At this time, Susan walked up to the rooftop and said to Andrew: "Just in time for you to come back, Norman Osborne's son Harry Osborne called from Europe and wanted to talk to you about the Osborne Group. "

"He wants to save the Osborne Group? That's not a good choice."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Tell him that the Osborne Group is finished. No one can save the Osborne Group, and no one wants him to save the Osborne Group, including his father Norman Osborne."

"It's true, people will not forgive the Osborne group."

Susan nodded, thinking of something, and said: "By the way, Andrew, I want to modify the Green Goblin's aircraft and give it to Spider-Woman and the others, is that okay?

Spider-Woman and the others often encounter dangers. They will be much safer if they have aircraft. The patent rights for aircraft already belong to us.

In addition, in exchange, I will let them hand over some of the copyrights to us. "

"Aircraft? Leave this to me. I'll get some flying skateboards for you."

Andrew smiled and said that the Little Green Goblin's Green Goblin skateboard is quite cool. Of course, the flying skateboard produced by Andrew will be far superior to the Green Goblin skateboard in terms of technology.

"I'll thank you on their behalf."

Susan was overjoyed, kissed Andrew on the face, turned and left.

Andrew nodded: "Iron Man supports Spider-Man, and I support Spider-Woman and her entire team. It makes sense."

At the foothills base outside New York City, Sacks and Carle were on a video call with Schrader.

Karai asked worriedly: "Father, if you don't leave any clues for the superheroes, can they really find this place?"

"Don't underestimate those superheroes. Even if there are no clues, they will come to you. Many villains die from being too confident."

Schrader said: "Don't say this, after they come to the door, you follow the plan."

"No problem. I have buried a lot of explosives and poison gas in the base. All those superheroes will die here."

Sachs smiled and said: "They must not have imagined that our target is actually them."

"Superheroes are not that easy to kill, but even if you can't kill them, you can still trap them so they can't return to New York."

Schrader said: "In this way, no one can stop me from opening the portal and guiding the alien warships into the earth."

Sachs and Kale were very excited when they heard this. When the time comes, Schrader will be the king, and they will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Sachs thought of something and asked, "Shredder, is there any problem with Commander Krone?"

"Don't worry, I can deal with him."

Shredder said confidently: "Sachs, Kale, everything is based on the plan. If necessary, you have to sacrifice yourselves to complete the plan, and I will resurrect you."

After fusing the blood of the evil god, Shredder gained the power of resurrection of the beast. This is different from Norman Osborn, who gained the evil power to control others.

"Father, we will not let you down."

Sachs and Kale nodded at the same time. They had both seen Shredder's resurrection ability and had no doubts about it.

After explaining everything, Schrader canceled the holographic projection, and then asked the scientist Stallman on the side: "When will the debugging be completed?"

"Soon, interstellar transmission will be more troublesome than short-distance transmission, but I can handle it."

Stallman said excitedly that as long as the plan succeeds, he can become the world's number one scientist.

"Very well, as soon as possible."

Shredder nodded. He looked at the globe next to him with a somewhat excited expression. Soon, he would become the Lord of the Earth.

On the other side, Sachs and Karai came to the place where the three Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Rhodes were imprisoned.

One person and three turtles were locked in four large glass jars. The three turtles were connected to blood vessels, and the blood was extracted from their bodies bit by bit. As a result, the three big turtles became very weak.

At the same time, there was a large instrument outside that separated the elixir from the blood of three big turtles.

When Rhodes saw Sachs, who was "sworn in with sin," he was shocked and asked: "Mr. Sachs, why are you here?"

Sachs replied in a good mood: "I am the financial backer behind the Foot Gang. Where would I be if I weren't here?"

"I know there are no good capitalists."

Rhodes cursed and asked, "What on earth do you want to do? Faak, are you billionaires sick? There are so many beauties who don't play, and so many subordinates who don't command and think about doing bad things every day."

"Quite simply, I want to rule New York."

Like a qualified villain, Sachs explained his plan in great detail, but Kalai did not stop him. It was a useless plan anyway.

