American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 104 Attack (please subscribe)

At Bugle TV, Jameson was teaching Melinda: "Melinda, there was nothing wrong with your previous report, but you forgot to add a reasonable guess."

Melinda was puzzled: "A reasonable guess?"

Jameson nodded: "Yes, the military will not allow a bug to escape Brooklyn. They may use incendiary bombs to burn the streets to completely eliminate Sloan and the puppets."

"Chief Editor, is this information given to you by a mysterious person?"

"No, it's my reasonable guess."

Jameson said: "Do you think the audience will believe my speculation?"


Melinda thought for a while and nodded with certainty. There was nothing the American military couldn't do. Last time those bastards wanted to bomb Broadway.

Melinda would think it was normal if the military dropped a nuclear bomb on Manhattan one day.

"That's it, Melinda, work hard. When this matter is over, I will open a column for you to report specifically on SHIELD's deception of the people, abuse of power, and invasion of privacy."

Jameson encouraged: "This year's Pulitzer Prize belongs to Rosanne, and next year it might be yours."

"Thank you to the editor-in-chief for your cultivation."

Melinda said, but her heart was beating, anti-S.H.I.E.L.D. Vanguard? If I return to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future, will I be blackmailed by my colleagues?

On the other side, Nick Fury is calling the military to tell them not to act rashly. SHIELD can solve this matter.

The military people are a little embarrassed. We are discussing, how do you know what we want to do?

"Nick Fury, one hour, if you can't kill those monsters within an hour, we will take action."

A general said: "The Peace Knights, mutants, Sloan, a group of felons, we have too many reasons to take action."

"We will resolve this matter as quickly as possible."

Nick Fury put down the phone, and now he could only hope that the superheroes would be more helpful, or that someone would be in a better mood.

The building that Sloan occupied was a commercial building with dozens of floors, and all the people inside were turned into puppets by him. He hid in the conference room to control the bugs, with Firefox and others guarding him.

In addition, outside the conference room was Coulson and a group of police officers with live ammunition. They ran out to maintain order, but were shot dead by Sloan.

As for the other puppets, which are scattered throughout the building, Sloan is very afraid of death. After all, he is the man who wants to become the King of New York.

At this time, Iron Man, Human Torch, and Dr. Reed arrived one after another - The Thing was completely trapped in the bar in order to let Human Torch and Dr. Reed escape, unable to leave.

Dr. Reed used the communicator to ask Tony: "Tony, can you hack into the surveillance of this building?"

"Sloan is not that stupid. He has cut off the surveillance a long time ago."

Tony shook his head and said: "According to the scan, there are people on every floor. We have to find them ourselves."

"Excuse me, without further ado, let's get started."

Dr. Reed lengthened his hands and grabbed the guardrail above. Then, he contracted and flew up the building.

"I always feel that your abilities are not serious."

Tony secretly complained. Just as he was about to take action, two Spider-Man and Susan rushed over. Then, Gwen introduced Susan's abilities to Iron Man: "After I find Sloan, I will take Susan there and let She sneak-attacked Sloane.”

"Good plan."

Tony nodded first, then complained: "But Miss Stone, why don't you call your boyfriend over? Your boyfriend can easily solve this matter."

Gwen couldn't help but glance at Susan. It seemed that she had not lied before, and her boyfriend was as powerful as her own.

It is worth mentioning that Gwen does not know that Andrew is the Ghost Rider. She only knows that her boyfriend is a kung fu master, a gun master, and a reporter.

Human Torch asked curiously: "Is my future brother-in-law so powerful?"

Tony said: "It's more powerful than you think. Don't look at the excitement here. When he comes, he will solve everything within one minute. Unfortunately, he is too lazy."

"He's not lazy, he can't take action at will."

Susan shook her head: "In addition, he said that only humans can save humanity. If other races take action, humans will pay the price.

For example, thousands of years ago, the Frost Giants invaded the Earth. God King Odin led the Asgardian army to help the Earth defeat the Frost Giants. Afterwards, Asgard became the suzerain of the Earth. "


Everyone present, including Nick Fury at the headquarters, was confused. Frost giants invaded the earth? Are Asgard and Odin real? Is Asgard still the suzerain of Earth? Is this true? Why don’t they know anything?

Susan said: "Since angels exist, isn't it normal that Odin also exists?"

"What you said makes sense."

Tony said, at this time, Nick Fury said: "We will talk about Asgard and Odin later. Let's deal with that disgusting guy Sloane first."


Everyone stopped talking nonsense, entered the building from different locations, and began to search for Sloan.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Nick Fury secretly clenched his fists. With Andrew Wang's character, he shouldn't talk nonsense. In other words, Asgard and Odin are real.

Nick Fury thought firmly: "How can I step down at this time? The earth needs me."

The building was full of puppets. When they saw Iron Man and others rushing in, they immediately launched an attack. Iron Man didn't want to kill them, so he blasted them away with the weakest pulse cannon and continued to search for Sloan.

The same is true for others. They are all superheroes and will not kill innocent people, which makes their search difficult. There is no way, there are too many puppets, and they are all not afraid of death.

"A bunch of idiots."

Sloan smiled disdainfully and directed the group of special police officers he had just controlled to return to the building - this group of special police officers were not only fully armed, but also obtained a large amount of arms from the police station, which was quite powerful.

Sloan had a good idea, but what he didn't expect was that just a minute later, two Spider-Man came to the door.

That's right, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman came over at the same time. They were not lucky, but the Spider-Sense took effect. Spider-Sense is not an ordinary intuition. When used to the extreme, it can even sense the future.

Sloan cursed and ordered to the policemen in the corridor outside: "Kill them."

The police didn't waste any time and immediately fired at the two Spider-Man. The two Spider-Man jumped on the walls and ceiling, dodging the bullets nimbly.

Then, the two Spider-Mans fired spider webs at the police at the same time. The difference was that Peter's spider webs were just simple spider webs. Even if they caught each other, many police officers could still shoot.

Gwen's spider web is electrified. After catching the opponent, the opponent will immediately twitch and fall down.

Spider-Man looked a little jealous. It wasn't that he didn't want the equipment, but he didn't have the money to buy the equipment. The most valuable thing he had was the second-hand motorcycle. Well, it had just been stolen before, and he didn't know if he could get it back.

Without a motorcycle, he can't deliver food. If he can't deliver food, he won't be able to pay the rent. If he can't pay the rent, he will be kicked out. Hey, why does it feel like the future is dark?

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