American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 146 Alien Battleship

"I'll take Coulson and the others there right away."

Garrett answered immediately, and Tony asked with a frown: "You can create lycanthropes, and you also have alien technology, but the ultimate goal is to release biochemical poisonous gas in New York? This doesn't sound right, does it?"

Steve asked: "There is something wrong, Rod, where did you get the news?"

Rhodes said: "That bastard Sacks said it himself, just like the villains in the movie. By the way, as soon as you arrived, they ran away with the panacea and showed no intention of resisting."

Tony said with an ugly face: "I suspect we have fallen into a trap."

Steve smashed Rod's jar with his shield and asked, "Rod, which direction did that Sachs escape from?"

At the same time, the three big turtles returned to normal and broke through the glass jars one after another to escape. Leonardo breathed a sigh of relief, and the three brothers were finally safe and sound.

Rhodes pointed to the right and said, "Over there."

Steve said: "Tony, you scan for their traces in front. As long as you catch them, everything will be clear."


Tony nodded and led everyone to catch up as fast as possible. Unknown to them, Sachs and Kale had been stopped by Gwen and Dr. Reed.

Let's go back in time a little. Sachs and Kale escaped through the escape passage to the platform on the back mountain, where a helicopter was waiting for them.

"Get on the plane and blow up the base."

Sachs shouted excitedly. At this moment, a Quinjet flew from the side, and the six-barreled machine gun was pointed directly at the helicopter. Immediately afterwards, Gwen and Dr. Reed jumped upward at the same time, blocking them in front of them.

"Isn't this too unreasonable for a superhero?"

Sachs couldn't help but curse, and Dr. Reed and Barton said in their hearts at the same time: "It's not that the superhero is unreasonable, it's that the spider sense is unreasonable, and it actually intercepted it?"

In fact, Gwen's spider sense is not at its strongest yet. If it were at its strongest, she wouldn't be fooled by the foot gang at all.

Karai's eyes flashed, and he took out the remote control from his arms and prepared to press it - although pressing it at this time would put them in danger, but if they delayed any longer, other superheroes might come, so it was better to be cautious.

At this moment, a spider thread shot from the front, sticking to Karai's finger to prevent her from pressing it down. At the same time, Dr. Reed's arm lengthened, he grabbed the remote control and drew back.

"Don't even think about it."

Karai grabbed the remote control with his backhand and drew a knife with the other hand to slash Dr. Reed's arm. Dr. Reed did not flinch because Spider-Woman had already rushed in front of Karai.

"let go."

Spider-Woman grabbed Karai's wrist and broke it hard. Karai was in pain and the katana fell to the ground.

Spider-Woman took the opportunity to kick Karai in the chest. With a bang, Karai stepped back several steps, and the remote control completely fell into Dr. Reed's hands.


Karai looked a little ugly. She yelled and rushed forward to grab the remote control. Gwen immediately intercepted and the two women fought on the platform.

Sachs knew what Kalai was shouting and nodded towards the pilot in the helicopter. With sharp eagle eyes, he immediately noticed Sachs's movements and immediately started a six-barreled machine gun to shoot at the pilot wildly.

The pilot instantly turned into a sieve, but before he died, he still pressed the button, and the two missiles hanging next to him shot at the Quinjet.

Just as Patton was about to control the plane to dodge, one of the missiles exploded, and a pulse wave swept around. The Quinjet immediately became uncontrollable. Then, another missile hit the side of the Quinjet and exploded with a bang.

A large hole was blown out of the Quinjet on the spot, and it fell down with thick smoke.

"Shet, the fighter plane crashed as soon as it entered the battle."

Patton cursed, opened the hatch above, activated the safety measures and ejected. Then, the Quinjet hit the mountain wall and exploded with a bang.

Sachs nodded with satisfaction and shouted to Kalai: "There is no need to fight anymore, we have already won."

Kalai stopped when he heard this and retreated to the back. At this time, Barton fell from the sky with a parachute. He snorted: "We are the ones who win."

Sachs and Karai smiled proudly and said nothing. The three of Gwen looked at each other and felt something was wrong.

Soon, Iron Man and others chased them out of the escape tunnel. They were relieved to see Sachs and Kale being stopped.

Gwen said: "Captain, something is wrong, we may have been trapped."

"I feel the same way."

Iron Man said to Sachs and Kale: "Tell us your true purpose, otherwise don't blame me for letting Rhodes take action against you."

Rhodes complained: "Why me?"

"How could a good citizen like me do such a thing as torture? Of course I want you, an American soldier, to do it."

Iron Man said confidently: "Isn't it common sense that the American military is good at torture to extract confessions?"

Steve and Rod looked unhappy, but couldn't refute because they were both good at this kind of thing.

"Don't bother me. I'll tell you everything. It's too late for you anyway."

