American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 147 Destruction

The other two big turtles turned their attention to Kalai, who snorted and raised his head without any fear.

The two big turtles didn't want to hit the woman, so they stopped. At this time, Barton sighed: "It would be great if that one was fine."


Everyone nodded. If King Andrew is fine, no matter what lycanthropes or aliens you are, the hundreds of meters long flaming sword cut them all into two.

"Mr. Wang?"

Steve's heart moved. Mr. Wang had given him a business card and said that he could trade with the person on the card.

"I wonder if the other party can solve this disaster? If it can, I am willing to give everything."

It would be a good deal for Steve to exchange himself for the disaster to end. He had already done something similar once.

"Wait a minute, maybe SHIELD and the New York military have a way."

Steve thought to himself, then he clapped his hands and said, "Don't waste time, let's find other means of transportation."

At the same time, on the electronic circular palace platform, Shredder and hundreds of lycanthropes wearing full body armor were teleported by Commander Kroang.

Shredder pretended to be silly and said: "I succeeded, Commander Krone, you promised to give me half of your power."

The brain in the belly of the robot laughed loudly: "Half power? Stupid earthling, do you really think I will give you half of the power? You will only become my collection, a stupid and arrogant earthling."

"You dare to trick me? Commander Kraang, don't forget who has the advantage now?"

Shredder shouted, and hundreds of lycanthropes gathered around, looking at Commander Kraang with ferocious expressions.

Aliens, they haven't beaten them yet, how do they feel?

"This is my territory, stupid Earthlings."

Commander Kraang smiled disdainfully, and with a wave of its tentacles, eight pillars emerged from the floor, spraying cold air at Shredder and the lycanthropes.

The cold effect was so strong that Shredder and hundreds of lycanthropes were frozen at the same time. Commander Kroang was so proud that he prepared to keep Shredder as a collection and dispose of the hundreds of lycanthropes as garbage.

At this moment, the ice on Shredder's body suddenly shattered. Then, he rushed in front of Commander Krone at an astonishing speed. A sharp blade popped out of his forearm and stabbed into Commander Krone's brain.

Facing Commander Kraang's horrified gaze, Shredder sneered: "You think I don't know you are using me? Stupid alien."

"You can't kill me. Only I can control the electronic circle palace. I can really cooperate with you and give you half of the power."

Commander Krone shouted in horror, and at the same time, he secretly swore in his heart: "As long as we are out of danger, I will immediately control the laser cannon and kill this bastard to ashes."

Commander Krona is actually very strong. If he didn't underestimate the enemy, it wouldn't be so easy for Shredder to take it down.

"Half? No, I want them all."

Schrader said ferociously, and then he used his right hand to split Commander Krone's brain into two.

Commander Kraang's eyes were wide open before he died. He never thought that Shredder would actually kill him. This is unscientific.

As soon as Commander Kraang died, the robot on it immediately attacked Shredder. This was an order set by Commander Kraang during his lifetime to avenge himself.

While dodging, Shredder raised his hand and sent a black light into Commander Kraang's body.

Commander Kraang's brain healed quickly, and then Commander Kraang came back to life. His eyes were dull and he ordered the robot to stop.

This is Shredder's power of rebirth. He can set whether the resurrected object will be resurrected perfectly or as a puppet. Commander Kraang is obviously the latter.

"Unlock the lycanthrope and give me control of the battleship."

Shredder ordered: "The alien battleship is mine, and the earth is mine, hahaha."

"Yes, Master."

Commander Kraang replied dully, and soon, the Electronic Circle Palace became Shredder's property.

At SHIELD headquarters, Hill was reporting the situation to Nick Fury: "The Quinjet and the remaining superheroes are rushing over, military fighter planes have also taken off, and they are applying to the president to use nuclear bombs.

In addition, the space carrier is ready and ready to take off at any time. "

"I would be surprised if the military doesn't launch nuclear bombs one day."

Nick Fury snorted and said: "Order the space carrier to take off. The target is New York. In addition, activate the energy cannon at the Manhattan base."

"Yes, Director."

Hill had no nonsense and called the secret base in Manhattan.

In an abandoned factory in Manhattan, the covers above five factory buildings opened at the same time. Then, five thick mechanical cannon barrels slowly rose up, aiming at the electronic circle palace in the sky.

Disasters often occur in New York. After Nick Fury obtained the method of making energy weapons, he secretly built energy cannons in Manhattan just in case.

It is worth mentioning that neither the White House nor the Mayor of New York knew about this matter - no one would agree to SHIELD building this thing in Manhattan.

"If I succeed in destroying the alien warship, no one will say anything about me. They will only praise me for my foresight. If it's none of my business. The fort was built by that guy Garrett without permission."

Nick Fury has already thought of everything, and no matter what the outcome is, it will not affect him.

"It's nice to have a scapegoat."

Nick Fury secretly lamented that he was right to establish the New York Special Command.

"Start charging and launch."

Inside the base, five cannon barrels slowly lit up. Ten seconds later, five bucket-thick energy cannons blasted toward the electronic circular palace in the sky with dazzling blue light.

"An attack is detected and the defense system is activated."

The intelligent system of the Electronic Round Palace prompted, and then, a semicircular energy defense shield appeared in front of the Electronic Round Palace, blocking the five energy cannons.

