Tony asked hurriedly: "Hey, are you telling the truth or are you lying?"

Johnny replied impatiently: "Anyway, he won't take action again in the future."


Tony's heart felt heavy. In the past, no matter what happened or how big a disaster happened, Andrew Wang would always have his back. But now, that's gone.

In other words, everything in the future will have to be shouldered by them. If they fail, they will really fail.

Not only Tony, but also everyone else's hearts were heavy. If there was a disaster in the future, there wouldn't be one person who would show up coolly and crush everything.

"Damn heaven, isn't there just two women? As for that?"

Nick Fury yelled, saying he didn’t know where heaven is, otherwise he would definitely find someone to help Andrew Wang with his lawsuit. It’s just two women. What does it matter? Among the high-ranking officials in the United States, which one has fewer women than Andrew Wang?

Andrew Wang has strength, and Nick Fury is troubled. Andrew Wang has no strength, and Nick Fury is even more troubled.

In the private manor, Susan looked at Andrew with guilt and emotion: "Andrew, would you rather be punished by heaven for me?"

"Don't think too much, that Ghost Rider is talking nonsense."

Andrew said that women like others to sacrifice for her, and some women even have annihilation plots - men destroy a city or even a country for her.

Susan said: "Andrew, you don't need to comfort me. I know it's all my fault. Heaven does not allow angels to fall in love."

Andrew said: "I don't know if heaven allows angels to fall in love. I only know that I will never give up on you, no matter what the circumstances."

Susan was moved and threw herself into Andrew's arms. Andrew hugged her and took the opportunity to make an unreasonable request. Susan blushed and agreed.

Leaving aside what Andrew and Susan had to say, at the abandoned pier, the old Green Goblin heard the conversation between Johnny and Tony and laughed loudly: "Even heaven is helping me, New York is destined to become hell."

"Dream and we will stop you."

Tony and Johnny said in unison, and then, the Human Torch and War Machine Rhodes fell from the sky and stood in front of the old Green Goblin.

At the same time, a group of superheroes are rushing here in Quinjet fighters. They will arrive in a few minutes.

"Just because you are useless? I am invincible!"

The old Green Goblin smiled disdainfully, opened his hands, and the power of the evil god turned into black lightning and blasted towards the superheroes, and everyone hurriedly avoided it.

"Rhodes, you go help Spider-Man deal with Electro and the fake Green Goblin. Human Torch, you go deal with that rhino monster."

Iron Man rushed towards the old Green Goblin and commanded: "Copycat Ghost Rider, let's deal with the old Green Goblin together."


The War Machine immediately flew towards Spider-Man. Although the Human Torch wanted to stay and fight the BOSS, he thought about it and decided to deal with the Rhino first.

With the help of War Machine, Spider-Man finally breathed a sigh of relief and used spider silk to move the people on the bridge out - many cars were burning, and the people on the bridge could not leave on their own.

"I'm not a copycat, I'm the authentic Ghost Rider."

Johnny cursed unhappily, then summoned his motorcycle and rushed towards the old Green Goblin with Iron Man.

The old Green Goblin flapped his wings and flew up into the sky, letting out a weird laugh that made Tony feel dizzy again.

The old Green Goblin took the opportunity to gather a black ball and blast it at Tony. At the critical moment, Johnny tied Tony's calf with a chain and pulled him away in time.

Then, Johnny turned the chain in his hand vigorously, and Tony followed the chain spinning in the air. He yelled: "Asshole, don't use me as a weapon."

Johnny didn't pay much attention to it. He shouted loudly and used Tony as a meteor hammer to hit the old Green Goblin hard. The old Green Goblin avoided it nimbly.

At this moment, the chain was released. Tony flew forward while raising his hand to fire a pulse cannon at the old Green Goblin. The old Green Goblin was blown away more than ten meters on the spot. However, nothing happened to him and he was still flying in the air. .

"That's it?"

The old Green Goblin shouted arrogantly, Tony looked very ugly, the missiles and lasers had been used up, and now the only ones he could use were machine guns and pulse cannons.

"One suit is not enough. I need to prepare a few more suits. I also need to build a satellite projection system so that I can get the suit anywhere."

Tony thought to himself, at this moment, the Quinjet arrived. Captain, Dr. Reed, Thing, and Dr. Banner jumped out of the fighter plane and landed on the ground with a thud.

As for the pilot, Hawkeye Barton, he pressed the button and two missiles were fired at the old Green Goblin one after another.

The old Green Goblin smiled disdainfully, raised his hand and fired two black lightning bolts to destroy the missile. Then, with a loud shout, he condensed a black ball and blasted it towards the Quinjet.

Hawkeye hurriedly flew the Quinjet to avoid it. He thought for a moment, parked the plane aside, picked up a bow and arrow and joined the battle - according to past experience, whether it was a Quinjet or a fighter plane, as long as it joined the battle, it would be destroyed.

Steve held his shield and shouted to the old Green Goblin in the sky: "Norman Osborn, surrender."

"Surrender? I am invincible now, why should I surrender?"

The old Green Goblin was very disdainful. He roared, and the power of the evil god exploded wildly, turning into black lightning and blasting downwards.

Everyone hurriedly ran away, and the lightning blasted big holes one after another on the ground, which was quite terrifying.

