All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 359 Let this era know who is the king! (Rua!)

As January passes, February...

What devastates the league's teams is that their "hard days" are still continuing.

On February 1, the NBA officially announced the list of winners for the first month of the new millennium.

In January, O'Neal, who averaged 36.5, 16.5 rebounds, 4.1 assists and 3.3 blocks per game, finally broke Su Feng's monopoly on Player of the Month.

At the same time, this also makes the ownership of this season's regular season MVP more and more confusing.

In the words of many ESPN experts, in January 2000, O'Neal's performance made people feel that he was an omnipotent superman.

In addition, in order to support O'Neal in this MVP battle, ESPN also released an interview with Chamberlain before his death in a review program about the NBA in January.

In this interview, Chamberlain said that O'Neal was the most dominant player he had ever seen.

In Su Feng's previous life, many people believed that Chamberlain was invincible, but in fact, if these people really understood the overall level of the NBA in ancient times, they would never say such a thing.

It is true that a behemoth like Chamberlain would be strong in any era.

However, even Chamberlain himself would not dare to say that in the era when he played, his opponents were stronger than O'Neal's opponents.

Especially the section about the killing of 20,000 people that was talked about so much by "Zhang Chui"...

To be honest, Chamberlain himself probably never imagined that his casual remarks would be believed by many people in the future.

And just after ESPN "openly took sides" this time, many fans expressed their strong dissatisfaction online.

Among them, many American honeys are taking a "moral height" and crazily criticizing ESPN on the Internet.

In the view of some American honeys, as a large media with credibility, ESPN should not be so biased in favor of American players.


Some people may not believe it when I say it, but ESPN really isn't showing favoritism for the sake of showing favoritism this time.

Because, not long after ESPN had praised O'Neal on the front foot, they had almost the same praise on Su Feng through Jordan himself.

It is worth mentioning that in this show about Su Feng, ESPN also passed a terrible data...

The power of the Raptors was once again popularized to people.

Throughout January, of the 18 games Su Feng played, he was forced to clock out in the third quarter in 16 of them.

Moreover, in the past January, Su Feng's three-point shooting rate was an astonishing 53%.

Therefore, to quote Jordan, Su Feng's dominance was indeed not as good as O'Neal's when he only played three quarters.


If Su Feng also has a chance to play a full four quarters like O'Neal, it will be hard to say.

And Toronto, after noticing that the topic of itself and O'Neal has been heated up to a higher level recently...

Su Feng finally understood how naive he was when he was a fan in his previous life.

Because in fact, the so-called rhythm is really not driven by the fans.

Take ESPN for example. Almost every year, they create various rankings, and these rankings are the key to the emergence of rhythm.

After all, everyone has a scale in their own hearts. Some people like Iverson, and some people like Kobe.

To put it bluntly, no matter how noisy the fans are, it will not have the slightest impact on ESPN.

On the contrary, only by making fans clamor will people be willing to watch the news published by media outlets like ESPN.

In Su Feng's previous life, when he was still a young fan, he did stupid things like quarreling with others for the players he liked. But in this life, after he began to become the protagonist of this storm, Su Feng understood, How stupid I was at that time.

Of course, in addition to setting the pace this time, ESPN also mentioned several points in the program that indeed made Su Feng feel a little helpless.

Especially when Su Feng saw his still immature nephew Stephen cheering for Carter during the Raptors' home game recently.

In January, after other Raptors players began to go berserk for various reasons...

Obviously, Su Feng began to suffer from the so-called "Curry's disease".

The biggest characteristics of this disease are:

Limited by the team's overall strength, the star players are often unable to get more playing time in the game.

And due to insufficient playing time, even if Su Feng could play again, he could only sit on the bench and watch the show.

No way...

There were a few games when Su Feng was really envious of O'Neal when he felt good.

Because, no matter how hard O'Neal plays, his CBA teammates can put the Lakers' good situation back.


The Raptors team...

Don't even say that Su Feng turned on the chaotic hammer mode...

Sometimes, Su Feng's "warm-up" hadn't even ended before the game was over.

“It seems that when forming a team in the future, tool players will still be the main ones.

It would be best to build a ‘single-core team’ so that I can demonstrate my excellence. "

On this day, when summarizing his performance in January, Su Feng silently sighed.

In February, the Raptors' winning streak against the Lakers continued.

On the 4th, after defeating the 76ers who were determined to mess up, the Raptors' winning streak since losing to the Jazz in mid-December has reached 19 games.

On the other hand, after defeating the Spurs on the same day, the Lakers' winning streak also reached 17 games.

With the 1999/00 season already halfway through, both the Raptors and the Lakers had the opportunity to compete for the best record in NBA history created by the Bulls that year. Therefore, although no one expressed their attitude in interviews, in fact, Recently, both the Raptors and Lakers have adjusted their game status to the playoff mode in advance.