"Idiot, do you think everyone is like your S.H.I.E.L.D. team and dares to go to the sky without a protective shield?"

Andrew saw this scene with a look of contempt on his face. Which space civilization doesn't have defensive shield technology?

"Fake, continue the attack."

Nick Fury cursed that the alien battleship had not been assembled yet. He thought he had an opportunity to take advantage of it, but he did not expect that the other party's technology was more advanced than he thought.

The electronic round palace intelligent system prompted: "The attack has been blocked. Do you want to fight back?"

Shredder said coldly: "Of course, fight back. Destroy it for me."

"The counterattack begins."

A cannon barrel emerged from under the electronic circular palace, and then the barrel began to charge. A moment later, a waveform energy cannon was fired towards the factory area thousands of meters away.

Boom, the buildings and the ground in the factory area collapsed at the same time. Immediately afterwards, a large number of explosions occurred, fire and black smoke rose into the sky, and all the people inside died.


Nick Fury punched the control table with hatred. The aliens' technology was very advanced. The energy cannon in front of them was no different from a child's toy.

"The power is pretty good."

Looking at the completely destroyed factory area below, Schrader nodded with satisfaction. No wonder Commander Krone is so confident in conquering the earth. The alien warships are really powerful.

At this time, SHIELD's Quinjet arrived. They did not dare to get too close and dropped the SHIELD team and several superheroes on the roof of a nearby building.

"The air around the alien battleship is poisonous. Ordinary gas masks are useless. Coulson, you should not go. I will go down alone."

Dr. Banner checked the surrounding data and said, Spider-Man said: "I don't feel the air is dangerous. Those poisonous gases should be ineffective on me. I will go down with you."

Colson said with an ugly face: "You go down first, we will develop a new gas mask immediately."


Dr. Banner nodded and said to Spider-Man, "Spider-Man, there is a signal-emitting device on the alien battleship. If you get it, you can disintegrate the alien battleship. Do you understand?"

Spider-Man took a deep breath and nodded: "Understood."

Then, the two of them jumped down at the same time and entered the electronic circular palace with the help of flying components. Schrader spotted them immediately and asked hundreds of beasts to stop him, but he couldn't move.

If all the superheroes come, Schrader will still be a little worried. Just two superheroes, what does it matter?

Just as Schrader thought, although Dr. Banner and Spider-Man tried their best, there were too many lycanthropes and they were unable to break through the obstacles and enter the core of the Round Palace. In fact, it was difficult for them to even protect themselves.

At this time, the alien battleship was 80% complete and most of its functions could be used. Schrader asked Commander Kraang: "How did you plan to scare the people on earth?"

Commander Kraang replied: "Launch laser satellites to destroy humanity's military."

"Then launch."

Schrader thought for a while and said with a ferocious expression: "Destroy the American fleet. I hate their fleet the most. They show off their power on the sea every day."

"Satellite launch."

The intelligent system immediately launched three laser satellites into the sky. The satellites quickly entered orbit, and then they locked onto the U.S. Third Fleet in the Pacific.

The U.S. Third Fleet, with five aircraft carriers, is the main force of the Pacific Fleet.

The intelligent system asked: "The lock is complete, do you want to launch an attack?"

"Launch, and record the destruction of the aircraft carrier."

Shredder nodded, and the next second, three red lasers were fired from the satellite, cutting an aircraft carrier into several sections like sharp blades.

The aircraft carrier exploded quickly, and the soldiers on board were swallowed by the explosion and the sea before they could realize what was going on.

This did not end. The laser continued to cut into other aircraft carriers. The aircraft carriers had no resistance at all and were cut open one after another, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The fleet commander pointed the gun at his head in despair.

He is finished, and so is the Third Fleet.

"good, very good."

Shredder laughed loudly and ordered: "Control the global system and release the scene just now."

The intelligent system did as it was told, and soon the TV system was controlled to simultaneously broadcast the scene of the destruction of the Third Fleet.

The whole world was silent at the same time. Everyone covered their mouths and looked at the screen in disbelief. The third fleet was actually destroyed?

That is the U.S. Third Fleet, a Third Fleet with five aircraft carriers!

“Is God going to destroy us America?”

Not to mention the citizens, even President Ellis was a little desperate. He hurriedly asked his staff: "What are the chances of launching a nuclear bomb to destroy an alien warship? The kind that ignores New York."

An expert smiled bitterly and said: "With the presence of laser satellites, nuclear bombs will definitely be intercepted midway. Moreover, they have defensive covers."

"Not even nuclear bombs?"

President Ellis is like falling into an ice cellar. Nuclear bombs are mankind's most powerful weapons.

After all, alien technology cannot be compared to that of an indigenous planet.

Andrew shook his head. Earth's technology is indeed no match for aliens, but Earth is not just about technology, mutants, and magic. All of them can fight against aliens.

At this time, Schrader's big face appeared on the TV. He said: "In front of alien technology, you are just ants. I ask all countries to surrender to me immediately.

Within half an hour, if any country does not surrender, I will use alien warships to completely wipe out that country.

Don't doubt the power of alien battleships. It is easy for alien battleships to destroy a country.

Remember, you only have half an hour. "

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