American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 137 Style Issues

At the abandoned dock, the diameter of the artificial sun has exceeded two meters. The surrounding magnetism has skyrocketed, and a large number of metal objects have been sucked into the artificial sun.

"I win and New York is going to be destroyed."

Norman kicked Tony several meters away and laughed loudly: "I will become a god in the ruins of New York. By then, even the Ghost Rider will surrender to me.

Iron Man, Spider-Man, it's a pity that you can't see that scene anymore. "

Iron Man shouted: "If the artificial sun explodes, you will die too, Norman, it's still too late to stop Dr. Otto."

"I won't die, I'm ready enough."

Norman said: "Tony Stark, let me tell you something, the one who laughs last is the smartest person."

Tony's face was extremely ugly. He wanted to fly into the sky unwillingly. Norman rushed over, grabbed his right foot and slammed him to the ground. With a bang, a big pit appeared on the ground.

"I must come up with a melee combat system."

Tony cursed and got up from the pit to continue fighting with Norman. He looked very anxious. Why didn't the guy with the burning body appear? Don't tell me there's a traffic jam?

At this moment, Dr. Otto's voice came from the abandoned building: "Norman Osborn, do you think you can have the last laugh?"

Norman was stunned. He turned around and asked, "Dr. Otto, what do you mean?"

"I mean, you're a bastard who deserves to go to hell. You're not going to end well."

Dr. Otto cursed loudly, and then he controlled four mechanical tentacles to smash against the steel frames under the abandoned buildings, trying to destroy them all. He planned to sink the artificial sun into the river with him. Only in this way can the artificial sun be prevented from exploding.

Norman sensed something was wrong, jumped on the aircraft and flew towards the abandoned building. At the same time, he asked in a mixture of shock and anger: "Dr. Otto, what are you doing?"

"I'm making up for the wrong things I did."

Dr. Otto shouted: "Iron Man, stop Norman, I have a way to solve the artificial sun."

"Dr. Otto, you are finally back to normal. This is who you are."

Iron Man was overjoyed and chased Norman with all his strength.

Norman's expression turned extremely ugly, and he ordered the Rhinoceros: "Blow up the building with missiles."


The heavily armored Rhino Man had no nonsense and fired missiles at the abandoned building one after another. His target was not Dr. Otto, but the ceiling above Dr. Otto - attacking Dr. Otto, the missiles would be sucked away by the artificial sun.

Boom, missiles exploded one after another, and the ceiling collapsed and hit Dr. Otto hard. Dr. Otto screamed and was pressed under the cement block, vomiting blood.

"This is what you get for standing against me."

Norman Jiejie smiled strangely and threw a pumpkin bomb at Dr. Otto. Dr. Otto hurriedly controlled the tentacles to catch the pumpkin bomb.

At this moment, the bomb exploded, a strange light shone around him, and Dr. Otto instantly turned into a skeleton.

Without the carrier, the mechanical tentacles fell to the ground helplessly.

"I'll wipe it."

Everyone was shocked. What kind of bomb is this? Is it so powerful?

This is a dissolving bomb, an upgraded version of the dissolving ray gun. The only disadvantage is that it is super expensive. Each one is worth millions of dollars. Even Norman only prepared one to use as a trump card.

"You're going to die now?"

Dr. Otto's soul is confused. What about turning the tide and saving New York?

Andrew's voice rang in Dr. Otto's mind: "This is fate, Dr. Otto, will you stay and watch the whole scene, or will you go to hell immediately?"

Dr. Otto gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I will stay. I want to see how Norman dies."

"I said, no one can stop me. Today, New York will be destroyed."

After killing Dr. Otto, Norman looked at the ever-expanding artificial sun and laughed proudly. Everyone's hearts were sinking. Is it really impossible to stop Norman?

At this moment, accompanied by the roar of the motorcycle, a ball of fire surged from the river.

That's right, on the river, the back of the motorcycle was filled with white mist evaporated by the fire.

It is worth mentioning that Roxanne had already gotten off the car in advance. She was pointing the camera at Johnny from a distance with an excited look on her face. He was her boyfriend.

"Ghost Rider is coming!"

Tony and Spider-Man were overjoyed at first, but then immediately realized something was wrong - the flames were of different colors, and the person driving the motorcycle was a skeleton.

Tony was a little confused: "Change the look or something?"

Johnny didn't talk nonsense. He raised his hand and threw a fireball at Norman, who hurriedly avoided it.

Then, Johnny took off the flame chain wrapped around his body and threw it hard towards the steel frame supporting the abandoned building. The chain tightly wrapped around the steel frame like a spiritual force.

Under the burning of the flames, the temperature of the steel frame increased rapidly and turned red.


Norman roared angrily, activated the machine gun and fired wildly at Johnny. Johnny ignored it and pulled the chain hard. The red steel frame was broken on the spot. Then, the abandoned building tilted, and the artificial sun and instruments fell into the river.

Under the influence of a large amount of river water, the artificial sun gradually extinguished, and the crisis of New York's destruction was temporarily lifted.

