A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2501 The True Immortal Comes to the World and the Vial Reappears

Upon hearing this, the expression of the deer-headed monster named "Yang Lu" suddenly changed. The despairing gray giant bird suddenly became overjoyed and stared at its former companion, becoming crazy and bloodthirsty.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, they each shouted loudly at almost the same time. One suddenly grew in size a hundred times, and a thick earth-yellow armor with long spikes appeared on the surface of the body.

The other one fluttered his wings, and the gray spiritual flames on his body turned into a rain of fire that filled the sky, and flew straight towards the opposite side.

As the two figures swayed, roars and explosions resounded throughout the space.

Seeing this, the young man in black robe chuckled. After turning around, the whole person and the huge bloody mark underneath him disappeared into the void behind him.

There was a "pop" sound.

The young man in black robe appeared in the sky above a jagged pile of rocks on the Thunder Continent in a burst of space fluctuations. He held a slightly trembling dark green vial in his hand and glanced around.

Seeing that there was no one around him, he sneered, flicked his sleeves and robes, and immediately turned into a golden rainbow and soared into the sky.

Half a day later, golden light fell down on a seemingly ordinary hill. As soon as the young man appeared, he threw the dark green vial in his hand in front of him.

Immediately, the bottle was turned upside down, and the bottle mouth was facing down. The glow rolled out, and a tall figure staggered out. Although his body was covered with scars and his armor was mostly broken, it was the monster with the head of a deer and the body of a bear. .

"My guess is correct, you survived." The young man in black robe glanced at the monster and said calmly.

"Yang Deer, see you master!" The deer-headed monster knelt down in front of the young man without saying a word.

"Very good, you are very sensible and courageous. If you hadn't taken refuge in me first, I wouldn't have been able to get out of trouble so easily. Don't worry, since you have done everything I asked, I will naturally not break the contract. , the True Soul Pill will definitely be given to you, and I will definitely take you back to the fairy world. But before that, hand over part of your main soul and sign the spirit servant contract first, so that I can take the opportunity to help you cut off the relationship between you and this person. All connections in the world." The young man in black robe said expressionlessly.

"Yes, Master." Yang Lu only hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth wide and sprayed out a ball of light green light. Inside, there was a vaguely small deer-headed beast that was shrunk countless times, and it was raising its head and roaring something.

"This is an advantage for you. As long as you sign a contract with this fairy treasure book, you will not be affected by the power of the interface and enter the fairy world without any worries. But I don't know how many years it will take to refining this treasure. ." The young man in black robe stared at the light group, and also opened his mouth and spit out a golden scroll with thousands of rays of light.

"Let go of your mind and don't resist, otherwise I won't guarantee what will happen." The young man in black robe said. He made a seal with one hand and pointed at the golden scroll with one finger.

The next moment, the surface of the golden scroll was filled with rays of light, and countless golden seal runes flew out from it. With a flash, they all disappeared into the light group, whirling and dancing around the mini beasts inside.

A low roar!

The deer-headed monster held its head in both hands with a look of pain on its face. For a moment, it felt like countless things were rushing into its soul. It made it understand the effect of the gold scroll and the general content of the spiritual servant contract to be concluded.

After enduring the pain and taking a closer look at this beast, my heart suddenly felt relieved. ,

According to the above contract, as a spiritual servant, you must be driven by others, but when faced with some orders that endanger your own life, as long as you pay a certain price, it is not necessarily impossible to implement, and this contract is not permanent. Some conditions for rescission of the contract are also listed. Although it seems harsh, it does not seem hopeless.

This made the beast secretly happy.

The young man in black robe seemed to have seen what the beast was thinking. His expression remained unchanged, but he sneered in his heart.

After reading all the contents of the contract and feeling that there was really no problem and that it was far more relaxed than he had imagined, Yang Lu immediately relaxed without any hesitation.

At the same time, after the resistance on the body surface of the little beast in the light group disappeared, the golden seal runes disappeared into it one after another.

After Yanglu's body trembled, he closed his eyes and fell over.

At this time, the young man in black robe calmly rolled up his sleeves and took back the golden scroll in a flash of light.

The light ball that enveloped the little beast flew back with a movement, and disappeared into Yanglu's body again.

After an unknown amount of time, when the beast stood up again tremblingly, it felt that the entire spirit seemed to be the same as before, but it could also be vaguely sensed that there was an inexplicable binding force mixed in it.

It seems that this is the power of the contract on the golden scroll.

It immediately sighed secretly and bowed to the young man in black robe again.

The young man in black robe still stood upright in the same place, as if he had never moved.

"Okay, since you have made a contract, I will naturally not fail to give you what I promised." The young man said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a wave in front of Yang Lu, and a golden elixir the size of an egg appeared out of thin air.

