American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1426 Jungle Kingdom

"It seems like luck is on our side this time."

Seth nodded, and then he continued to persuade the Great Demon King Bowser to surrender, but the Great Demon King Bowser would rather die than surrender after losing his super star. He was like a stone in a pit, smelly and hard.

Seth has a headache. It's not that he has never thought of directly controlling the Great Demon King Kuba. The problem is that controlling it is useless. Once the opponent breaks through the Demon King level, he will immediately return to normal.

Seth thought for a while and asked the magician: "What are the weaknesses of the Great Demon King Bowser?"

"Yes, it likes Princess Peach very much and has always wanted to marry her."

The magician nodded and told the story about Princess Peach in detail. Seth smiled and said: "That's easy. Bathory, Wade, you go to the Mushroom Kingdom and bring Princess Peach back. There is Peach. With the princess in hand, Bowser will be obedient.

In addition, magician, ask all soldiers to return to Lava Island. Lava Island will start an expedition at any time. "

"Yes, Master, don't worry, Master, with Princess Peach in hand, Bowser will definitely be obedient."

The magician nodded repeatedly, betraying the Great Demon King Kuba completely. It was enough not to be a traitor, but since he became a traitor, he must remain a traitor to the end.

Although Bowser couldn't hear what they were saying (there is no air in the iceberg), he still instinctively felt something was wrong and glared at the magician. Unfortunately, his eyes could not kill anyone.

"Wade, let's go."

Bathory shouted to Wade who was having a great time. Although Wade wanted to continue playing, under Bathory's urging, he had to go to work first.

"You wait for me, I will be back."

Wade shouted loudly to the turtles, who hugged each other and cried, is this guy the devil?

After Wade and the others left, Lava Island, under the control of the magician, began to mobilize troops - the earlier the action was taken, the less prepared the Machine Demon King and the superheroes would be, and the greater the success rate.

Seth was not idle either. He took two superheroes to study how to get to the earth.

It is actually not difficult to just go to the earth, as long as you find a suitable pipeline. The problem is that ordinary pipelines cannot transport the entire lava island. Therefore, after finding the channel, Seth has to do something.

For a diverse being like Seth, this is really not difficult.

"Lava Island is really lively."

Andrew knew everything that happened on the lava island, because his nano-reconnaissance bug was hidden in a turtle's body.

Seth did not come in his true form. He only came with a ray of consciousness. Therefore, he could not detect the nano-detection bug, and as for other people, he did not have this ability.

"You have to plan carefully. If you stop them too early, it won't be fun."

Andrew sneered and went out with Princess Peach, preparing to go to the jungle kingdom.

Looking at Princess Peach, who was carrying a bag as if she was going out for an outing, Andrew was a little confused. He asked: "Wait, Your Highness, shall we walk there?"

"Of course, otherwise how else do you want to get there?"

Princess Peach was confused and said: "The Jungle Kingdom is two days away from us. We have to speed up and try to get there before noon tomorrow."

"Two days? In a few hours, Wade and the others will be here."

Andrew secretly complained, and he asked: "Don't you guys in the Mushroom Kingdom have carriages, mounts and the like?"

"Wow, why are you so evil that you actually want to ride on someone else?"

Princess Peach looked disgusted and said: "We don't have any transportation, so we have to walk when we go out. But the orangutans in the Jungle Kingdom have cars, sports cars, motorcycles and the like."

"Apes have cars and sports cars, but you, a human, have nothing?"

Andrew complained, he thought for a while and asked: "Aren't there a lot of flying iron plates? Why not turn them into transportation?"

"Become a means of transportation? They are fixed, how can they be turned into means of transportation?"

Princess Peach looked confused, and Andrew knew she couldn't be counted on, so he said, "Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

After that, Andrew returned to the city with a hammer. Princess Peach was very puzzled. She didn't understand what Andrew was going to do? Also, why are you holding a hammer?

Five minutes later, Andrew flew out on a flying iron plate that he had no idea what the power source was. Then, he shouted to Princess Peach: "Come up, let's go to the Jungle Kingdom."

Princess Peach was very surprised. She held up her skirt and jumped onto the flying iron plate. She asked curiously: "Mario, how did you do that?"

"This, that's it."

Andrew smiled, then, he asked Princess Peach to point the direction, and he controlled the flying iron plate to quickly rush to the jungle kingdom.

On the way, Andrew was not idle. He took out many mushrooms, including red mushrooms that became bigger, blue mushrooms that became smaller, fire flowers, flying mushrooms, etc., which he collected in the city last night.

However, Andrew did not find the life-enhancing mushroom in the game. It is not that there is no life-enhancing mushroom. According to those mushroom people, the life-enhancing mushroom is a very rare mushroom and is difficult to get out of the grid.