The three turtles and Rhodes were furious. Rhodes shouted: "Do you know how many people this will kill?"

"Immortal, how do others know my greatness?"

Sachs opened his hands and said: "I will be the king of New York, and the living people will call me the savior."

Rhodes gritted his teeth and said, "Tony and the others will not let you go. They will definitely find you and cut you into pieces."

"I am waiting."

Sachs and Karai laughed at the same time. They were not afraid of the superheroes coming, they were just afraid that the superheroes would not come.

On the Quinjet, Paper Crane was giving Patton directions: "Left, yes, that's the direction. Keep going, we're not far from the target."

Gwen and others looked at the paper crane curiously. This thing was not scientific at all.

Gwen couldn't help but ask Iron Man: "Iron Man, where did these paper cranes come from?"

"A magician made it, uh, it should be a magician, right?"

Tony said with a weird look on his face, "That guy Andrew Wang is completely invisible."


Gwen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "This world is getting more and more magical. I won't be surprised if God comes in person one day."

"I feel more and more now that I should continue to lie in the ice cellar and sleep."

Steve sighed. Everyone thought of the chaos in New York and felt that what the captain said made sense.

"How could you think that? Life is short and every moment should be cherished, even the pain."

Qianzhihe flew in front of Steve and scolded: "Whether happiness or pain is part of life, we should be grateful for everything..."

Looking at the endless chattering paper cranes, Steve looked confused. He felt more and more that he should lie down in the ice cellar. At least there would be no paper cranes in the ice cellar to lecture him, and he could not refute.

Everyone laughed, the magic was really magical, this paper crane was almost the same as real life.

In fact, Qianzhihe is still a long way from real life, but there is no need to say more.

Soon, everyone came to a large mountain. There was a wooden house at the center of the mountain, and there were two guards protecting the house.

Patton set the Quinjet to be invisible. After Tony scanned it, he said, "There is a secret base under the house. It should be the home of the Foot Gang."

Leonardo said impatiently: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go down and save people."

Everyone was about to get off the plane. At this moment, Gwen suddenly said with a solemn expression: "Wait a minute, I sense a huge danger down there."

"Great danger?"

Everyone was stunned, and Leonardo asked suspiciously: "Spider-Woman, is she real or fake?"

"Both Spider-Men have Spider-Senses and can predict danger. What she said is true."

Tony said: "The Foot Gang has alien technology, and it is normal for it to threaten our lives."

The stone man asked: "Then what should we do?"

Tony said with a headache: "The best way is to call for support and bomb the base directly. The problem is that we don't have time. Three big turtles and Rhodes are down there. The female ninja said before that they need to drain the blood of the three big turtles." .”

Leonardo said impulsively: "We can't wait, I'll go down and explore the way for you."

"We really don't have time to wait, but we can't rush in and die."

Steve thought for a while and asked Gwen: "Spider-Woman, can you sense the specific danger?"

"No, the spider sense can only detect danger, just like intuition."

Tony was the first to answer, saying that he had more contact with Spider-Man and knew Spider-Man's abilities very well.

Gwen said with some embarrassment: "Well, I sense that we will be buried in the base."

"Buried in the base?"

Steve said thoughtfully: "In other words, the base has a self-destruct device. If things go wrong, they will detonate the base and bury everyone."

Tony glanced at Gwen in surprise. She was also Spider-Man. Why was she better than that silly boy Peter in everything?

The reason is simple, Gwen has always been nourished by the power of the Demon King.

Tony asked, "Spider-Woman, can you find the self-destruct device?"

Gwen nodded and said, "It should be possible. I'm very good at finding people and things, but I need someone to help me disable the self-destruct device."

Steve turned around and asked: "Tony, Dr. Reed, which one of you is teaming up with Spider-Woman?"

Tony said, "Dr. Reed, go ahead. I'm too famous. If I don't show up, they might get suspicious."

"give it to me."

Dr. Reed nodded first, and then complained: "Tony, are you taking the opportunity to brag about yourself?"

"Okay, Spider-Woman and Dr. Reed are going to disable the self-destruct device. The others will attack the base with me. We don't have much time. This time, we don't have to hold back and find the four hostages as quickly as possible."

