American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1428 Surrender

"How many times have you lied to me?"

Princess Peach was furious when she heard this. Andrew shrugged and said pretentiously: "Not much, let me count, once, twice, three times, four times..."

Princess Peach's nose was almost crooked with anger. She decided to take back her previous promise and take revenge on this dwarf.

"how so?"

On the other side, Bathory was shocked to see Wade actually being captured. Such a powerful psycho was actually defeated by a dwarf? Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

Bathory immediately controlled the blood line to shoot towards Andrew and the cup. At this moment, a powerful electromagnetic field appeared and all the blood lines were shattered. At the same time, Bathory's body was unable to move.

Annie turned into an electric current and teleported into the mecha the orangutans made for her. Then, her whole body was filled with lightning, and all four rails on the mecha were aimed at Bathory.


Annie shouted, and four orange rays of light roared out and blasted towards Bathory. Bathory, who had just broken free from the electromagnetic field, had no time to dodge and was directly blasted to pieces by four electromagnetic cannons and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Anne breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the blood mist quickly rushed towards Anne. Bathory was surprisingly not dead, but still alive. In fact, she was not beaten into blood mist, but actively turned into blood mist.

Annie's expression changed, and a large amount of electric light emitted from her body, condensing into a large electric ball, and blasting towards the blood mist formed by Bathory.

At this moment, the blood mist suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already at Princess Peach's side. Immediately afterwards, the blood mist rushed into Princess Peach's body, and Princess Peach's eyes quickly turned red.

Bang, Princess Peach kicked Andrew away. Then, she grabbed the cup on the ground, bat wings emerged from her back, and flew into the sky to escape.

It is obvious that Princess Peach is controlled by Bathory. In addition, Bathory does not know the rules of this world, so she does not attack Wade and let him return to normal, but escapes with him.

In this world, except for the Invincible Star, other mushrooms will return to normal after being attacked.


Upon seeing this, Anne immediately chased after Bathory, and at the same time continuously fired electric current to intercept. Bathory snorted coldly, spun rapidly, and a large number of blood-colored balls fell down.

Annie sensed something was wrong and quickly used electric current to attack the balls. The balls exploded one after another, forming a large blood mist that obscured her vision.

When the blood mist disappeared, Bathory and Wade had disappeared. Annie cursed, but could not stop it and could only fly back to the ground.

"Miss Anne, what should we do now? Princess Peach has been snatched away."

Andrew asked pretending to be anxious, and Anne said solemnly: "If nothing else happens, Lava Island is about to invade New York. King Kong, I want to know the locations of all nearby pipelines.

Mario, you and the other Kongs enter those pipes and fight to find a way back to New York. We must inform the other superheroes that disaster is about to break out. "

"Is disaster coming again?"

Andrew looked shocked, but shook his head in his heart. Anne was still not sharp enough to discover the treasures of this world, namely those mushrooms. Making good use of mushrooms can greatly enhance the strength of humans.

"Since Annie didn't notice, I had to come. As the child of destiny in this incident, it's normal for me to be a little outstanding."

Andrew secretly thought, he planned to let the old orangutan king and the mushroom man prepare a large number of question mark grids.

"Although I don't want to, disaster has really struck again. The wanted criminal Wade will definitely lure the big devil Bowser to New York."

Annie sighed. In addition to looking for the pipeline, she also asked the orangutans to find the clones of the clones. As long as they killed those clones, the clones would know what was going on here.

By then, the superheroes will be ready, and if there is enough time, they can even come to this world and stop Bowser.

On Lava Island, Bathory returned to the palace with Wade, who had shrunk in size. The magician was shocked to see Princess Peach with bat wings. What kind of mushroom did the princess eat?

Seth, who was wrapped around Old Serra's wrist, was a little surprised to see Wade getting smaller. Bathory hurriedly told the story.

Seth said directly: "Turn into a small mushroom? It seems that there are many good things in this world, just like the star before, throw that guy into the magma."

"Hey, Green Snake, you are seeking revenge!"

Wade cursed loudly in the bottle. Bathory didn't waste any time and threw Wade directly into the lava. A second later, the glass bottle shattered, and then Wade fell into the lava. Immediately afterwards, Wade returned to his original state and screamed strangely. He jumped out with most of his clothes damaged.

"Hey, I recovered?"

Wade was stunned, and then he asked Seth: "Sett, how do you know that you can recover like this?"

"I don't know, I just want to take the opportunity to kill you."

Seth said very frankly, and then he entered the iceberg again and shouted to the Great Demon King Kuba: "Look, who is here?"

