American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 142 Beast Transformation

"Rhode, didn't we agree to do it together? Why did your military take action in advance?"

Director George cursed loudly, and Rhodes said awkwardly: "Sorry, it's a request from above."

The secretary pointed to the screen and said: "Reporters are also here and are broadcasting live. It is obvious that our mayor wants to make a big splash."


Director George said that I really want to curse people now. Who was this bastard mayor elected by someone with no eyesight?

"Big news."

The conflict outside the coffee shop quickly attracted the attention of customers, and April even took out her mobile phone to take pictures wildly.

"War machine, and ten cheap toys?"

The armored man looked at the powered armor that surrounded them and said with disdain: "Do you think you can stop us?"

Rhodes was stunned when he heard this: "Woman? Are you not Schrader?"

The armored person is indeed not Shredder, she is Shredder's adopted daughter Karai.

"Get started and get rid of them all."

Kale didn't waste any time and ordered loudly. Rhodes realized something was wrong and was about to attack. At this moment, terrifying lycanthropes rushed out of the surrounding buildings one after another.

That's right, lycanthropes, such as wild boars, rhino men, kobolds, tiger men, etc. It's worth mentioning that they don't like to go through the main entrance, and they all rush out by breaking through the wall.

The one who rushed at the front was the real rhinoceros with a horn on its head. It roared and moved its head forward. The horn slammed into the power armor in front. The soldiers in the power armor screamed and were pushed up by the rhinoceros. Break into the building behind.

Other lycanthropes also launched attacks one after another. The powered armor was caught off guard and was knocked away or knocked to the ground one after another.

"Don't panic, treat them as ordinary enemies and fight back."

Heavy Cannon shouted as he fired missiles at the charging Khajiits.

Boom, the tiger man was blown away by the missile. Before the heavy artillery had time to rejoice, he was thrown to the ground by an ape man. Then, one person and one ape struggled fiercely on the ground.

Other powered armors also began to fight back, but there were so many lycanthropes that they were completely at a disadvantage and could only barely hold on.

"Fake, where did these monsters come from?"

Seeing the lycanthropes on the TV, the citizens were stunned. Although there are all kinds of monsters in New York, it is incredible that dozens of lycanthropes of different races suddenly appeared.

Some experienced citizens immediately began to prepare to escape. It was obvious that the disaster was coming again.

The citizens wailed: "It's only been more than a month, can you take some time off? Not all the people who died last time have been buried, okay? Can you be considerate of the priests who run more than a dozen times a day? Do you believe they are on strike?" "


Rhodes looked extremely ugly and activated the machine gun and fired wildly at Kalai. Kalai evaded flexibly while leading the ninjas to escape into the museum.

Rhodes thought for a moment, then chased into the museum and captured the thief first.

"I knew the U.S. military was unreliable."

This sentence comes not only from Director George, but also from SHIELD and the general public - he used to promote how awesome and powerful the military is, but as a result, he was labeled as a grandson, er, or great-grandson as soon as he met him.

Director George picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Vigilante team, hurry over to support, SHIELD, come to support, Iron Man, come to support."

"right away."

S.H.I.E.L.D. and Iron Man immediately agreed. When Iron Man saw the lycanthropes on the screen, his first thought was that the Osborn Group was conducting biochemical experiments again. Then he realized that Osborn had gone bankrupt and they were responsible for this. Not on.

"has a problem."

Gwen saw the situation outside the museum and said to the four big turtles: "This is obviously a trap. The target of the Foot Gang may be you."

Leonardo and the other turtles were stunned: "Us?"

Gwen nodded: "Yes, the information you overheard was deliberately leaked to you by the Foot Gang. They want to lure you to the museum and catch you."

The turtles were puzzled: "Why do they want to catch us?"

Gwen speculated: "Maybe it's because of the secrets you have, those lycanthropes are very similar to you."

"It's indeed quite similar."

The turtles scratched their heads - their mouse master didn't say much to them, and they didn't know that their origins were related to the legs.

Jessica asked, "Should I stop?"

"No, we are not afraid of the Foot Gang, and there are many people there who need help."

Raphael shouted: "A true ninja is never afraid of his enemy."

Michelangelo with the yellow eye patch also shouted: "That's right, we are not afraid."

