After Han Li turned around many times, he finally stopped.

"Whether or not to make this deal, I should wait until the poison can't be cured before making a decision." He could only think helplessly in the end.

Then, he glanced at the giant man outside the house, and remembered the inexplicable words at the end of the suicide note. He felt a little curious in his heart, and he was ready to try a way to control the giant man.

Han Li lowered his body and found a small brass clock from the pile of items. The clock was not big and could just be held in the palm of one's hand. It was made very delicately and the proportions were very coordinated. At first glance, it looked like it It was made by highly skilled craftsmen. The only thing that was different from ordinary clocks was that there were faint traces of blood on the wall of the clock, which looked particularly eye-catching.

Han Li carefully examined the magic weapon called the "Soul-Inducing Bell", but he really didn't see how powerful it was. According to what the letter said, it was incredible that this thing could control such a terrifying monster as the giant man!

Han Li held the small bell in his left hand and picked up a dagger in his right hand. He carefully walked out of the stone door and cautiously approached the giant man.

When he was more than two feet away from the giant man, Han Li stopped, not wanting to get too close in case of an accident.

At this time, the giant man was standing upright with his back to Han Li.

"Dang!" A clear bell sounded from the small bell. At this time, Han Li gently tapped the copper bell with his dagger, making a loud sound.

Han Li frowned. The sound seemed to be no different from an ordinary bell. Could it also control the giant man?

He felt a little shaken in his heart, and he became slightly shorter, ready to escape back to the stone house if something went wrong.

Hearing the sound of the bell, the giant man's shoulders shook slightly, as if he had a reaction. Han Li felt happy and hurriedly started ringing the bell again.

"Dang! Dang!..." The bells rang one after another, and the giant man's body began to tremble. In the end, even his steps became staggering, and his body could no longer stand firm, and finally fell down. No one knows what's going on on the ground.

The contact between the huge body of the giant man and the dry ground raised a lot of dust, causing the unprepared Han Li to choke and sneeze several times in a row, making him look embarrassed.

However, Han Li didn't care about such trivial matters at this time. He quickly jumped on the giant man, reached out and pulled off the cloak on his head, revealing a swollen face that made Han Li feel horrified at first sight.

Han Li suppressed the discomfort in his heart and did not dare to look at it carefully. He hurriedly used a dagger to lightly cut his wrist, letting the blood flow out without any hindrance and sprinkled on the giant man's face until his entire face was covered with blood. After it was smeared all over, Han Li pressed down on the wound, quickly found a piece of clean cloth from his body, and tied it to the wound to stop the blood from flowing out. Then he stayed calmly and watched the giant man's reaction.

A strange thing happened. So much blood slowly seeped into the giant man's face without leaving even a drop. Han Li looked on in shock and even pressed his fingers on the wound with too much force. Blood seeped out of the cloth again without even noticing it.

When all the blood was absorbed, the giant man opened his eyes and stood up slowly. His expression seemed dull, his eyes were dull, and he showed no emotion at all.

But when the giant man turned his head and his eyes made contact with Han Li's, Han Li felt his head buzz, and a strange emotion that was both unfamiliar and familiar appeared in Han Li's heart. A foreign thing suddenly appeared in the depths. This thing was like a home-raised puppy, surrounding Han Li and calling nostalgically.

Han Li was startled, but he calmed down immediately, because he saw the giant man change his rigid face from before, and now his face was full of submission, which made Han Li feel like he could control the life and death of the other person. Very amazing.

Han Li suppressed the surprise in his heart and gave the giant man a test order in a deep voice.

"Go and tear down that stone door for me."

Without saying a word, the giant man strode to the stone door in a few strides. He raised his two closed fists high and smashed it into pieces in three or five strokes like a big hammer, then turned around like a violent wind. Go to Han Li's side and wait for his next order.

Han Li, who had never been a fan of great sorrow and joy, couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at this moment. With such a powerful thug at his disposal, why would he care about ordinary dangers in the future?

While Han Li was excitedly thinking about the wonderful life in the future, he couldn't help but look at the giant man's body with eager eyes.

At this time, the more he looked at the giant man, the more satisfied he felt in his heart. The face that he originally thought was too ugly now felt particularly pleasing to the eye, and he even felt more and more kind-hearted.

"Mian Shan?" Han Li was startled and a little surprised by this feeling in his heart.

How could he feel kind to an ugly face he had never seen before?

With this doubt, Han Li began to carefully observe the giant man's nose and eyes, trying to find out the reason.

Gradually, he discovered that if the giant man's somewhat swollen facial features were restored to their original state, shrunk by one size, and then pieced together, this face was actually not ugly at all. It was even a very honest face, which made Han Li An extremely familiar face.

Han Li's face turned a little pale and he was silent for a long time before he stretched out his two palms and gently stroked the giant man's face.

"Brother Zhang, is it really you?" His voice was very low and calm.

The man's reassembled face looked very similar to his friend "Zhang Tie" who had been missing for several years. Combined with the last inexplicable words left by Doctor Mo, Han Li was 100% sure that the giant man must He has a deep relationship with Zhang Tie. Is it true that as the letter said, the giant man in front of him is just the body of Zhang Tie, and his soul is long gone. But why did his body become so tall and scary?

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