Later, Chris Bella, the bishop of the evil church, held a trial ceremony and wanted to burn Alessa alive. At her call, a large number of townspeople came to participate in this ceremony.

This ritual goes like this: If Alessa is not guilty, then God will not let her be burned to death. It is simply shameless in the extreme.

Fortunately, the police outside learned the news and rushed over to stop the trial ceremony. Unfortunately, the ceremony was already halfway through, and Alessa was burned beyond recognition, like a charred corpse.

After that, Alessa lay in the hospital, tortured by pain every day, and the resentment in her heart became bigger and bigger day by day. In the end, this resentment even broke through the dimension and was sensed by the devil of hell. Only then did the following come true. everything.

"Poor Alessa."

Andrew shook his head and walked forward. In front of the ward, there was a group of very good-looking faceless nurses. They were usually motionless, but they were extremely sensitive to sound and light. When they heard the sound, they immediately walked over stiffly with knives in hand. .

The reason why these nurses became like this is because they ridiculed Alessa when they were taking care of them. At the same time, Alessa couldn't stand the way they looked at monsters, so she took out all their eyes.

"The resentment of one girl can create a hell. If it is the resentment of all humans around the world... could this be the plan of the fallen demon king?"

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. At this time, the faceless nurses heard the sound and immediately raised their heads. Andrew said nothing and walked straight over. The huge momentum scared the faceless nurses and backed away.

Soon, Andrew came to the ward. Alessa inside looked at the triangular head in confusion. Why did it come here suddenly?

Andrew did not open the door and went in, but looked at Alessa quietly. When their eyes met, Alessa's eyes blurred and she returned to her home.

"Why did I suddenly come back here? Hey, my body doesn't hurt anymore?"

Alessa was very shocked. At this time, she saw her hands and feet and found that they were normal. She was shocked and happy at the same time.

After a while, Alessa accepted the surprise. She tried to move her hands and found that she could control them at will just like before. She almost cheered with excitement.

You know, since being burned by the fire, Alessa has been completely unable to move her body, like a charred corpse.

At this time, Alessa saw herself in the mirror and couldn't help but stand up and walked to the mirror. Then she raised her hand and touched the mirror. In the mirror, there was a young and lovely girl who was nine years old. time appearance.

"Am I going back to the past?"

Alessa was very puzzled and had no idea what was going on. Could it be a dream, but could a dream be so real?

If it wasn't a dream, what was it? Alessa tried to summon the incarnation of her evil thoughts, but the other party didn't respond at all. It probably didn't exist.

This made Alessa frown a little. There was no evil incarnation, she had no abilities, she was just an ordinary little girl.

At this moment, Alessa's mother's voice came from outside: "Alessa, have you gotten up? If you do, come over for breakfast and school."

Hearing her mother's voice, Alessa's face suddenly became a little ferocious. She hated her mother. Although she loved her, she was too cowardly. In the end, she was deceived and sent to the scene of burning.

However, Alessa also loved her mother in her heart, which was why she never killed her.

Alessa hesitated for a moment, opened the door and walked out. When she saw her mother, she ignored her and turned to look at the breakfast on the table. Although it was just an ordinary egg sandwich, her eyes were still bright. How pitiful she was. I haven’t eaten in ten years.

Without any nonsense, Alessa walked over and picked up the sandwich and ate it. Seeing this, her mother hurriedly said: "Don't eat so fast, drink some milk."

Alessa ignored it and ate the sandwich in a few mouthfuls. Then, she picked up the milk and drank it in one gulp. Unexpectedly, because she drank it too fast, she choked and kept coughing.

Alessa's mother hurriedly came over and patted Alessa on the back. Alessa pushed her away impatiently and ran to the kitchen to eat the rest.

At this time, Alessa saw the fruit knife next to her, a fierce light flashed in her eyes, and she hid the fruit knife quietly. She was going to kill that damn woman of the bishop. As for the others, wait a little longer, they will all die in the end anyway.

Although Alessa has returned to the past, she has been tortured for decades, and her mind has long been distorted, and she is completely different from before.

You know, this Alessa has no good thoughts - her good thoughts have been separated and turned into Sharon.

Then, Alessa picked up her schoolbag and went to school. Both adults and children pointed at her on the way, with disdain and ridicule on their faces. All this was because she was an illegitimate child who didn't know who her father was. female.

"You are all going to die."

Alessa gritted her teeth, her eyes full of viciousness. At this moment, she thought of her father, whom she had never met before, and a thought flashed through her mind: "If father were here, I would definitely not be hurt so much."

