In addition to the police, the bishop also brought a large number of townspeople here, on the one hand to embolden himself, and on the other hand to put pressure on Andrew.

Although I don’t know where this person came from, he is obviously not an ordinary person, and he also has super powers.

Fortunately, no matter how powerful the superpower is, it is impossible to fight against the entire town. Even if he could, would he dare to attack the entire town? If such a big thing happens, the United States will not ignore it.

Alessa was very dissatisfied with the arrival of the bishop. If she hadn't been held by Andrew, she would have pounced on her and bit her to death.

"Don't be angry, I'll deal with her."

Andrew smiled slightly and said: "This disgusting lady, before you accuse my daughter, you have one thing to do first."

"I don't think there is anything more important than trying the devil's daughter."

The bishop said arrogantly: "This gentleman, sheltering the devil's daughter will not bring you any benefits, it will only cause you harm. If I were you, I wouldn't be so stupid."

"Judge the devil's daughter and purify her!"

The townspeople shouted that most of the people in this town were stupid people, otherwise they would not publicly use burning torture on a little girl. This is why Alessa took revenge on the entire town after gaining the power of the Demon King.

"She is my daughter. Except for scum, no father in this world would abandon his daughter."

Andrew smiled disdainfully and said, "As for what you have to do, of course, face the FBI warning."


The bishop was stunned. At this moment, several FBI agents wearing FBI vests squeezed through the crowd and walked up to the bishop.

Then, the FBI held up a piece of paper and said, "Ma'am, we are the FBI. You are suspected of abusing and murdering multiple children. You are now officially under arrest."

The bishop's face changed drastically. Of course she couldn't let the FBI arrest her. After all, with the bad things she had done, if she was really caught, she would probably be locked up until the world was destroyed.

Alessa is not the only victim. Before Alessa, the bishop had harmed many people. She said every day that she wanted to judge the devil, but in fact she was the devil.

"Devil, that Eastern man is a devil, and these federal police detectives are puppets he controls with magic. Stop them and kill the devil."

The bishop shouted loudly while retreating. Upon hearing this, the ignorant townspeople immediately blocked the way of the police detectives. Some even picked up weapons and prepared to greet them.

"Back off, back off immediately."

Several FBI agents immediately drew their guns and pointed them at the townspeople. The townspeople were startled, and then they remembered that they were outnumbered and surrounded them again. With so many people, how dare they shoot?

"Kill the devil and purify the devil's daughter."

The townspeople shouted that this was not just a slogan, they really planned to do this. Although their character was extremely poor, their faith was very devout, otherwise they would not have been able to rely on their faith to block Alessa for thirty years.

"A bunch of idiots."

Andrew looked disdainful, and Alessa cursed bitterly, wishing to kill all these guys. None of these people were good people.

At this time, Alessa didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly laughed and said: "Father, you are a devil, and I am the daughter of a devil. It is a perfect match."

"I am not a devil."

Andrew smiled and said, "It's almost here."

Alessa asked in confusion: "Father, what's coming?"

Alessa was answered by the roar of cars. Everyone turned around and saw more than a dozen tanks driving into the town, with huge muzzles pointed at them. Not only that, but there were also several trucks of soldiers following behind.

Then, these soldiers all got out of the car and pointed their guns at the townspeople. The townspeople who had been arrogant just now were so frightened that they immediately dropped their weapons and raised their hands.

The bishop looked confused. Isn't this just a village-level fight? Is it too much to call in the army? Even the tanks are out, who here needs to be dealt with by tanks?

Alessa was also dumbfounded, she never thought there would be such a big battle, Andrew smiled and said: "This is America, and those with money can do whatever they want here, including buying justice.

A general can be bought for ten million US dollars, which is not worth mentioning at all. "

"Money is such a good thing."

Alessa's eyes turned into the shape of dollars. For the first time in her long life, she knew the greatness of money.

The bishop refused to give up and wanted to continue to incite the townspeople. She didn't believe that these soldiers really dared to shoot, and then, uh, several townspeople were shot dead.

Are you kidding me? This is America, a country full of military virtues, and it is the America of the past. If these people really dare to resist, they will be brutally beaten, and they will find any excuse to fool them.

If you don’t see it, you can easily distance yourself from the nuclear explosion in Raccoon City. That was still the 21st century. At this point in time, what is a small town?

The next thing is simple. The bishop is arrested and what awaits her will be a just trial. As for the townspeople, they are all arrested and taken to class so that they can return to their normal thoughts.