"Then go, no matter what conspiracy the Foot Gang has, they chose the wrong place to fight."

Gwen said confidently, her boyfriend was drinking tea in the coffee house.

Outside the museum, the fighting quickly spread to the entire street. Citizens were screaming and running around. The reporters who were called to take pictures also dropped their microphones and cameras and fled. Those lycanthropes were so terrifying that even the powered armor was not theirs. opponent.

The police came from all over to support them, working with the military's power armor to fight against the lycanthropes, and at the same time helping the people escape.

April didn't run away. She was still filming. This was big news. Whether she could be promoted or not depended on this time.

At this time, April noticed that the handsome guy next to the window did not run away, but was drinking tea calmly, as if he was watching a play.

April sighed: "It's a pity that he is so handsome but there is something wrong with his brain."

At this time, there was a bang, and a powered mecha was crashed into the coffee shop by a wild boar man. The clerks were so frightened that they ran to the back kitchen. Soon, only Andrew and April were left in the shop, who did not know whether to live or die.

"They say New York is weird, but is this too weird? It's just a gang boss arrest. Why did a group of lycanthropes come out? How on earth do New Yorkers survive to this day?"

Scarlett, a red-haired woman wearing a power armor, struggled to get up from the ground. Even she, who was usually calm, was a little crazy at this time. Is this New York or hell?

The wild boar man jumped into the coffee shop with a bang. He looked at Scarlett and almost drooled: "Beauty, I like beauties."

As the wild boar man spoke, he bumped hard into Scarlett, who hurriedly avoided. Then, she lifted the table next to her and hit the wild boar man hard on the back.

Bang, the table shattered and the wild boar man was knocked to the ground. Scarlett was about to continue attacking when a werewolf rushed in and threw Scarlett to the ground from the side.

Then, the werewolf's claws lifted hard, Scarlett's helmet flew out, and her red hair fell to the ground.

The werewolf smiled ferociously and was about to bite Scarlett's neck off. Although Scarlett was frightened, she put the 10mm shellless machine gun in her right hand against the werewolf's abdomen.

Click, click, click, the machine gun was activated, and the werewolf screamed and got up and retreated, blood flowing out of his abdomen.

Before Scarlett could breathe a sigh of relief, the quilboar roared and slammed the chair on her, causing the power armor to dent in an instant.

Scarlett screamed, but it wasn't over yet. The wild boar man grabbed Scarlett and slammed her to the ground. Bang, a big pit appeared on the ground.

Seeing that Scarlett was completely at a disadvantage, April picked up the chair next to her and threw it at the wild boar man's back without caring about filming anymore.

Bang, the chair shattered and the quilboar was unharmed.

"Courage is commendable, but intelligence is not."

Andrew shook his head. As the heroine of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, April still has advantages. Unfortunately, like most protagonists, she is too impulsive.

The wild boar man turned his head angrily. When he saw a beautiful woman, his anger disappeared instantly, leaving only greed in his eyes. He shouted: "Come two together, I like it."

The werewolf on the side rolled his eyes, why is a pig so perverted? It is worth mentioning that although the werewolf was injured, it was not serious and its muscles were very strong.

April panicked and backed away. Soon, she bumped into Andrew's desk. She looked back at Andrew, who was still calm, and shouted: "Let's break the glass together and escape."

Andrew ignored April and continued drinking tea.


April cursed and ran to the other side to hit the glass. At this moment, she was surprised to find that the wild boar seemed to have forgotten her existence and turned around and walked towards Scarlett.

"what happened?"

April looked confused. At this moment, the wild boar suddenly roared angrily - Scarlett was gone, and only the empty powered armor was left in place.

The werewolf moved his nose, grabbed the chair next to him and threw it to the right. Bang, the invisible Scarlet was hit by the chair and flew out and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

Scarlett used a high-tech invisibility cloak, but unfortunately, it couldn't be hidden from the werewolf's nose.

Seeing that Scarlett was not far away from her, April rushed out and dragged her to the table. Scarlett covered her abdomen and said in pain: "It's useless for you to pull me over. Leave me alone and run away by yourself. I'm dead." ”

"Maybe there will be another miracle," April said.

"Miracles are unscientific, and unscientific means they do not exist."

Scarlett smiled bitterly. She never thought that she would die in such a place.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but the miracle really happened again."

