Chapter 140 Commander Krone

The middle-aged man's name is Sachs. He is the chairman of the Sachs Group, a billionaire, and Schrader's adopted son.

It is worth mentioning that the Sachs Group is the largest sponsor of the New York Police Department. Sachs said at a police gathering not long ago that he would do whatever it takes to help the police fight crime.

Sachs pointed at the four big turtles on the tablet and said excitedly: "The four turtles that were injected with the panacea did not die. They all grew up and became turtle people. As long as you catch them, you can use their blood to refine it again." Come up with a panacea.”

"Weren't they burned to death twenty years ago?"

Schrader was shocked. Twenty years ago, Sachs sponsored a doctor to research a panacea. Later, the doctor discovered Schrader's evil plan and set fire to the laboratory completely.

"They are not dead. It must be them. My intuition is not wrong."

"With a silver bullet, we can execute that plan," Sacks said.

Schrader asked: "Plan to release biological gas to the entire city of New York?"

"Yes, there is no other medicine that can treat our biochemical poison except panacea. By then, we will become the saviors of New York, and New York will be under our control."

Sachs said excitedly: "Shredder, send someone quickly to catch those four big turtles."

"What did I teach you? The bigger the problem, the more calm you have to be. When we made the plan, there were no superheroes in New York."

Shredder yelled, he didn't want to follow in Norman Osborn's footsteps.

Sachs was stunned: "Superhero?"

"Although the most powerful Ghost Rider has lost his abilities due to lifestyle issues, the remaining superheroes are equally difficult to deal with. We must re-plan this matter, otherwise we will definitely fail."

Schrader said, thinking about the issue of 'life style', even the dignified gang leader was a little speechless. How could such a powerful Ghost Rider fall into this trap?

However, this is a good thing. The reason why Shredder has not made any big moves is largely because he is afraid of Ghost Rider.

Other superheroes are easy to explain, but the Ghost Rider is completely inexplicable. Fortunately, he killed himself.

"Superheroes are indeed troublesome, Frank, why are there so many superheroes in New York?"

Sachs cursed unhappily, and at this moment, a holographic projection suddenly appeared next to the two of them.

This holographic projection is a tall robot with a long tentacle on its abdomen and a brain with eyes and a mouth. It looks extremely disgusting.

Sachs was startled by the opponent and backed away repeatedly. Schrader was unfazed and asked in a cold voice: "Who are you? Why did you invade here?"

"I am Commander Kraang, from another planet. I am here because you picked up my things."

The brain in the robot's belly said, "Transmitter."


Sachs looked confused. Schrader thought for a moment and asked, "That teleporter Dr. Stallman picked up? He said that thing can help us teleport through space."

"Yes, that teleporter is part of the teleportation device."

"Years ago, I launched a teleporter to Earth, and it disintegrated in the atmosphere, splitting into three," Commander Krone said.

Sachs complained: "Do aliens also have fake and shoddy products?"

Commander Krone's face turned a little dark, and he continued: "One of them is the teleporter we talked about before, and the other two, one is in the New York Museum and the other is in the South American rainforest.

As long as they are reassembled, the portal can be opened. At that time, my battleship Electronic Circle will descend on the earth and make all people on earth kneel down and surrender.

Shredder, if you are willing to cooperate with me, I can rule the earth with you. "

"Rule the earth with aliens?"

Schrader and Sachs were both a little confused. Was this development a bit too fast? They just wanted to rule New York before?

There is a little distance between New York and the world.

"Yes, you humans can't even get out of the planet, and you can't stop my electronic round palace at all."

Commander Krone asked: "Shredder, do you want to cooperate?"

Shredder thought for a while and said, "I don't know when you came to Earth, but there are many superheroes on Earth, and they will definitely prevent us from opening the portal."

"I know everything. Those so-called superheroes are nothing at all. They are very powerful on earth, but in the universe, they can only be regarded as pests."

Commander Kraang smiled disdainfully, and sent a bottle of purple liquid over, saying: "This bottle of potion can help you deal with those pests, Schrader, I hope you will have opened the portal next time we meet."

After saying that, Commander Kraang disappeared, and he sneered in his base: "Stupid Earthlings."

Shredder held the purple medicine bottle with a sneer on his face: "Stupid alien."

Sacks asked: "Shredder, you're not really cooperating with that alien, are you? I feel like it has bad intentions. It looks at us like it's looking at lower creatures.

