American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1427 Manufacturing Workshop

"Very good."

Princess Peach was overjoyed. She didn't expect to succeed so easily. Then, Annie asked the orangutans to prepare for the battle, while she walked up to Andrew and Princess Peach.

"Starlight Anne, it's great to meet you, I'm a fan of yours."

Andrew pretended to be happy and said, Anne was already used to interacting with fans, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will try my best to save your brother, but I dare not guarantee it. I don't know the specific situation now. Know."

"I know, thank you, thank you so much."

Andrew nodded repeatedly, indescribably excited. Then, Anne turned her gaze to Princess Peach and asked: "How many troops can your Mushroom Kingdom send?"

"We have a lot of soldiers, but in terms of combat effectiveness, they may be a bit bad."

Princess Peach said a little embarrassedly, in fact, it's not a little bad, but very bad. This can be seen from Andrew walking around the palace casually.

Let's put it this way, those mushroom soldiers are basically just decorations.

"It's better to count on the Penguin who smashes snowballs than on the Mushroom Man."

The old orangutan king looked disdainful and said: "When the big devil Kuba attacked the Penguin Kingdom, the only success of the Penguin Kingdom was to throw a snowball at him, and then they were destroyed."

Andrew and Anne were speechless. Isn't this fighting power too weak? How come these countries haven't been destroyed yet?

"Then the jungle kingdom will be the main one, and the other kingdoms will be the auxiliary ones."

Annie said: "Gather up the army immediately and prepare to set off to Lava Island."

Although the old orangutan king did not want to fight this war, he did not refuse. After all, Anne was already their queen. He said: "Your Majesty Queen, please go to our vehicle manufacturing workshop and build a vehicle of your own.

All King Kongs in the Jungle Kingdom must have their own vehicles, which are equal to our souls. "

"Can it be manufactured immediately?"

Annie was a little surprised, even in the real world, building vehicles was not that fast.

"Yes, once the design is completed, the vehicle will be manufactured within an hour."

The old orangutan king said proudly that the manufacturing technology of their jungle kingdom was the best in the world.

Facts have proved that the old orangutan king did not lie. After Andrew, Starlight Annie, and Princess Peach completed the design on the computer, in less than half an hour, three new cars appeared in front of them.

Princess Peach made a pink motorcycle, while Starlight Annie made a mecha with fast action capabilities and four long rails, which were prepared for the electromagnetic gun.

Annie was sitting in the cockpit, very excited. With this mecha, her attack power could be improved a lot.

As for Andrew's car, it was an ordinary convertible car. After all, he had to play Mario now and it was not appropriate to attract other people's attention.

Compared with cars, what Andrew really cares about is this manufacturing workshop. If he can master this manufacturing workshop, the speed of manufacturing robots will be greatly accelerated. Basically, the raw materials are put in, and the robots will come out after a while.

What, no science? What kind of science is a movie adapted from a game about?

"The biggest gains in this world are all kinds of mushrooms and manufacturing workshops. Both of these must be captured."

Andrew nodded secretly. At this time, Princess Peach walked up to Starlight Anne and said, "Miss Anne, you are so tall."

"So tall? My height is relatively short among humans."

If it weren't for Princess Peach's sincere face, Anne would have suspected that she was mocking her. Princess Peach was stunned and said: "Mario said that people in your world are similar to him, and he also said that I can't marry someone with my height. .”

Anne burst out laughing. She glanced at Mario and said, "You were deceived by him. This is my normal height. As for Mario, I suspect he has dwarfism."

Princess Peach gritted her teeth in anger, that bastard actually dared to lie to her? She was about to go to the other party to settle accounts. At this time, the old orangutan king had gathered an army and was ready to set off at any time.

Seeing this, Princess Peach could only set off first. At this moment, two figures flew over from a distance.

"Wow, it's so neat. Are you greeting me?"

Wade, who had wings, shouted in surprise. Andrew looked at the angel wings behind him with a look of disgust. This style of painting was worse than a werewolf with wings.

Starlight Annie was surprised when she saw these two people and asked: "Wanted criminal Wade, what are you doing here?"

"We're here to capture Princess Peach, Bowser wants her."

Wade said: "We went to the Mushroom Kingdom before to find Princess Peach. As a result, even if we destroyed the palace, the mushroom people refused to tell where the princess was.

Fortunately, the person next to me can obtain memories through blood, otherwise I really would not be able to find the princess.

By the way, the person next to me said that the blood of mushroom people is so unpalatable that she never wants to drink it again in her life. In fact, I think it tastes similar to mushroom soup..."