As a result, the regular season consumption of both teams has undoubtedly increased greatly.

On the 5th, the Raptors had no game and the entire team had a day off.

On the 5th, NBA officials also officially announced this year's starting lineups for the East and West star teams, as well as the final votes for each star.

In the 1999/00 season, the starting lineup of the Western Conference Stars is as follows:

Center: O'Neal.

Forward: Malone, Garnett.

Guards: Kobe, Kidd.

Affected by Duncan's move to the Celtics in this life, Malone was fortunate enough to be selected into the starting lineup of the Western Stars again.

As he moved to Phoenix and gradually eliminated the negative impact he had in Dallas, Kidd also took over the poisonous banner of "the league's No. 1 point guard" from Stockton.

Among the final votes for the Western Conference's starting five, O'Neal became the most popular player in the Western Conference this year with 1.9 million votes.

However, although O'Neal put a lot of thought into it in January, and even used the unique skill of rolling on the ground to ask for votes, this time...

In front of the Toronto Twins, he can only recognize himself as a younger brother.

In the 1999/00 season, the starting lineup of the Eastern Stars is as follows:

Center: Mourning.

Forwards: Duncan, Su Feng.

Defenders: Carter, Hill.

Just like in Su Feng's memory, in order to help Duncan get into the first team in the All-NBA selection, Auerbach changed Duncan's registration position to power forward.

Although in actual games, Duncan is often moved to the C position, in Auerbach's words:

Labor and management have never said Duncan is a center.

In addition, when Iverson was reimbursed for the season, Hill was substituted into this year's starting lineup for the Eastern Stars.

In the final votes for the Eastern Conference's starting five, the Toronto Twins also continued their previous strength in voting.

With 3.3 million votes, Su Feng broke the All-Star vote record set by Michael Jordan that year and became this year's All-Star vote leader.

Carter was closely behind with 2.05 million votes.

Of course, as in previous years, after this year's All-Star starting list was released, most of the players, except for a few players, caused controversy.

For example, in the West, Finley thought he suffered the disadvantage of not being as handsome as Kobe Bryant.

In the East, Ray Allen, Houston and others believe that fans should not only pay attention to players who are good at dunking.

However, what is different from previous years is that on the 6th, after the NBA officially announced the substitute list for this year’s East and West star teams and the entry list for each individual event...

The argument that people were arguing about suddenly became who will be the dunk king this year.

Because in addition to Su Feng, Carter, and McGrady, the players participating in the dunk contest this year include Francis and Stackhouse.

To be honest, this is definitely the most luxurious dunk contest in NBA history.

Suddenly, just as Su Feng expected, the fans' enthusiasm for the Oakland All-Star Game has far exceeded the ongoing NBA regular season.

Major media outlets in North America have given this year's slam dunk contest titles such as "The Strongest Slam Dunk Contest in History" in advance.

For those who have watched Jordan single out Wilkins, they are looking forward to whether the young juniors can surpass their seniors in this game.

For those who regretted missing the battle between Jordan and Wilkins, they are extremely looking forward to this year's slam dunk contest being able to clear their minds.

Coupled with the special year of the millennium, many fans have even called this year's dunk contest the "game of the century" in advance.

In addition to the much-anticipated All-Star Game Slam Dunk Contest, in the 1999/00 season, the substitute lists for the Eastern and Western Star Teams are as follows:

East: Ben Wallace, Mutombo, Glenn Robinson, Tracy McGrady, Marbury, Ray Allen, Houston.

West: Finley, Stockton, Webber, Payton, David Robinson, Nowitzki, Pippen.

As of this year, in the long history of the NBA, there have been a total of 4 times in the NBA where 4 players from the same team have been selected for the All-Star Game.

Therefore, the Raptors, who also have 4 players selected for the starting/substitute list of the All-Star Game this year, have become the fifth team to achieve this achievement.

In this regard, even though Su Feng wanted to complain for Nash...

But there was no way. Considering that Stern needed to level the playing field, Su Feng knew very well that having four players on the same team selected for the All-Star Game at the same time was already the limit that the league could accept.

After all, the All-Star Game is not just for the Raptors. In terms of resource allocation, Stern must ensure that more small and medium-sized teams benefit.

Otherwise, for those small teams whose football markets are not as good as those in big cities, if they don’t even have a sign to attract fans to watch the football, will they be allowed to play?

However, it is worth mentioning that because of the famous scene where he was beaten by O'Neal, Rasheed Wallace was not selected for this year's All-Star Game roster.

Dallas' little driver and Pippen became the beneficiaries.