Alessa was overjoyed to see all her enemies captured. She shouted: "They deserve it. We must shoot them all, leaving no one behind."

"Anyone with blood on his hands will be shot."

Andrew smiled and said: "Okay, good daughter, when this matter is over, we will go to school in a big city."

Alessa was puzzled: "Go to school in a big city? Why go to a big city?"

"Because big cities are fairer and more open-minded. No one will discriminate against you there, friends will become friends with you, and uncles and aunts on the street will say you are cute when they see you."

Andrew said that if he wanted to make Alessa normal, he must take her to another place. People in this town, whether adults or children, were polluted. Here, Alessa would only become worse and worse. The darker.

Alessa felt a little yearning after hearing this, but more of it was fear of the unknown and hatred that she couldn't let go.

Alessa would rather stay here and use Andrew's power to take revenge on those bastards, making them unable to survive or die.

In fact, this is also the reason why Andrew must take Alessa away. She must not stay here any longer.

"Dad, can I not leave?"

Alessa asked cautiously. Now she has not learned the essential skill of acting like a spoiled child. She is afraid of losing her father, so she is very careful in everything.

Andrew hugged Alessa and said seriously: "If you really don't want to leave, of course you don't have to leave, but Alessa, don't you want to get rid of the past and welcome a bright future?

You will only fall into darkness here, and sink deeper and deeper. I believe you know this. "

Alessa's eyes flickered a little. She didn't know if Andrew knew something, but she didn't want Andrew to know her future because it was too dark.

"Light and dark?"

Alessa fell into deep thought. If she stayed, she could indeed take revenge on those people, but she would be as resentful as she is now. Although she didn't care about this, and even thought that darkness was not bad, she was worried that Andrew did.

If she left and could live like a normal person, she didn't know if this would be considered bright, but in her heart, she longed for such a life, but she was worried about being burned by the sun.

"How about this, let's go travel outside for a while?"

Andrew suddenly said: "Take your mother and the three of us to travel together. If you like it outside, we will stay outside. If you don't like it, we will come back.

Anyway, the school bought it, so you can do whatever you want. "

Alessa didn't refuse this time. She said, "Would you like to travel? That's okay. I like traveling."

"Okay, once the bishop sits on the electric chair, we'll go on a trip."

Andrew said, and Alessa nodded excitedly: "I want to watch her sit on the electric chair and be electrocuted to death with my own eyes."

"Don't worry, you'll see."

Andrew smiled and said that it was not difficult for him to arrange for Alessa to witness the execution of the bishop with his own eyes. In addition, the reason why he wanted to stay until then was to fulfill Alessa's wish.

Hatred is a thing. Resentment will never disappear until the enemy dies. Therefore, Alessa must be revenged first, and then talk about influencing her.

On the other hand, it is to prevent others from going to the savior. A sect like this must have many powerful people behind it. If Andrew does not sit in, the other party may have his sentence commuted to life, which would not be fun.

After handling these matters, Andrew took Alessa home for dinner. Of course, it was his home. After a while, Alessa's mother came over belatedly.

Alessa's mother naturally knew that Andrew was not Alesha's biological father. She was worried about what the other person had planned for Alesha, and she timidly wanted to get Alesha back.

Alessa's mother is not a bad person, nor does she dislike her daughter, but she is too cowardly to resist. If only she had some courage, Alessa would not be so miserable.

"From now on, I am Alessa's father, and you will live with me from now on."

Andrew said majestically: "Don't ask anything, just follow me honestly."

"From now on, I am my father's daughter. Don't speak, let alone persuade me."

Alessa raised her head and said stubbornly: "Also, don't disturb my life and my father's life if you have nothing to do."

Alessa's mother was a little dumbfounded. She was a coward, and because of Andrew's strength in front of her and Alessa's indifference, she had no power to resist. She could only silently follow the two of them, playing the role of housekeeper and maid.

Andrew didn't say much. Alessa not only needed her father, but also her mother. Therefore, this woman must stay and find ways to make her as strong as possible.

This is not too difficult. Cowardice is caused by life and illusion. As long as life is changed and some stimulation is added, Alessa's mother will transform sooner or later.

Of course, Andrew had no interest in this woman. He was not an animal. If he really wanted a woman, there would be a group of goddesses in Olympus lining up who were greedy for his body.

Speaking of which, the goddess of beauty had dropped her clothes at the door of Andrew's palace for the fifth time. Hermione was so angry that she directly struck him with a thunderbolt.

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