American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 143 Captured

"Don't be so sad."

Andrew said: "Because the time to be truly sad has not yet come. Next, you will receive countless condemnations and ridicules. In addition, the mayor will definitely be more sad than you at this time."

Scarlett looked at Andrew speechlessly, are you sure you are comforting me?

Andrew smiled, gently turned his fingers and said, "The pain disappears."

"Sir, do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

Scarlett didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At this time, she was surprised to find that she really didn't feel any pain. She looked at Andrew with a look of disbelief on her face. This was unscientific.

"It's just that the pain is gone, but the injury is still there. Although I have the ability to help you heal your injury, the rule of magic is equal exchange. Small magic doesn't matter, but other magic does not."

Andrew explained and continued to watch the battle. He thought to himself: "The lycanthrope is the plot of the second Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which means that the ugly alien also appeared.

Panacea, purple solution, electronic round palace, plus a lot of soul contracts, and the rhythm of making a lot of money, there are so many good people in New York. "

Andrew was very satisfied. It seemed that the retreat plan was successful, and all the ghosts and ghosts came out.

"Exchange of equal value?"

Scarlett complained secretly: "It's just like the truth."

Jessica punched a strong ape and knocked him away. At this time, she saw Andrew in the coffee shop and said through the team's internal communicator: "Gwen, your boyfriend is drinking coffee with two beauties."

Gwen hurriedly looked toward the coffee shop. After a moment, she said, "He should have saved those two women. Andrew has always been kind."

"Although the Gunslinger is my idol, I really don't think he is kind. If he was really kind, he would have taken action long ago."

Jessica shook her head: "With the strength of an idol, these monsters are not enough to watch. I think he prefers to watch the fun than saving people."

"How can anyone be bored and watch the excitement every day?"

Gwen naturally didn't believe it and launched a spider web to tie up a kobold. Then, she used the flagpole on the side to hang the kobold in mid-air.

"Cool, Spider-Woman is so cool."

April cheered and climbed on a table to get more shots, wearing a short skirt.

Andrew didn't look up. He touched his chin. Isn't it a little impolite to do this? After all, they are so generous.

Scarlett noticed that Andrew looked away and nodded secretly. It seemed that this handsome guy was a gentleman.

"What is that woman doing?"

Gwen looked back and saw this scene, her eyes widened with anger. Wasn't this a clear attempt to seduce her boyfriend?

April didn't know that Spider-Woman was trying to tear her apart now. When Spider-Woman looked over, she waved excitedly to say hello - she was a Spider-Woman fan.

"Fortunately, Andrew is not that kind of person."

Gwen snorted and concentrated on dealing with the lycanthrope. As for the woman, wait until she transforms back into Gwen before she can cause trouble for her.

At this time, a ball of fire and a golden-red figure flew from a distance at the same time, but it was the Human Torch and Iron Man who arrived.

"These monsters are uglier than they look on TV. Without me in New York City, who will protect the lovely beauties?"

The Human Torch laughed playfully and hurled fireballs downwards, causing the lycanthropes to dodge in a hurry.

Tony reminded: "Take it easy, don't burn this street down, otherwise, you will have to use the captain's face to film next door in Hollywood to pay off your debts."

"Captain's face? Is this the original face?"

The Human Torch was very depressed and flew down to fight the lycanthrope. In the past, he liked to say that he and Steve looked similar. After the captain was 'resurrected', he only had one idea, which company has better plastic surgery technology?

"Sorry, the captain registered first."

Tony flew below and fired a pulse cannon to knock a werewolf away. Then, he complained: "Which group made the cyborg again? If you have that kind of skill, can't you do something serious?"

Colleen chopped off the head of a leopard man with a knife and said coldly: "The main thing those villains do is to cause trouble for us."

Tony said with a headache: "Jedi, what you said makes sense, but can you not be so cruel? We are harmonious and loving superheroes. We cannot just chop off other people's heads. This will make us restricted."

Colleen ignored Tony and continued killing lycanthropes.

Andrew nodded, this girl has a future.

With the arrival of the superheroes, the situation gradually improved. At this moment, Rhodes' scream was heard in the museum. Iron Man's expression changed and he rushed into the museum.

"It must be Shredder."

The four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rushed in immediately, and Gwen hurriedly shouted: "Don't go in, Shredder's target is you."

Unfortunately, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles didn't stop at all. Just as Gwen was about to chase after them, two quilboars rushed towards her at the same time, so she had to deal with them first.

In a messy museum, Rhodes was kneeling on the ground covered in blood, with a samurai sword across his neck. At the same time, the steel suit stood aside in an open state.

When Iron Man saw this scene, he couldn't help complaining: "I really can't understand why you were so stupid as to leave the suit?"

"Tony, be careful..."

Rhodes wanted to remind Iron Man of something, but Kale pressed the long knife down and almost cut Rhodes' throat.

"Iron Man, come out, otherwise, I will kill him immediately."

Karai threatened Iron Man, with a row of masked ninjas standing behind her.