No one will share power with lower creatures, just like a boss will not share benefits with lower-level employees. "

"Of course it has bad intentions. It's just using us. When we open the portal, it will definitely kill us."

Shredder smiled disdainfully and said: "However, if it uses us, we can also use it. If it wants our help, it means it is not strong. We can swallow it together with the alien battleship.

At that time, the earth will belong to us. "

Shredder is very confident. Not only is he powerful, but he also has the power of an evil god. He can easily deal with an ugly alien.

"Swallow alien battleships?"

Sachs's eyes lit up. If he could own an alien warship, it would be easy to conquer the earth.

In contrast, the biochemical poison gas plan was not even on the table.

Sachs said excitedly: "Shredder, let's give up our original plan and focus on finding the teleportation device."

"No, both plans are implemented together."

Shredder thought for a while and said: "The biochemical poison gas plan is used as bait to attract the attention of those superheroes. At the same time, we open a portal in another place to welcome alien warships into the earth."

"If we do this, we will not have enough people."

"Those superheroes are not easy to deal with," Sachs said.

"Isn't there this?"

Schrader raised the purple medicine bottle and said, "Let's see, what good things did the aliens give us?"

An hour later, the chief scientist of the Foot Gang, Black Stallman, exclaimed: "This purple solution can turn people into animals, such as rhino people, warthog people, etc."

"Interesting, Stallman, prepare the solution and get a large number of orcs."

Schrader was very satisfied and said to Stallman: "After the plan is successful, you will become the most powerful and famous scientist in the world."

"The most powerful and famous scientist in the world?"

Stallman's breathing quickened. He followed the Gang because he wanted to be a more famous scientist than Tony Stark.

At this time, Schrader thought of the profiteer Old Green Goblin and hurriedly ordered: "Check the solution carefully to make sure there are no alien tricks in it."

Stallman patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, leave it to me, I guarantee there won't be any problems."

"Very well, soon the earth will be ours."

Schrader said excitedly that in this world, only power can make him feel satisfied.

On the second day of the artificial sun incident, the whole city was denounced by the Osborne Group. The City Hall, Police Department and S.H.I.E.L.D. also received a lot of scolding. The mayor stated in front of a group of reporters that he would definitely find ways to improve it. situation in New York.

In this regard, both reporters and the public said hehe, it is better to hope that the conscience of the villains will be discovered by you.

Putting all this aside, at noon, Peter Parker was invited to Iron Man's office. When Tony saw him, he directly put a document on the table and said, "Sign it."

"What's this?"

Peter picked up the document and looked at it for a few times, and was suddenly astonished - the content of the document was: Spider-Man will hand over part of the copyright to the Stark Group, and the Stark Group will be responsible for providing equipment for Spider-Man. At the same time, Spider-Man will be given a certain amount every month. of dividends.

Spider-Man's performance last night completely impressed Tony, and he decided to 'support' him.

Peter hesitated and refused: "Mr. Stark, I think..."

"I don't want you to feel it, I want me to feel it."

Tony said impatiently: "Do you still want what happened last night to happen again? If there was no problem with your communicator, there wouldn't be so many things happening later.

Also, which superhero’s uniform fades? You have completely brought down the level of our superheroes. "

“Not everything fades either.”

Peter was very embarrassed. He hesitated and said, "Mr. Stark, I can accept the uniform, but it can't be too expensive. As for dividends, it's waived. I can't use my spider ability to make money. God gave me this ability for Let me help people.”

With great ability comes great responsibility!

"People like you will never make a fortune."

Tony was speechless at Peter's stubbornness. He sneered, "You take photos of yourself every day and sell them to the Daily Bugle. Does that count as using your spider powers to make money?"

"This doesn't count, does it?"

Peter was a little dumbfounded: "I make money from photography."

"Photography technology? Are you talking about photography technology in front of me?"

Tony was very disdainful. When I took pictures of beautiful women with my camera, you were not born yet. He thought about it and said, "Well, I just need a sparring partner. You can be my punching bag and I will pay you."

Peter said: "Sparring partner? That's okay, but I can't ask for a salary because I also want to improve my fighting skills."

"Just take the salary I give you, don't talk nonsense."

Tony said impatiently: "Ride a motorcycle to deliver food every day, don't you think it's a waste of time?"

Peter said: "I don't have full time, so I can only deliver food. In addition, my motorcycle was stolen some time ago, and now I ride a bicycle."

Tony almost lost his temper. He waved and said, "That's it, come to sparring every Wednesday night. Okay, you can leave. I will give you your uniform in half a month."

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