Han Li felt the giant man's cold body temperature with his fingers, looked into his dull eyes, and wondered in his heart what Zhang Tie had encountered.

In all likelihood, Doctor Mo must have teamed up with Yu Zitong to kidnap Zhang Tie, who had achieved some success in the "Elephant Armor Kung Fu", and then faked his escape, deceiving many of the Qixuan Sect's eyes and ears. Then secretly, some kind of magic was used to make Zhang Tie lose all his soul, and then his body became so weird, very similar to the situation when the "Elephant Armor Technique" was completed.

Han Li's guess was very accurate, and the real situation was indeed not much different.

At that time, Doctor Mo suddenly had a whim and planned to combine the "Elephant Armor Skill" and the corpse refining technique provided by Yu Zitong to create a group of tyrannical zombies who would obey orders and sweep across the world. However, in such a short period of time, there was only enough time. The giant man who was made into this was regarded as a treasure by Doctor Mo. He usually hid it in a secret place at the foot of the mountain. He brought it back with him when he returned to the mountain last time.

But Yu Zitong had no interest at all in such a nondescript corpse, and even sneered at it. Because while his Dharma Body is still there, there are too many ways to subdue this incomplete zombie, and this kind of corpse is far less powerful than the high-level armored corpse of a true immortal cultivator, so it can only Able to show majesty in the world. The only advantage is probably that it uses simple materials and is easy to refine, and anyone with a little bit of magic power can make it.

After a long time, Han Li suddenly retracted his hand from the giant man's face, and looked away from him uneasily. He stared at the broken stone door and began to be in a daze.

At this moment, he felt that his heart was a little cold, not because of Zhang Tie's desolate experience, but because of his own indifference and ruthlessness.

He thought he would raise his head angrily and shout the names of "Mo Juren" and "Yu Zitong" loudly after knowing the tragic fate of his friends, and his voice was full of anger and hatred for them.

But in fact, apart from being slightly sad, he was not too touched or angry. It seemed that the person who fell into this situation was not his former friend "Zhang Tie", but an unrelated passerby.

Could it be because he knew that the Zhang Tie in front of him was just a shell and not himself? Or has his heart become very iron-blooded?

This display of selfishness and indifference made Han Li himself a little scared. Only then did he realize that he had become so strange since then!

Han Li finally woke up from his dementia. He looked at the giant man with complicated eyes and didn't know how to call him.

Recalling what Doctor Mo said about "lost souls" and "walking corpses", Han Li raised his head to the sky and said softly:

"Brother Zhang, you must have been reincarnated now. The body you left behind is no longer useful, so let me use it for you! I will use it carefully, and I hope you won't blame me."

After saying these prayer-like words, Han Li felt a little more at ease like a self-hypnosis, and then said to the giant man:

"Since you are the body left by Brother Zhang and have no independent soul, I will call you 'Quhun'! I hope you can help me in the days to come."

After listening to Han Li's words, the giant man stood motionless, showing no reaction except for his usual docile look. It seemed that he really had no independent mind and could only passively accept orders.

"I'm so stupid to say such things to a mindless body!" Han Li shook his head mockingly, and then walked into the stone house with relaxed steps.

"Quhun, follow up."

Han Li had completely recovered from his depressed mood and looked as normal as if nothing had happened. It seems that he has indeed become as iron-blooded and rational as he thought, and is no longer easily troubled by emotions.

I wonder if this astonishing change is a disaster or a blessing for Han Li, who is about to embark on the path of cultivating immortals?

In the following period of time, Han Li was busy for a long time in order to deal with the aftermath properly.

Not only did he want to bury Dr. Mo's body under a certain big tree, but he also wanted to destroy and throw away all the items left in the stone house. He even ordered Qu Hun to smash the entire stone house to pieces and completely dismantle it. Only when he couldn't see his true colors could he give up.

After all this tossing, it was already evening and the sun had begun to set.

Han Li stood in front of the former stone house that was now a pile of rubble. He looked around and found nothing missing, and then he was satisfied.

"Quhun, let's go!"

"There are still a lot of things to deal with tomorrow! It's a pity that you are not conscious and can't speak. Otherwise, I think it would be more practical if there was someone to discuss it with."

Under the fiery red light of the setting sun, Han Li dragged his long and slender back and muttered non-stop to the giant man who had changed his name to "Quhun". It seemed that he had finally found someone to confide in. He is a good listener who is worried about his own problems and will not complain to himself. At this time, there is still a hint of indifference and ruthlessness in him, just like the big boy next door.

After arranging Quhun, Han Li returned to his residence. In the house, he was like a stranger who had not returned for a long time, touching the tables, chairs and benches around him here, looking there, and muttering to himself:

"This day is so long! It seems to be longer than the previous ten years combined."

Then suddenly, he fell down on the bed and fell asleep.

He is very tired! Both mentally and physically, I was exhausted.

"But it's great to be back alive!" He couldn't help but think this before falling asleep with a smile on his lips.

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