April pointed forward and said. Scarlett was shocked. She raised her head and found that the werewolf and quilboar had completely forgotten her existence and left the coffee shop to deal with other power mechas.

Scarlett couldn't understand this scene at all: "This is not scientific."

"It's really unscientific, but I finally understand why this handsome guy is so calm."

April struggled to help Scarlett to the seat opposite Andrew. Then, she asked Andrew with a curious face: "How did you do it? Why did those two monsters forget us?"

Scarlett also looked at Andrew in surprise and asked, "Is it some high-tech device?"

"Don't disturb the magic if you are idle. As long as you place this magic around, ordinary people will ignore your existence."

Andrew said calmly: "Magicians often use this magic to do their own things in places where there are people."


April and Scarlett looked confused. This answer was completely beyond their expectations. Is there really magic in this world?

"Magic does not exist in this world."

Scarlett shook her head repeatedly: "Magic is just a trick."

"Mages have been guarding the world for thousands of years, while mortals know nothing and can enjoy safety and freedom with peace of mind."

Andrew said with a hint of disdain, fully demonstrating the arrogance of a Master towards Muggles.

"In other words, there are many mages in this world?"

April couldn't help but raise her phone to take pictures of Andrew. If there is a magician, it would be big news.

To April's surprise, as soon as the camera on her phone was pointed at Andrew, it immediately went blank. She tried this several times in a row. She asked in surprise: "What kind of spell is this?"

"Artificial intelligence, your phone was hacked by me."

Andrew tapped his watch, and a holographic projection appeared. It showed the contents of April's phone, including some particularly beautiful private photos.

April and Scarlett were confused again. They had just paid tribute to the Master, why did they suddenly become artificial intelligence? Isn’t this style of painting changing a little too fast?

"As far as I know, only Stark Group and Rebirth Group have such advanced artificial intelligence. Who are you?"

Scarlett asked suspiciously: "Also, what kind of high technology is it that makes those two monsters ignore us?"

Andrew didn't answer and continued to watch the show. When Scarlett saw this, she also turned her gaze out the window. Seeing her companions being ravaged by monsters, she clenched her fists hard, but there was nothing she could do.

"Don't pry into my privacy."

April finally reacted and shouted with a red face. Andrew smiled faintly, put away the holographic projection and said, "Don't worry, I have lived for hundreds of years and have no interest in little girls."

"Hundreds of years?"

Scarlett didn't believe it at all, while April was a little stunned. She hesitated, gave up exploring Andrew's secret, and continued to film the battle outside.

Bang, the heavy artillery was severely stepped on the ground by an elephant man. Just as the heavy artillery was about to raise the machine gun to attack, the elephant man flicked his trunk hard, and the machine gun parts scattered in all directions.


The elephant man smiled ferociously, raised his foot and was about to trample the heavy cannon to death. At this moment, a truck slammed into it, knocking it away and falling heavily to the ground.

Then, the truck stopped, and four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crashed through the container and jumped into the street, shouting excitedly, "We're here."

"Can't you get out of the car normally? Do you know that repairing a car is expensive? What, this is not my car, uh, I didn't say that before."

Jessica complained as she got out of the car, followed closely by Spider-Woman and Colleen.

"It's cooler this way."

Raphael shouted, waving his forks and rushing towards a lycanthrope, and the other three turtles also joined the battle excitedly.

The three Gwen girls shook their heads and attacked the lycanthropes. The lycanthropes roared and fought with the superheroes.

A bearman lifted a car and threw it at Colleen. Colleen slid a shovel from under the car to the bearman. Then, the long knife in her hand suddenly unsheathed, flashing from the bearman's waist with a white light. The bearman It was cut off at the waist on the spot, and the upper and lower parts fell to the ground one after another.

The bear-man was not dead, but was crawling on the ground in pain. Colleen stood up coldly and stabbed the bear-man in the head with a knife.

Iron Fist's death made Colleen very cruel. Those villains should all die - don't mess with the woman who killed her boyfriend.

Seeing the arrival of the superheroes, the people hiding around cheered. Only superheroes are reliable, and those trash in the military would be good if they don't cause trouble.

Scarlett looked dejected. The special forces' debut was a complete failure. They underestimated New York.

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