American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1597 Confession

Soon, more than a month passed, and under the influence of Andrew's power, the bishop finally sat on the electric chair.

It wouldn't have been so fast, after all, there were many people interceding for the bishop, but, again, in America, people with money can really do whatever they want, and Andrew succeeded in getting the other party sentenced to death without even spending a small goal.

"I am the messenger of God, and I am right. I do not want to die, and I cannot die."

The bishop shouted in horror: "I know many congressmen, even senators, who will save me, but you cannot kill me."

Several staff members tied the belt on the bishop skillfully. They looked at the bishop with disdain and contempt. It would be really advantageous for such a guy to electrocute him directly.

Seeing the bishop's ugly appearance, Alessa behind the mirror laughed excitedly. In comparison, Alessa's mother's expression was a bit complicated. After all, she was her sister.

Soon, the electrocution began, and the bishop was electrocuted to death in endless terror. Looking at her twisted face, Alessa couldn't help laughing happily, and the laughter got louder and louder, and tears even fell from the corners of her eyes.

These tears were both excitement and relief. That damn woman was finally dead.

Alessa's mother looked at Alessa in horror. A little girl laughed when she saw her aunt being electrocuted. Could she really be the daughter of the devil?

Andrew suddenly turned his head and looked at Alessa's mother, his eyes full of sternness. Alessa's mother was startled and took two steps back, no longer daring to think nonsense.

Andrew snorted coldly and asked Alessa: "Do you feel happy? If you have revenge, you must avenge it. Don't listen to other people's nonsense about magnanimity and whether it is better to dissolve enemies or not to end them.

If you meet that kind of person, you can repeat what the bad person did to you, and then ask him if he is willing to forgive himself. "

"That's a good idea. I'll give it a try next time I meet you."

Alessa giggled and said that once the bishop died, her resentment obviously dissipated a lot, and she could even smile happily.

Alessa's mother felt that this statement was wrong and said weakly: "We cannot hurt others. We should follow God's will and treat everyone kindly."

“So, let me ask you, has God been kind to us?”

Andrew asked with a smile. Alessa's mother was stunned, and then immediately defended: "We humans have original sin, and the misfortunes we suffer are all punishments given by God."

"Haha, what's the difference between this and saying 'everything is my fault, don't blame the other person' after being beaten?"

Andrew sneered: "If God can't do something, why should we obey it?"

Alessa's mother said excitedly: "You can't slander God like this. God is merciful and almighty. Those who slander Him will go to hell."

"Someone once said that if God is almighty, then He must not be merciful, because if He is both almighty and merciful, then no one in this world will be harmed."

Andrew said, by the way, He is the unmerciful God, although He has enough power, He has no interest in making everyone happy, because that is meaningless.

What else did Alessa's mother want to say? Alessa said impatiently: "Let God go to other places to spread His mercy. I don't need it. Dad, where are the others? When will the others die? For example, That bastard named Colin.”

"They will die if you want them to die."

Andrew hugged Alessa and walked out, saying, "Anyone who bullies my daughter will not end well."

Alessa hugged Andrew's neck and laughed. It felt so good to have her father hurt her. She said, "Dad, I always forgot to ask you, what was your ability to fly the bishop before?"

"It's Qi. Do you want to learn it?"

Andrew smiled and said that it was Qi, but it was actually a special kind of magic he created using technological magic. There was no way, in this universe, Kunlun Qigong could not be taught, so he could only make a copycat.

The reason why Andrew wanted to use Qi to injure the bishop instead of using other abilities was actually to attract Alessa's attention so that she would be attracted to Qi.

In addition to being used to attack, Qi also has the effect of soothing the soul. Andrew wants to use Qi to make Alessa peaceful.

If a person can sit cross-legged and meditate for three hours, then his temper will definitely not be too irritable.

"I want to learn."

Alessa nodded repeatedly. She was very interested in qi. On the one hand, it was cool and could knock people away from the air. On the other hand, it had defeated the bishop and those bad guys.

"Then I'll teach you."

Andrew smiled and said: "However, learning is very hard, so don't cry tired when the time comes, and don't give up halfway."

"I will never give up halfway."

Alessa said, are you kidding? She was tortured every day and never gave up on surviving. She was just trying to learn. How could she give up halfway?

