American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1429 Invasion

New York, Disaster Countermeasures Agency headquarters.

The clone was excited, and a lot of memories appeared in his mind. Then, he shouted in alarm: "It's not good, the lava island is about to invade New York."

"What, lava islands are about to invade New York?"

Newman was shocked and asked hurriedly: "What is the specific situation? Tell me quickly."

"My clone was found by Starlight Annie in the Jungle Kingdom. After she told me what happened, she killed my clone."

The doppelgänger explained the matter in detail, saying: "Starlight Anne believes that the wanted criminal Wade will not be involved in this matter for no reason, and he should let Lava Island invade New York.

Bowser is very powerful and has super stars, which is not easy to deal with. She tells us to be careful because she is looking for a way back to Earth. "

"Wanted criminal Wade, Lava Island, Bowser?"

Newman looked a little ugly. She thought for a moment and asked, "Can we stop the lava island in that world?"

"Starlight Anne has also thought about this problem."

The clone said: "The problem is that she hasn't found a pipeline to return to Earth yet. What if we go to that world and the lava island happens to invade the Earth?"

"In other words, we can only wait for Annie to find a pipeline back to Earth?"

Newman said: "Clone, send a few more clones to find Anne. If you have any information, please inform us immediately."


The clone nodded, with something strange in his eyebrows. He never thought that the greatest use of his clone was to send messages.

"Fatherland, soldier boy, Samuel, the three of you take to the sky and search the whole city."

Newman ordered: "Once you discover the lava island, stop it immediately and notify us so that we can help as soon as possible."

"No problem, I'll search the southern area."

The soldier boy nodded, and the mechanical magic eagle on his shoulder jumped down and quickly grew in size. Then, the soldier boy stepped on the magic eagle and flew towards the south.

Although the people of the motherland were a little dissatisfied with Newman's command, they didn't say anything at this time and flew away quickly.

Samuel nodded, stepped hard with his right foot, and a piece of soil broke off the ground, carrying him into the sky and flying towards the northern area.

These three people can fly and are very powerful, which is why Newman sent them to investigate.

"Everyone else, get ready for battle. Marvin, sound the highest level of alarm and have New Yorkers hide underground as much as possible."

Newman said: "Clone, please tell us the situation about the Big Devil Bowser and Lava Island in detail."


The doppelganger nodded. Starlight Annie had previously spoken about the situation of the Big Devil Bowser in detail, so he knew the information about those guys very well.

At the same time, the highest level of alarm was sounded in the city, and at the same time, the voice of the spokesperson of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau sounded: "According to the investigation of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, there may be a lava island invading New York. All citizens are asked to seek refuge in evacuation facilities as much as possible. .”

In recent years, New York has been experiencing disasters every day, and the officials have not done anything. They have built a large number of evacuation facilities in various districts. These evacuation facilities are much stronger than ordinary basements.

"Lava Island?"

The people frowned. Just by hearing the name, they knew it was not a good thing. We in New York are too unlucky, right? Another disaster?

However, the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau is a bit improved. They can figure out the enemy's situation so quickly. It would be great if they could prevent the disaster.

Director Tianjian is of course very reliable, but he has to protect the world and cannot keep an eye on the earth, so the rescue may not be timely.

If the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau and those superheroes can solve some minor disasters, it will be a good thing for both the people and Director Tianjian.

"When that big demon King Bowser appears, I will definitely defeat him as soon as possible and save the world. In this way, I can make headlines."

While flying in the sky, the people of the motherland thought excitedly, as long as the big devil Kuba is not the real devil, he has nothing to be afraid of.

At this moment, the voice of death sounded in the minds of the people of the motherland: "Fly to the left, avoid the Bowser Demon King, it will land in Brooklyn."


The man from the motherland was a little confused. He asked: "Death, is the Big Devil Bowser yours? Yes, that bastard Wade is also there. I just ignored it."

"It's my chess piece. We have to use it to achieve our goal. In short, just do it."

Death said: "Also, when you rush over, don't go all out and deal with the Big Devil Bowser in your normal state."

"That's it again."

If the people of the motherland want to curse, why is it so difficult for me to make headlines? The villains are always our own. If this continues, how can I be a superhero?

Death sensed the thoughts of the people of the motherland and secretly complained. Until now, haven't you discovered that what you took is actually a villain script?

Although the people of his motherland were dissatisfied, he was still very obedient to death, shook his head, and stayed away from Brooklyn.

In Brooklyn, the streets are empty except for stray cats and dogs. Basically, people are hiding. However, most of them are hiding in their homes and other buildings, and relatively few go to shelter facilities.

