All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 358 The fight between gods and gods, Su Feng’s decision!

Su Feng's previous life, many old fans only need to mention the fat-headed fish from this period...

The word invincible will automatically come to mind.

So how strong was this fat-headed fish in the 99/00 season in Su Feng's original time and space?

the answer is:

This time the old fans' "impression flow" was right.

Because it is no exaggeration to say that O'Neal's dominance on the court this season...

Even if it was Jordan back then, he was worthy.

As we all know, had it not been for a certain "Xie Bin" reporter to give him a vote, in the original 99/00 season, O'Neal would have become the first player in NBA history to be elected regular season MVP with a full vote.

In that season, whether in the regular season or the playoffs, O'Neal's state can only be described as flourishing.

In the regular season, this fat-headed fish averaged nearly 29.7 points with a shooting rate of over 57%, plus 13.6 rebounds, 3.8 assists and 3.0 blocks per game.

In the playoffs, O'Neal, who was full of firepower, averaged 30.7 points, 15.4 rebounds, 3.1 assists, and 2.4 blocks per game with a shooting rate of over 56%.

In addition, it was also during this season that on his 28th birthday, O'Neal faced the Clippers and made 24 of 35 shots. Including free throws, he scored a total of 61 points, 23 rebounds and 3 assists.

It is worth mentioning that the story behind this game has become a topic of conversation for many old fans in the future.

In short, no matter in the past life or in this life...

After this fat-headed fish suffered the fate of being swept once again in the 1998/99 season, O'Neal, who refused to eat donuts and fried chicken throughout the summer, had to admit it even if Su Feng was unwilling to admit it... ...

This fat-headed fish is currently the number one player in the NBA.

Moreover, if I say it more boldly, then this big shark should be the most dominant player in the history of the NBA.

In early January 2000, with the advent of the 21st century, when Su Feng was happily playing in the sewers with his teammates, the unlucky Nuggets in Los Angeles became the first team to be "gnawed" by O'Neal. team.

On January 10, at Staples, O'Neal made 19 of 28 shots, including free throws, and scored 48 points and 21 rebounds.

Immediately afterwards, on the 12th, in an away game against the Bucks, O'Neal once again hit a "40+20" double-double.

On the 14th, 16th, and 17th, in the games between the Lakers and the Pacers, Timberwolves, and SuperSonics, this fat-headed fish surrendered 39 points and 15 rebounds, 37 points and 18 rebounds, and 41 points and 22 rebounds respectively. An epic transcript.

For a time, the entire league, whether in the East or the West, felt the anger from O'Neal.

I heard that you judges have already chosen Su Feng as the MVP?

Have you ever asked me how I feel?

Do you know how strong I am this season?

Can you judges have any brains?

If Su Feng's leading position in the MVP race remains unshakable despite O'Neal's continuous rampage, then on the 19th, during the game between the Lakers and their old enemy, the Jazz...

This time, even Su Feng, who watched the live broadcast of the game, felt that Malone was preparing to submit a "vote" to join the Lakers in the future.

55 points, 21 rebounds, 5 assists.

On this night, known as "O'Neal Night" by Lakers fans, the furious O'Neal completely tore into pieces the Jazz team's big white bear who relied on him to get a big contract.

Facts have proved that no matter how good the human shield is, it is impossible to withstand this shark at its peak.

In Su Feng's previous life, when the two Jazz veterans were still at their peak, they could rely on Ostertag to block O'Neal's gaps, and use Stockton and Malone's flanking attack to reduce O'Neal's efficiency.

However, as the lockout season passed, with Stockton and Malone both beginning to decline, and with Jackson's triangle offense, it was no longer possible for O'Neal to be stopped by the Jazz.

No solution.

Really unsolvable.

In O'Neal's prime, especially if his free throws weren't holding him back...

Even the handsome Sloan can't do anything about this fat-headed fish.

And as O'Neal's condition got better and better in January...

As of now, the Lakers still lead the Western Conference with a record of 37 wins and 4 losses.