Steve commanded: "Barton, you stay on the plane just in case. Qianzhihe, you hide yourself. When we deal with the guards, you help us lead the way."

Qian Zhihe said movedly: "Are you caring about me? I am actually cared about?"

With an embarrassed look on his face, Steve hurriedly led everyone out of the Quinjet and quietly approached the cabin.


Colleen's two flying knives hit the throats of the two guards, and the two guards fell down with expressions of disbelief.

Then, the stone man broke through the wooden door and rushed into the house, attracting the firepower of all the guards. Others took the opportunity to enter the wooden house from the side. Soon, all the guards were eliminated.

The movement in the wooden house immediately alerted Sachs and Kale. The two looked at each other and were shocked. The superhero was really here, and how quickly?

"Father is right, superheroes are really powerful."

Kalai sighed, they originally planned to drain the blood of the three big turtles and take the panacea to the back mountain to wait.

Once the superheroes enter the base, they will immediately detonate explosives and bury the superheroes in the mountains.

As a result, before the blood was drained, the superheroes came to kill him.

"You continue to draw blood."

Sachs picked up the bottle containing the panacea and ordered to the staff. Then, he and Kalai ran towards the escape route that only they knew.

The three big turtles lost too much blood and didn't even have the strength to speak. Rhodes was extremely anxious and hoped that Tony and the others would come as soon as possible. Only in this way could they stop that bastard Sachs.

On the way, Sachs took out his phone and called Schrader and said, "The superhero has arrived early and the plan can begin. The superhero will never have time to get back to New York."

"very good."

Schrader was very satisfied, turned to Stallman and ordered: "Stallman, activate the space gate."

Stallman said excitedly: "Start charging. In three minutes, the interstellar space gate will open."

In the wooden house, Steve stood in front of the elevator door and said to everyone: "Tony, Human Torch, you go down first to clear the place. We will follow. Dr. Reed, you and Spider-Woman will come in later."

Everyone nodded, and the Human Torch flew into the elevator and burned through a big hole with flames. Then, he and Tony flew down together. Soon, fierce gunshots and screams came from below.

Steve listened for a while, then led everyone to slide down the rope to join the battle. In just a few minutes, all the guards at the elevator received their lunch boxes.

The crowd did not stop. Under the leadership of Qian Zhihe, they quickly rushed inside. Ordinary ninjas did not know that much and tried their best to resist the intruders.


Hearing the sound of fighting fading away, Dr. Reed was about to leave, but found that Gwen was motionless. He asked: "Spider-Woman, is there anything new?"

"There's something going on. Let's go back to the Quinjet."

Gwen said as she ran outside. Dr. Reed was stunned and hurriedly chased after her.

Seeing the two returning to the fighter plane, Patton asked in confusion: "What are you doing back?"

Gwen pointed to the right and said: "Start the fighter and fly in that direction."

Barton was a little shocked. He thought for a while, started the Quinjet and flew to the right. Since he chose to believe it at the beginning, he believed it in the end, it was that simple.

Inside the base, Tony knocked down a ninja and asked with some confusion: "Have you noticed that there is not a single lycanthrope in this base?"

"The defense here is much weaker than expected, but we need to find Rhodes and the others first."

Steve said, and Tony stopped talking nonsense and attacked the ninjas with all his strength. Soon, they reached the laboratory.


Seeing the miserable condition of the three brothers, Leonardo was furious and rushed forward and chopped down all the panicked staff to the ground.

Then, as Leonardo prepared to split the jar, Donatello said weakly: "Adrenaline."

Leonardo didn't understand why, so Tony flew to the operating table and controlled the machine as quickly as possible to inject epinephrine into the three turtles.

Rhodes shouted hurriedly: "Tony, behind the Foot Gang is that bastard Sachs. He is planning to release biochemical poison gas in New York City, poisoning everyone, and then be the savior to save everyone with a panacea."

"What, biochemical poison gas?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and the Human Torch immediately shouted: "Garrett, quickly take people to the Sachs Group to stop them."

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