"Do you think I'd be that stupid?"

Iron Man raised his hand, pointed the pulse cannon at Kalai, and said coldly: "Let go of Rhodes, if anything happens to him, I will let you all be buried with him."

Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief. Tony didn't let him down, but when he thought about it, he felt a little unhappy. If it was Pepper here, that bastard Tony would definitely do what he did.

At this time, four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rushed in. Leonardo looked at the armored man and asked in shock: "Who are you? You are not Shredder."

Michelangelo shouted: "Let go of the hostages, you are so despicable."

"You are finally here."

Karai laughed and said: "You are our products, and now it's time to return to our feet."

"Are we a product of the Foot Gang?"

The four big turtles were confused. Leonardo recalled Gwen's previous speculation and asked: "Is your target us?"

"That's right, we have already taken away the things in the museum, and we specially brought you here today."

Kalai said: "Let me tell you good news in advance, we will drain every drop of blood from you."

"Is this good news?"

The four big turtles complained, and Iron Man said: "As long as I am here, you can't succeed. Surrender quickly."

"Just you?"

Karai smiled disdainfully and knocked Rhodes unconscious with the handle of the knife. Then, with a loud shout, she rushed forward and slashed at Iron Man with a knife.

At the same time, other ninjas fired darts at the four big turtles, and the two sides immediately started fighting.

Iron Man ducked sideways to avoid Karai's long knife, and punched her in the head. Karai dodged flexibly, and then she ducked and slashed Iron Man's waist with the long knife, making a clanging sound.

"Sorry, your knife isn't sharp enough."

Iron Man raised her hand and fired a pulse cannon at Karai. Karai rolled on the ground and turned behind Iron Man. Then, she took out a black bomb from her waist and threw it at Iron Man's back.

Iron Man started the thruster and moved several meters sideways to avoid the black bomb. He sneered: "Do you think I won't be prepared at all after seeing Rhode's miserable state?"

Since being kidnapped 2+1 times, Tony has become very cautious.

"so what?"

Kalai pressed the button on his arm, and the bomb exploded in the air. A pulse wave swept around, and the data projection in front of Iron Man kept flashing, sometimes disappearing.

Tony's expression changed and he hurriedly stepped back to adjust the system.

"Do it."

Seeing Iron Man retreating, Kale immediately shouted, and the ninjas all threw special steel chains at the turtle. Except for Leonardo, who avoided it in time, the other three turtles were all entangled in the chains.

Before the big turtles could resist, the ninjas activated the switch, and the electric current was transmitted to the chains. The three big turtles were screamed by the electricity. After a while, they fell to the ground, their bodies twitching continuously.

This time, the Foot Gang came prepared.


Leonardo was about to go over and save his brothers when a samurai sword was shot from the side. It hurriedly backed up to avoid it. Kale took the opportunity to step forward and kicked it on the turtle shell, sending it flying away.

Karai raised her hand, and the katana flew back to her hand automatically. She was about to attack again when Shredder's voice suddenly came from the earphones: "Karai, SHIELD is almost here, prepare to leave."

"Yes, father."

Kalai nodded and led the ninjas back. Then, a funnel-shaped blue vortex appeared out of thin air in the museum.

The ninjas jumped into the whirlpool with three big turtles on their shoulders. Leonardo was frightened and rushed forward desperately to intercept them. Kale snorted and threw a bundle of grenades at Leonardo.


Tony cursed, flew over and threw Leonardo to the ground. The next second, the grenades exploded at the same time, the surroundings shook violently, the air waves surged, and the museum was in a mess.

When the black smoke dissipated, Kale and the others and the blue vortex had long disappeared. It is worth mentioning that Rhodes had also disappeared. Only the suit stood alone - there was a positioning system on the suit, so the ankles Didn't take it with me.

"Space portal? What the hell, why does a gang have such black technology?"

Tony got up from the ground covered in dust. He cursed madly: "With this technology, what kind of gang do you want to be? Wouldn't it be nice to be the richest tycoon? Even the president wants to see how you look, okay?"

"Raphael and the others must be saved. The Foot Gang will drain all their blood."

Leonardo shouted in horror. It was filled with self-blame. He, the big brother, failed to protect them.

"I hope they are not interested in Rod's blood."

Tony cursed, summoned the holographic projection, and shouted: "Jarvis, scan the surroundings, I want all the data around."

While scanning, Jarvis reminded: "Mr. Stark, with our technology, it is almost impossible to track the portal."

Tony quickly operated the holographic projection and said, "There must be some special data left, such as radiation or neutron fluctuations."

Leonardo could do nothing but worry beside him. At this moment, it thought of something and shouted: "I will go out to capture the prisoners and ask for the location of the Foot Gang's headquarters."

Tony said: "It's useless. If you can really ask, it must be a trap."

Leonardo couldn't care less, and rushed out of the museum to capture prisoners, but found that the lycanthropes had fled in all directions, and Gwen and others were chasing them.

These lycanthropes are dangerous and must be caught, otherwise the citizens will be in danger.

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