And if you include the Raptors on the other side with 36 wins and 3 losses...

In the words of ESPN:

This season, there are two teams in the NBA, both of which hope to hit the Bulls' 72-10 record, the best record in NBA history!

Throughout the first three weeks of January, O'Neal won the NBA Player of the Week for three consecutive weeks.

And among the public, it was just like when I was playing Su Feng before...

After O'Neal used his own dominance to make people no longer able to ignore him, those experts who had previously said that O'Neal was not worthy of competing with Su Feng for MVP have changed their minds again.

"Although Su's performance this season is unique among outside players, in my opinion, Shaq is the best player this season."

"Seriously, facing Shaq like this, there's nothing you can do except surrender."

"I don't want to brag, but just looking at the lineup, the Raptors are definitely stronger, so I vote for Shaq."

"Even those who boast about Su's greatness don't think carefully about what kind of rotten fish and shrimps are around Shaq?"

For a time, throughout January, the topic of who was more worthy of MVP, Su Feng or O'Neal, instantly triggered countless debates.

People who support O'Neal believe that O'Neal is more dominant, but his teammates are too weak, so he suffered a lot in the battle with Su Feng.

Those who support Su Feng believe that these people who praise O'Neal, do they look down on Lower Merion's second-in-command, or do they look down on the Los Angeles magician?

What kind of international joke are you kidding? Can’t the Lakers with Kobe Bryant be called a lineup?

How about adding Malone and Payton to the Lakers?

And it is worth mentioning that the original quarrel on this topic has passed...

After all, both Su Feng and O'Neal have been recognized for their performance this season.

However, how could Stern, who has noticed that the popularity of the NBA continues to rise recently, miss such a great publicity and promotion opportunity?

Therefore, with the help of a certain little old Jewish man, in January, almost every day, you can see from news reports the comparison of strengths between Su Feng and O'Neal from different angles.

For example, before the Raptors won the championship, not many people were optimistic about them.

For example, although O'Neal has not defeated Su Feng, most coaches in the industry believe that O'Neal is more difficult to deal with than Su Feng.

Another example......

Can Su Feng's three-point shooting percentage compare with O'Neal's free throw shooting percentage...

In short, in January 2000, Su Feng and O'Neal almost covered the entire NBA conversation.

And affected by this big wave of rhythm...

Su Feng, who originally felt that his chances of defending the regular season MVP were not 90% or 90%, were not happy anymore.

Because although I can be discussed together with O'Neal, it is a kind of recognition for myself...


Just like when I played Jordan too much, I always disliked Pippen.

For Su Feng, who has already stood at the top of the NBA, this fat-headed fish, no matter how strong it is, is just a fish.

Therefore, Su Feng, who feels that the difficulty of defending his NBA regular season MVP title has suddenly increased, is very clear...

The All-Star Game in Oakland in February will, in a sense, become the "Battle of the Mountains" between him and O'Neal for the MVP this season.

Because the current record between the Lakers and Raptors is very stalemate, if Su Feng wants to defeat O'Neal, he must rely on public opinion to crush him.

For Su Feng, who is familiar with history, no one knows better than him that at the 2000 Oakland All-Star Game, there was such a terrible amount of traffic waiting for him to harvest.

Therefore, while O'Neal was obsessed with squeezing his opponents, in January, Su Feng slowed down his progress in the great cause of sewers.

Toronto, according to a brother who was feeling extremely sad and angry...

Recently, he has often been taken along by two "men in black" for extra training...


You may not believe it.

Here, other reborns wish their opponents were as weak as possible.

But in reality...

Su Feng was making the final strengthening of Carter.

On this day, McGrady, who was in a very depressed mood and really didn't want to participate in the dunk contest, revealed his heart to Su Feng, "Su, I really don't understand why you attach so much importance to this year's dunk contest?"

In McGrady's view, the slam dunk contest is ultimately an entertainment competition, and apart from attracting fans, it has no gold content at all.

