Watching the rabbit in front of me continue to get bigger and expand.

Han Li realized something was wrong and suddenly remembered something. He suddenly threw the porcelain bowl that was regarded as a snake and scorpion to the side of the medicine field, turned around and started running, until he was more than ten feet away from the rabbit. That's where he stopped.

Just when he wanted to look back, two explosions sounded almost simultaneously, one after the other. Han Li shivered. When he looked back, he saw that the bodies of the two rabbits had been burst. , was blown into several pieces, and blood and flesh were scattered on the ground. Two pits appeared where the rabbits were originally tied. The surrounding areas of the pits were littered with the scattered remains of the rabbits. Blood and pieces of meat were scattered all over the floor. It was terrible to see.

Han Li let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough this time, he might have been affected by the rabbit's explosion. Although he might not have been seriously injured, he would have been covered in rabbit blood and meat. Being a scumbag is not a comfortable thing either.

After he calmed down, Han Li stood up and walked to the pit.

He looked at the bloody scene and then at the smashed porcelain bowl in the medicine field. He was speechless.

Han Li thought he could find some kind of panacea in the green liquid, but he didn't expect it to be such a terrifying thing. Poison is just poison, but it made the rabbit die so tragically! He won't touch this thing now. So scary! It's not like Han Li has never been exposed to deadly poisons. Under Doctor Mo's guidance in the past few years, he has seen many poisons that can cause blood to seal the throat, but none of them can make people die so horribly.

Finally, Han Li's mental endurance was relatively strong, and he was able to stay calm in this environment for a while before making any plans to leave.

Because noon was coming, he wanted to deliver the prepared secret medicine to Senior Brother Li. All funeral matters here should be dealt with after he has delivered the medicine.

With this thought in mind, Han Li did not take another look at the explosion site, leaving all the trouble for later. He returned to his residence, rested for a while, and then took the medicine to the mouth of the God's Hand Valley.

Han Li was very punctual. It happened to be noon when he arrived at the entrance of the valley, but Li Feiyu seemed to be waiting there anxiously.

He was alone at the exit of the valley. He changed into a white brocade robe, but still carried the long knife on his back that had left a deep impression on Han Li. When Han Li arrived, he looked anxiously towards the valley.

When he saw Han Li's arrival, he put away his anxious expression, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and showed a smile on his face.

"Junior Brother Han, you are so punctual! You said it was noon, but it really arrived at exactly noon. I have been waiting for more than half an hour." Li Feiyu said half jokingly and half complaining.

"Sorry, I spent too much time preparing the medicine yesterday. I didn't go to bed until very late. I got up a little late in the morning. By the time I finish all the things at hand, it will be noon." Han Li was also half-serious. said falsely.

"Junior Brother Han, the medicine, is the medicine... ready?" Senior Brother Li was a little flustered because he was impatient, and even stuttered a bit when he spoke.

Han Li did not answer Senior Brother Li's question. He smiled calmly, slowly took out a palm-sized medicine bag from his arms, and threw the medicine to Li Feiyu with a wave of his hand.

"Before taking the marrow-drawing pills, take a spoonful of the powder in the medicine packet with cold boiled water to relieve your pain."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Han! Thank you, Junior Brother Han!" Senior Brother Li was ecstatic, as long as he could alleviate the pain just a little bit, it would be great news to him. The pain when taking the marrow-drawing pills really made him shiver. He had taken many painkillers before, but none of them had any effect. Since Junior Brother Han knew all the characteristics of the Marrow Pill and had taken it, maybe his medicine would actually work.

"Don't thank me in a hurry. It's not too late to thank me after this medicine is really effective. In addition, this medicine is only for one year. I have used up all the medicinal materials on hand. I will help you when I gather enough medicinal materials. Make a few more servings." Han Li said bluntly.

"It's okay. Isn't this a year's supply? It's enough for the time being. Regardless of whether this medicine is effective or not, I, Li Feiyu, understand Junior Brother Han's intentions." Senior Brother Li got what he wanted, and his expression returned to normal. It was normal, no longer pretentious, and he simply expressed that he owed Han Li another favor.

Han Li smiled slightly, said nothing more, and took the initiative to say goodbye to Senior Brother Li and go back.

Li Feiyu held the secret medicine in his hand and wanted to go back quickly to test the effectiveness of the medicine. He did not try to persuade Han Li to stay, and the two said goodbye to each other.

After returning to the valley, Han Li went to the medicine garden to tidy up. I swept all the rabbit remains, blood-stained soil, broken bowls, etc. into the pit, and then bulldozed the two pits that popped up out of nowhere with soil, so that the place looked the same as before the experiment. .

Han Li dusted off his hands with satisfaction and looked around to see if there was anything he missed.

When his eyes fell on the place where the porcelain bowl was broken, he couldn't help but ponder.

He remembered very clearly that when he threw the bowl away, all the diluted water in the bowl spilled on the small patch of medicinal land and wetted several herbs there. This made him hesitate a little, not knowing that these herbs had absorbed Will this water become toxic after being mixed with it? And if people eat these poisonous herbs again, will they end up like rabbits? Should I get rid of these poisonous weeds now? This series of questions suddenly popped up in Han Li's mind.

Han Li thought about it for a long time and decided to wait and observe them for a while, just as another small experiment. If the herbs really become poisonous within these few days, it's not too late to get rid of them yourself.

After making up his mind, he saw that there was nothing else he could do, so he went to the stone chamber to practice Kung Fu again. He hoped that he could make a breakthrough based on his great improvement in Kung Fu.

Han Li no longer cares about the specific use of this formula. Practicing this formula has become an instinctive reaction for him. If he didn't practice it, Han Li wouldn't know what he would do on the mountain. Pursuing a higher level of cultivation of this mantra has become his entire goal in life.

After an afternoon of dedicated practice, Han Li discovered to his dismay that he was really not a genius. Although he himself felt that he was only one finger away from the fourth level, he still hadn't made the slightest progress, and he had been practicing hard all afternoon in vain.

It seems that I can't do it without the help of medicine, otherwise I will always stay on the third floor and be unable to move forward.

Han Li began to hope that Doctor Mo would come back soon and be lucky enough to find enough medicinal materials to help him break through the current predicament.

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