the data flow, and grabbed Andrew's wrist with his other hand.

At this moment, Andrew flicked his fingers, and a ball of electricity hit Neo. Neo screamed and took two steps back.

"It's a little interesting, but only a little bit."

Andrew sneered, shook his arms, and two mechanical gloves fell on his hands. Then, he folded his palms together and separated them again, and a crackling electric whip appeared in his hands.

Neo's expression changed, and he no longer dared to look down upon Andrew. Although he had become stronger, Andrew was not a vegetarian.

At this time, Neo noticed that other people were coming here. He hesitated and decided to deal with Andrew as soon as possible to avoid delaying for too long and causing changes. Of course, more importantly, lest Trinity be harmed.

Therefore, Neo rushed directly towards Andrew. Andrew waved the electric whip and threw it at Neo one after another. Neo evaded flexibly, seized an opportunity, flew up, and rushed directly into Andrew's body.

Andrew's body began to twist and deform. Sithorn and the others were overjoyed when they saw this. It seems that the Machine Demon King is not the opponent of the savior?

"No, very wrong."

The Crimson Demon God's expression changed, and he shouted loudly: "Neo, come out quickly, don't kill him, you have fallen into a trap."

Although the Crimson Demon God didn't know why Andrew did this, he was sure that the purpose of the Machine Demon King was to let Neo kill him.

It's a pity that Neo didn't hear the cry of the Crimson Demon. He was in Andrew's body, frantically destroying his code. Andrew was in pain on the surface, but secretly said to Alice: "Now is the opportunity to increase the erosion.

In addition, use your authority to protect my code. Next, the prophets and architects will definitely take action to obliterate me, an outsider. "

"They can't erase it unless they dare to restart the matrix world."

Alice said confidently that with the authority of the main program and half of the savior program, as long as she disagrees and as long as the matrix world is not restarted, no one can erase Andrew.

"When this transformation is completed, even if they restart the matrix, they still can't kill me."

Andrew smiled, and Alice took this seriously, taking this opportunity to quickly erode Neo's savior program.

Neo didn't know that much. He locked on the node of the code on Andrew's body and exerted force. Andrew was completely shattered and turned into green data and flew away.


The Architect and the Prophet activated their erasure capabilities at the same time, trying to erase Andrew's broken code, but contrary to their expectations, all of Andrew's codes disappeared.

"what happened?"

The architect asked the prophet in astonishment, and the prophet snorted: "How do I know what's going on? It should be Skynet's own ability."

Having said this, the prophet secretly drummed in his heart, Skynet will not become the other side of the savior, right? If it really changes, it will be troublesome, and an unprecedented super virus will appear in the matrix world.

Then, Neo reappeared in front of everyone, with a cold face, and everyone was stunned. The agent captain was actually killed by Neo?

"how so?"

Qiuhua looked puzzled. He was so majestic before, but in the blink of an eye, he was killed by the savior? Are you kidding me?

For some reason, Qiuhua felt empty in her heart, as if she was missing something important.

"The Machine Demon King was killed?"

The reaction of Sithorn and others was not excitement, but shock. They could accept that the Machine Demon King was at a disadvantage, but being killed? Haha, that's the Mechanical Demon King, how could he be killed so easily?

Sithorn asked hurriedly: "Crimson Demon God, what did you find?"

"No matter what you find, it's useless. The Machine Demon King has succeeded."

The Crimson Demon God shook his head and said: "Don't worry about the situation of the Mechanical Demon King for now, use the power of the savior to get rid of all the others."


Sithorn nodded, but found that the King of Kung Fu and the others were far away and had no intention of coming. Then, the King of Kung Fu shouted: "Neo, take your people and leave. We will fight again later."

Upon hearing this, Sithorn hurriedly shouted: "Neo, we should pursue the victory and kill all these people."

Neo was hesitant. At this time, the King of Kung Fu said: "Don't forget, Trinity has a bomb on her body. In addition, Morpheus is not dead, he is just seriously injured."

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