American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 141 Powered Armor

Peter opened his mouth, but in the end he did not refuse. He said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Stark."

Tony waved his hand, signaling Peter to get out of here. After Peter left, he sighed, "It's New York City that should thank you."

Tony shook his head, stood up and walked towards the laboratory. He thought high-spiritedly: "Andrew Wang, you have a good journey, I will inherit your legacy and protect New York."

Outside the Osborne Building, Andrew touched his nose. What bastard is so bold that he dares to scold the devil?

"I never expected that Osborne Group would have such a day. When I received the job from Osborne Group, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night."

Gwen held a cardboard box and looked at the FBI and SHIELD who were investigating the Osborn Group, and couldn't help but sigh.

"If I remember correctly, in the past few months, the total time you spent at work was less than ten days, right?"

Andrew complained that if it weren't for his relationship, Gwen would have been fired.

Gwen glared at Andrew, telling the truth, and said, "Let's go."


Andrew looked back at the Osborne Group and smiled. Soon, he would split up and sell the Osborne Group, and at the same time, quietly transfer the things he needed.

Time has passed for more than a month, and the sadness and anger in New York have gradually dissipated.

At noon that day, Andrew was sitting in a cafe opposite a museum in New York, eating cake and reading news on his mobile phone.

"The Rebirth Group controls the Osborne Group. According to our insider information, the Osborne Group will be split up and sold. The people are very happy about this."

"Four big green turtles appear frequently in the city. Some people hate them and ask the police to arrest them. Some people like them and provide them with free pizza."

"At the request of the mayor, the military sent war machines and ten power armors to New York. The mayor said that what happened a month ago will never happen again."

"The opera singer Mary Jane sang in a voice that was too low for the audience to hear. She was not qualified to sing on Broadway."

Andrew couldn't help but smile when he saw the last piece of news. This piece of news was posted by Jameson, editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle. This old guy was obviously seeking revenge.

More than half a month ago, Mary Jane ran away at the wedding, which not only caused Jameson to lose face, but also caused his son to suffer. The only good thing is that the caviar has not been opened yet, saving a lot of losses.

Jameson hated Mary Jane so much that he often scolded her in the newspapers.

"Mary Jane should be fired soon. I wonder if Venom and Dancing Spider-Man will appear?"

Andrew was thinking wildly when the phone suddenly rang. After he answered the call, he took the initiative and said, "Don't speak yet. Let me guess. You can't come again, right?"

"Andrew, I'm really sorry. I'm really in a hurry. I'll make it up to you next time."

After saying that, Gwen hung up the phone, then she changed into Spider-Woman's uniform and went to meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - they discovered Shredder's whereabouts.

After the last incident, both the police department and the superheroes were very dissatisfied with the Kingpin and the Foot Gang who were fishing in troubled waters. During this period, Gwen and the others had been fighting against the Kingpin and the Foot Gang, and thus got acquainted with the four big turtles. .

"How many times has this been done?"

Andrew shook his head and didn't care much. The red-haired beauty sitting next to him couldn't help but feel a little sour when she saw him being so gentle.

"He's handsome and gentle. Why do all the good boyfriends belong to other people? Uh, April, wake up, you don't even have a boyfriend."

April O'Neill sighed, whether it was career or love, she was not going well.

April is a reporter for Channel 6. Her dream is to become a big news reporter like Roxanne. Unfortunately, the reality is cruel. Now she can only cover some daily life news, such as special fitness methods and Auntie’s tips for saving money when shopping at the supermarket. kind.

Andrew had long discovered April's existence. After all, she looked just like the Transformers heroine, but he didn't do much.

At the same time, Gwen, Jessica, Colleen and the four big turtles met in an abandoned warehouse. Gwen couldn't wait to ask: "Where is Shredder?"

The inventor in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Donatello, who wears a purple eyepatch, said: "I put a bug on a foot gang ninja, and I overheard that Shredder was going to take someone to the museum to rob something. "

"Shredder snatched things in person? Or in broad daylight? This is problematic no matter how you think about it, right?"

Gwen frowned a little when he heard this. Schrader was the boss of the Foot Gang. How could he personally rob it? The hundreds of ninjas in the Foot Gang were all working for a living?

"That thing is said to be very important. Schrader is determined to get it. They have already set off."

Raphael, who was wearing a red turban and had a hot temper, said: "Let's leave as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to make it in time."

"Okay, let's talk on the way."

Gwen nodded, and then the three of them and the four turtles got into the truck and rushed to the museum at full speed. It is worth mentioning that Jessica was driving. Turtle driving would be scary.

"It's actually this museum?"

Gwen was a little shocked when she heard the destination. Leonardo, the boss of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and wearing a blue eyepatch, asked: "Spider-Woman, is there any problem?"