Alessa secretly vowed to learn how to be angry, and then beat all enemies to death from a distance.

After the death of the bishop, Andrew took care of Alessa's other enemies one after another. Of course, they were just the kind of enemies with deeper hatred. Strictly speaking, 90% of the people in the town were enemies of Alessa, and Andrew was not So insane.

Then, Andrew took the somewhat dissatisfied Alessa and Alessa's mother on a trip around the world.

Andrew took Alessa to the beach in Miami, and also took Alessa to visit Disneyland. He also took Alessa to go to the food court for a feast... These places have one thing in common, that is, they are full of happiness.

Beaches, amusement parks, attractions, food courts, all the people there are happy. Andrew wants to infect Alessa with happiness, so that her resentment will dissipate and she will become happy.

In fact, Andrew's method is very effective. The smiles on Alessa's face are gradually increasing. At the same time, her resentment is dissipating. Of course, her personality is still darker and more violent, but overall, it is getting better.

Even the kind thoughts that had been separated began to reappear - she occasionally helped people, although it was only occasionally, it was undoubtedly a good improvement.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. This kind of life lasted for two years before it came to an end. During these two years, Alessa was like a different person. At the same time, she learned the energy that Andrew taught her, and it was no problem to beat more than a dozen strong men.

And Alessa's mother, under Andrew's guidance, gradually became determined and no longer as submissive as before. However, she still had no independent opinions and liked to rely on others.

Today was Alessa's birthday. Andrew specially arranged for a few friends that Alesha met during her travels to celebrate with her. Alesha had a great time and was laughing all the time.

After the lively birthday party was over, Andrew sat alone with Alessa and said, "Alesha, it's time for us to have a good chat."

Alessa was stunned, and then the dark memories of the past came to her mind. She was not stupid. She was just blinded by hatred before, so she didn't notice the clues.

As for what happened next, Alessa didn't dare to think about it because she was worried that all the beauty and happiness would disappear and she would turn back into that poor 'burnt corpse'.

"So, dreams always lead to awakening, right, dad?"

Alessa smiled bitterly and asked with pleading: "Why can't such a beautiful dream continue forever?"

"With my power, I can actually continue until thirty years later."

Andrew said: "The thing is, it's not necessary, because I will make reality as good as the dream."


Alessa's eyes lit up, and then she asked: "Dad, what on earth is going on? I'm mentally prepared."

Compared to two years ago, Alessa is obviously much more mature now. If it were her two years ago, she might have been covered in black air and shouted: "I will never allow this dream to wake up, never."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the devil from hell..."

Andrew said, Alessa was a little dumbfounded, dad is the devil of hell? Even though she was mentally prepared, the truth still shocked her.

"At the same time, I am also the savior."

Andrew smiled and introduced his identity in detail, and then he told the story of the fallen demon king.

"The devil who gave you power is the fallen devil."

Andrew said: "I sensed something was wrong with the Fallen Demon King, so I came here to investigate. After that, I discovered your existence. In order to avoid being noticed by the Fallen Demon King, I did not take action directly. Instead, I attached myself to Triangle Head to find you."

"Triangle head? No wonder I felt familiar and trustworthy the first time I met you."

Alessa suddenly realized, and then she asked in a low tone: "Dad, do you want to use me to deal with the fallen demon king?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I look for you?"

Andrew did not deny it, and Alessa became more and more frustrated. At this moment, Andrew continued: "But this does not prevent you from being my daughter, Alessa Wang, you will be the eldest daughter of the Machine Demon King.

This identity is very important, and at the same time, it is also very dangerous, because there will be a lot of trouble coming to my door, but you cannot refuse, because you are my daughter, and this is your obligation. "

Alessa's head immediately raised and she said: "I won't refuse. I am the eldest daughter of the Machine Demon King. How can I refuse?"

"very good."

Andrew nodded. He was still young and didn't need any offspring. However, Alessa's fate was a bit tragic. Andrew didn't mind helping her, and at the same time, he also helped himself.

Andrew asked: "Alessa, do you know what this world is?"

"Is it an illusion or a dream?"

Alessa replied, and Andrew smiled: "No, this is another timeline. Everything here is real. You are real, and so are others. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so big." changes.

You in this world have been helping you transform and become a normal person. "

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