A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2503 The True Immortal Comes to the World and the Plan is Made

"Since we can be sure that the other party is an immortal who came to the world, we can also know the purpose of the other party's coming to the spiritual world. You must know that our interface has long lost contact with the immortal world. The other party came to the world in the body of an immortal. Not only does it have to withstand the suppression of the interface law, I don’t even know how much it cost to be able to do such a thing. If you say that the other party just accidentally fell into this world, I don’t believe it.” The old man took a deep breath and said.

"I'm really not sure about this, and I haven't received any similar information from the Helian Merchant Alliance. Except for those fellow Taoists who have fallen and the creatures of various races who have been sacrificed by blood, it seems that no one can contact this immortal at all, let alone The purpose of exploring the opponent's lower realm." Han Li shook his head and said.

"If I were the person in charge of the merchant alliance, I would definitely investigate this matter at all costs." Mo Jianli touched his beard and smiled.

"Brother Mo's words are very reasonable. Okay, I will tell fellow Taoist Mingzun this suggestion immediately and let him see if there is a way to do this. However, I don't think the chance is too big." Han Li nodded. Head, said noncommittally.

"No matter how small the opportunity is, we still have to fight for it. As long as we understand the other party's purpose in the lower realm, we will probably be able to grasp the other party's weaknesses, and we can make full use of them whether we are fighting or negotiating with them." Mo Jianli said cautiously .

"Besides this matter, does Brother Mo have any other useful suggestions?" Han Li asked the old man.

"I just heard from Brother Han that two of your acquaintances had a grudge against this immortal and were chased by him all the way to the Thunder Continent before their whereabouts were unknown. This matter is serious," Mo Jianli thought. After thinking about it, he asked again.

"This is what Taoist Mingzun told me personally, and it is most likely correct. These two old acquaintances of mine are not from the human race. One is my best friend, and the other is an enemy." Han Li chuckled lightly. replied.

"In this case, Brother Han had better find a way to contact the two of them. Although I don't know how they became enmity with this true immortal, but if we can grasp their whereabouts, our clan can also take a certain initiative. "Mo Jianli said slowly.

"Brother Mo means to use them as bait when necessary?" Han Li frowned.

"If that true immortal really pursues them to find Feng Yuan Continent, where can the two of them hide! Whether it is to save their lives or to lead this immortal to a certain place, the two of them will I'm afraid they have to be used as bait. The Taoist Mingzun from the Helian Merchant Alliance probably has the same idea, so he told you about it openly." Mo Jianli said with a sneer.

"Well, as for the bait, it seems that the two of them have already done it once in the Blood Sky. It is not certain whether it will work well. We will discuss the matter in detail at that time. But if they really come to our human race to ask for asylum, no matter whether they are in love or not They will voluntarily cooperate with us. But it is not easy to contact them now. When I go back, I will instruct my subordinates to do this." Han Li pondered for a while and then nodded. The head man said.

"It would be the best thing if these two fellow Taoists are willing to cooperate. As for whether the true immortal will be fooled, Brother Han doesn't have to worry. The other party dares to be so bold as to sacrifice hundreds of millions of creatures with blood. His behavior The level of unscrupulousness can be imagined. In other words, he does not take us practitioners from the lower realms into consideration at all. Even if they know it is a trap, the other party will step in without caring. I hope that the purpose of this true immortal's trip will not be to step on the wind. Yuan Continent, otherwise even if you and others can win together, it will probably cause a bloody storm on the continent, and all races will have to pay a high price. After all, the other party is a genuine immortal!" Mo Jianli said with a bitter smile. .

"Judging from the unfathomable magical power of this true immortal, things like stratagems are indeed of little use. I hope it won't really develop to that point." After a moment of silence, Han Li agreed with a sigh.

"Well, Brother Han did basically nothing wrong in joining the alliance. Otherwise, no clan in Feng Yuan Continent would be able to deal with this true immortal. It's a pity that my strength is average in Mahayana and I can't help. I'm very busy. But don't worry, after you go back, just go ahead and practice with peace of mind to improve your strength as much as possible. During this period, I will leave all the matters in the clan to me. I will use as soon as possible to temporarily evacuate those large and densely populated cities. In this way, even if our human race is really affected, the losses can be reduced to a minimum. In addition, I will rearrange some powerful restrictions in these big cities to use prevention That's just in case." Mo Jianli looked a little ashamed at first, then said with a straight face.

"Brother Mo is indeed speaking from experience. Let's do everything according to what fellow Taoist said. I won't stay here longer. I will return to Qingyuan Palace tomorrow." After Han Li pondered for a while, he readily agreed. said.

After the two of them talked in the hall for more than half an hour, Mo Jianli finally stood up and said goodbye.

Han Li led Nangong Wan to carry the human race to the deck, and saw him turn into a white rainbow and disappear through the sky again.