Gwen smiled bitterly: "I originally made an appointment with my boyfriend to visit that museum."

Jessica complained: "Your boyfriend hasn't dumped you yet? How many times have you let him go?"

Gwen said with a sad face: "If you put it down again, it will be soon."

Donatello reminded: "I think you should call your boyfriend right away and ask him to leave the museum. It will soon become a battlefield and he may be injured."

"Is he hurt?"

Gwen and Jessica laughed at the same time. Gwen said: "It's better for you to worry about helping those people with your feet. By the way, the fight will start soon. If you see a very handsome man holding an umbrella, remember to Don't mess with him."

The four big turtles looked at each other, not knowing why. Jessica thought of something and said to Gwen: "Spider-Woman, how about asking your boyfriend to give me another one? It felt so good last time, and I can't forget it to this day. , I get excited just thinking about it.”

The green-eyed boss of the four big turtles, is the female superhero so playful?

"No need to discuss."

Gwen flatly refused. Then, she took out her phone and called Director George and said, "Director, we have received news..."

"Okay, we must catch Shredder. I will send police to block the surrounding intersections and disperse the people."

Director George nodded. Unlike the 'Great Philanthropist' Jin, Schrader could be arrested directly. The people hated the Foot Gang very much.

Just as Chief George was arranging police support, the mayor personally called and asked the military to join the arrest.

Chief George objected: "Shredder is a gang boss, and arresting him is the responsibility of our police and has nothing to do with the military."

"As far as I know, there are many ninjas and enhanced people in the Foot Gang, and the police may not be able to deal with them."

The mayor said forcefully: "Director George, needless to say, Colonel Rhodes will lead a military team to join in the arrest."

Director George had no choice but to agree.

"The mayor is in it for approval ratings."

When Director George put down the phone, the secretary explained: "The cooperation with the military was promoted by the mayor. If the military can catch the notorious foot gang boss Schrader, his approval rating will increase significantly."

"Dirty politics."

Director George scolded: "Apart from being very helpful when asking for money, the military is never reliable at other times. There might be problems this time."

The secretary said seriously: "Director, you are wrong. They were also very good at performing fancy plane crashes."

Everyone laughed, including Director George. After a moment, he clapped his hands and said, "Okay, connect to the military channel. No matter what, we can't let Shredder escape this time."

At the military station, Rhodes said to the strong black man with heavy artillery: "This is the first time your special forces are operating in New York. You must perform well."

"He's just a gang boss, not worth mentioning. The NYPD is so useless. They couldn't catch him for so long."

The heavy artillery was dismissive. The special forces were the military's ace team and were very powerful. In order to restore its reputation, the military specially transferred them to New York.

"Don't underestimate the New York police, newcomers, there are all kinds of monsters in New York."

Rhodes shook his head, and the special forces people didn't take it seriously. The red-haired woman Scarlett shouted: "Equip the exoskeleton power armor and let those New Yorkers see real warriors."

The red-haired Scarlett is not only beautiful and has an extraordinary figure, but she is also a super genius who graduated from college at the age of 12. In addition, she is also proficient in various fighting skills and can be regarded as both civil and military.

"I hope not too many New York beauties fall in love with me, I will be very embarrassed."

The soldiers laughed, and then they all equipped themselves with black power armor.

Powered armor is an exoskeleton suit that allows them to run as fast as a motorcycle and even carry a car. In addition, they have a big advantage: they are cheap - one costs only one million US dollars.

Although one million U.S. dollars is not low, it is definitely super cheap compared to a steel suit that costs hundreds of millions.

Although Gwen let go of the cafe, Andrew did not leave and was still eating cakes. The reason was simple. He found that dozens of orcs were ambushed in the buildings around the museum.

"Orcs invade New York? New York is really busy."

Andrew complained. He took out a teapot from under the table and prepared to watch the show. April was stunned when she saw it. Where did you get such a big teapot? Also, why are you drinking tea in a coffee shop?

Not long after, several off-road vehicles drove to the entrance of the museum, and then, a man in armor stepped out of the vehicle with a group of ninjas.

Seeing this group of people, the pedestrians' expressions changed and they stayed away. You must know that the disaster caused by the Hand ninjas has not been completely eliminated until now.

"Everyone knows there's something wrong with robbing a museum in broad daylight, right?"

Andrew shook his head. Of course, even if they knew there was a problem, those superheroes would still be fooled. Superheroes are notoriously reckless.

The armored man was about to lead the ninjas into the museum. At this moment, the war machine flew out from the museum rooftop. Then, he controlled the machine gun behind his back and pointed it at the armored man, shouting: "Shredder, you are under arrest."

At the same time as Rhodes appeared, ten powered armors ran over from the surrounding streets and surrounded the people of the Foot Gang.

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