Immediately, Alessa shook her head and concentrated on thinking about how to kill the bishop. In fact, the bishop was her aunt, and at the same time, she was also the person who tortured her the most.

Today the bishop happened to come to the school to give a speech. When she saw Alessa, her eyes were full of displeasure and she reprimanded her in front of everyone. Alessa did not tolerate her and took out a hidden fruit knife and stabbed her in the abdomen. Stab hard.

Unfortunately, Alessa was just a little girl, and she was completely unfamiliar with this aspect of the business. Therefore, her actions were discovered by the bishop in advance. The bishop hurriedly dodged, and the fruit knife slipped from her waist, leaving a wound.

"She is indeed the devil's daughter. Catch her. Catch her for me. I want to purify her."

The bishop screamed, and the surrounding security guards immediately rushed over and grabbed Alessa who was about to commit murder. Alessa kept screaming and struggling, but unfortunately, she was too weak and couldn't break away at all.

"Purify her, purify her..."

The surrounding townspeople reacted and shouted after the bishop. The bishop looked ferocious and said angrily: "Take her to the church, I will purify her."

"Yes, Bishop."

The security guards immediately agreed. Alessa's heart was filled with anger and despair. Could it be that she would be burned to death again after resurrecting her life? God, are you here to torture me on purpose?

At this critical moment, a powerful voice suddenly sounded: "Where do you want to take my daughter?"

Alessa and others turned their heads in shock and saw an Oriental man wearing a windbreaker standing at the entrance, looking at everyone indifferently.

Everyone was very puzzled, who is this person? Also, how did an Easterner and a Westerner come together to give birth to an orthodox Westerner?

Alessa herself was surprised and didn't understand what was going on. However, for some reason, she felt an aura of familiarity and trust from the other party - the aura of the triangle head.

"Your child? I don't know who you are, but Alessa is the daughter of the devil and she must be punished."

The bishop covered the wound on his abdomen and roared hysterically. Andrew smiled slightly, raised his hand, and opened it suddenly. A huge blast of air roared out and hit the bishop. The bishop immediately screamed and flew backwards, crashing through the back. The wall disappeared.

"Put my baby down and get out of here."

Andrew said coldly, and everyone was stunned for a moment. Then, someone shouted "Devil", and the townspeople were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

However, several security guards rushed up with batons. Andrew waved his hand and all the security guards flew backwards. The remaining security guards were frightened, threw Alessa away, turned around and fled towards the school.

Just as Alessa was about to fall to the ground, a force held her up and brought her to Andrew.

Alessa was not afraid. She looked at this strange man curiously. Andrew smiled and said, "Will you be my daughter?"

Alessa asked: "Will you protect me?"

"Of course I will. It is only natural for a father to protect his daughter. As long as I am here, no one in this town can hurt you from now on."

Andrew nodded, Alessa's eyes brightened, and she said happily: "Really? That's great, I have a father, and I won't be bullied anymore."

"Very well, from now on, you are my daughter."

Andrew laughed, held Alessa in his arms, and said, "Let's take you to school."

"I don't want to go to school. Both teachers and classmates are bad people."

Alessa said dissatisfied, and Andrew smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can expel anyone you don't like. From now on, you have the final say in this school."

Alessa's eyes widened and she asked in disbelief: "Really? Then can I kill them all?"

"Of course it's true, because I have already bought this school for tens of millions of dollars, which is totally worthless."

Andrew directly ignored Alessa's words of 'kill them all'. Alessa was full of anger and hostility due to the painful experience and needed to be slowly resolved.

What to resolve? Of course with love, otherwise what else can be used?

Fortunately, Alessa was separated not only from good intentions, but also from bad intentions. Therefore, she was not bad to the core, and there was still a possibility of salvation. Going back to the past, Alessa's resentment was diluted by her original self. few.

Then, Andrew pointed to the back, and Alessa turned her head and saw a row of professional black suits standing outside the door.

Alessa asked: "Dad, who are they?"

"They are the top lawyers in the United States. There is nothing in this country that they cannot handle."

Andrew smiled and said that he was not talking nonsense. With the help of this group of lawyers, he quickly took control of the church school. Some directors wanted to stop it, but they couldn't defeat the luxurious group of lawyers.

The bishop was not dead. After she was bandaged, she immediately brought the police to the door, hoping to arrest Alessa. The United States does not have many restrictions on the criminal age, so children can be charged with crimes.

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