"Mario, where did you get so many mushrooms? And what are you doing with these mushrooms?"

Princess Peach was very curious, and Andrew smiled and said: "I exchanged them with the mushroom people in the city. These mushrooms are very interesting. I want to study them."

"Of course they are interesting, but they have a short shelf life, so you have to be careful."

Princess Peach reminded that these mushrooms will be damaged soon, otherwise, the city will definitely be filled with warehouse after warehouse of enlarged mushrooms.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Andrew nodded without saying anything else, concentrating on studying the mushrooms in his hands. Seeing this, Princess Peach did not disturb him and looked down curiously.

Princess Peach has been to the Jungle Kingdom, but has never flown there, so the scene below is very new and interesting to her.

Flying must be faster than walking. About two hours later, the two arrived at the orangutan city in the jungle kingdom. Well, those orangutans called themselves King Kong.

But contrary to the expectations of Andrew and Princess Peach, there were no orangutans guarding the city gate. What was even more outrageous was that there were no orangutans even on the street.

"Could it be that Bowser the Great is here?"

Princess Peach was startled and urged Andrew to go in and check. Andrew nodded and flew all the way inside. He found that it was not that there was no one in the city, but that everyone was gathered in the palace square.

What is even more shocking is that at this moment, the old king of the Jungle Kingdom and the prince all knelt in front of a woman and shouted: "My Queen, the Jungle Kingdom swears allegiance to you to the death."

Princess Peach was stunned. Andrew looked at the woman and couldn't help but touch his nose. The other person was none other than Starlight Anne. Unexpectedly, she was teleported to the Jungle Kingdom and became the queen?

Andrew secretly complained: "Why didn't I find out before that Anne had the idea of ​​becoming the queen?"

Did Anne want to be queen? No, she didn't want to at all, she wasn't even interested in being the queen of humans, let alone the queen of a group of apes.

What happened is that after Annie entered the pipe, she was directly transported to the orangutan kingdom. The orangutans here advocate speed and passion, so there are racetracks everywhere in the city.

Annie didn't know this and was almost hit by a driving orangutan. At the same time, the doppelgänger had previously said that his clone was killed by an orangutan, so Annie believed the orangutan was the enemy.

So, Annie used electric current to blow up the orangutan and the car together, which caused a hornet's nest. A large number of orangutans came on bicycles and fought with Annie.

And then, uh, then all the orangutans fell down. Are you kidding me? Annie can now turn into lightning and is naturally invincible. How can these driving apes defeat her?

After the collective failure, the old orangutan king knelt down with the orangutan prince and declared that Anne was their queen. This was the whole process.

Annie looked confused and didn't understand the situation at all. However, she roughly guessed that this jungle kingdom was not the legendary villain.

Just when Anne was at a loss, Andrew and Princess Peach arrived. Andrew stood up and shouted with a look of surprise: "Starlight Anne."

Princess Peach looked stunned. She didn't understand why Andrew was so excited. By the way, that woman was so tall.

"Are you from Earth?"

Anne didn't recognize Andrew at all. She looked at the little man and asked. Andrew nodded and said, "I'm from New York, Mario from Mario Plumbing Company. It's really nice to meet you, my brother." Can you help me save him on Lava Island?"

"What happened to Lava Island?"

Annie asked, and the old orangutan king on the side immediately told the story, and then said: "Queen, the big devil Kuba is very powerful, I suggest you not to mess with him."

"Yes, Bowser is very powerful. Moreover, he got a super star in the Penguin Kingdom some time ago. If you mess with him, you will be in great trouble."

The orangutan prince DK said, Princess Peach heard this and said hurriedly: "The problem is, if you don't mess with Bowser, he will take the initiative to mess with you. He has already obtained the super star and will start a war with us sooner or later.

Our only way to survive now is to unite and declare war on Bowser. "

"It turns out that the real BOSS is King Bowser, not these orangutans. In this case, we must find a way to use the power of the indigenous people to deal with King Bowser together to avoid a disaster."

Anne knew it well. She looked at Princess Peach and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom, hello, dear lady, the Big Devil Bowser is the public enemy of everyone, and we must work together to deal with him."

Princess Peach said very politely. Just as the old orangutan king was about to say something, Anne waved her hand and said, "I think what she said makes sense, what do you think?"

The old orangutan king was stunned, and then he shouted: "Yes, what she said is very reasonable. We declare war on the big devil Kuba. King Kong, fight for the queen."

"Fight for the Queen! King Kong fights for the Queen!"

All the orangutans shouted at the same time, Andrew was speechless, these orangutans really took it seriously.

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