"It's finally out." Dr. Otto breathed a sigh of relief, now he could die in peace.

"Ghost Rider, cool."

When the audience saw this scene, they cheered loudly. As expected of the Ghost Rider, he never let them down and solved the disaster with one move.

Susan glanced at the screen, then turned to look at Andrew, with a puzzled look on her face, why were there two Ghost Riders?

The artificial sun went out, and Norman was desperate and angry - if he could not become a god, he would definitely die, and neither the Ghost Rider nor the superhero would let him go.

"I'm not willing to give in. It's obviously just the last step."

Norman roared to the sky. At this time, the resentment in the underground completely erupted. Ancient Yi opened a gap, and part of the resentment and the power of the evil god rushed out from the ground and poured into Norman's body.

"This is...the power of the evil god?"

Norman was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic. Then, his body quickly turned green and swollen, and even the Green Goblin armor was crushed and fell to the ground one after another.

"Resentment and the power of evil gods?"

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. After this experience, next time, he will take away the resentment and the power of the evil god in advance. There is no problem if the evil demon appears once, but if it appears one after another, he will become tired of aesthetics.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing Norman's change, everyone's expressions changed. Without saying a word, Johnny immediately swung the flame chain and threw it at the old Green Goblin.

At this moment, a pair of bat wings suddenly appeared from behind the old Green Goblin, and then, with a strong swing of the wings, the flame chain flew away.

"I'm Norman Osborn, and I'm the Green Goblin!"

Norman yelled, and under the influence of the evil god's power, he completely turned into a monster - a monster over three meters tall, with a green body, a horn on his head, and bat wings and a tail on his back.

Overall, like a devil, a green devil.

"Is it over yet?"

Tony looked ugly. It seemed that this disaster was not over yet.

The audience was stunned, why did the devil even come out? Immediately, they suddenly realized that no wonder the old Green Goblin Osborn became so crazy. It turned out to be possessed by the devil.

"Hahaha, God has really favored me. Since the artificial sun cannot work, then I will personally take action and massacre New York City."

The old Green Goblin laughed. The surging power of the evil god made him extremely swollen, and at the same time, his IQ completely dropped.

"Devil? I just deal with demons."

Johnny snorted coldly and drove his motorcycle like a huge fireball into the old Green Goblin.

The old Green Goblin flapped his wings and flew into the sky to avoid the motorcycle. Then, he wrapped his tail around Johnny on the car, pulled him off hard, and slammed him to the ground.

Bang, a big hole was made in the ground by Johnny. Johnny roared, and the hellfire burned towards the old Green Goblin's tail.

Seeing this, the old Green Goblin threw Johnny into the sky with all his strength. Then, he condensed black energy in his right hand and turned into a black ball the size of a basketball and blasted it towards Johnny who fell down.

Boom, Johnny exploded on the spot, and his bones were scattered everywhere.

"Ghost Rider is dead?"

Everyone and the audience were confused at the same time. Is this Green Goblin too powerful? Even Ghost Rider was defeated by him?

"I'm so embarrassed."

Andrew looked disgusted and continued to sign the soul contract while fear and despair spread.

The old Green Goblin laughed maniacally, I am invincible.

At this moment, all the bones flew up on their own and reassembled into Skeleton Johnny on the ground. He turned his neck and looked at the old Green Goblin with a solemn expression. The power of the evil god in the other person was very powerful.

Ghost Rider is immortal and it is almost impossible to kill him.

Seeing that the Ghost Rider was not dead, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tony curled his lips and said, "Another copycat is here."

Dr. Banner shouted dissatisfiedly through the communicator: "Tony, I can hear you."

"You are not a copycat, you are a comedian."

Tony flew to Johnny and asked, "Can you get your colleague here, the guy who is really good at pretending to be cool?"

Johnny glanced at Tony dissatisfied. Just as he was about to answer, Andrew's voice rang in his mind: "Tell him that the guy who is cool without pretending was punished by heaven because of his lifestyle and can no longer use his strength."

"Life style issue?"

Johnny looked confused and asked: "Devil, what do you want to do?"


Andrew replied: "My strength is too strong. With me around, many villains dare not act rashly. This is not good. New York is a free place. We cannot stop those villains from pursuing their dreams, so I decided to retire."

"Freedom? Pursue your dreams? Are you sure you didn't use the wrong word?"

Johnny complained, and he asked: "Are you doing it for the souls they brought? Demon King, are you really not going to take action in the future?"

Andrew said: "Nonsense, Ghost Rider is just a vest of mine. If necessary, I can use another vest at any time, such as Kama Taj Mage."

"..., I really hope you are beaten to death by the Supreme Mage."

Johnny wanted to roll his eyes. Although he had no eyes now, he said angrily to Tony: "That guy who is particularly good at pretending to be cool was punished by heaven because of his lifestyle and lost his angelic power. He will never save him again in the future. New York.”


The superheroes and the viewers in front of the TV are once again confused about their lifestyle? What the hell? Is heaven so strict with angels?

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