Han Li dug out strange-looking, familiar or unfamiliar items, divided them into two piles according to their degree of suspiciousness, and placed them aside.

He gradually marveled at how many miscellaneous things Dr. Mo had on him, many of which were fatal at first sight.

A sleeve of arrows that seals the throat with blood.

A bag of poisonous sand soaked in snake venom.

A dozen extremely sharp boomerangs.

As the number of items increased, Han Li's breathing became a little faster. The more carefully he searched, the more frightened he became.

Only then did he realize how lucky he was to start the fight with Doctor Mo. If the other party hadn't just wanted to capture him alive, he would have died long ago.

Wiping the cold sweat from his face, Han Li laughed at himself: "I am a living person, but I was frightened by things belonging to the dead."

Finally, the search was completed, and Han Li began to study the pile of items that he thought were suspicious one by one.

"The stuff in this small bottle smells really bad. It seems to be some kind of antidote. It should be okay."

"This strange weapon looks like a small wheel. Although I don't know what it is used for, it probably has nothing to do with the giant man. Let's put it aside for now."

"As for this sachet..."

Han Li was fiddling with the items and talking to himself, appearing very interested. At this moment, he was holding an ordinary sachet embroidered with plain white silk flowers in his hand.

Logically speaking, such an ordinary sachet should not arouse others' suspicion. But Han Li believed that such an ordinary item should be placed on ordinary people, but it was unusual for it to appear on a hero like Doctor Mo.

Han Li first held it with one hand and weighed it. He felt that it was very light. It probably contained no heavy items. Then he pinched it again. It had a paper texture, as if there were pages of books hidden inside.

Han Li was refreshed. He opened the sachet and found several pieces of paper from it as expected.

He glanced briefly and saw that it was Doctor Mo's own handwriting, and he felt a little confident. Looking more closely, Han Li was shocked to find that it was actually a suicide note left to him by Doctor Mo.

Han Li was a little puzzled, and his curiosity aroused. He picked up these pieces of paper and browsed them in detail.

After reading it, Han Li looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, then furrowed his brows and became very worried.

He put his arms behind his back, paced like a little old man, and began to move around unconsciously. Every two steps he took, he stopped, thinking about something, then undecided, took a few more steps, stopped again, and continued thinking.

Just like that, without knowing it, Han Li was like a donkey in a mill, circling around Doctor Mo's body. The face is uncertain, red for a while and white for a while, showing that he is agitated and unable to control himself.

This kind of uneasy appearance actually happened to Han Li. If Li Feiyu knew about it, he would probably laugh loudly at once.

The reason why Han Li became like this was because the suicide note left him with very bad news and a dilemma. The antidote to the "Corpse Pill" was actually poisonous, and it was a rare and sinister poison. It is believed that It is said that this poison can only be detoxified by the "Nuan Yang Baoyu" inherited from his family, and there is no other way. Even several legendary antidote holy medicines cannot detoxify this poison.

Therefore, in these pages, Doctor Mo clearly told Han Li that this suicide note and the evil plot he had used before were his back-up tools to prepare for the worst. Then the one who can survive will most likely be Han Li. For the sake of his own affairs, he planned to make a simple deal with Han Li in his letter, which would make both parties happy. It would not only save him from worries, but also allow Han Li to get a large sum of wealth and untold benefits.

As for whether Yu Zitong would survive in the end, Doctor Mo did not consider this at all. In his letter, he talked about him in a contemptuous tone, thinking that this person was not only cold-blooded, but also greedy for life and afraid of death, and only had a little cleverness. . Even if he is an immortal cultivator, he will not have any great future, and the person who laughs in the end will definitely not be this person.

When Han Li saw this, he felt a wry smile in his heart. He probably didn't expect that Doctor Mo would be so clever and calculating. In the end, he himself would have fallen into the trap of this person he usually looked down on. If he hadn't concealed the true Changchun Kung Fu, At this time, there is a high probability that he and Dr. Mo will die together, leaving Yu Zitong to take advantage of the situation. Of course, this is also related to the fact that Doctor Mo himself was so fascinated by the dream of becoming an immortal that he became unconscious. It seems that no matter what kind of immortal cultivator he is, he cannot be underestimated.

In the letter, the deal proposed by Dr. Mo was very simple. He required Han Li to visit his home within one year, or at most two years. Firstly, the poison he has been poisoned will take effect in two years, and secondly, he has wives, concubines, daughters and a large fortune at home. Although Doctor Mo made a lot of arrangements before leaving, and released a fog to cover people's eyes, but If he doesn't go back for a long time, I'm afraid his rebellious men and enemies will become suspicious, which will be detrimental to his relatives. Therefore, Han Li had to protect his wife and children before things got worse, and arrange for them properly. It would be best for them to stay away from the vendetta and live a normal life with no worries about food and clothing.

In order to make up for the cost of plotting against Han Li and to allow Han Li to come to his aid regardless of previous suspicions, he was willing to designate one of his daughters as his wife. The dowry would be half of his entire property and the "warm sun". Baoyu".

Before Doctor Mo left, he had given Baoyu to his first wife, and specified that it would be used as a dowry for his daughter when she left the court. Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Han Li had to marry even if he didn't want to.

Of course, he also clearly pointed out that his enemies and foes were very powerful, and his group of subordinates were difficult to control. With Han Li's current ability, he might not be able to handle them directly. For this reason, he specially arranged two false identities for Han Li in the secret room of his residence, and left tokens, autographed letters and other things in advance, allowing Han Li to choose a suitable identity. At the same time, he also listed a list of cronies, suspicious elements, enemies and enemies in the letter, as well as details such as matters that need careful attention.

Finally, as proof of his sincerity in leaving this suicide note, he attached the control and calling methods of the "Giant Iron Slave" and "Cloud-Winged Bird" at the end.

What made Han Li a little confused was that the other party vaguely pointed out that Tie Slave was a soulless corpse, just a walking corpse. The original real soul had already been reincarnated, so Han Li didn't need to feel sad when he saw it. This makes Han Li a little confused. Does he seem to be an emotional person?

However, even if we put aside the matter of poisoning, it would be a lie to say that Han Li would not be tempted when faced with such a large amount of wealth. He has always been very sensitive to money, but he was really interested in the deal that Doctor Mo proposed during his lifetime. As for marrying his daughter, this also made Han Li, who was at the age of his first love, feel strange in his heart. After all, just looking at Doctor Mo's original appearance, he knew that his daughter was definitely not ugly.

But the risks involved are not trivial. If you are not careful, you may even risk your own life. How can it be so easy to deal with an enemy that Doctor Mo regards as his opponent!

Doctor Mo, who had arranged his posthumous affairs in a flawless manner, used life, beautiful women, and huge wealth to tie Han Li and the safety of his wife and daughter together. It seemed that Han Li had to bear it with a grimace. This honey-coated poison is useless.

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