American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 136 Recruitment

At the Iron Bridge, after hearing what Spider-Man said, Iron Man immediately asked Jarvis to report the matter to SHIELD, and at the same time turned around and flew towards the abandoned dock.

Seeing this, Nels fired a dissolving ray at Iron Man while controlling the aircraft to eject a missile. Then, the missile shot towards Iron Man with a long white tail.

Iron Man cursed, and a large number of inducing bombs came out of his body to detonate the missiles. Then, six micro-missiles popped out of his back and shot towards Nels with different trajectories.

Nels' expression changed, and he hurriedly controlled the aircraft to avoid it. Six micro-missiles were chasing after him.

After sending Nels away, Iron Man was about to continue flying forward. At this moment, a bolt of lightning appeared in front of him, it was the Electro.

The Electro didn't talk nonsense. With a push of his hands, a thick current hit Iron Man.

Iron Man, uh, didn't suffer much damage. He raised his right hand and blasted the electro-optical man away with a pulse cannon. This current was much worse than Ivan's electric whip.

"One is more useless than the other."

Seeing that Nels and Electro failed to intercept one after another, Norman Osborn snorted coldly and swooped down from the sky. At the same time, two ray guns continuously fired dissolving rays at Iron Man.

It is worth mentioning that Norman Osborn is wearing black armor, and the style has also changed into other shapes. From the surface, it is impossible to tell that he is the Green Goblin.

The dissolving ray was so powerful that Tony didn't dare to neglect it and dodged it repeatedly. Then, two mini-machine guns popped out from his shoulders, and bullets were fired at Norman densely.

Norman avoided it flexibly. While he controlled the aircraft to activate the machine gun and fired at Tony wildly, he said with a strange smile: "Iron Man, you are too late. New York is destined to be destroyed."

Tony was about to say something when Jarvis projected Roxanne's report in front of him.

Tony took a look and asked Norman in confusion: "Norman Osborn, you are both a billionaire and a superhero, why do you want to destroy New York?"

Norman almost fell out of the aircraft. What the hell, why would he be recognized dressed like this?

This is unscientific. Could it be that the Iron Man guy secretly installed a clairvoyant eye on himself?

"Mr. Osborne, how is this possible?"

Spider-Man, who was fighting Electro and Nels, looked in disbelief when he heard Tony's words.

Although Mr. Osborne looks evil and has particularly bad taste, he is a good man and donates a lot of money every year. Moreover, he is Harry's father.

Norman's heart moved, and he smiled strangely while attacking: "Now that you have recognized me, I will stop pretending, I am Norman Osborne.

Why do I want to destroy New York? Of course, it's because New York is too ugly. I want to destroy New York and restore innocence to the world. "

This move goes in the opposite direction, and the BOSS behind the scenes will definitely not admit his identity easily.

"Stop pretending, Roxanne has told you everything. It was you who killed most of the directors of the Osborne Group. It was you who sold human enhancement potions on the black market. It was you who made the enhanced people cause trouble. You want to destroy New York." It’s also you.”

Tony snorted coldly: "Norman Osborne, you are finished, and so is your Osborne Group."

Norman was dumbfounded. He never expected that his perfect disguise would be blown away by Bugle TV!

"Damn Bugle TV."

Norman cursed loudly. If he had known this, he would have blown up the TV station in advance. He snorted at Tony: "So what if it's me? Iron Man, do you think you can stop me?"

At this point, Norman has no retreat. He must succeed tonight, otherwise, he will definitely die.

"I don't think so."

Tony raised his hands and fired two red laser beams at Norman. New York was in danger, and he could no longer hold back.

Norman Osborn jumped up hard and narrowly avoided the laser. Seeing this, Tony moved his hands and the laser swept towards Norman diagonally.

With the power of the laser, once it hits Norman, he and his armor will be split into two.

At this moment, Norman let out a weird laugh. When Tony heard the laughter, he felt dizzy and unable to control the laser's aim.

This is the ability that Norman gained after fusing the blood of the evil god. As I said before, he is not as simple as an evil personality.

"Goodbye, Tony Stark."

Soon, the laser disappeared, Norman smiled ferociously, and a missile popped out of the aircraft and shot straight at Tony.