Affected by the rise of the Mavericks' record this year and the emergence of Su Feng, Stern's growing ambitions for the global market have led to Nowitzki, who averaged "18+7" per game, becoming the successor to Schlar. After Muff, he is the second German player to be selected for the NBA All-Star Game.

Originally, Nowitzki had to wait until two years before participating in the All-Star Game for the first time.

As for Mr. Pi...

As the second-ranked team in the Western Conference, to be honest, if even Pippen fails to be selected for this year's All-Star Game, then Su Feng feels that the league headquarters will definitely be blown up by the radical Blazers fans.

By the way, after this year's All-Star entries were announced, some people were happy and some were worried.

For example, in Toronto, Nash has always felt that he and Su Feng can no longer play together.

Kangkang, now even Tracy McGrady’s younger brother is going to participate in the All-Star Game, but he can only participate in the three-point contest with old Curry...

For a while, no matter how good-tempered Nash was, he began to doubt his acceptance of playing sixth man this season.

Naturally, it was impossible for Su Feng to ignore these little thoughts in Nash's heart.

After all, as the helmsman of the "Black Pearl", Su Feng knew very well that Nash was the actual rhythm controller of this Raptor.

So on the evening of the 6th, while the team was on holiday, Su Feng specially hosted a banquet for Nash alone.

While Nash was in a good mood due to the delicious food, Su Feng also said to him: "Steve, I don't think you need to feel sad about your failure to be selected for this year's All-Star Game. .

Because others don't know it, but in my heart, you are the best point guard in the league currently. "

Hearing this, Nash smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Su, please stop comforting me.

I know that I was not selected because my ability could not impress the judges. I will continue to work hard next. "

After listening to Nash's answer, Su Feng, who felt the depression in Nash's words, pretended to be angry and said: "What do I mean by comforting you?

Do you think what I just said was to comfort you?

Oh, damn!

Steve, I never expected that I would be this kind of person in your heart.

To be honest, I really didn't expect that Steve, who is better than John Stockton in my heart, would be such a player with no confidence.

Because he actually thinks that he is not good enough to enter the All-Stars! "

Nash: "..."

To be honest, although he felt that Su Feng was deceiving him, he didn't know why, but Nash always felt that there were tears in his eyes at this time.

" you really think so?" Nash looked at Su Feng curiously and said.

"Of course! In my heart, even ten John Stocktons can only carry your shoes!

You are the best point guard in the NBA in my eyes!

You didn't make the All-Star Game roster this year entirely because the judges were blind. "Su Feng said to Nash seriously.

"Sue...thank you!"

Looking at Su Feng who kept complaining about himself, at this moment, Nash felt that the cake he fed Su Feng during the trial training in Phoenix City was not in vain.

After noticing that Nash had been fooled by him, Su Feng also smiled and said: "Although you have no chance to participate in the All-Star Game this year, Steve, don't forget, there is still the best sixth man award this year. waiting for you."

"Yes! I will work hard!" After lowering his head and taking a big mouthful of food, Nash replied to Su Feng's decision to commit himself to him.


Simply perfect!

Looking at Nash who was in a good mood, Su Feng knew that he had eliminated another potential risk to the Raptors.

Hong Kong Zhen, in Su Feng's view, an all-around leader like him is simply not comparable to O'Neal.


It's time to use your strength to tell that stupid shark who is the king of this era!

On the 9th, after defeating the Bucks in an away game, Su Feng officially embarked on a journey to Oakland with a group of Raptors players participating in the All-Star Game. UU read

On the plane to Auckland, holding the future King of Auckland Stephen Curry in his arms, Su Feng also teased him: "Stephen, in your opinion, who will become this year's slam dunk contest champion."


After struggling in his heart for a while, Stephen Curry decided to follow his heart and finally resisted Su Feng's temptation of snacks. He raised his head and replied, "Uncle Vince will win!"

Su Feng: "..."

To be honest, for a moment, Su Feng really wanted to ask the flight attendant if she could open the plane and throw Stephen Curry out.

However, considering that such behavior is somewhat inhumane...

So, after giving Curry a hard blow on the head, Su Feng wrote down another "crime" for Stephen Curry in his notebook.

Just wait, Stephen!

In the future, before you retire, if you have a chance to win the MVP and championship, then count me as a loser!

In this life, if I don’t let you experience the script James took, then I won’t be called Su Feng!

"Sure enough, LeBron is cuter."

Su Feng pinched Curry's little face and said with emotion at this moment.

PS: Regarding the previous chapter and the recent plot issues, Qiao still says the same thing. In my book, there is really no chapter that is superfluous. Many invisible details have been hidden for you in what you call the "hydrological link", so when I write the season summary, I will discuss with you why I wrote it in this way. Tweet, compare your feelings, and ask for votes!

PS2: Late update, it’s tiring!

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