A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2502 The true immortal comes to the world and the human race reunites

Half a year later, when the black giant boat appeared in the sky above Tianyuan City, both the human and demon races in the city became excited.

Not only did the elders of the two clans all respectfully rush out of their residences, they went to the boat to meet him, and as quickly as possible they notified Mo Jianli, who happened to be practicing in seclusion near Tianyuan City.

After Han Li briefly summoned some fused people and let the human monks on the boat choose to stay or leave, he took the Xiaolingtian human monks who were willing to stay and waited for Mo Jianli's arrival in the holy boat. .

One day later, when a long and loud laughter came from the void in the distance, Han Li, who was talking to Nangong Wan in the cabin, immediately stood up and said with a smile:

"Brother Mo is here, Wan'er, please go out with me to greet him."

"But Fellow Taoist Mo Jianli, Wan'er just happened to catch a glimpse of his grace." Naturally, Nangong Wan had learned some things about this human race Mahayana from Han Li these days, and she smiled brightly when she heard the words.

Han Li laughed, flicked his sleeves, and a piece of green cloud rolled out. After wrapping himself and the people next to him, it immediately turned into a ball of blue light and shot out.

A moment later, a light flashed on the front deck of the giant ship. Han Li and Nangong Wan stood side by side and looked into the distance.

Before the laughter in the distance ended, a white rainbow appeared in a flash and shot out at an incredible speed. With only a few shakes, a blur appeared above the giant boat.

"Brother Han, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are doing well lately."

The white rainbow circled in the sky, and the light disappeared, revealing an energetic old man. After glancing down at Han Li, he said with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Mo. Although I haven't been out for a long time this time, I finally fulfilled my long-cherished wish and found my dual cultivation partner in the human world. Wan'er, come and pay homage to Brother Mo." Han Li raised his hand in the air, He introduced with a smile.

"What, this fairy is my younger brother and sister?" Mo Jianli was naturally surprised when he heard this.

"Nangong Wan pays homage to Senior Mo Jianli. Although I am trapped in Xiao Lingtian, I have heard from my husband several times about senior. It can be said that the human race is supported by the strength of Senior alone, and I really admire him very much. "Nangong Wan stepped forward, bowed her hands and said very respectfully.

"Fairy Nangong is so polite. Please come up quickly. I and fellow Taoist Han are considered close friends. There is no need to be so polite. From now on, we only need to be friends as equals. If you don't mind, call me 'Brother Mo' That's it." Mo Jianli looked Nangong Wan up and down and said with a smile on his face.

Nangong Wanran smiled, knowing that the other party and Han Li did have a close friendship, so she called "Brother Mo" without much excuse.

Mo Jianli smiled happily when he heard this. After thinking about it, he immediately took out a light silver jade box from his body and said in an understatement:

"Since you call me 'Brother Mo', you can't be empty-handed when you meet me for the first time. I just got a set of Xuannv Broken Yin Needles, a total of 108, which is quite mysterious and can be regarded as a rare top." It’s a treasure, so I’ll give it to my younger siblings as gifts.”

Nangong Wan was also a well-informed person. As soon as she heard the old man's words, she knew that this set of Xuannv Shattering Yin Needles was definitely something special. After thanking her, she stepped forward to take the silver box with both hands and opened the lid to take a look.

I saw more than a hundred black fine needles several inches long placed in the box. Each one looked slender, but its surface was sparkling with crystal light, and there was a trace of cold air coming out of the body. After a slight contact with the spiritual mind, it suddenly It's so cold that it feels like freezing to the core.

Nangong Wan was shocked, knowing that the rarity of this set of treasures was far beyond her expectation. After thanking her a few times with joy, she carefully put away the silver box.

Han Li watched all this with a smile on his face, without any intention of Nangong Wan rejecting Mo Jianli's gift.

"Brother Mo, you and I should go inside and talk in detail. Han went out this time and went to the Blood Sky Continent. He saw a lot of things, and he also had good news and bad news to tell fellow Taoist friends. ." Han Li finally said with a straight face after exchanging polite words with Mo Jianli.

"Oh, there's good news and bad news. Then Mo really needs to listen to it carefully." Mo Jianli felt a shiver in her heart, but nodded in agreement without much emotion on her face.

"Brother Mo, please."

Han Li stood behind him, and Nangong Wan led Mo Jianli back to the original cabin hall.

As soon as the three of them sat down, Mo Jianli asked directly:

"Now Brother Han can talk about the good news and the bad news."

"That's natural. But I wonder if Brother Mo wants to hear the good stuff first or the bad stuff first?" Han Li asked with a slight smile.

"In order to be in a good mood first, it is natural to get better first and then get worse. Even if you get bad news again, if there is good news ahead of you, Mo will be happy for a while longer." Mo Jianli replied with a wry smile.