At the critical moment, Tony recovered from his dizziness. When he saw the incoming missile, he cursed, his chest lit up, and a pulse cannon was fired at the missile.

Boom, the missile exploded, Tony was blown away by the air wave, and stopped more than ten meters away.

Tony was thankful for a moment that he recovered in time, and he cursed at Norman: "That was definitely not a technological method, Norman, you are so despicable."

"Scientific means? Do you think we are in a science and technology competition? Little brat."

Norman smiled disdainfully. He was about to continue the attack. At this moment, a huge energy wave came from the direction of the dock area. Everyone turned their heads at the same time and saw a dazzling light shining in the abandoned building.

"I succeeded."

Dr. Otto looked at the lit artificial sun and laughed. Norman also laughed. He shouted: "Iron Man, you lost, I succeeded."

"I didn't lose."

Tony cursed and flew towards the abandoned building as fast as he could. Seeing this, Norman controlled the aircraft and crashed straight into Tony.

Tony raised his hand and fired a pulse cannon at Norman, but Norman dodged to avoid it. Then, he jumped on Tony and smashed Tony's head with his iron fist.

"So strong?"

Tony was taken aback and fired a pulse cannon from his chest to blow Norman away. At this time, Norman's aircraft hit Tony and Tony fell from the sky and hit the ground with a thud.

As soon as Tony got up, Norman rushed in front of him and beat him hard - human body strengthening potion, the power of the evil god, and the Green Goblin armor. Norman's fighting power was amazing.

Seeing the artificial sun activated, Spider-Man shouted anxiously to Electro and Nels: "Norman Osborn wants to destroy New York, and you will also die by then."

Electro and Nels both hesitated when they heard this - Norman didn't tell them to destroy New York, he was talking about researching an artificial sun. Once successful, they would become the richest people in the world.

Seeing the two people's hesitation, Spider-Man continued to shout: "It's still too late. As long as you stop Norman Osborn, SHIELD will definitely forgive your crimes."

Electro and Nels were persuaded, and when they were about to jump back, the whisper of the evil god suddenly sounded in their ears. Then, their eyes gradually turned red, and they began to attack Spider-Man again.

Spider-Man was caught off guard and was almost hit. He was very confused. Why would Electro and Nels choose to die rather than betray Norman Osborn?

Norman Osborn can even control the Enhanced Man, how could he not control Electro and Nels? In fact, the rhino people over there were also controlled.

The only person Norman didn't control was Dr. Otto. The reason was simple. The contact time was too short and he couldn't find a chance to send blood into the opponent's body - the ingredient in the human strengthening potion was his diluted blood.

At the same time, Luo Shan received pictures of the scene and immediately sent them out: "It's bad, the artificial sun has been activated, and it is expected to explode in one minute, leveling the entire New York."


The citizens who were still lucky before shouted in despair. The faces of the superheroes who were rushing over also changed drastically. With their speed, it was impossible to reach the abandoned dock within a minute.

As for launching missiles or something, it was also too late.

"Roxanne, I'm going to speed up, hold on tight."

Johnny yelled, and his whole body burned with blazing fire. Then, his flesh and blood turned to ashes in the fire, leaving only white bones.

It wasn't over yet, the hellfire spread to the motorcycle, and the motorcycle quickly deformed. Finally, the motorcycle rushed forward like a ball of fire. Wherever it passed, the trees on both sides burned one after another.


Roxanne couldn't help but scream. It's worth mentioning that although she was surrounded by fire, she was not burned - Johnny could freely control the hellfire, and his clothes were unharmed.

Taking advantage of the despair brought by the artificial sun, Andrew once again harvested a wave of souls. He looked very satisfied. Dr. Otto was really a talent. He had already contributed a lot of achievements before joining Hell.

"It's time to drag him to hell."

Andrew was about to take action when Susan ran to him with her cell phone and asked anxiously: "Andrew, is it too late for you to rush over now?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry so much. I have met Dr. Otto. He is an idealistic person. He will definitely wake up at the last moment."

Susan looked like you were kidding me. At the last moment, BOSS suddenly woke up and stopped his evil plan. Not even a three-year-old child would believe this kind of script, okay?

"Believe in love."