"Husband, do you really want to retreat again after you go back?" Nangong Wan waited until the white rainbow disappeared without a trace in the sky, and finally couldn't help but turned to Han Li and asked.

"It does mean that. I got several mysterious techniques during this trip. Although it is impossible to fully understand them all in a short time, if I can understand a little more, I might be able to put them to great use. ." Han Li touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Well, my husband is right to think this way. But I really didn't expect that as soon as I returned to the clan, the entire human race might face such a catastrophe. We cultivators want to go all the way. It's really not an easy task." After Nangong Wanmei's eyes flashed for a while, there was a hint of melancholy on her face.

"Wan'er, you are thinking too much. We cultivators are originally acting against nature. It is normal to have all kinds of hardships. As long as we break through the thorns, we can get out. Hey, what's the point of fighting with others? It's better to fight with heaven. It's a lot of fun." After hearing this, Han Li burst out laughing. After shaking his sleeves again, he turned around and walked towards the cabin.

When Nangong Wan saw Han Li like this, she was startled for a moment, but then she remembered something, a smile slowly appeared on her lips, and she followed him with a light step.

On the second day, the huge black boat that was originally suspended above Tianyuan City trembled and then flew away with a roar.

Two months later, on Wuya Sea, Yuanhe Island, and in front of Qingyuan Palace, a huge black boat slowly landed.

In the huge square below, the shouts were loud!

Tens of thousands of monks from the human and demon races all prostrated themselves on the bluestone ground to welcome the return of Han Li, the Patriarch.

As soon as the figures on the black giant boat flickered, Han Li and Nangong Wan walked off side by side, followed by Huashi Patriarch Zhu Guoer and others.

"Welcome back, ancestor!"

The greetings of more than 10,000 people echoed over the entire square, and everyone looked respectful.

Han Li nodded and strode towards the gate of Qingyuan Palace without saying anything. Nangong Wan, who was beside him, didn't see anything strange on his face, but he was shocked in his heart.

Although I had heard Han Li talk about the fact that he had established a foundation in the human race before, he never expected that it would be such a huge scale and have so many disciples.

After all, she felt that her husband had only achieved Mahayana not long ago, so even if there was strong support from the clan, everything should have just begun.

In front of the Qingyuan Palace, Master Hai, his direct disciple, stood respectfully with his hands tied. When he saw Han Li approaching, he immediately stepped forward and bowed to greet him:

"The disciple pays homage to the master and congratulates him on his return to the palace."

"Well, this is your mistress Nangong Wan. Come and pay me a visit." Han Li nodded expressionlessly and then pointed his finger at the girl in white next to him.

"Yuetian pays homage to Master, Master finally welcomes Master." Young Master Hai was surprised at first, but immediately greeted Nangong Wan with great joy.

"Get up. You are Gu Yuetian. I have heard your master say it a long time ago. You really look like a talented person." Nangong Wan looked Gu Yuetian up and down and said with a chuckle.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master!" Young Master Hai was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Hmph, he is just a bit good-looking in appearance. If he had been cultivating the Weapon Spirit Son three-thirds of the time, his cultivation level would not have been so low." Han Li said with a straight face.

"I have tried my best in my daily practice, but how can I compare with that big brother, that crazy practitioner?" Upon hearing this, Master Hai quickly removed the smile on his face, but still muttered a few words in an inaudible voice. .

Seeing this situation, Nangong Wan couldn't help but smile.

Although Han Li also heard it, he was too lazy to pay attention to anything. He glared at the servant and led the others into the door.

At this time, all the disciples in the square stood up under the leadership of some people and exited the square in an unusually orderly manner.

But they naturally had a good discussion about the fact that Qingyuan Palace had an extra mistress.

After Han Li took his seat in the main hall of Qingyuan Palace, he asked all the young Lingtian monks to be taken down to make arrangements, and then he asked Young Master Hai calmly:

"Where is your Senior Aunt Yinyue? Why didn't you see her show up?"

"Reporting to Master, Senior Aunt Yinyue began to practice in seclusion not long after Master left. She must have reached a critical stage in her cultivation now, so she cannot leave seclusion to see Master immediately." Young Master Hai peeked at Han Li's side. Nangong Wan, who was sitting, glanced at her and then replied with a strange expression.

"Oh, it's such a pity that sister Yin Yue is still in seclusion. I also want to get together with her and talk about the many things that happened in the human world. But since my sister is still in the palace, there will always be a time when we meet again. , There is no need to rush. Yuetian, as soon as you, Sister Yinyue, come out of seclusion, you must inform me immediately." Nangong Wan smiled slightly and said instructing.

"Yes, Master Wife. The disciple has written it down!" Master Hai secretly stuck out his tongue and replied in a serious manner. However, a pair of eyes that kept rolling around revealed what he was thinking. point.

When Han Li saw this situation, he was angry and amused. He rolled his eyes at him and waved his hand to let him retreat.

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