After all, if Michael Jordan did not have five championship rings, no one would remember his name no matter how heartily he fought with Wilkins.

Moreover, what McGrady can't figure out is...

Since Su Feng wanted to express himself in this year's All-Star Slam Dunk Contest so much, why did he provide so many ideas to his silly cousin?

Whether it's emotional or rational, this doesn't make sense logically!

Hey, doesn’t make sense?

That’s right if it doesn’t make sense!

Because of this wave, even if others could stand on the fifth floor, Su Feng had already reached the atmosphere.

There was no way, because Su Feng looked at the problem from different angles, so Su Feng couldn't explain too much in detail to McGrady.

So, patting Maddie on the shoulder, Su Feng smiled and said: "Let's not mention this for now.

By the way, Trish, I feel like you can re-prepare a few of your moves. I have a few ideas here for your reference. "

McGrady: "..."

Hong Kong Zhen, if it weren't for his intimate knowledge of Su Feng, then McGrady felt that he might really be moved by Su Feng.

"Su, don't forget, although we are teammates in the Raptors, we are opponents in the dunk contest." McGrady looked at Su Feng with a depressed look and said.

"Of course, that's why I hope you can take the slam dunk contest seriously.

Because I don’t want my victory to be too easy when the time comes. "Su Feng replied innocently.

McGrady: "..."

McGrady, who was choked by Su Feng's wave of confidence that came from nowhere, calmed down for a while and said, "Su...

As your best friend, I have to remind you that once we get on the field, Vince and I will never give up. "

Looking at McGrady, Su Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Let go?

To be honest, Trish, you know, I hope you can all be at 200% by then. "

McGrady: "..."

Okay, McGrady couldn't talk anymore today.

The next day, after noticing that Su Feng had recently pulled Carter and McGrady to practice dunking together after training, Davis also found Su Feng alone.

As the person who thinks he knows Su Feng best in this alliance...

Thinking about it, Su Feng must have felt pressure from Los Angeles recently, so he wanted to show himself through various methods.

“Sue, I’ve talked it over with Mike and Doug.

After entering February, we will continue to increase your ball rights during games. "Looking at Su Feng working so hard, Davis, who felt that he needed to help him think of something, said to Su Feng.

Hearing this, Su Feng shook his head, "No, no, no, coach, we have created the best chemical reaction now. I don't think we need to change the team's current playing style at all."

Davis: "..."


Is this still the Su Feng that Davis remembers?

Except in the playoffs, Hong Kong Zhen and Davis have never seen such a team like Su Feng.

“Su, you don’t need to feel pressure.

I know you are worried about someone saying you are brushing data.

But I think you don’t have to think this way, because look, doesn’t Shaq also rack up statistics in every game? "Patting Su Feng's shoulder, Davis gave a friendly reminder.

After smiling at Davis, Su Feng said: "It's different, the Lakers' triangle offense is originally a singles tactic.

Therefore, whether Kobe comes to play or Shaq comes to play, they will always have someone to complete singles in the game.

But now, my average number of shots per game and the entire team are in a perfect golden ratio.

Coach, you don't need to worry about me.

Because I don't really care about the regular season MVP. In my opinion, as long as this Raptors can continue to move forward, then I will be satisfied. "

Davis: "..."

To put it bluntly, in Davis's opinion, Su Feng is good at everything...

It's just not "toxic" enough.

As a coach who has gradually understood the nature of the NBA, Davis knows very well that in fact, the so-called super giants all have some "tumors".

Because there is only one basketball on the basketball court, so if super giants don’t have “tumors”, can the so-called super giants still be considered super giants?

However, after noticing Su Feng's firm attitude, Davis didn't offer any more advice.

Because Su Feng can put the overall situation first, in his opinion, it is a great blessing for the Raptors.


How did Davis know that, whether it was the conversation with McGrady or the conversation with him, although Su Feng's words were true, what Su Feng wanted to express was not what they thought at all.

First of all, it's not that Su Feng doesn't want to increase the intensity of data brushing right now...