Andrew hugged Susan and said, at the same time, Barbara, a senior agent hiding in the dark, reported to Nick Fury expressionlessly: "The Ghost Rider has no intention of taking action. He said, believe in love."

"..., believe in love? I might as well believe in Satan."

Nick Fury yelled, and if Ghost Rider doesn't take action, New York will soon be over. Believe it or not, I will go to heaven to complain against you?

Uh, it seems like you can't go to heaven?

Andrew was not interested in knowing what other people thought. He pulled Dr. Otto into the illusion and entertained him personally.

Of course, we must pay attention to high-tech talents. What is the most lacking thing in hell, talents!

Dr. Otto entered the illusion. He was stunned for a moment, and then shouted excitedly: "I don't care who you are or what you want to do, just send me back as soon as possible. My experiment will be completed soon."

Andrew, a humanoid flame, appeared out of thin air and asked, "Do you really want to complete this experiment?"

Dr. Otto was confused when he heard this. After a moment, his expression changed drastically: "The experiment must be stopped immediately. The artificial sun is unstable. Once it explodes, the entire New York will be razed to the ground."

Andrew nodded: "It seems you are awake. Before, you were controlled by mechanical tentacles and became very paranoid."

Thinking of what happened before, Dr. Otto was ashamed and annoyed. His dream was to make mankind better. As a result, he not only robbed banks, but also almost destroyed New York.

Dr. Otto took a deep breath and asked Andrew: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

"I am the Demon King of Hell."

Andrew said frankly: "I want to invite you to go to hell to work for me. In return, I will help you restore your sanity and not be affected by the mechanical tentacles."

Dr. Otto shook his head repeatedly: "Go to hell? I won't go, my soul belongs to God."

"It doesn't matter, our hell never forces anyone."

Andrew said: "I will let you go back, and you will forget what happened in the illusion. When the time comes, you will be as excited as before to complete the experiment.

By the way, your experiment will go smoothly before the superhero can stop you, congratulations. "


Dr. Otto couldn't help but curse. He thought for a moment and asked, "Can I trade ten years of life in exchange for retaining my memory? Twenty years is fine, too."

"No, in fact, even retaining the memory is useless, the mechanical tentacles will interfere with you."

Andrew said: "Dr. Otto, going to hell is not a bad thing for you. Your story has spread all over the United States. In addition, you have robbed banks one after another during this period. Even if you finally stop the experiment, the rest of your life will be ruined." Destined to spend time in prison.

At that time, you don't have to hope to do the experiment again. In addition, your wife will be criticized a lot for what you did. With her character, she will probably choose to commit suicide.

In turn, as long as you are willing to work for me, you can not only keep New York, but also keep your wife, and I will make her live a good life.

Also, you can continue the artificial sun experiment in hell and I will invest in you. "

Andrew's words made Dr. Otto fall into silence. He knew that the other person was right. No matter what he did next, he and his wife would have a very miserable future.

Dr. Otto sighed and asked: "Does Hell also need an artificial sun?"

"Energy is also lacking in hell."

Andrew said: "However, the reason why I personally recruited you is not because of the artificial sun, but because of your attainments in the nervous system."

Dr. Otto was stunned: "Nervous system?"

Andrew nodded: "Yes, my hell is researching mechanical prosthetics. With your help, it will be completely successful soon."

"Why the hell would you want to research mechanical prosthetics? It's not scientific at all."

Dr. Otto wanted to complain. He thought about it and gritted his teeth and said, "I promise to work for you. You must ensure that this matter is completely resolved and my wife will be happy for the rest of her life."

"No problem, my hell implements a contribution system. If you contribute more, I can arrange for you to meet your wife and even leave you an offspring."

Andrew pointed his finger, and a contract appeared in front of Dr. Otto. Dr. Otto signed his name without looking carefully. Then, he asked curiously: "Can I still have descendants?"

"Of course, if you make enough contributions, I can even arrange for you to be your offspring and give birth to myself."

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't talk about this, Dr. Otto, you will wake up after you go back, fall into the river with the artificial sun, and sacrifice yourself to save New York. This will not only make up for your mistakes, but also make your life better." The wife doesn’t get too much blame.”

"Have you even written the script?"

Dr. Otto smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, that's it."

Andrew snapped his fingers and sent Dr. Otto out of the illusion.

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