Chapter 102 Spread

"I hate you SHIELD bastards the most."

Sloan smiled ferociously. Except for Coulson, all the other agents screamed in pain, but their brains were eaten by insects.

Immediately afterwards, Sloane ordered Coulson and the other puppets to rush towards Dr. Reed and the Thing.

Dr. Reed's expression changed, and he hurriedly stretched out his arms to tie up the puppets. Then, he asked Colson loudly: "Colson, what's going on?"

Coulson did not answer. Under Sloan's control, he opened his mouth and spit out a bug that fell on Dr. Reed's palm. Sloan was very excited, and he would soon have a super-powered puppet.

But to Sloan's disappointment, the black bug failed to get into Dr. Reed's body, and Dr. Reed beat him to death with his backhand.

Seeing this, Sloan controlled the puppets to break free and rush towards Dr. Reed and the Stone Man.

The stone man wanted to use brute force to knock the puppets away. At this time, Sloan shouted: "They are all living people. As long as the bugs are taken out, they can return to normal. If they are killed by you, it is equivalent to you killing someone."

This is useless for bad guys, but it has a miraculous effect on good guys like Dr. Reed and Stone Man. The two of them were immediately restrained and did not dare to hurt these puppets.

In this case, the puppets surrounded Dr. Reed and the Stone Man. Then, a large number of bugs came out of the mouths of the SHIELD agents on the ground and densely crawled onto the bodies of Dr. Reed and the Stone Man.

So what if the body is strong? People are not sealed. Bugs can enter the bodies of Dr. Reed and the Stone Man from many places, such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Seeing so many bugs, the stone man's expression changed drastically. He ignored the puppets and threw them away with all his strength. Then, he slapped his body hard to kill the bugs, but there were too many bugs, and there were some places that he couldn't photograph. .

Dr. Reed couldn't get rid of the puppets around him and could only control his body to deform to stop the bugs. At this critical moment, a burst of fire rushed into the bar, which was the Human Torch. In the past few days, he had learned to use flames to fly.

When the Human Torch saw the situation in the bar, he immediately threw two balls of flame and fell on Dr. Reed and the Stone Man. With two bangs, all the bugs on the two people were burned to death. However, the two of them also turned into "black men" '.

"Watch me burn them all to death."

The Human Torch shouted and was about to burn the puppets. Dr. Reed hurriedly shouted: "They are just being controlled. Deal with the assassin. He is the instigator."

Human Torch immediately turned his attention to Sloane, who retreated to Firefox and others, and sneered: "If I die, all the puppets will die with me."

This sentence is half a lie. When Sloan dies, the puppet will not die, but he can control the insects to eat the brain and pull the backs of the surrounding puppets before death.


Human Torch was stunned and didn't know what to do. Although he thought highly of himself, tonight was his first time being a superhero.

"You burn the bug, and I'll catch him."

Dr. Reed's hands grew longer and he grabbed Sloan. Unfortunately, his hands were caught by the puppets halfway and he was unable to move forward.

Immediately afterwards, Fire Fox and others smashed a large amount of spirits on the ground. On the wall, Human Torch was shocked and hurriedly put away the flames on his body - the Fantastic Three would not be burned to death, but those puppets would.

"Super hero!"

Sloan snorted coldly and controlled the puppet to pester the Fantastic Three desperately, while he himself fled the bar with Firefox, the others, and a large number of bugs.

Then, Sloan used the newly bred bugs to quickly control the people around him, and then used the people around him to breed more bugs, constantly expanding his army of puppets.

In just over ten minutes, Sloan controlled hundreds of puppets. At the same time, he had more and more bugs, spreading crazily around him.

Although there were warnings before, many people in Brooklyn still did not escape, and many people were unable to escape due to traffic jams. They all became targets of bugs.

"What is an unexpected surprise? This is an unexpected surprise."

Andrew watched the whole process, thinking that the highlight was Mystique's side, but he didn't expect that Sloan gave him a big surprise. This wave can harvest a lot of souls.

After thinking about it, Andrew sent the captured video to the editor-in-chief Jameson. Jameson was overjoyed to receive the video from the mysterious man and immediately asked Melinda to start reporting.

When Melinda saw the content of the video, she couldn't help but gasp and hurriedly started reporting. She didn't do much because she knew very well that her director must be watching the live broadcast on Kuaishou.

"People who are radiated by the cosmic storm will acquire superpowers, such as Dr. Reed and the others, but unfortunately, a bad guy also gets superpowers, and they are very scary superpowers.

Sloane, the leader of the Assassin Brotherhood, can create bugs, and people parasitized by bugs will become his puppets. What is even more terrifying is that bugs can eat the brain and reproduce more bugs.

At this moment, a certain street in Brooklyn has completely become his territory. The surrounding citizens are requested to evacuate as soon as possible.

In addition, Sloan's ability has two characteristics. First, as long as the bug is removed, the puppet will return to normal. Second, if he dies, all puppets will die too. "

"Do you all have this kind of ability?"

The surrounding citizens couldn't help but yell, this ability was so disgusting, some citizens who were still at home immediately started to run away, but by this time it was a little too late, there were puppets and bugs everywhere.

"Ordinary police officers really can't keep up with the times. The New York Police Department needs people with super powers."

Director George looked at the controlled police and civilians on the screen and smashed the table angrily. He made a decision in his heart. Mr. Wang's suggestion was right. New York needs super vigilantes.

"Harvest time."

Andrew opened the illusion and pulled the citizens in. Then, the robots descended from the sky and began to rescue people. As for those who did not sign the contract, it was not a big problem, because they would become puppets, and then they could be harvested for the second time.

Nick Fury looked very ugly after reading Melinda's report. He picked up the communicator and contacted Tony and the others in person: "Everyone, there is a huge trouble."

"What on earth is SHIELD doing? Why wasn't such a terrifying power discovered earlier?"

After Tony read the information, he couldn't help but cursed: "We must catch that Sloan as soon as possible and let him release control of the bugs, otherwise many people will suffer."

"Sloan's blood test showed no abnormality. The superpower is too unfamiliar to us."

Nick Fury explained, and then asked: "Barton, can you snipe Sloan from a distance and make him faint? After he faints, those puppets should stop."

"No, he is hiding in the building, I can't see him."

Barton shook his head, and Tony flew into the sky and shouted: "Barton, come and help Dr. Banner deal with Abomination, and I'll deal with that Sloane."


Barton immediately rushed over to support Dr. Banner, and Tony started the propeller and flew towards the building where Sloan was located at high speed.

Also rushing to the building are Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Invisible Woman Susan.

Spider-Woman said: "Susan, you don't have to come. It's very dangerous. If you're not careful, you will become a puppet."

"I want to go in invisible and knock out that Sloane."

Susan said: "As long as you knock him out, this matter will be solved. You don't have to worry about me. If it doesn't work, I can call for help."

Gwen was surprised: "Call for help?"

Susan looked happy and proud and said: "Well, I am in danger, and my boyfriend will definitely take action to save me. Once he takes action, no matter who the enemy is, they will be dead."

Skye, who was commanding from the rear, complained: "Gwen, why do her words sound so similar to yours?"

"It seems she also has a powerful boyfriend."

Gwen didn't think there was any problem and drove Susan at full speed.

If nothing else happens, it should be put on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow. I will update it after it is put on the shelves. The details will be stated in the acceptance speech tomorrow.

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