Wade kept talking non-stop, and Princess Peach became furious: "You destroyed my palace and hurt my people?"

"It seems that you are Princess Peach."

Bathory looked at Princess Peach and said, "Follow us, otherwise, many people will die here."

"No one will die here. If they do, it will only be the two of you."

Annie stepped forward and shouted loudly. Wade glanced at her and said to Bathory: "You deal with her, I don't dare to hit her."

"Why don't you dare to hit her?"

Bathory was very puzzled. Wade said he didn't dare, not that he couldn't beat him.

"Someone in my ears told me that if I hit her, I would die miserably, so I didn't dare to hit her."

Wade said, Bathory glanced at Wade, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes, she understood, she was crazy, she said: "Okay, I will deal with this woman, you go and capture Princess Peach."

After saying that, Bathory directly raised his hand and shot a large amount of blood like sharp arrows towards Starlight Annie. Starlight Annie turned into lightning and evaded flexibly.

Then, Annie put her hands together, and a bolt of electricity as thick as a bowl hit Bathory at an alarming speed.

Most people cannot dodge at such a speed, but Bathory is an exception. As a vampire, her biggest advantage is speed. Therefore, she avoids the electric current and controls the blood line to continue shooting towards Annie.

Annie's movement speed was no slower than Bathory's, not to mention that she could teleport. The two of them moved quickly in the air and struck quickly. Blood lines and lightning flashed continuously, dazzling everyone below.

"Wow, Miss Anne is so amazing."

Princess Peach looked amazed. At this moment, a voice came from beside her: "It is indeed quite powerful, but, Your Highness, let's go."

Princess Peach was startled and turned around quickly to see Wade standing next to him with a wretched look on her face. Princess Peach turned around without thinking and kicked Wade hard with her right leg.

Wade pointed his finger, and Princess Peach suddenly became unable to move. Then, Wade waved his finger, and Princess Peach was like a puppet, controlled by him, and stood there honestly.

"your Highness."

Seeing this, the orangutans rushed towards Wade one after another, and the orangutan prince even raised the barrel and threw it at Wade.

"The orangutan smashes the barrel, this is too familiar."

Wade chuckled, controlled the strong wind, and blew all the orangutans away. Of course, he didn't mean to kill, uh, kill the orangutans, he just blew them away.

The orangutans were unwilling to give in, and a group of orangutans drove a car and slammed into Wade.

Wade's face was solemn, and a helmet appeared out of thin air on his head. Then, he said arrogantly: "Stupid human being, actually driving in front of me?"

Then, Wade raised his hand, and all the vehicles turned sideways, rolling and sliding on the ground. Wade looked satisfied, please call me Magneto Wade.

"They are not humans, they are orangutans."

Andrew complained, and Wade turned to look at him and said with pity: "It's so pitiful, kid, you'd better go home."

Andrew was speechless. This guy had an unusually poisonous mouth. He took out a blue mushroom and said, "This handsome guy, you are so handsome. I'll treat you to a mushroom."

"Wow, finally someone stops talking without conscience."

Wade took off his hood, pointed at his face, and said with a sigh: "With this face, people say I'm ugly every day, won't their consciences hurt?"

Not to mention Andrew and Princess Peach, even the orangutans were speechless. Please, with your avocado face, who would call you handsome except a blind man?

Then, Wade took the blue mushroom and stuffed it directly into his mouth. He didn't know there might be a problem, but so what? He couldn't die, and people called him a handsome guy, so of course he had to give them some face.

After eating the blue mushrooms, Wade was about to speak. Suddenly, he shrank rapidly and became the size of a thumb in the blink of an eye.

Wade was a little confused. Is this a Pym particle? Just then, a glass bottle fell from the sky and locked him inside.

Wade was furious and punched the glass bottle. Then he screamed and his bones were about to break. He was a little confused and tried to teleport, but he couldn't activate his ability at all.

Shrinking the mushroom will not only reduce Wade's size, but also greatly reduce his abilities. Therefore, Wade cannot use teleportation now.

Of course, shrinking mushrooms have almost no use in actual combat. After all, not everyone will be like Wade and stupidly eat the mushrooms handed over by the enemy - the mushrooms are damaged, unless they are all eaten within a short time, otherwise they will Loss of effect.

"I asked you to call me child, who is the child now?"

Andrew looked down at Wade from above and said arrogantly. Wade cursed in the jar. It was so despicable to defeat him in this way.

"Mario, you did a great job."

Wade was shrunk and Princess Peach returned to normal. She said happily: "For the sake of you saving me, I won't hold you accountable for cheating on me."

Andrew asked in surprise: "All of them?"

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