American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 103 Remarks on the launch

It's finally going to be on the shelves. The writing of this book was not as smooth as the previous one. There were always small problems, but I finally persevered.

I won’t say much else. I will try to update as much as possible on the day it is released. The more you subscribe, the more updates you will get.

In addition, in the first month, I will try to update 10,000 words every day (I don’t know if it will work, I could only write 8,000 words a day for the last book, so I will try this book).

If you can subscribe, please be sure to subscribe, especially the first subscription, which is really important. How long a book can last depends entirely on the subscription.

Finally, I would like to thank my editor Xiaofeng.

Thanks to Ao Tianhuan, Baicai Laoyao, book friend 20220422123052919, Bai__mo, Zzyongc, early morning T, e-day dragon slaying, Liu Liuyi, have you eaten, the summer dream of morning light, it has been thousands of years before I know it. Unconsciously, the great demon king, Wu Shi, you say fool is not stupid, the reward of the demon god and dragon god (there are too many names to list one by one, please forgive me).

Thanks to everyone who voted and commented.

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