"In this case, Han said it directly. In fact, when I left the clan this time, in addition to wanting to find Wan'er who was trapped in Xiao Lingtian, I also wanted to rescue a man who had been trapped in the Blood Sky Continent for many years. Fellow Taoist from the human race. The good news I'm talking about is that this fellow Taoist is not only out of trouble, but also advanced into a Mahayana existence not long ago due to some opportunities." Han Li said with a smile.

"What, there is a new Mahayana monk in our human race. Brother Han, you didn't lie to me, did you?" Mo Jianli, who was sitting firmly on the chair, stood up with a "chun", and asked hurriedly with surprise and joy. .

"Haha, that fellow Taoist was rescued by Han himself. How could he lie to me about this matter? However, this fellow Taoist has not yet stabilized his realm and due to some special reasons, he still has to spend more time on the Blood Sky Continent. It will take a few years before he can return to the clan." Han Li replied calmly.

"Haha, since the human race can have one more Mahayana being, what's the point of worrying about coming back later? By the way, this Taoist friend is by name, do I know him?" After Mo Jian left Huai Yixiao, he suddenly thought of something and asked .

"This fellow Taoist... no, it should be said that this fairy was already in the combined state when he left the clan. His name is Bingpo. Brother Mo must have heard of it." After thinking about it, Han Li slowly said He said slowly.

"Bing Soul, Bing Soul Fairy! What you said really impressed me. She seems to be an ascended immortal. When she advanced to the combined realm, I heard fellow Taoist Ao Xiao talk about it once. I didn't expect it. I haven't seen him for all these years, and fellow Taoist Bingpo has actually reached this stage. After Mo Jianli pondered for a moment, he suddenly said.

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Bingpo and I have some connections. I didn't expect that he could actually advance to Mahayana, but this is a gratifying thing for my human race!" Han Li said with a smile.

"Indeed, in the history of our human race, there have never been more than three Mahayana monks at the same time. Moreover, Brother Han is a top-level powerful man in the Mahayana. His magical power is strong enough to withstand several Mahayana monks without any problem. In this way If we have the strength, the human race can start to expand the territory openly and dominate one area." Mo Jianli said with a gleam in his eyes after being overjoyed.

"Expand territory! Now is not a good time." Han Li's eyes twitched when he heard this, and his expression became more solemn.

"Oh, why is this? With the current strength of our clan, the Yakshamu clan and other foreign clans are completely vulnerable. What worries does Brother Han have?" Mo Jianli was a little surprised and frowned.

"I'm afraid this will involve the bad news I mentioned below." Han Liyan said.

"Bad news... Indeed, Mo was just happy to patronize him. What is the bad news before he heard from fellow Taoist Han? Is it a very serious matter?" Mo Jianli's heart skipped a beat.

"Not only is it serious, but if there is any negligence, it may even lead to the demise of our entire human race." This time it was Han Li's turn to smile bitterly.

"What, it's so bad. Brother Han, tell me quickly." Mo Jianli's expression changed greatly.

"I haven't seen this matter with my own eyes. Most of the information I got was through the Helian Merchant Alliance. But when I left the Blood Sky, it was true that the entire continent was panicked because of this matter. And this matter also involved a suspected descendant. True Immortal..." Because the matter was so important, Han Li had no intention of concealing anything, and told everything he had learned about blood sacrifices and immortals from beginning to end.

"I temporarily agreed to Mingzun's proposal to join forces. If there is a chance to suppress the true immortal, I am afraid I can only take action once. After all, if the other party really finds the human race, it will be difficult for us to fight with the strength of our clan alone. A true immortal. Brother Mo, you are well-informed, but do you have any other different ideas?" After talking for a full cup of tea, Han Li paused and asked the old man solemnly.

"A true immortal appears in the spiritual world... This is really unbelievable! This matter is too important. Brother Han asked me to think about it more before answering this question." Mo Jianli was already dumbfounded and his face was gloomy. After a moment of change, he took a deep breath and said.

"Of course, Brother Mo, please think about it more. Wan'er, ask someone to prepare some spiritual tea." Han Li turned to Nangong Wan and said.

"Husband, Wan'er, go and brew a pot of Xiao Lingtian's unique spiritual tea for Brother Mo to try." Nangong Wan had been smiling and silent just now. After hearing Han Li's words, Nangong Wan stood up and said gently.


Han Li nodded calmly.

So Nangong Wan bowed slightly to Mo Jianli and exited the hall gracefully.

After a while, a pot of amber-like spiritual tea was held up by a disc as white as jade and sent to the hall.

Nangong Wan took matters into her own hands and poured a glass for Han Li and Mo Jianli respectively before sitting back down with a sweet smile.

At this time, Mo Jianli seemed to have thought of something, and finally spoke solemnly:

"Brother Han, I just thought about it and felt that there is still something unknown. I wonder if you know about it or maybe the Helian Merchant Alliance mentioned it to you!"

"Whatever it is, Brother Mo, just do it." Han Li replied with a look on his face.

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