Bowser opened his eyes and saw the longing Princess Peach standing in front of her. His eyes suddenly lit up. If he hadn't been unable to speak, he would have expressed his feelings.

"Follow my orders and invade other worlds. When you are done, I will send Princess Peach to you."

Seth said: "When the time comes, you can have Princess Peach and do whatever you want."

Lord Bowser shouted: "I don't need you to give it to me. As long as I confess my love to Princess Peach, she will definitely agree to it."

Seth was speechless, how could this guy be as thick-skinned as Wade? He said: "Maybe, Lord Bowser, if you don't surrender, then you can only hold Princess Peach's body and sing."

Bowser was furious: "Are you threatening me?"

"Can't you?"

Seth sneered. The Big Devil Bowser was extremely angry, but he was really caught. After all, he had true love for Princess Peach. Well, he thought he was true love. Princess Peach had always regarded him as her biggest enemy.

Bowser said bitterly: "Whatever you want me to do, I will do it. However, I declare in advance that even if Princess Peach loses even one hair, I will not let you go."

"I told you to invade other worlds."

Seeing that Bowser finally gave in, Seth nodded with satisfaction and said: "Next, I will arrange a magic circle on you to enhance your hell blood.

Then, you take control of the lava island and travel to the alternate world of New York, where you slaughter lives and obtain their souls to sacrifice to hell.

Your strength is not as good as those superheroes from another world. However, as long as you complete the sacrifice, you will be promoted to a higher level. By then, those superheroes will not be your opponent at all. "

"I, the Great Demon King Bowser, am invincible, no one can be my opponent."

Bowser said arrogantly, Seth was speechless and pointed at Wade who was using a turtle shell as a new clothes. Bowser looked a little embarrassed and then defended: "It was an accident. Hit me again." It must be me who wins.”


Seth said: "Remember, after entering New York, don't rush to fight against superheroes. Focus on collecting souls. As long as you have enough souls, you will be invincible."


A flame flashed in the eyes of Bowser. When it becomes invincible, the first one it wants to kill is Set, the bastard. As for the second one, it is naturally Wade.

"Then let's get started."

The Great Demon King Bowser said with a ferocious look: "I also want to know how vast the other world you are talking about is, and how terrifying are the strong men on it?"

"You'll know."

Seth laughed. He knew what the Great Demon King Kuba was thinking, but as long as it accepted the gift of hell, it would not be able to change the world, because by then, it would become a madman, a madman who just wanted to kill everything.

Then, Seth asked Wade to release the big devil Bowser. The big devil Bowser glared at Wade hatefully, and immediately ran to Princess Peach, knelt down, and shouted: "Princess Peach, my My love, I finally see you.”

Bathory controlled Princess Peach's body, snorted arrogantly, and turned around to leave.

As an old vampire who has lived for hundreds of years, Bathory understands the psychology of these dog-lickers very well. The more arrogant you are, the harder the other person will lick you. If you are gentle to them, they will gradually stop caring about you.

Just as Bathory thought, Bowser was not angry, but became more and more obsessed with Princess Peach. He immediately shouted: "Magic, bring my piano, I want to play live."

Everyone was speechless, Seth shouted: "Don't waste time, go to the pipeline immediately."

Seth has found a pipeline to the earth and modified it to allow the lava island to enter. However, this modification will cause the pipeline to only be used once.

Of course, Seth doesn't care about this, because he has no intention of letting Lava Island come back. Both Lava Island and Bowser are just cannon fodder.

The Big Devil Kuba was very dissatisfied, but he could only agree obediently. What did he think of and asked: "Where is the Super Star?"

"I have sealed it within you, and it will appear when needed."

Seth said that the super star cannot be given to Bowser at this time because it will resist, and this star is used to deal with the mechanical devil.

Bowser became increasingly dissatisfied. He turned around and kicked the magician away, shouting loudly: "Traitor, activate the lava island and go to the pipeline."

"Yes, the Great Demon King."

The magician climbed up from the ground carelessly and responded loudly. Then, the lava island started to set off. Wade, who had changed into a turtle suit, whistled. Disaster was about to break out again. Unfortunately, he was the villain again.

"If this continues, I will lose my popularity. It's very difficult for me to do it for love."

Wade sighed, since ancient times, how can being a villain end well? Well, except for the Joker. That guy is becoming more and more popular as a villain, and his movie box office has even surpassed that of Deadpool. It's simply weird.

"How about I make a guest appearance as the Joker? Everyone is insane anyway, and besides, I also studied in Arkham Asylum."

Wade touched his chin and began to put on makeup. By the way, he also needed a purple suit, which was standard.

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