Sachs said proudly: "The Quinjet has crashed. It will take at least a few hours for you to return to New York. In a few hours, New York will have already fallen."

"Fighter plane crashed?"

Everyone was stunned. Barton pointed to the burning mountain wall next to him, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Human Torch asked: "Are you talking about biochemical gas? Sorry, SHIELD has sent people to eliminate it. Your conspiracy will not succeed."

"Of course it's not biochemical gas."

Sacks said: "It's something more powerful, something that can dominate the world."

Karai sneered: "Don't you, SHIELD, like watching quick shakes the most? Why don't you open it and take a look?"

Barton felt offended, and then everyone took out their mobile phones and turned on KuaiDou, even the captain was no exception - he had already learned how to use his mobile phone, and KuaiDou could be operated by voice.

Soon, Kuaishu opened. The host Luo Shan pointed to the blue portal in the sky and introduced: "This is the portal opened by the traitor on the earth for the aliens. The aliens are preparing to transport alien warships into the earth and conquer them." Humanity."

"Alien battleship?"

Everyone exclaimed at the same time, they never expected that it would be an alien invasion, but then again, this is in line with the technology shown by the foot gang before.

While Luo Shan was talking, a large number of alien assembly parts flew out of the vortex and gathered in the sky above New York for rapid assembly. The space gate was not big enough, so the electronic circle was broken into pieces, broken down into individual assembly parts and sent to the earth.

Soon, the alien platform and basic skeleton were assembled, and Commander Kraang teleported to the platform, looking excited, stupid Earthling, here he comes.

Luo Shan continued to introduce: "Everyone should be wondering who opened the portal? The answer is the Foot Gang. They cooperate with aliens and prepare to invade the earth.

In order to successfully open the portal, Shredder, the boss of the Foot Gang, devised a plan to trick the superheroes out of New York and prepared a large amount of explosives for them.

The superheroes' life or death is now uncertain. Even if they are not dead, they will not have time to rush back to New York. In a few minutes, the alien battleship will be assembled. By then, not only New York will be in danger, but the whole world will be in danger.

New York citizens, run away quickly. Alien warships appear in the sky over New York. They may destroy New York and shock the world.

Even if the alien warships don't take action, our military will definitely launch nuclear bombs. I don't need to tell you more about this. "

"Shet, damn the Foot Gang, damn the aliens, damn the military, damn..."

The citizens of New York, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the superheroes yelled at each other at the same time. They never thought that such a small museum robbery would have such an amazing conspiracy hidden behind it.

Some citizens who had fled the city before breathed a sigh of relief and were deeply grateful that they had foresight - as soon as they saw those lycanthropes, they knew that disaster was coming again. In this broken place in New York, disasters are more timely than wages.

Most of the citizens started to run away at this time. Of course, the traffic was blocked again. Everyone was yelling and cursing, but it was of no use. The blockade should continue to be blocked.

"It's time to start work. It seems to be very busy recently. We have to start work once a month. It seems that it is time to increase the wages of the black widows."

Andrew snapped his fingers, and the Black Widows went to work. As for the Peace Knights, they were not needed this time.

"I guess we don't have to explain anymore, superheroes, you lose."

Sacks laughed triumphantly, and Iron Man punched him away and asked the others: "Damn it, how many superheroes are there in New York City?"

"And Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, Dr. Banner, Daredevil, Luke Cage."

Gwen thought for a while and replied. Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and Human Torch said: "With the Ghost Rider here, there should be hope."

Karai sneered and said: "You have no hope. There are hundreds of lycanthropes on my father's side, plus the aliens' methods. If it is the old Ghost Rider, it's hard to say, but the new Ghost Rider will not be able to do it at all." Not worth mentioning."

Everyone looked a little ugly, because Karai was right. At this time, Gwen said: "Well, my boyfriend told me that most Ghost Riders cannot transform during the day."


Everyone couldn't help but curse. There was a little hope before, but now it's completely gone.

"Spider-Man, plus a comedian, two street heroes, this time it's really over."

Tony cursed, and Steve took out a breath and said, "Tony, Human Torch, you guys rush back to New York as fast as you can, and we'll find out if there's any other transportation."

Sachs got up from the ground and said, "You can't make it in time."

"Even if you can't make it in time, you have to rush, maybe there will be a miracle."

Steve said and Tony and the Human Torch nodded and headed back to New York at full speed.

"A miracle? Captain, you really know how to tell a joke. The only thing you can do now is to surrender. I will leave a place for you in the new world."

Sachs said proudly, and at this moment, Rhodes punched him in the nose, causing blood all over his nose.

Rhodes snorted: "This is for you on behalf of the New York police."

"You bastard..."

Sachs was about to curse when another fist hit him on the nose, but it was Raphael who said, "I gave this to you."

Sacks didn't speak this time for the simple reason that he was knocked unconscious.

The power of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is not something that an ordinary person can bear.

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