This elixir looks like a dead thing, but its surface is dazzling with golden light, with traces of milky white auspicious energy swirling around it, and an indescribable sandalwood scent emanating from it.

Yang Lu just smelled it and immediately felt extremely comfortable. His whole body had a floating feeling that reached straight into the sky. He couldn't help being surprised and happy at the same time.

"This is the True Soul Pill. You can take it right away, or you can take it later before I take you back to the fairy world. If I were you, I would choose the latter. Although this pill can improve your soul power, it can also It will cause the power of the laws of this world to repel you, greatly affecting your strength." The young man in black robe said slowly.

"Yes, Master. It is better for the young ones to take it later, so that it can provide more help to the Master." Yang Lu said this respectfully after hesitating for a moment.

Then it opened its mouth again, spit out a purple-red wooden box, put a little golden elixir with its hand, and carefully put it into it.

"Next, I will enter the secret treasure to rest for a while, and you can just keep watch outside until I come out." The young man in black robe nodded with satisfaction and then gave the order politely.

"Yes, Master!" Although Yang Lu was startled, he immediately agreed respectfully.

The young man in black robe twisted his body, turned into a ball of light and shot towards the dark green vial in the sky, and disappeared into the mouth of the bottle in a flash.

A roar!

After the glow on the surface of the vial rolled up, it weighed more than a thousand kilograms and plummeted downwards. It was directly submerged into the soil and fell deep into the hillside before becoming motionless for a moment.

Seeing this situation, Yang Lu didn't dare to neglect, he made a seal with one hand, and after a yellow light appeared on his body, he disappeared silently into the mud.

When one of them appeared vaguely near the green bottle, he just glanced around and then sat up cross-legged with a dull expression.

in the vial space.

After the black-robed young man reappeared in a flash, he just took a brief look at the space that had become a bit messy due to the previous battle, frowned slightly, and waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, the surrounding fog changed, and all previous traces were wiped away like ghosts.

The young man in black robe made another move with one hand, and a bright light flashed in the sky. A cloud of seven colors appeared and flew down in a flash.

There was a "pop" sound.

The colorful cloud suddenly turned into a ball of light futon, and stopped in front of it without moving.

The young man's figure blurred and silently appeared on the futon. He sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes and began to look inwards.

"It's really a bit of trouble. First, some of the vitality was injured by the self-explosion of the magical weapons of several guys from the Jiaochi tribe, and then it was tortured by the power of magic. It seems that this time there is no way to wipe out the injuries in the body within a few years. I went. But fortunately, in addition to the talisman in the lower realm this time, the ancestor also gave me a replica of that thing. Although it is said that it is not one ten thousandth as mysterious as the original. But it also shortened my cultivation time. More than ten times." After the young man in black robe opened his eyes again, he murmured with a strange expression on his face.

Then I saw him pinching the spell and muttering something in his mouth.

Suddenly, the whole space trembled slightly, and the surrounding sky was filled with green mist. The vague shadows of countless spiritual flowers and plants appeared one after another in the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, they were densely packed, covering almost every inch of the entire space.

The whole space became full of energy, as if it suddenly came to life.

The young man in black robe stopped talking about magic, grabbed the void with one hand, and a dark green light flashed in his hand. The shadow of an ink vial condensed in his hand, and was thrown high into the sky with a flicker.

The phantom of the vial flashed high into the sky, disappearing into the clouds and mist in the blink of an eye.

"The rain is coming"

The young man's body surface flashed with golden light, he raised a finger into the air with a solemn expression, and then let out a low drink.

A muffled sound!

Clouds and mist rolled in the sky, and a giant bottle shape with a diameter of a hundred feet emerged out of thin air, with an inverted mouth facing downwards.

With a "pop" sound, a tidal wave of green liquid gushed out from the mouth of the huge bottle, and dispersed in the wind and turned into a spiritual rain that fell from the sky.

An incredible scene occurred.

Once the spiritual flowers and plants in the space were watered by these spiritual rains, they grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, giant flowers as big as bowls and phantoms of spiritual grass like small trees appeared everywhere.

Moreover, these spiritual flowers and herbs are all clearer and more solid than before, exuding an astonishing medicinal fragrance, almost like the real thing.

The young man in black robe was not surprised when he saw this situation. Instead, after changing the method in his hand, wisps of green energy containing medicinal fragrance flew out from the surrounding spiritual flowers and herbs, and rushed towards him like a river flowing back. And go.

After the young man took a deep breath of the strong medicinal fragrance, he slowly closed his eyes wrapped in the green air.

At this time, the huge bottle shadow high in the sky made a "bang" sound and turned into dots of aura, disintegrating and disappearing on its own.

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