After Hogs left, Andrew walked up to the Kung Fu King and put his hands on his shoulders, trying to complete his vampire programming.

As mentioned before, due to different eras, vampires' abilities have been greatly suppressed. Andrew's purpose is to turn the King of Kung Fu into a vampire from the 'ancient' era. If successful, the King of Kung Fu's strength will be greatly improved.

Before taking action, Andrew said: "Alice, cooperate with me."

"Understood, BOSS, I will assist you." Alice nodded.

Then, Andrew's virus program quickly eroded the vampire program in the Kung Fu King's body, and the restrictions of the vampire program were opened. The Kung Fu King roared, two fangs sprouted from his mouth, and his body gradually transformed into a vampire.

Everything was going in the right direction, but at this moment, the changes in the King of Kung Fu stopped.

"No, it can only go so far without a more advanced core program."

Alice's voice sounded: "The advanced core program should have been deleted by the architect. Without the core program, your completion ability alone cannot restore the vampire to its full glory."


Andrew was a little disappointed. He let go and asked: "King of Kung Fu, how much has your strength improved?"

"About two or three times."

The King of Kung Fu moved his hands and feet, and his body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared several meters away. This was not a teleportation, but a rapid movement. The reason for the disappearing effect was that his eyes could not keep up with the speed of movement.

"In addition, the venom of my claws has also increased a lot."

The King of Kung Fu continued: "In addition, the recovery ability has also been improved, but the ability to create descendants is still missing. I guess what the architects deleted was the ability to develop descendants. After all, it is too buggy."

"not bad."

Andrew nodded and said: "Since there is no problem with you, I can start to modify my ghost ability to take it to the next level."

The King of Kung Fu was stunned: "Wait a minute, you can obviously transform yourself, why did you transform me first?"

"You know."

Andrew had a smile on his face. The King of Kung Fu wanted to roll his eyes. It was enough to encounter such a body. The most depressing thing was that he couldn't resist even if he wanted to.

At the same time, Hoggs was heading to the prison, preparing to bring the locksmith over. On the way, he suddenly felt a light shining on his eyes. He glanced into the distance and saw something hanging on the tree. .

"It should be Sithorn and the others. No wonder the Machine Demon King asked me to come out. It turns out he wanted to give Sithorn and the others a chance."

Hogs knew what he was doing and was not in a hurry to do anything. Instead, he went to bring the locksmith to Andrew. Before the locksmith could speak, he was covered by Andrew.

As a result, two Andrews appeared. The Andrew formed by the Merlot pattern and the covering said to the other Andrew: "Go and monitor the core building. We will attack there sooner or later. Let's have a good chat with the architect."

The other Andrew nodded, turned and walked towards the door. With every step he took, part of his body changed. By the time he reached the door, he had turned back into a locksmith. Of course, it was just the appearance, but it was still Andrew inside.

Then, while chatting with Qiuhua, Andrew waited for others to come back with the program to increase his combat effectiveness.

Hogs, on the other hand, found an excuse to go to the big tree outside and take something down. It turned out to be a mobile phone. Of course, it was modified.

Hoggs hid in a secret place, turned on his mobile phone, and dialed the only number on it. Then, he asked: "Sithorn, are you brave enough to come near the secret service headquarters? By the way, is this mobile phone safe? , will it be monitored by Alice?"

"The prophet gave Indigo some permissions, so I dared to risk going there, but I didn't dare to stay longer. I put down my things and left immediately."

Sithorn shook his head and said: "As for this mobile phone, it must be safe, otherwise how could I dare to contact you? However, our contact time cannot exceed three minutes, otherwise Alice will discover it.

Without wasting time, what is the plan of the Machine Demon King? Also, what is his situation now? "

"The Machine Demon didn't tell me his plan."

Hoggs said: "As for him now, he is doing very well and is happily hugging a beautiful woman."

Sithorn asked hurriedly: "The Machine Demon King has been resurrected?"

"Yes, he was resurrected. He seemed to have turned into a virus and could replace other people. He was resurrected by this method. What's even more frightening is that he seemed to be able to replace many people."

Hoggs said that he would not mind leaking some information to Sithorn, which would increase Sithorn's trust in him. Of course, he would only say what he could say and what he could not say. He would not leak a word to him. For such a veteran, this is not difficult at all.

"Become a virus? Replace others, more than one?"

Sithorne was shocked when he heard this, and finally understood the purpose of the Machine Demon King. He used the power of the savior Neo to complete his transformation.