Some people feel that evacuation facilities are less safe, while others feel that they are too far away and would be better off staying at home.

"I hope the disaster will pass soon. It's best not to happen. If it does happen, please go to Manhattan to find the rich people and don't bother us poor people."

Someone prayed secretly. At this moment, the surroundings suddenly shook violently, and countless glass shattered. Then, a ray of fire came out of a pipe and quickly rushed into the sky.

Then, the fire swelled rapidly in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an island with lava falling continuously. On top of the island, carved was a huge turtle head, which was the head of the Great Demon King Kuba.

A large amount of magma fell from the island like a small waterfall, and the cars and the ground below were melted one after another. When the people saw this scene, they were horrified and frantically called the Disaster Response Bureau. The disaster was coming, and it was in their Brooklyn.

"The lava island appeared. In Brooklyn, everyone rushed there immediately."

Director Newman shouted loudly, and everyone nodded, using super powers or helicopters to rush over, while Director Newman stayed behind to direct.

At this time, a staff member shouted: "Director, the live broadcast has appeared again."

"Switch to live broadcast immediately."

Director Newman shouted, although he didn’t know who produced the live broadcast, it was too clear, much better than satellite images, so Newman directly switched the big screen to live broadcast.

At the same time, more and more people became aware of the live broadcast and went online to watch the famous program - The Passion of New York.

"Is this really another world? It's such a big city. I hope those so-called superheroes won't disappoint me."

The big demon King Kuba looked down at the city, a little shocked, and then he loudly ordered: "Turtle army, go out and kill all the humans you see."

"Yes, Bowser the Great."

The turtles roared excitedly, and then, the blue turtle with a blue turtle shell and small wings, holding a spear, flew towards the surrounding high-rise buildings.

Soon, human screams were heard in the high-rise buildings. These turtles looked pretty cool, but they were ruthless when it came to killing people. After all, they were subordinates of the Great Demon King Kuba.

In addition to the blue turtles, there were also a large number of green turtles. With the help of the magician, they landed on the ground one after another, and then they rushed towards the surrounding buildings excitedly.

This was not over yet. The undead turtles with white shells all retracted into their shells and jumped straight down. The shells fell to the ground, quickly spun, smashed through glass doors and walls, and rushed into various buildings.

Next, there was naturally a scream. Compared to other turtles, the undead turtles were completely inhumane because they were all dead. They hated living creatures and wanted to kill them all.

In addition to these turtles, the Big Devil Kuba also had some piranha flowers, and they did not lag behind under the evil spirits. They followed the turtle army to New York and massacred them.

Soon, the surrounding turned into hell, with screams and wails everywhere. The Great Demon King Bowser laughed as he sensed that souls were constantly entering his body.

At this time, Demon King Kuba saw 'Princess Peach' standing in the distance and shouted excitedly: "Princess Peach, am I mighty?"

Bathory looked at Bowser coldly and said nothing. Bowser was a little disappointed, but then he cheered up. He must be not powerful enough.

"Deploy the devil missiles, blow up that building for me, and show Princess Peach the fireworks."

The Great Demon King Bowser shouted loudly, and the magician immediately pressed the button. On the lava island, a demon missile the size of a rice vat appeared, staring at the target with a fierce look.

This evil spirit is not an exaggeration, it is truly evil. The devil missile is alive and has a face on it. The power of its explosion is enough to destroy several buildings.


The Big Devil Bowser shouted, and the devil missile was launched quickly, crashing into the building next to it with its long tail. When the people in the building saw the missile coming, they couldn't help but cover their mouths. They were dead.

At the critical moment, a figure on a mechanical demon eagle flew over, held the demon missile, and brought it into the sky.

"It's soldier boy!"

Some people cheered that the superhero was finally here. Many people ran to the window and looked at the soldier boy flying into the sky. Their hearts were full of worry. Will the soldier boy die together with the missile?

"Demon missile, explode."

Seeing the Demon Missile being taken away, the Demon King Kuba was very dissatisfied and shouted loudly - as a mature missile, it should explode on its own.

The Demon Missile heard the cry of Bowser and immediately began to explode. At this moment, the Soldier Boy suddenly let go of his hand, and the Mechanical Demon Eagle took him down quickly.

Due to inertia, the Demonic Missile could not turn back. Finally, it exploded with a roar in the sky, white light flashed, air waves rolled, the clouds were swept away, and at the same time, countless glasses below were shattered.

The soldier boy put his shield on his head to block the shock wave. Although he dropped rapidly, he quickly stabilized.

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