Maybe it's the blessing of luck. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through Han Li's mind.

He quickly rushed to the bag that was thrown far away, and ran to it in a few steps. He leaned over and picked up the bag. He opened the mouth of the leather bag three times and opened the mouth of the leather bag, and brought his parents to him safely from the inside. Fu caught it.

As soon as the palm of his hand touched this peace talisman, a pure feeling of purity came from the palm of his hand that penetrated his body and mind. Han Li's irritable heart immediately calmed down. The original depressed and uncomfortable feelings disappeared without a trace. All the abnormal phenomena in his body also automatically disappeared, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Now Han Li ignored all the changes that had happened to him. He just gently held the peace charm with one palm, brought it under his eyes, and used his remaining hand to gently and slowly Caress it and gaze at it with all your heart.

After a long time, Han Li sighed, stopped stroking, and looked away from the peace charm.

Han Li didn't know that the trouble that almost killed him this time was not the "obsession", but the "invasion of inner demons" of the cultivators. If he hadn't seen the opportunity early and used external objects to get rid of his inner demons in advance, I'm afraid that his inner demons would have invaded his soul soon, and then he would have been controlled into an illusion, controlled by his body and danced wildly to death. Of course, he only learned all this after he embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation.

Han Liyungong looked at his whole body and felt that everything was fine. What surprised him was that his skill had actually increased a lot. Although he had not yet broken through the third level and reached the fourth level, he had also reached the third level. The top is not far from the fourth floor.

Han Li had a smile on his face because of this unexpected surprise, but he quickly suppressed his inner excitement. He was afraid that due to his unstable mood, he would have such a thrilling obsession again, and he was not sure that he would be able to get through it safely again. He took the leather bag containing the peace talisman and prepared to put the great peace talisman back into the bag and put it away properly.

"Hey!" Han Li accidentally discovered an item in the bag that he had forgotten for a long time, a collection that had been stored for several years - the mysterious small bottle.

Han Li had completely forgotten about this vial. If he hadn't seen it again now, he would never have thought of it again.

Compared with four years ago, Han Li's knowledge and eyesight were much different now. He gained a lot of knowledge by reading all kinds of books in Doctor Mo's room, and his mind was much smarter than before because of practicing the formulas. At this time, he could easily judge from the various phenomena that had occurred in this bottle that this vial was definitely a rare and rare object in the world and had extraordinary functions.

What he has to do now is: thoroughly explore the value of this bottle to see if it is useful to him. He cannot just let it stay in the bag in the dark and waste its mysterious effect in vain.

Han Li took out the vial and did not open it eagerly. Instead, he looked at it again with the eyes of four years later to see if there was anything he had missed before.

But unfortunately, after careful observation over and over again, he found nothing new.

Han Li no longer wasted time. He carefully opened the bottle cap. The drop of emerald green liquid in the bottle was still sitting at the bottom of the bottle, no different from four years ago.

Han Li knew very well that all the secrets of the bottle might be stored in this small green liquid. This drop of green liquid must have some special effects that he had not yet discovered. In order to find out the secret of this liquid, he seemed to have to Find some small animals and do some cruel live experiments.

It was night at this time, and it was very dark outside. It was really inconvenient to go out to look for living creatures. Moreover, after all the hard work in the afternoon and the first half of the night, Han Li felt very tired. Besides, even if you can find it, if you can't see clearly the specific changes in the experiment under the dim light at night, wouldn't it be a waste of time!

After careful consideration above, Han Li decided to take a nap and have a good night's rest. Once you have regained your energy tonight, it won’t be too late to do the experiment tomorrow. There might be a big surprise waiting for him after tonight, he expected it before going to bed.

The next morning, after Han Li got up and washed himself, he went to the large kitchen outside the valley to have an ordinary breakfast. In the past, when Doctor Mo was on the mountain, Doctor Mo would order the people in the kitchen to personally bring him to the Divine Hand Valley. Han Li didn't have to go out to eat outside the valley because of Doctor Mo's guidance. The cooks in the kitchen also took him to the valley. The meal was delivered together. Now that Doctor Mo is not at Qixuanmen, the people in the kitchen will naturally no longer deliver meals to his door. This makes Han Li lament the snobbery of the kitchen manager and the usefulness of power.

After finishing breakfast, Han Li did not leave the kitchen immediately. Instead, he found the steward of the kitchen, spent a few pieces of silver, and bought two lively gray hares from him, which he brought back to the God's Hand Valley.

Back in the valley, Han Li tied the hare with a rope to a relatively wide area in the medicine garden and let the hare dry in the sun.

When the hare was listless and dry in the sun, he went to find a large white porcelain bowl, carefully poured the green liquid in the bottle into the bowl, and then mixed in some ordinary water.

This pea-sized green liquid easily dissolved into the clear water, turning the entire bowl of water into turquoise. When people look at this green and green scenery, they can't help but feel a deep chill, welling up from the bottom of their hearts.

Han Li picked up the bowl of diluted water, came to the thirsty rabbits, and put the bowl down next to them.

The rabbits, whose mouths were dry from the sun, hurriedly gathered around the porcelain bowl and drank the water in the bowl. Han Li didn't want them to drink too much at one time. When it dropped less than half, he took the bowl away from the rabbit again.

Then he stood aside with the porcelain bowl, patiently waiting for the rabbit's reaction to see if there were any interesting changes in them.

Time did not pass long, just a stick of incense. The rabbits began to jump impatiently, and then their movements became more and more impulsive and violent. Then their bodies began to undergo amazing changes. Egg-sized bumps began to bulge under their fur, and there were more and more, gradually covering the whole body. Then these bumps connected into one piece, making the rabbit's body It seems that it has grown a lot for no reason, and compared with its small head, it looks very ridiculous.

The fat body of the rabbit only lasted for a short while, and then slowly swelled up little by little, and as time passed, the expansion speed became faster. It was as if something was continuously injected into their bodies. This kind of gas is being stretched bigger and bigger, becoming more and more bulging. In the end, their bodies were like two big watermelons, stretched into two big swollen spheres.

Han Li was a little surprised when he saw the weird bodies of the rabbits in front of him.

What happened in front of him was beyond his expectation. If this unknown liquid was some kind of deadly poison, or a elixir that could increase his power, it didn't matter. It was all in his imagination. among. But he never expected that such a mind-numbing sight would appear in front of him. The rabbit's body seemed to have been blown up and became so terrifying.

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