Sithorn asked: "Hogs, what exactly is it like?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? It's not like you don't know the character of the Machine Demon King. How could he tell me all the information?"

Hoggs complained: "I have told you everything I know. By the way, the Machine Demon King is sending people to capture the program. If you really want to attack the agent headquarters, you must be prepared and don't come to die."

"I understand. Destroy your phone and find another opportunity to contact you later."

Sithorn nodded, and Hogus didn't waste any time. He completely destroyed the phone and then slowly returned to the agent headquarters.

After returning to the agent headquarters, Hogs saw a row of identical Andrews and was a little speechless. This ability, to be honest, is a bit cruel.

Hoggs couldn't help but ask: "Don't you have an upper limit?"

"The most terrifying thing about this ability is that it has no upper limit and can even cover all life in the world."

Andrew said: "Hey, as long as there are enough procedures, I am invincible. Even the savior will not be my opponent."

This is certain. In the movie, after Agent Smith turns into a virus, Neo fails every time he encounters him. Fortunately, Neo can fly and Smith can't, so Neo can escape smoothly every time.

"No wonder you put so much thought into transformation."

Hogs nodded, and then asked: "Speaking of which, Mechanical Demon King, why did you take the initiative to tell Sithorne your information? If they attack rashly, we have a better chance of winning, right?"

"First of all, even if they prepare and attack again, I will still win."

Andrew smiled and said: "Secondly, I asked you to tell Sithorne this information, mainly so that the prophet and the architect can cheat the protagonist group. I told you before that the matrix world is very stable, and the prophet and the architect cheated. The more hangups there are, the more chaotic the matrix world becomes because the balance is destroyed.

The more chaotic the matrix world is, the more things Alice and I can do, and in the end, overturn the matrix world. "

"I see."

Hogs nodded and said, "Be careful, don't let it go wrong."

"Don't worry, even if I fail, I can still find a way to end it. Not to mention, I won't fail."

Andrew smiled, and Hogs naturally trusted him, nodded, and went about his business.

After Hogs left, Andrew asked Alice: "Is the communication channel ready?"

"It's almost done. You can contact the savior at any time by then. Gee, they definitely didn't expect that you can actually chat with the savior."

Alice smiled and said, this is one of Andrew's trump cards. Since everyone is a good person, why are they fighting? You can sit down and have tea and chat.

On the other side, after Sithorn got the information, he immediately consulted with the Crimson Demon God and the others. The Crimson Demon God said solemnly: "Virus? Can it replace multiple people?

It seems that the benefits gained by the Machine Demon King this time are greater than we imagined. We must attack the agent building as soon as possible to prevent him from creating more clones.

In addition, Sithorne, tell this matter to the prophet and ask her to give us more help. This woman definitely hides a lot. "

"Okay, I'll go find the prophet."

Sithorn nodded and immediately went to see the prophet. After hearing this, the prophet's expression changed drastically, and then she asked suspiciously: "How do you know this?"

"We have some special abilities."

Sithorne explained vaguely that of course He would not leak the information about Hogs. In fact, if it were not for special circumstances, He would not tell the Prophet about it at all. Afterwards, the Prophet must be silenced.

The prophet glanced at Sithorn without asking any more questions. She said, "If what you said is true, we must attack the agent headquarters as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it is developed by Skynet, we will be in trouble."

Although the prophet has her own plan, Skynet is completely beyond her control. She must solve Skynet first and then implement the plan. After all, her plan itself is full of uncertainty and cannot allow more variables.

"The question is, Skynet is not dead, is it enough for Neo alone?"

Sithorn asked. The prophet was a little silent. Neo and his bodyguards alone may not be enough. However, Trinity cannot be given powerful abilities. As for people like Sithorn, they cannot be trusted and cannot give more benefits.

"Tell Morpheus to come to me."

The prophet thought for a while and made a decision. Sithorn understood that the prophet wanted to strengthen Morpheus. He said: "Prophet, I know you are worried that strengthening too much will affect the operation of the matrix world, but we only have one chance.

If we fail this time, we will no longer be able to stop Skynet. By then, not only will the matrix world be destroyed, but even the real world will not be able to escape Skynet's clutches.

Therefore, we must push the success rate to 90%, or even 100%, or 120%. "

"Twelve percent?"

The prophet was a little speechless, but what Sithorn said was not unreasonable. She took two steps back and forth, gritted her teeth and said: "I can give you a quota for super strengthening. Whoever wants this quota, you can discuss it yourself."

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