Firstly, it's because his current organizational ability is limited. Occasionally, if fate comes, it's okay to play one or two games, but if he plays like this every game, then the Raptors will collapse sooner or later.

Furthermore, in the regular season, Su Feng can't always play with the ball like he did in the finals, right?

In that case, the performance of other Raptors players will definitely be affected...

The Raptors have such a strong team, but they want to learn how to play like the future Thunder. Isn't this a waste of the lineup?

To put it bluntly, as the "Father of Sewers" in this life, Su Feng's "sewer tactics" are completely different from those of Mr. Gu in the future.

You can even simply understand it as a set of sewer tactics developed by Su Feng based on the situation of the Raptors and that are characteristic of the Raptors.

In Su Feng's view, in terms of his personal data, there was no need for him to continue competing with O'Neal.

Because the current president of the league is Stern, not a joke, and in the current NBA, as long as Stern doesn’t want to give you the MVP, then no matter how good Su Feng’s statistics are, Stern still has ten thousand reasons. Come and hack Su Feng.

Therefore, Su Feng's thinking has not changed from the beginning.

It was just because of O'Neal's sudden outburst in January that Su Feng increased his bets on the Oakland All-Star Game.

As for helping Carter and McGrady complete the upgrade, what kind of cool operation is it?

Of course, as Su Feng said, he was extremely looking forward to a battle of the century.

First of all, Su Feng gave Carter and Tracy McGrady some advice on dunking moves, which had no impact at all on the difficulty of his championship.

Because the slam dunk contest is different from other competitions, it is just like a diving competition. The final outcome depends on the completion and performance of the individual players.

Therefore, as long as Su Feng can successfully complete the set of moves with a difficulty level of 9.9 in his design, he will have absolute confidence in defeating Carter no matter how good Carter is in dunking.

Secondly, it is precisely because he knows that the influence of this slam dunk contest is very far-reaching that Su Feng wants to join forces with McGrady and Carter to create a slam dunk contest that will amaze the predecessors and despair the future generations.

Because Su Feng knows very well that no matter how the NBA develops, the foundation that maintains it is the fans.

Therefore, where does he need to surpass O'Neal in terms of personal data?

He already has a solid mass base, and he only needs to mingle with the people.

To put it simply...

As long as he can gain enough reputation in the All-Star Game in Oakland, coupled with his outstanding performance with the Raptors this season, unless O'Neal can score 100 points in a single game like Chamberlain did, otherwise, this fat-headed fish will cry for his father this season. Mother is useless.

What does it mean to bully others?

In Su Feng's opinion, in today's alliance, there is no one who knows how to use public opinion better than him.

Moreover, Su Feng knew that what he was planning behind the scenes was exactly what Stern wanted to see.

Because with the All-Star Game restarting and the Slam Dunk Contest returning to the All-Star stage, what Stern wants to see most now is that the All-Star Game can quickly regain its influence and the Slam Dunk Contest can arouse people's interest like it did back then. Discussed extensively.

" depends on how strong you are when you hit the iron, so be honest and don't bully me."

On this day, after practicing dunking with Carter, Su Feng thought to himself with emotion.

Obviously, whether you want to defend the regular season MVP title or become the first person in this era...

Su Feng needs to rely on his own strength and come out step by step.

As the saying goes, there is no chance of success.

A lucky person cannot have continuous success.

Therefore, just like when he jumped on the technical stage to declare war on the bulls, behind the steady Su Feng was an extremely passionate heart.

And just when Su Feng had arranged everything, O'Neal was still going berserk this January...

Other teams in the league: Brother, when you two gods are fighting, can you consider the feelings of us mortals?

PS: Hey, does Ah Qiao jump very quickly?

PS2: If you like the winning children’s shoes, remember to leave a message in the event post in the book review area, otherwise the rewards will not be distributed.

PS3: Only a few dozen average orders are needed to reach 10,000 orders. You all-powerful people, those who are rich will support you, and those who have no money will support you!


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