"Invincible? Do you think you are my brother-in-law?"

After finishing dealing with the Rhinoceros, the Human Torch rushed to the old Green Goblin's side and punched the opponent in the face with his flaming fist.

The old Green Goblin sidestepped to avoid it, and then, like lightning, his right hand firmly grasped Human Torch's throat. Under the protection of the power of the evil god, the flames on Human Torch had almost no effect on him.

The Human Torch was shocked. While struggling, he frantically raised his body temperature, but he couldn't get rid of the old Green Goblin's big hand.

"Human Torch."

Steve immediately threw the shield, and Dr. Reed's body quickly grew longer and hit the old Green Goblin. Iron Man, Johnny, Dr. Banner, Barton and others also launched an attack.

Facing so many attacks, the old Green Goblin smiled disdainfully, his wings lit up with black light, and he blocked or shot them, smashing away the shield, Dr. Reed and others.

"You think the advantage is on your side? You're wrong, the advantage is on my side."

The old Green Goblin raised his hand, and a drop of blood flew out and merged into Human Torch's body under the protection of the evil god's power.

Countless evil thoughts came to the Human Torch's mind, and his eyes gradually turned red. The old Green Goblin retracted his right hand with satisfaction. The Human Torch shouted and rushed towards Iron Man.

"I hate you the most. You steal my spotlight every time. What's even more annoying is that you deliberately tune me out every time."

Human Torch roared: "I am the protagonist."

"Be careful, the old Green Goblin can control others."

Iron Man dodged while shouting: "Human Torch, wake up quickly, don't forget, you are the captain's illegitimate son."

"Can you control others?"

Everyone's expressions changed. In this case, the more people they have, the more dangerous they will be.

The Thing lifted a large rock and threw it at the Human Torch, shouting at the same time: "Jonathan, come here, I've been wanting to beat you up for a long time."

"I've wanted to beat you for a long time too."

The Human Torch immediately changed his target and rushed towards the stone man, and the two soon fought each other.

"He can't control me, you help me attack."

Johnny shouted while waving the chain, he wished the old Green Goblin could control him, so that he could judge the opponent with the Eye of Judgment.

The old Green Goblin grabbed Johnny's chain, pulled hard, and swung Johnny straight away.

Iron Man secretly pouted, the copycat is just not as good as the original. If Andrew Wang were here, everyone would be ready to have barbecue.

Dr. Banner shouted, jumped up and slapped the old Green Goblin hard. The old Green Goblin tried to catch Dr. Banner again, but Iron Man flew over and knocked him away with a pulse cannon.

Then, everyone used their own methods to besiege the old Green Goblin. Although there were many of them, the situation was not optimistic at all. The Old Green Goblin was very powerful, and more importantly, he could control others.

Johnny got up from the ground and was about to join the siege. At this moment, Spider-Woman jumped to his side and asked: "Well, I want to ask, do you know the Eye of Judgment?"

"As a true Ghost Rider, of course I know the Eye of Judgment."

Johnny said angrily: "The problem is, I have no chance to use the Eye of Judgment, I can't fly, and the Green Goblin has certain defenses against me."

Gwen said happily: "That's good, just wait here and I'll bring the Green Goblin down to you."

"Send it down, how?"

Johnny was confused and Gwen was about to explain. At this time, the old Green Goblin seized the opportunity and sent blood into Dr. Reed's body. Dr. Reed instantly rebelled and entangled Tony in turn. The situation of the superheroes became worse. .

"No time to explain too much."

Gwen stopped talking nonsense and used spider silk to stick to Iron Man's suit, using the strength to jump into the air. Then, she put her feet together and kicked the old Green Goblin hard.

The old Green Goblin retreated to avoid Gwen's attack. Then, he wrapped his tail around Gwen, and drops of blood came out of his green arms and flew towards Gwen.


Everyone was shocked and desperately tried to save Gwen, but it was too late, and the blood quickly penetrated Gwen's body.

"So what about Spider-Woman? Isn't she still my puppet?"

The old Green Goblin was feeling proud, and a huge majesty surged out of Gwen's body. His soul was instantly severely damaged, and he let out a shrill wail in the air.

But it is the counterattack of the Demon King's power. If you want to control the Demon King's Favorite, you are simply courting death.

"It's now."

Gwen grabbed the old Green Goblin's arm with her backhand and slammed it towards Ghost Rider.

Bang, the old Green Goblin fell heavily to the ground. He endured the severe pain and was just about to get up when a flaming skull appeared in front of him and shouted loudly: "Look into my eyes, sinner."

As soon as the old Green Goblin saw Johnny's eyes burning with fire, a large number of bad things he had done immediately popped into his mind, and at the same time, the normal personality that had been suppressed by him awakened.


The two personalities shouted at the same time, but they couldn't stop their souls from being ignited. The old Green Goblin roared unwillingly, unable to accept his failure. Just now, he crushed the entire audience, why did he fail suddenly? This unscientific.

In contrast, Norman quickly accepted his fate. He was only grateful for one thing in his heart - he had left Harry a sum of clean money and a large amount of technological crystals. As long as he did not return to the United States, he could still be his Rich kid.

Whether you accept it or not, it can't stop the reality that Norman's soul was burned to ashes.

A moment later, Norman fell to the ground with empty eyes, declaring death.

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